def execute(self): """ Returns GSuite events based on given app/activity. Other parameters are optional. """ logging.debug("Authenticating to GSuite") self.get_credentials() self.http = self.credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) self.service = discovery.build('admin', 'reports_v1', http=self.http) logging.debug("Retrieving %s events from: %s to %s", self.app, convert_time(self.s_time), convert_time(self.e_time)) self.results = self.service.activities().list(userKey=self.user, applicationName=self.app, startTime=self.s_time, endTime=self.e_time, maxResults=self.max).execute() return self.results.get('items', [])
def processConfigFile(self, configFile=None): if configFile is not None: self.__serverConfig = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.__serverConfig.read(configFile) sections = self.__serverConfig.sections() # Let's check the log file self.__logFile = self.__serverConfig.get('global','log_file') if self.__logFile != 'None': logging.basicConfig(filename = self.__logFile, level = logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p') # Remove the global one del(sections[sections.index('global')]) self._shares = {} for i in sections: self._shares[i] = dict(self.__serverConfig.items(i))
def __repr__(self, *, indent=1, header=False): result = [] if header: result.extend([' ' * indent, '<', self.__class__.__name__, '>\n']) indent += 1 for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): if k.startswith('_'): continue result.append(' ' * indent) result.append(k) result.append(': ') if isinstance(v, Octopus): result.append('\n') result.append(v.__repr__(indent=indent + 1, header=False)) else: result.append(str(v)) result.append('\n') return ''.join(result)
def __init__(self, filename, header): config = SafeConfigParser() cfgfile = config.read(filename) if not cfgfile: raise ValueError('Config file not found:', filename) self.__dict__.update(config.items(header))
def getShares(connId, smbServer): config = smbServer.getServerConfig() sections = config.sections() # Remove the global one del(sections[sections.index('global')]) shares = {} for i in sections: shares[i] = dict(config.items(i)) return shares
def searchShare(connId, share, smbServer): config = smbServer.getServerConfig() if config.has_section(share): return dict(config.items(share)) else: return None
def items(self): return self.__dict__.items()
def processing(self, config, path=None): for k, v in config.items(): p = '.'.join(i for i in (path, k) if i) for processor in self: m = processor.match(self.context, p, v) if m is None: continue if m.process: self.on_ready.append(m.process) break else: if isinstance(v, Mapping): self.processing(v, p)
def parse_config(self, arguments=None): finalconfig = {} args = self.parser.parse_args(arguments) config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() try: with open(args.config) as fdconfig: config.readfp(fdconfig) except Exception as e: msg = "Ignoring configuration file '%s'" self.logger.warn(msg % (args.config)) for section in self.PARAMETERS.keys(): config.add_section(section) else: self.logger.info("Read configuration file '%s'" % args.config) for section in self.PARAMETERS.keys(): cfgsection = dict(config.items(section)) for var, required in self.PARAMETERS[section].iteritems(): try: # build env variables like IRONIC_URL envparameter = section.upper() + '_' + var.upper() cfgsection[var] = os.environ[envparameter] msg = "Reading env variable '%s'" % envparameter self.logger.debug(msg) except: pass if required and not var in cfgsection: msg = "Variable '%s.%s' not defined and it is required!" msg = msg % (section, var) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) finalconfig[section] = cfgsection self.args = args return finalconfig
def load_config(conf_file): """Loads redfish.conf file Loads and parsers the system conf file into config global var Loads json schemas into schemas_dict global var Established a connection with OneView and sets in as ov_conn global var Args: conf_file: string with the conf file name Returns: None Exception: OneViewRedfishResourceNotFoundError: - if conf file not found - if any of the schemas files are not found - if the schema directory is not found OneViewRedFishResourceNotAccessibleError: - if can't access schema's directory HPOneViewException: - if fails to connect to oneview """ config = load_conf(conf_file) globals()['config'] = config # Config file read set global vars # Setting ov_config ov_config = dict(config.items('oneview_config')) ov_config['credentials'] = dict(config.items('credentials')) ov_config['api_version'] = int(ov_config['api_version']) globals()['ov_config'] = ov_config # Setting schemas_dict schemas = dict(config.items('schemas')) globals()['schemas'] = schemas registries = dict(config.items('registry')) # Load schemas | Store schemas | Connect to OneView try: ov_client = OneViewClient(ov_config) globals()['ov_client'] = ov_client registry_dict = load_registry( config['redfish']['registry_dir'], registries) globals()['registry_dict'] = registry_dict store_schemas(config['redfish']['schema_dir']) except errors.OneViewRedfishResourceNotFoundError as e: raise errors.OneViewRedfishError( 'Failed to load schemas or registries: {}'.format(e) ) except Exception as e: raise errors.OneViewRedfishError( 'Failed to connect to OneView: {}'.format(e) )
def get_oneview_client(session_id=None, is_service_root=False): """Establishes a OneView connection to be used in the module Establishes a OV connection if one does not exists. If one exists, do a single OV access to check if its sill valid. If not tries to establish a new connection. Sets the connection on the ov_conn global var Args: session_id: The ID of a valid authenticated session, if the authentication_mode is session. Defaults to None. is_service_root: Informs if who is calling this function is the ServiceRoot blueprint. If true, even if authentication_mode is set to session it will use the information on the conf file to return a connection. This is a workaround to allow ServiceRoot to retrieve the appliance UUID before user logs in. Returns: OneViewClient object Exceptions: HPOneViewException if can't connect or reconnect to OV """ config = globals()['config'] auth_mode = config["redfish"]["authentication_mode"] if auth_mode == "conf" or is_service_root: # Doing conf based authentication ov_client = globals()['ov_client'] ov_config = globals()['ov_config'] # Check if connection is ok yet try: ov_client.connection.get('/rest/logindomains') return ov_client # If expired try to make a new connection except Exception: try: logging.exception('Re-authenticated') ov_client.connection.login(ov_config['credentials']) return ov_client # if faild abort except Exception: raise else: # Auth mode is session oneview_config = dict(config.items('oneview_config')) oneview_config['credentials'] = {"sessionID": session_id} oneview_config['api_version'] = int(oneview_config['api_version']) try: oneview_client = OneViewClient(oneview_config) oneview_client.connection.get('/rest/logindomains') return oneview_client except Exception: logging.exception("Failed to recover session based connection") raise
def generate_certificate(dir_name, file_name, key_length, key_type="rsa"): """Create self-signed cert and key files Args: dir_name: name of the directory to store the files file_name: name of the files that will be created. It will append .crt to certificate file and .key to key file key_length: key length in bits key_type: crypto type: RSA or DSA; defaults to RSA Returns: Nothing Exceptions: Raise exceptions on error """ config = globals()['config'] private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.PKey() if key_type == "rsa": private_key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_RSA, key_length) elif key_type == "dsa": private_key.generate_key(OpenSSL.crypto.TYPE_DSA, key_length) else: message = "Invalid key_type" logging.error(message) raise errors.OneViewRedfishError(message) if not config.has_option("ssl-cert-defaults", "commonName"): config["ssl-cert-defaults"]["commonName"] = get_ip() cert = OpenSSL.crypto.X509() cert_subject = cert.get_subject() cert_defaults = dict(config.items("ssl-cert-defaults")) for key, value in cert_defaults.items(): setattr(cert_subject, key, value) cert.set_serial_number(1) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60) cert.set_issuer(cert.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(private_key) cert.sign(private_key, "sha1") # Save Files with open(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name + ".crt"), "wt") as f: f.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert).decode("UTF-8")) with open(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name + ".key"), "wt") as f: f.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, private_key).decode("UTF-8"))