def init_logger(self, args): level = logging.INFO if args.verbose: level = logging.VERBOSE if args.debug: level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', level=level) Rthandler = RotatingFileHandler('arbitrage.log', maxBytes=100*1024*1024,backupCount=10) Rthandler.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-12s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s') Rthandler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(Rthandler) logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
def main(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debug verbose mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="info verbose mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-o", "--observers", type=str, help="observers, example: -oLogger,Emailer") parser.add_argument("-m", "--markets", type=str, help="markets, example: -mHaobtcCNY,Bitstamp") parser.add_argument("-s", "--status", help="status", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("command", nargs='*', default="watch", help='verb: "watch|replay-history|get-balance|list-public-markets|get-broker-balance"') args = parser.parse_args() self.init_logger(args) self.exec_command(args)
def inject_verbose_info(self): logging.VERBOSE = 15 logging.verbose = lambda x: logging.log(logging.VERBOSE, x) logging.addLevelName(logging.VERBOSE, "VERBOSE")
def buy(self, amount, price, client_id=None): """Orders are always priced in CNY""" local_currency_price = self.fc.convert(price, "CNY", self.currency) logging.verbose("Buy %f BTC at %f %s (%f CNY) @%s" % (amount, local_currency_price, self.currency, price, self.name)) if client_id: return self._buy(amount, local_currency_price, client_id) else: return self._buy(amount, local_currency_price)
def sell(self, amount, price, client_id=None): """Orders are always priced in CNY""" local_currency_price = self.fc.convert(price, "CNY", self.currency) logging.verbose("Sell %f BTC at %f %s (%f CNY) @%s" % (amount, local_currency_price, self.currency, price, self.name)) if client_id: return self._sell(amount, local_currency_price, client_id) else: return self._sell(amount, local_currency_price)
def sell_maker(self, amount, price): """Orders are always priced in CNY""" local_currency_price = self.fc.convert(price, "CNY", self.currency) local_currency_price = int(local_currency_price) logging.verbose("Sell maker %f BTC at %d %s (%d CNY) @%s" % (amount, local_currency_price, self.currency, price, self.name)) return self._sell_maker(amount, local_currency_price)
def tickers(self): for market in self.markets: logging.verbose("ticker: " + market.name + " - " + str( market.get_ticker()))
def init_logger(self, args): level = logging.INFO if args.verbose: level = logging.VERBOSE if args.debug: level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', level=level)
def main(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="debug verbose mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="info verbose mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-o", "--observers", type=str, help="observers, example: -oLogger,Emailer") parser.add_argument("-m", "--markets", type=str, help="markets, example: -mMtGox,Bitstamp") parser.add_argument("command", nargs='*', default="watch", help='verb: "watch|replay-history|get-balance|list-public-markets"') args = parser.parse_args() self.init_logger(args) self.exec_command(args)
def opportunity(self, profit, volume, buyprice, kask, sellprice, kbid, perc, weighted_buyprice, weighted_sellprice): if profit < config.profit_thresh or perc < config.perc_thresh: logging.verbose("[TraderBot] Profit or profit percentage lower than"+ " thresholds") return if kask not in self.clients: logging.warn("[TraderBot] Can't automate this trade, client not "+ "available: %s" % kask) return if kbid not in self.clients: logging.warn("[TraderBot] Can't automate this trade, " + "client not available: %s" % kbid) return volume = min(config.max_tx_volume, volume) # Update client balance self.update_balance() max_volume = self.get_min_tradeable_volume(buyprice, self.clients[kask].usd_balance, self.clients[kbid].btc_balance) volume = min(volume, max_volume, config.max_tx_volume) if volume < config.min_tx_volume: logging.warn("Can't automate this trade, minimum volume transaction"+ " not reached %f/%f" % (volume, config.min_tx_volume)) logging.warn("Balance on %s: %f USD - Balance on %s: %f BTC" % (kask, self.clients[kask].usd_balance, kbid, self.clients[kbid].btc_balance)) return current_time = time.time() if current_time - self.last_trade < self.trade_wait: logging.warn("[TraderBot] Can't automate this trade, last trade " + "occured %.2f seconds ago" % (current_time - self.last_trade)) return self.potential_trades.append([profit, volume, kask, kbid, weighted_buyprice, weighted_sellprice, buyprice, sellprice])
def instantiate( cls, streamType = "SCREEN", logLevel = "INFO" ): try: logging.VERBOSE = 5 logging.addLevelName(logging.VERBOSE, "VERBOSE") logging.Logger.verbose = lambda inst, msg, *args, **kwargs: inst.log(logging.VERBOSE, msg, *args, **kwargs) logging.verbose = lambda msg, *args, **kwargs: logging.log(logging.VERBOSE, msg, *args, **kwargs) cls.logger = logging.getLogger() if logLevel not in logging._levelNames: raise Exception( 'Invalid file level' ) cls.logger.setLevel( logging._levelNames[logLevel] ) streamType = app.config['STREAMTYPE'] if streamType == "SCREEN": stream = logging.StreamHandler() else: stream = logging.FileHandler( app.config['LOGFILE'] ) formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)-7s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s' ) stream.setFormatter( formatter ) cls.logger.addHandler( stream ) except Exception, e: print( 'Unable to get/set log configurations. Error: %s'%( e ) ) cls.logger = None ## # Records a message in a file and/or displays it in the screen. # @param level - String containing the name of the log message. # @param message - String containing the message to be recorded. #
def verbose( cls, message ): cls.log("VERBOSE", message, Log.getCallers( inspect.stack() )) ## # Gets the data about the caller of the log method. # @param stack Array containing the system calling stack. # @return Array containing the caller class name and the caller method, respectively. #
def test_verbose_hack(self): self.logger.verbose("foo") logging.verbose("foo") self.assertEqual(logging.VERBOSE, 15) if six.PY2: # There is no _levelNames attribute in Python 3 self.assertTrue("VERBOSE" in logging._levelNames) self.assertEqual(logging.getLevelName(15), "VERBOSE")
def verbose(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log 'msg % args' with severity 'VERBOSE'. To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g. logger.info("Houston, we have a %s", "interesting problem", exc_info=1) """ if self.manager.disable >= logging.VERBOSE: return if logging.VERBOSE >= self.getEffectiveLevel(): self._log(*(logging.VERBOSE, msg, args), **kwargs)
def verbose(msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Log a message with severity 'VERBOSE' on the root logger. """ if len(logging.root.handlers) == 0: logging.basicConfig() logging.root.verbose(*((msg, ) + args), **kwargs)
def new_order(self, kexchange, type, maker_only=True, amount=None, price=None): if type == 'buy' or type == 'sell': if not price or not amount: if type == 'buy': price = self.get_buy_price() amount = math.floor((self.cny_balance/price)*10)/10 else: price = self.get_sell_price() amount = math.floor(self.btc_balance * 10) / 10 if maker_only: amount = min(self.max_maker_volume, amount) if amount < self.min_maker_volume: logging.debug('Maker amount is too low %s %s' % (type, amount)) return None else: amount = min(self.max_taker_volume, amount) if amount < self.min_taker_volume: logging.debug('Taker amount is too low %s %s' % (type, amount)) return None if maker_only: if type == 'buy': order_id = self.clients[kexchange].buy_maker(amount, price) else: order_id = self.clients[kexchange].sell_maker(amount, price) else: if type == 'buy': order_id = self.clients[kexchange].buy(amount, price) else: order_id = self.clients[kexchange].sell(amount, price) if not order_id: logging.warn("%s @%s %f/%f BTC failed" % (type, kexchange, amount, price)) return None if order_id == -1: logging.warn("%s @%s %f/%f BTC failed, %s" % (type, kexchange, amount, price, order_id)) return None order = { 'market': kexchange, 'id': order_id, 'price': price, 'amount': amount, 'deal_amount':0, 'deal_index': 0, 'type': type, 'maker_only': maker_only, 'time': time.time() } self.orders.append(order) logging.verbose("submit order %s" % (order)) return order return None
def new_order(self, kexchange, type, maker_only=True, amount=None, price=None): if type == 'buy' or type == 'sell': if not price or not amount: if type == 'buy': price = self.get_buy_price() amount = math.floor((self.cny_balance/price)*10)/10 else: price = self.get_sell_price() amount = math.floor(self.btc_balance * 10) / 10 if maker_only: amount = min(self.max_maker_volume, amount) if amount < self.min_maker_volume: logging.warn('Maker amount is too low %s %s' % (type, amount)) return None else: amount = min(self.max_taker_volume, amount) if amount < self.min_taker_volume: logging.warn('Taker amount is too low %s %s' % (type, amount)) return None if maker_only: if type == 'buy': order_id = self.clients[kexchange].buy_maker(amount, price) else: order_id = self.clients[kexchange].sell_maker(amount, price) else: if type == 'buy': order_id = self.clients[kexchange].buy(amount, price) else: order_id = self.clients[kexchange].sell(amount, price) if not order_id: logging.warn("%s @%s %f/%f BTC failed, %s" % (type, kexchange, amount, price, order_id)) return None if order_id == -1: logging.warn("%s @%s %f/%f BTC failed, %s" % (type, kexchange, amount, price, order_id)) return None order = { 'market': kexchange, 'id': order_id, 'price': price, 'amount': amount, 'deal_amount':0, 'deal_index': 0, 'type': type, 'maker_only': maker_only, 'time': time.time() } self.orders.append(order) logging.verbose("submit order %s" % (order)) return order return None