def refreshButtonClick(self): self.progress = Progress() self.progress(0.0,0.1) web = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.makehumancommunity.org/sites/default/files/assets.json"); jsonstring = web.read() assetJson = json.loads(jsonstring) increment = 0.8 / len(assetJson.keys()) current = 0.1 log.debug("Finished downloading json file") for key in assetJson.keys(): current = current + increment self.progress(current,current + increment) self.setupOneAsset(assetJson[key]) with open(os.path.join(self.root,"assets.json"),"w") as f: f.write(jsonstring) self.loadAssetsFromJson(assetJson) self.progress(1.0)
def setupOneAsset(self, jsonHash): assetDir = os.path.join(self.root,str(jsonHash["nid"])) if not os.path.exists(assetDir): os.makedirs(assetDir) if "files" in jsonHash.keys(): files = jsonHash["files"] if "render" in files.keys(): #fn = os.path.join(assetDir,"screenshot.png") fn = self.getScreenshotPath(jsonHash) if not os.path.exists(fn): #log.debug("Downloading " + files["render"]) self.downloadUrl(files["render"],fn) else: log.debug("Screenshot already existed") if "thumb" in files.keys(): fn = os.path.join(assetDir,"thumb.png") if not os.path.exists(fn): log.debug("Downloading " + files["thumb"]) self.downloadUrl(files["thumb"],fn) else: log.debug("thumb already existed")
def __init__(self): self.__libmsc = ctypes.CDLL("./clibs/libmsc.so") self.__flag = True #answer/text self.__list1 = ['baike', 'calc', 'datetime', 'faq', 'openQA', 'chat'] #text self.__list2 = ['weather'] # self.__list3 = ['app', 'cookbook', 'flight', 'hotel', 'map', 'music', 'radio', 'restuarant', \ 'schedule', 'stock', 'train', 'translation', 'tv', 'video', 'websearch', \ 'website', 'weibo', 'flower', 'gift'] #???? ret = self.__libmsc.MSPLogin(None, None, c_char_p("appid = appidtest")) if (0 != ret): #print ("MSPLogin failed , Error code %d"%(ret)) log.debug("MSPLogin failed , Error code %d"%(ret)) self.__flag = False
def sch_text(self, data): if(not self.__flag): return None __msp_search = self.__libmsc.MSPSearch __msp_search.restype = c_char_p _data = create_string_buffer(data) _data_len = sizeof(_data) _len_point = pointer(c_uint(_data_len)) _ret_p = pointer(c_int(0)) rec_txt = __msp_search("nlp_version=2.0", _data, _len_point, _ret_p) if _ret_p.contents: #print ("MSPLogin failed , Error code %s"%(_ret_p.contents)) log.warning("MSPLogin failed , Error code %s"%(_ret_p.contents)) return None #print ("iflytek search api result: %s"%(rec_txt)) log.debug("iflytek search api result: %s"%(rec_txt)) return self.__deal_data(rec_txt)
def prepare_xml_product(product_infos): xml_data="<customer_product>\ <is_active>1</is_active>\ <is_from_vendor>0</is_from_vendor>\ <currency_id>58</currency_id>\ <vat_id>607</vat_id>\ <activity_classification_choice>commerce</activity_classification_choice>\ <type_of_product_id>20004</type_of_product_id>" for tag, value in product_infos.iteritems(): if tag in INCWO_PARAMS: xml_data+="<"+tag+">"+str(value).replace("& ","& ")+"</"+tag+">" # log.debug("xml info of product : tag {}, value {} ".format(tag, value)) xml_data+="</customer_product>" return xml_data
def run(self): log.debug("Starting thread...") self._anim._run(**self._args) log.debug("Thread Complete")
def _onChange(self): log.debug("onChange") if self.onChangeMethod: self.onChangeMethod(self.getCurrentItem())
def comboChange(self,item = None): log.debug("comboChange")
def getScreenshotPath(self,asset): if not asset: return None if not "files" in asset: return None files = asset["files"] r = None if "render" in files: r = files["render"] else: if "illustration" in files: r = files["illustration"] if not r: return None fn = r.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] if not fn: return None extension = os.path.splitext(fn)[1] if not extension: return None extension = extension.lower() filename = "screenshot" + extension assetDir = os.path.join(self.root,str(asset["nid"])) fullPath = mhapi.locations.getUnicodeAbsPath(os.path.join(assetDir,filename)) log.debug("Screenshot path: " + fullPath) return fullPath
def onCategoryChange(self,item = None): assetType = str(self.typeList.getCurrentItem()) log.debug("onCategoryChange() " + assetType) if assetType == "Clothes": category = str(self.categoryList.getCurrentItem()) if category == '' or not category: category = "All" self.assetList.setData(sorted(self.clothesNames[category])) self.screenshot.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.abspath(self.notfound))) self.thumbnail.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.abspath(self.notfound))) self.assetInfoText.setText("Nothing selected")
def downloadButtonClick(self): assetType = str(self.typeList.getCurrentItem()) log.debug("Download: " + assetType) if assetType == "Target": self.downloadTarget() if assetType == "Skin": self.downloadSkin() if assetType == "Clothes": self.downloadClothes() if assetType == "Hair": self.downloadHair() if assetType == "Pose": self.downloadPose() if assetType == "Proxy": self.downloadProxy() if assetType == "Material": self.downloadMaterial() if assetType == "Rig": self.downloadRig() if assetType == "Model": self.downloadModel() if assetType == "Teeth": self.downloadTeeth() if assetType == "Eyebrows": self.downloadEyebrows() if assetType == "Eyelashes": self.downloadEyelashes()
def downloadUrl(self, url, saveAs=None, asset=None, fileName=None): try: url = re.sub(r"\s","%20",url) data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() newData = self.normalizeFiles(data,asset,saveAs,fileName) with open(saveAs,"wb") as f: f.write(newData) except: log.debug("failed to write file") return False return True
def register_decorators_on_module_funcs(modules, decorators): '''?decorator?????module?????? ?????__nodeco__???False??????????? ??????????? eg: def func(): pass func.__nodeco__ = True ''' if not isinstance(modules, (list, tuple)): modules = [modules] if not isinstance(decorators, (list, tuple)): decorators = [decorators] for m in modules: for funcname, func in vars(m).iteritems(): if (isinstance(func, types.FunctionType) and not funcname.startswith('_') and func.__module__ == m.__name__): if getattr(func, '__nodeco__', False): continue for deco in decorators: if settings.DEBUG: log.debug('register %s on %s.%s' % (deco.__name__, m.__name__, funcname)) func = deco(func) vars(m)[funcname] = func
def on_all(self, event, irc, arguments): if event.raw.find("%") == -1: log.debug(event.raw)
def on_send(data): if data.find("%") == -1: log.debug(data)
def send(self, func, args={}): args['method'] = func if self._user: args['username'] = self._user if self._pass: args['digest'] = htsmsg.HMFBin(self._pass) log.debug('htsp tx:') log.debug(args, pretty=True) self._sock.send(htsmsg.serialize(args)) # Receive
def recv(self): ret = htsmsg.deserialize(self._sock, False) log.debug('htsp rx:') log.debug(ret, pretty=True) return ret # Setup
def get(self): try: webData = self.request.body #print "Handle Get webdata is ", webData log.debug("Handle Get webdata is %s" % (webData)) signature = self.get_argument('signature', '') timestamp = self.get_argument('timestamp', '') nonce = self.get_argument('nonce', '') echostr = self.get_argument('echostr', '') token = test_weixin_token if len(signature) == 0 or len(timestamp) == 0 or \ len(nonce) == 0 or len(echostr) == 0: self.write('') list = [token, timestamp, nonce] list.sort() sha1 = hashlib.sha1() map(sha1.update, list) hashcode = sha1.hexdigest() #print "handle/GET func: hashcode, signature: ", hashcode, signature log.debug("handle/GET func: hashcode, signature: %s, %s"%(hashcode, signature)) if hashcode == signature: self.write(echostr) else: self.write('') except Exception, Argument: log.error(Argument) self.write(Argument)
def cb_proc_weixin_text(self, toUser, fromUser, content): replyMsg = reply.TextMsg(toUser, fromUser, content) #print "Handle post reply data is ", replyMsg.send() log.debug("Handle post reply data is %s"%(replyMsg.send())) self.write(replyMsg.send()) self.finish()
def DebugPrint(msg): log.debug(msg) #print msg
def like_cron(): #print datetime.datetime.now() log.debug(datetime.datetime.now())
def get_access_token(self): params = {} params['client_id'] = self.__app_key params['grant_type'] = "client_credentials" params['device_id']= self.__device_id params['timestamp'] = long(time.time() * 1000) tmp_num = float(str(params['timestamp'])[8:]) params['nonce'] = str(tmp_num * tmp_num) data = self.__sig_calc(params) body = data[1] tmp_url = self.__access_token_url """ resp = urllib.urlopen(tmp_url, body).read() res = json.loads(resp) """ res = self.http_post(tmp_url, body, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') if res is None: return #print ("==>>> get_access_token_resp:%s"%(res)) log.debug("get_access_token response:%s"%(res)) if not res.has_key('error_no'): self.__access_token = res['access_token'] self.__expires_in = res['expires_in'] else: self.__access_token = '' self.__expires_in = 0
def get_sound_by_album_id(self, os_type, pack_id, id, count = 20, sort = "asc", page = 1): recommendation = {'code': 0} res = self.album_browse(os_type, pack_id, id, count, sort, page) if (res is not None) and res.has_key('tracks'): recommendation['recommendation'] = [] track_list = res['tracks'] for track in track_list: recommendation['recommendation'].append(self.__set_recommendation(track)) else: recommendation = {'code': -1} recommendation['error'] = 'no data' #log.debug(json.dumps(recommendation, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8')) print json.dumps(recommendation, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8') return json.dumps(recommendation, ensure_ascii = False).encode('utf-8')
def create_product(product_infos): xml_data = prepare_xml_product(product_infos) url="https://www.incwo.com/"+str(ID_USER)+"/customer_products.xml" # print("sending create (POST request) to ",url," ...") response = send_request("post", url, xml_data) product_id = 0 for l in response.splitlines(): if "<id>" in l: product_id = extract_value_from_xml(l) print("product "+product_infos["name"]+" created with id "+product_id) # log.debug(response) break if (product_id != 0): manage_stock_movement(product_infos, product_id, None)
def update_product(fournisseur_product_infos, incwo_product_infos): update_infos = {} try: PRODUCT_ID = incwo_product_infos["id"] PRODUCT_REF = fournisseur_product_infos["reference"] except KeyError: log.error("Incwo product with no ID or ref associated") raise ValueError() try: # Si produit considere comme vitrine : on annule la comparaison prix et category en mettant les champs aux memes valeurs if not compareValues(incwo_product_infos["product_category_id"],VITRINE_CATEGORY_ID): log.warning("Pas de mise a jour du prix du produit {} (Produit categorisé comme en vitrine)".format(PRODUCT_REF)) incwo_product_infos["product_category_id"] = fournisseur_product_infos["product_category_id"] fournisseur_product_infos["price"] = incwo_product_infos["price"] except KeyError: log.error("Incwo product with no category_ID associated") raise ValueError() for key in INCWO_PARAMS: if not key in fournisseur_product_infos: log.error("Product "+fournisseur_product_infos["name"]+" : fournisseur info incomplete! Missing "+key) raise ValueError() elif not key in incwo_product_infos: if key != 'barcode': log.debug("incwo info incomplete, updating "+key) update_infos[key]=fournisseur_product_infos[key] elif (compareValues(fournisseur_product_infos[key],incwo_product_infos[key])): log.debug("incwo info outdated, updating {}".format(key)) log.debug("Picata {} ; incwo_product_infos {}".format(fournisseur_product_infos[key], incwo_product_infos[key])) update_infos[key]=fournisseur_product_infos[key] if len(update_infos) > 0 : log.debug("Update needed for product "+str(PRODUCT_ID)) xml = prepare_xml_product(update_infos) url = "https://www.incwo.com/"+str(ID_USER)+"/customer_products/"+str(PRODUCT_ID)+".xml"; send_request('put', url, xml) # else : # log.debug("Product {} (id {}) infos up to date".format(fournisseur_product_infos["name"],PRODUCT_ID)) manage_stock_movement(fournisseur_product_infos, PRODUCT_ID, incwo_product_infos["product_category_id"])
def change_stock_value(warehouse_id, quantity, product_id, direction): xml_move = prepare_xml_stock_movement(warehouse_id, quantity, product_id,direction) url="https://www.incwo.com/"+str(ID_USER)+"/stock_movements.xml" r = send_request("post", url, xml_move) log.debug(r)
def onTypeChange(self,item = None): assetType = str(item) log.debug("onTypeChange: " + assetType) if assetType == "Clothes": cats = sorted(self.clothesAssets.keys()) self.categoryList.setData(cats) self.assetList.setData(sorted(self.clothesNames["All"])) else: self.categoryList.setData(["All"]) self.categoryList.setCurrentRow(0) assets = [] if assetType == "Target": assets = self.targetNames if assetType == "Hair": assets = self.hairNames if assetType == "Proxy": assets = self.proxyNames if assetType == "Skin": assets = self.skinNames if assetType == "Pose": assets = self.poseNames if assetType == "Material": assets = self.materialNames if assetType == "Rig": assets = self.rigNames if assetType == "Model": assets = self.modelNames if assetType == "Teeth": assets = self.teethNames if assetType == "Eyebrows": assets = self.eyebrowsNames if assetType == "Eyelashes": assets = self.eyelashesNames self.assetList.setData(sorted(assets)) self.categoryList.setCurrentItem("All") self.screenshot.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.abspath(self.notfound))) self.thumbnail.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.abspath(self.notfound))) self.assetInfoText.setText("Nothing selected")
def setDescription(self,asset): desc = "<big>" + asset["title"] + "</big><br />\n <br />\n" desc = desc + "<b><tt>Author.........: </tt></b>" + asset["username"] + "<br />\n" if "license" in asset.keys(): desc = desc + "<b><tt>License........: </tt></b>" + asset["license"] + "<br />\n" if "compatibility" in asset.keys(): desc = desc + "<b><tt>Compatibility..: </tt></b>" + asset["compatibility"] + "<br />\n" key = None if asset["type"] == "clothes": key = "mhclo" if asset["type"] == "hair": key = "mhclo" if asset["type"] == "teeth": key = "mhmat" if asset["type"] == "eyebrows": key = "mhmat" if asset["type"] == "eyelashes": key = "mhmat" if asset["type"] == "skin": key = "mhmat" if asset["type"] == "target": key = "file" if asset["type"] == "proxy": key = "file" if asset["type"] == "target": key = "file" if asset["type"] == "material": key = "mhmat" if asset["type"] == "rig": key = "file" if asset["type"] == "model": key = "file" if key: url = asset["files"][key] fn = url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] fn = fn.replace("." + key,"") fn = fn.replace("_"," ") desc = desc + "<b><tt>Name in MH.....: </tt></b>" + fn + "<br />\n" self.assetInfoText.setText(desc) self.assetDescription.setText(asset["description"]) #debug.log(desc + asset["description"])
def get(self): ''' the import handle ''' try: webData = self.request.body #print "WxShowHandler Get webdata is ", webData log.info("WxShowHandler Get webdata is %s" % (webData)) id = self.get_argument('id', '') showidstr = self.get_argument('showid', '') if len(id) == 0 or len(showidstr) == 0: self.write('parameter error!') # get sign ticket for weixin jsapisdk ticket = DataCenter().get_jsapi_ticket() urlall = self.request.uri #print self.request.path /wx/show #print self.request.uri /wx/show?id=oLN9QxI-YpdNJkSIXQkppJDHuvZM&showid=15 sign = Sign(ticket, test_urlhead + urlall) sign_data = sign.sign() #print 'weixin_JSAPI_ticket: ' #print sign_data log.info('weixin_JSAPI_ticket: %s'%(sign_data)) timestamp = sign_data['timestamp'] nonceStr = sign_data['nonceStr'] signature = sign_data['signature'] # get_param id showid = long(showidstr) userdata = DataCenter().get_data_by_id(showid) if len(userdata) == 0: self.write("no data") return data_dict = userdata[0] #print data_dict log.debug(data_dict) title_info = data_dict['title'] sub_info = data_dict['aidata'].split(test_split_str) all_info = data_dict['originaldata'].split(test_split_str) createtime = data_dict['createtime'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') author = '' authorinfo = data_dict['author'] datasource = data_dict['datasource'] _userid = data_dict['userid'] if authorinfo == '': author = datasource elif datasource == '': author = authorinfo else : author = authorinfo + ' | ' + datasource self.render("index.html", title=title_info, allinfo=all_info, subjects=sub_info, author=author, \ createtime=createtime, appid=test_weixin_appid, timestamp=timestamp, nonceStr=nonceStr, \ userid=_userid, signature=signature) except Exception, Argument: log.error(Argument) self.write(Argument)
def run_sql_proc(self, body, funcname): try: content = {'code': 0} if funcname == 'notread': if(body.has_key('userid')): userid = body['userid'] res_list = DataCenter().get_not_read_id_from_xdata(userid) list_dict = [] for i in range(len(res_list)): tmp = {} tmp['id'] = res_list[i]['id'] list_dict.append(tmp) content['collections'] = list_dict else: content['code'] = -1 content['error'] = 'userid is needed.' elif funcname == 'content': if (body.has_key('userid') and body.has_key('id')): userid = body['userid'] id = body['id'] res_list = DataCenter().get_content_from_xdata(userid, id) content['id'] = res_list[0]['id'] content['title'] = res_list[0]['title'] content['author'] = res_list[0]['author'] content['source'] = res_list[0]['datasource'] content['subject'] = res_list[0]['aidata'].split(lingx_split_str) content['original'] = res_list[0]['originaldata'].split(lingx_split_str) #??accesstime #DataCenter().update_xdata(id, 'accesstime', datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: content['code'] = -1 content['error'] = 'userid and id are needed.' elif funcname == 'status': if (body.has_key('article_list')): for item in body['article_list']: #??accesstime DataCenter().update_xdata(item['id'], 'accesstime', datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: content['code'] = -1 content['error'] = 'article_list is empty.' else: pass #print content log.debug(content) self.write(tornado.escape.json_encode(content)) self.finish() except Exception, Argument: log.error(Argument) self.finish(Argument)
def manage_stock_movement(product_infos, product_id, cat_id_src): # product_ref : reference sur produit (servira de nom de fichier contenant les stocks associe) product_ref = product_infos["reference"] # cat_id_dest : id de la category du produit selon picata (la ou va etre stocke les infos de la synchro en cours) cat_id_dest = product_infos["product_category_id"] # creation de la variable stocks pour plus de lisibilité stocks = {} for tag, value in product_infos.iteritems(): if tag in STOCK_PARAMS: stocks[ENTREPOTS_ID[tag]] = value # log.debug("Product {} : stock_id = {}, value = {}".format(product_infos["name"],ENTREPOTS_ID[tag], value)) # Les stocks sont rangé par catégories pour des question de limite de nbrs de fichier filename_dest = "stock/"+cat_id_dest+"/"+product_ref+".txt" rs = [] #Si le dossier n'existe pas, on le crée if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename_dest)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename_dest)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise if cat_id_src: filename_src = "stock/"+cat_id_src+"/"+product_ref+".txt" # Si le fichier existe, on lit les valeurs du stock precedent if (os.path.exists(filename_src)): with open(filename_src, 'r') as fp: datas = [] for line in fp: difference = 0 data = line.split(":") difference = int(stocks[data[0]]) - int(data[1]) if (difference > 0): change_stock_value(data[0], difference, product_id, "1") elif (difference < 0) : change_stock_value(data[0], abs(difference), product_id, "-1") # else: # log.debug("Stock for product {} (id {}) up to date".format(product_infos["name"],product_id)) # Sinon, crée les movement de stock correspondant else: for warehouse_id, quantity in stocks.iteritems(): if (int(quantity) >= 0) : change_stock_value(warehouse_id, int(quantity), product_id, "1") else: change_stock_value(warehouse_id, abs(int(quantity)), product_id, "-1") # Dans tout les cas, on (re)ecrit le fichier avec les nouvelles valeurs with open(filename_dest, 'w') as fp: for warehouse_id, quantity in stocks.iteritems(): fp.write(warehouse_id+":"+quantity+"\n") fp.close()