def updateUI(self, data): size = len(data) / 3 if size != self._count: log.warning("Bytecount mismatch") return for i in range(size): r = data[i * 3 + 0] g = data[i * 3 + 1] b = data[i * 3 + 2] self._values[i] = self.toHexColor(r, g, b) try: for i in range(self._count): self._canvas.itemconfig(self._leds[i], fill=self._values[i]) except TclError: # Looks like the UI closed! pass
def update(self, data): try: s = self._connect() count = self.bufByteCount packet = self._generateHeader(CMDTYPE.PIXEL_DATA, count) packet.extend(data) s.sendall(packet) resp = ord(s.recv(1)) if not self.persist: s.close() if resp != RETURN_CODES.SUCCESS: log.warning("Bytecount mismatch! %s", resp) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) error = "Problem communicating with network receiver!" log.error(error) raise IOError(error)
def sch_text(self, data): if(not self.__flag): return None __msp_search = self.__libmsc.MSPSearch __msp_search.restype = c_char_p _data = create_string_buffer(data) _data_len = sizeof(_data) _len_point = pointer(c_uint(_data_len)) _ret_p = pointer(c_int(0)) rec_txt = __msp_search("nlp_version=2.0", _data, _len_point, _ret_p) if _ret_p.contents: #print ("MSPLogin failed , Error code %s"%(_ret_p.contents)) log.warning("MSPLogin failed , Error code %s"%(_ret_p.contents)) return None #print ("iflytek search api result: %s"%(rec_txt)) log.debug("iflytek search api result: %s"%(rec_txt)) return self.__deal_data(rec_txt)
def click_handler(channel, click_type, was_queued, time_diff): log.info(channel.bd_addr + " " + str(click_type)) if str(click_type) == 'ClickType.ButtonSingleClick': try: log.info("Switching on lights associated with button " + channel.bd_addr) for light in groups[channel.bd_addr]['group']: bridge.get(light).on() except KeyError: log.warning("Light not found for button " + str(channel.bd_addr)) elif str(click_type) == 'ClickType.ButtonHold': # turn off all lights log.info("Turning off all lights...") for light in bridge: light.off() return
def jsonify_(data): keycase = settings.JSON_KEYCASE if keycase: try: casefunc = getattr(stringcase, keycase) data = keycase_convert(data, casefunc) except AttributeError: log.warning(u'%s keycase is not supported, response default json. ' u'Supported keycase: %s' % (keycase, get_support_keycase())) if settings.DEBUG: js = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) else: js = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, separators=[',', ':']) return Response(js, mimetype='application/json')
def keyerror_response(func): @wraps(func) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except KeyError as e: data = u'Need params:{0}'.format(e) log.warning(data) return response(code=ResponseCode.BAD_REQUEST, data=data) return wrap
def on_kick(self, event, irc): nick = event.raw.split(" ")[3] if nick == self.config['nickname']: log.warning("Kicked from %s, trying to re-join", event.target) irc.join(event.target) else: self.userdb.remove_entry(event, nick)
def on_part(self, event, irc): requested = "".join(event.arguments).startswith("requested") nick = event.source.nick if nick == self.config['nickname']: if requested: log.warning( "Removed from %s, trying to re-join", event.target) irc.join(event.target) else: del self.userdb[event.target] else: self.userdb.remove_entry(event, nick)
def on_bannedfromchan(event, irc): s = event.raw.split(" ") channel = s[3] irc.notice("wolfy1339", "Banned from {0}".format(channel)) log.warning("Banned from %s", channel)
def update_product(fournisseur_product_infos, incwo_product_infos): update_infos = {} try: PRODUCT_ID = incwo_product_infos["id"] PRODUCT_REF = fournisseur_product_infos["reference"] except KeyError: log.error("Incwo product with no ID or ref associated") raise ValueError() try: # Si produit considere comme vitrine : on annule la comparaison prix et category en mettant les champs aux memes valeurs if not compareValues(incwo_product_infos["product_category_id"],VITRINE_CATEGORY_ID): log.warning("Pas de mise a jour du prix du produit {} (Produit categorisé comme en vitrine)".format(PRODUCT_REF)) incwo_product_infos["product_category_id"] = fournisseur_product_infos["product_category_id"] fournisseur_product_infos["price"] = incwo_product_infos["price"] except KeyError: log.error("Incwo product with no category_ID associated") raise ValueError() for key in INCWO_PARAMS: if not key in fournisseur_product_infos: log.error("Product "+fournisseur_product_infos["name"]+" : fournisseur info incomplete! Missing "+key) raise ValueError() elif not key in incwo_product_infos: if key != 'barcode': log.debug("incwo info incomplete, updating "+key) update_infos[key]=fournisseur_product_infos[key] elif (compareValues(fournisseur_product_infos[key],incwo_product_infos[key])): log.debug("incwo info outdated, updating {}".format(key)) log.debug("Picata {} ; incwo_product_infos {}".format(fournisseur_product_infos[key], incwo_product_infos[key])) update_infos[key]=fournisseur_product_infos[key] if len(update_infos) > 0 : log.debug("Update needed for product "+str(PRODUCT_ID)) xml = prepare_xml_product(update_infos) url = "https://www.incwo.com/"+str(ID_USER)+"/customer_products/"+str(PRODUCT_ID)+".xml"; send_request('put', url, xml) # else : # log.debug("Product {} (id {}) infos up to date".format(fournisseur_product_infos["name"],PRODUCT_ID)) manage_stock_movement(fournisseur_product_infos, PRODUCT_ID, incwo_product_infos["product_category_id"])