def loadAESCb(self, path, filename): if not filename or len(filename) < 1: return key = None try: full = os.path.join(path, filename[0]) with open(full) as f: if full.endswith(".json"): jsonAES = utils.readJsonStream(f) key = jsonAES["base64AESKey"] else: key = f.read() App.get_running_app().curSearchPath = path except (IOError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as e: displayError(e) except KeyError: displayError(_("Malformed crypto container")) self.dismissPopup() self.setKey(key)
def setKey(self, key): self._key = None try: if key is not None: self.aes_input.text = key k = utils.loadB64Key(key.encode('utf-8')) if self._algorithmPrefix not in algorithms.ALGORITHMS: raise receipt.UnknownAlgorithmException( self._receipt.receiptId) algorithm = algorithms.ALGORITHMS[self._algorithmPrefix] utils.raiseForKey(k, algorithm) self._key = k except Exception as e: self.aes_input.text = '' displayError(e) if self._key: self.decrypt_button.disabled = True self.updateView()
def verify(self): if self._verifying: self.verifyAbort() return key = None try: k = self.aesInput.text if k and k != '': key = utils.loadB64Key(k.encode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: self.aesInput.text = '' displayError(e) return self._verifying = True self.verify_button.text = _('Verifying...') App.get_running_app().pool.apply_async(verifyDEP_prepare_Task, (self.dep, App.get_running_app().keyStore, key, App.get_running_app().nprocs), callback = self.verifyDEP_prepare_Cb)
def loadAESCb(self, path, filename): if not filename or len(filename) < 1: return try: full = os.path.join(path, filename[0]) with open(full) as f: if full.endswith(".json"): jsonAES = utils.readJsonStream(f) self.aesInput.text = jsonAES["base64AESKey"] else: self.aesInput.text = f.read() App.get_running_app().curSearchPath = path except (IOError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as e: displayError(e) except KeyError: displayError(_("Malformed crypto container")) self.dismissPopup()
def build(self): self.title = 'Cedar Display Client' if self.config.get('window', 'fullscreen') == 'yes': Window.fullscreen = 'auto' if kivy.utils.platform is 'windows': self.icon = 'logo/logo-128x128.png' else: self.icon = 'logo/logo-1024x1024.png' self.source = DisplaySource(self, pos_hint = {'x': 1, 'y': 1}, size_hint = [None, None]) self.source.bind(on_touch_down = self.toggle_fullscreen) self.layout = FloatLayout() self.layout.add_widget(self.source) self.ui = UserInterface(self) return self.layout
def importKeyStoreCb(self, path, filename): if not filename or len(filename) < 1: return try: full = os.path.join(path, filename[0]) if full.endswith(".json"): with open(full) as f: jsonKS = utils.readJsonStream(f) App.get_running_app().keyStore = \ key_store.KeyStore.readStoreFromJson(jsonKS) else: config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str with open(full) as f: config.readfp(f) App.get_running_app().keyStore = \ key_store.KeyStore.readStore(config) App.get_running_app().curSearchPath = path except (IOError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError, configparser.Error) as e: displayError(e) except KeyError: displayError(_("Malformed crypto container")) self.dismissPopup() self.buildKSTree()