def save_opencv_xml_file(path, xml_generator): """ Save something in opencv's XML format @param path: path where to save the file @param xml_generator: function that accepts an LXML root element as a parameter and generates all the necessary XML to go in the file """ root = etree.Element("opencv_storage") xml_generator(root) et = etree.ElementTree(root) with open(path, 'wb') as f: et.write(f, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) # little hack necessary to replace the single quotes (that OpenCV doesn't like) with double quotes s = open(path).read() s = s.replace("'", "\"") with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(s) f.flush()
def update(self, docs, commitwithin=None): """Post list of docs to Solr, return URL and status. Opptionall tell Solr to "commitwithin" that many milliseconds.""" url = self.url + '/update' add_xml = etree.Element('add') if commitwithin is not None: add_xml.set('commitWithin', str(commitwithin)) for doc in docs: xdoc = etree.SubElement(add_xml, 'doc') for key, value in doc.iteritems(): if value: field = etree.Element('field', name=key) field.text = (value if isinstance(value, unicode) else str(value)) xdoc.append(field) request = urllib2.Request(url) request.add_header('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8') request.add_data(etree.tostring(add_xml, pretty_print=True)) response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read() status = etree.XML(response).findtext('lst/int') return url, status
def create(self, stage=False): """Stage or execute a config for creating a VSI Args: stage (bool): whether to stage the command or execute immediately Returns: True if stage=True and successfully staged List of etree.Element XML responses if immediately executed """ vsi_config = self._build_vsi('merge') vxlan_config = self._build_vxlan('merge') if stage: vsi = self.device.stage_config(vsi_config, 'edit_config') vxlan = self.device.stage_config(vxlan_config, 'edit_config') else: vsi = self.device.edit_config(vsi_config) vxlan = self.device.edit_config(vxlan_config) if stage: return vsi and vxlan else: return [vsi, vxlan]
def remove_vsi(self, stage=False, vsi=None): """Stage or execute a config for removing a VSI Args: stage (bool): whether to stage the command or execute immediately Returns: True if stage=True and successfully staged etree.Element XML response if immediately executed """ vsi_config = self._build_vsi('delete', vsi) if stage: vsi = self.device.stage_config(vsi_config, 'edit_config') else: vsi = self.device.edit_config(vsi_config) return vsi
def remove_vxlan(self, stage=False): """Stage or execute a config for removing a VXLAN Args: stage (bool): whether to stage the command or execute immediately Returns: True if stage=True and successfully staged etree.Element XML response if immediately executed """ vlan_config = self._build_vxlan('delete') if stage: vlan = self.device.stage_config(vlan_config, 'edit_config') else: vlan = self.device.edit_config(vlan_config) return vlan
def save_projects(self, *args): root = ET.Element("projects") for project in self.projects_list: p = ET.SubElement(root, "project") ET.SubElement(p, "name").text = project.name ET.SubElement(p, "description").text = project.description ET.SubElement(p, "path").text = project.path ET.SubElement(p, "update").text = project.update_cmd ET.SubElement(p, "compile").text = project.compile_cmd ET.SubElement(p, "run").text = project.run_cmd if project.last_update is None: ET.SubElement(p, "last_update").text = None else: ET.SubElement(p, "last_update").text = project.last_update.strftime(settings.DATE_FORMAT) if project.last_compile is None: ET.SubElement(p, "last_compile").text = None else: ET.SubElement(p, "last_compile").text = project.last_compile.strftime(settings.DATE_FORMAT) tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(settings.PATH_PROJECT_FILE, pretty_print=True) logging.debug("All projects are saved")
def to_xml(self): """Produces an XML out of the point data. Disregards the "action" field.""" el = etree.Element(self.osm_type, id=str(self.osm_id), version=str(self.version)) for tag, value in self.tags.items(): etree.SubElement(el, 'tag', k=tag, v=value) if self.osm_type == 'node': el.set('lat', str(self.lat)) el.set('lon', str(self.lon)) elif self.osm_type == 'way': for node_id in self.members: etree.SubElement(el, 'nd', ref=str(node_id)) elif self.osm_type == 'relation': for member in self.members: m = etree.SubElement(el, 'member') for i, n in enumerate(('type', 'ref', 'role')): m.set(n, str(member[i])) return el
def getXML(self) : # return lxml etree element graphXML = etree.Element("graph",defaultedgetype=self.type,mode=self.mode,label=self.label,timeformat=self.time_format) for attributesElement in self.attributes.getAttributesDeclarationXML() : graphXML.append(attributesElement) nodesXML = etree.SubElement(graphXML, "nodes") node_ids=self._nodes.keys() node_ids.sort() for id in node_ids : nodesXML.append(self._nodes[id].getXML()) edgesXML = etree.SubElement(graphXML, "edges") edge_ids=self._edges.keys() edge_ids.sort() for id in edge_ids : edgesXML.append(self._edges[id].getXML()) return graphXML
def getAttributesDeclarationXML(self) : """ generate attributes declaration XML """ # return lxml etree element allAttributesXML=[] if len(self)>0 : # iter on node and then edge atts for attClass,atts in self.iteritems() : # group by mode key_mode=lambda att : att["mode"] atts_sorted_by_mode=sorted(atts.values(),key=key_mode,reverse=True) for mode,atts in itertools.groupby(atts_sorted_by_mode,key_mode) : # generate on attributes by mode attributesXML = etree.Element("attributes") attributesXML.set("class",attClass) attributesXML.set("mode",mode) # generate attribute by id order for att in sorted(atts,key=lambda att: att["id"]) : attributeXML=etree.SubElement(attributesXML, "attribute") attributeXML.set("id",str(att["id"])) attributeXML.set("title",att["title"]) attributeXML.set("type",att["type"]) if att["defaultValue"] : etree.SubElement(attributeXML, "default").text=att["defaultValue"] allAttributesXML.append(attributesXML) return allAttributesXML
def write(playlists: List[Playlist], target_path: Path, target_library_root: str, source_library_root: str, exclude_playlist_folders: bool = True) -> None: persistent_id_to_playlist_dict = create_persistent_id_to_playlist_dict(playlists) filtered_playlist = filter_playlists_if_necessary(playlists, exclude_playlist_folders) root = etree.Element("rhythmdb-playlists") for playlist in filtered_playlist: name = create_playlist_name(playlist, persistent_id_to_playlist_dict) attributes = {'name': name, 'show-browser': 'true', 'browser-position': "231", 'search-type': "search-match", 'type': "static"} playlist_element = etree.SubElement(root, "playlist", attributes) for song in playlist.tracks: if song.location_escaped is not None: transformed_location = transform_to_rhythmbox_path(song.location_escaped, target_library_root, source_library_root) location_element = etree.SubElement(playlist_element, "location") location_element.text = transformed_location else: print(" Can't convert the track [{} - {}] in playlist '{}' because there is no file location defined. It's probably a remote file." .format(song.artist, song.name, playlist.name)) common.write_to_file(root, target_path, add_standalone_to_xml_declaration=False)
def readXml(self, simType): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) if simType == types.TYPE_USIM: path = os.path.join(path, "sim_files_3g.xml") else: path = os.path.join(path, "sim_files_2g.xml") tree = etree.ElementTree() if not os.path.exists(path): logging.warning("File %s not exists" %path) logging.info("Create xml") if simType == types.TYPE_USIM: root = etree.Element('sim_3G') else: root = etree.Element('sim_2G') else: parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) root = etree.parse(path, parser).getroot() return path, root
def pull(self, resource_uri, context, max_elems=100): """Executes pull operation over WSMan. :param resource_uri: URI of resource to pull :param context: enumeration context :param max_elems: maximum number of elements returned by the operation :returns: an lxml.etree.Element object of the response received :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response """ payload = _PullPayload(self.endpoint, resource_uri, context, max_elems) resp = self._do_request(payload) resp_xml = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.content) return resp_xml
def invoke(self, resource_uri, method, selectors, properties): """Executes invoke operation over WSMan. :param resource_uri: URI of resource to invoke :param method: name of the method to invoke :param selector: dict of selectors :param properties: dict of properties :returns: an lxml.etree.Element object of the response received. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response """ payload = _InvokePayload(self.endpoint, resource_uri, method, selectors, properties) resp = self._do_request(payload) resp_xml = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.content) return resp_xml
def bug_200709_default_namespace(): """ >>> e = ET.Element("{default}elem") >>> s = ET.SubElement(e, "{default}elem") >>> serialize(e, default_namespace="default") # 1 '<elem xmlns="default"><elem /></elem>' >>> e = ET.Element("{default}elem") >>> s = ET.SubElement(e, "{default}elem") >>> s = ET.SubElement(e, "{not-default}elem") >>> serialize(e, default_namespace="default") # 2 '<elem xmlns="default" xmlns:ns1="not-default"><elem /><ns1:elem /></elem>' >>> e = ET.Element("{default}elem") >>> s = ET.SubElement(e, "{default}elem") >>> s = ET.SubElement(e, "elem") # unprefixed name >>> serialize(e, default_namespace="default") # 3 Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: cannot use non-qualified names with default_namespace option """ # doesn't work with lxml.etree
def qname(): """ Test QName handling. 1) decorated tags >>> elem = ElementTree.Element("{uri}tag") >>> serialize(elem) # 1.1 '<ns0:tag xmlns:ns0="uri"/>' ## 2) decorated attributes ## >>> elem.attrib["{uri}key"] = "value" ## >>> serialize(elem) # 2.1 ## '<ns0:tag ns0:key="value" xmlns:ns0="uri"/>' """
def _volume(self, value, cmd='PUT'): root = etree.Element('YAMAHA_AV') root.set('cmd', cmd) system = etree.SubElement(root, 'Main_Zone') volume = etree.SubElement(system, 'Volume') level = etree.SubElement(volume, 'Lvl') if cmd == 'GET': level.text = value else: val = etree.SubElement(level, 'Val') val.text = str(value) exponent = etree.SubElement(level, 'Exp') exponent.text = '1' unit = etree.SubElement(level, 'Unit') unit.text = 'dB' tree = etree.ElementTree(root) return self._return_document(tree)
def write_xml(input): """Writes Sublime Text snippets (Plist)""" from lxml import etree completions = input["completions"][0] data = etree.Element("snippet") content = etree.SubElement(data, "content") content.text = etree.CDATA(input["completions"][0]["contents"]) tabTrigger = etree.SubElement(data, "tabTrigger") tabTrigger.text = input["completions"][0]['trigger'] scope = etree.SubElement(data, "scope") scope.text = input["scope"] if 'description' in input['completions'][0]: description = etree.SubElement(data, "description") description.text = input["completions"][0]["description"] output = etree.tostring(data, pretty_print=True, encoding="utf-8").decode('utf-8') return output
def rpc_create_subscription(self, unused_session, rpc, *unused_params): logger.info("rpc_create-subscription") logger.debug("Session:%s", format(unused_session)) logger.debug("RPC received:%s", format(etree.tostring(rpc))) for param in unused_params: logger.debug("Param:" + etree.tostring(param)) unused_session.subscription_active = True return etree.Element("ok") # ********************************** # Setup SNMP # **********************************
def fixml_buy_now(self, ticker, quantity, limit): """Generates the FIXML for a buy order.""" fixml = Element("FIXML") fixml.set("xmlns", FIXML_NAMESPACE) order = SubElement(fixml, "Order") order.set("TmInForce", "0") # Day order order.set("Typ", "2") # Limit order.set("Side", "1") # Buy order.set("Px", "%.2f" % limit) # Limit price order.set("Acct", TRADEKING_ACCOUNT_NUMBER) instrmt = SubElement(order, "Instrmt") instrmt.set("SecTyp", "CS") # Common stock instrmt.set("Sym", ticker) ord_qty = SubElement(order, "OrdQty") ord_qty.set("Qty", str(quantity)) return tostring(fixml)
def fixml_sell_eod(self, ticker, quantity, limit): """Generates the FIXML for a sell order.""" fixml = Element("FIXML") fixml.set("xmlns", FIXML_NAMESPACE) order = SubElement(fixml, "Order") order.set("TmInForce", "7") # Market on close order.set("Typ", "2") # Limit order.set("Side", "2") # Sell order.set("Px", "%.2f" % limit) # Limit price order.set("Acct", TRADEKING_ACCOUNT_NUMBER) instrmt = SubElement(order, "Instrmt") instrmt.set("SecTyp", "CS") # Common stock instrmt.set("Sym", ticker) ord_qty = SubElement(order, "OrdQty") ord_qty.set("Qty", str(quantity)) return tostring(fixml)
def fixml_short_now(self, ticker, quantity, limit): """Generates the FIXML for a sell short order.""" fixml = Element("FIXML") fixml.set("xmlns", FIXML_NAMESPACE) order = SubElement(fixml, "Order") order.set("TmInForce", "0") # Day order order.set("Typ", "2") # Limit order.set("Side", "5") # Sell short order.set("Px", "%.2f" % limit) # Limit price order.set("Acct", TRADEKING_ACCOUNT_NUMBER) instrmt = SubElement(order, "Instrmt") instrmt.set("SecTyp", "CS") # Common stock instrmt.set("Sym", ticker) ord_qty = SubElement(order, "OrdQty") ord_qty.set("Qty", str(quantity)) return tostring(fixml)
def fixml_cover_eod(self, ticker, quantity, limit): """Generates the FIXML for a sell to cover order.""" fixml = Element("FIXML") fixml.set("xmlns", FIXML_NAMESPACE) order = SubElement(fixml, "Order") order.set("TmInForce", "7") # Market on close order.set("Typ", "2") # Limit order.set("Side", "1") # Buy order.set("Px", "%.2f" % limit) # Limit price order.set("AcctTyp", "5") # Cover order.set("Acct", TRADEKING_ACCOUNT_NUMBER) instrmt = SubElement(order, "Instrmt") instrmt.set("SecTyp", "CS") # Common stock instrmt.set("Sym", ticker) ord_qty = SubElement(order, "OrdQty") ord_qty.set("Qty", str(quantity)) return tostring(fixml)
def genAdvertNode(self, _urn_authority, _my_urn): """ Returns a etree.Element containing advertisement info for this resource :param _my_urn: URN of the resource :type _my_urn: str :param _urn_authority: URN of the authority/AM :type _urn_authority: str :rtype: Element """ # Actual resources should add some information like sliver_type r = etree.Element("node") resource_id = str(self.id) resource_available = str(self.available).lower() resource_urn = self.urn(_urn_authority) r.set("component_manager_id", _my_urn) r.set("component_name", resource_id) r.set("component_id", resource_urn) r.set("exclusive", "false") etree.SubElement(r, "available").set("now", resource_available) for sliver_type_name in self.supported_sliver_types: etree.SubElement(r, "sliver_type").set("name", sliver_type_name) return r
def manifestAuth(self): super(ResourceExample, self).deprovision() if len(self.getUsers())==0: return [] else: ret = [] for login in self.getUsers(): auth=etree.Element("login") auth.set("authentication","ssh-keys") auth.set("hostname", self.host) auth.set("port", str(self.getPort())) auth.set("username", login) ret.append(auth) return ret #A blocking (while ...) method. Return True when the resource is up and ready, or False if you set a timeout
def manifestAuth(self): super(DockerContainer, self).manifestAuth() if len(self.getUsers())==0: return [] else: ret = [] for login in self.getUsers(): auth=etree.Element("login") auth.set("authentication","ssh-keys") auth.set("hostname", self.host) auth.set("port", str(self.getPort())) auth.set("username", login) ret.append(auth) if self.ipv6 is not None: auth=etree.Element("login") auth.set("authentication","ssh-keys") auth.set("hostname", str(self.ipv6)) auth.set("port", "22") auth.set("username", login) ret.append(auth) return ret
def depccg2xml(tree, sid): def traverse(node, spid=0): id = "s{}_sp{}".format(sid, spid) xml_node = etree.SubElement(res, "span") xml_node.set("category", str(node.cat)) xml_node.set("begin", str(node.start_of_span)) xml_node.set("end", str(node.start_of_span+len(node))) xml_node.set("id", id) if node.is_leaf: xml_node.set("terminal", "s{}_{}".format(sid, node.head_id)) else: spid, childid = traverse(node.left_child, spid+1) if not node.is_unary: spid, tmp = traverse(node.right_child, spid+1) childid += " " + tmp xml_node.set("child", childid) xml_node.set("rule", node.op_string) return spid, id res = etree.Element("ccg") res.set("id", "s{}_ccg0".format(sid)) _, id = traverse(tree) res.set("root", str(id)) return res
def __init__(self, name=None, element=None, icon=None): if element is None: element = Element('Group') name = xmlfactory.create_name_element(name) uuid = xmlfactory.create_uuid_element() element.append(uuid) element.append(name) if icon: icon_el = xmlfactory.create_icon_element(icon) element.append(icon_el) assert type(element) in [_Element, Element, ObjectifiedElement], \ 'The provided element is not an LXML Element, but {}'.format( type(element) ) assert element.tag == 'Group', 'The provided element is not a Group '\ 'element, but a {}'.format(element.tag) self._element = element
def create_figcaption(img, figure): figcaption = etree.Element('figcaption') create = False if img.tail: create = True figcaption.text = img.tail img.tail = '' for sibling in img.itersiblings(): create = True figcaption.append(sibling) if not create: return figcaption.set('class', 'figure-caption') figure.append(figcaption)
def create_img_thumbnail(img, content_dir): img_src = img.get('src') if img_src.startswith('http'): logger.warning('Found remotely linked image: %s', img_src) else: filename = get_image_filename(content_dir, img_src) info = get_image_info(filename) if info['is_image']: if info['needs_click_to_enlarge']: wrap_element(img, etree.Element('a', attrib={ 'href': img_src, 'target': '_blank', 'title': img.get('alt'), })) if info['needs_thumbnail']: tn_filename = create_thumbnail(filename) img.set('src', get_image_src(tn_filename)) else: logger.error('Found non-existing image: %s', img_src)
def make_element(tag, namespace_s=None): """ This handler creates an empty element with the given ``tag``. The tag can have a prefix. If ``namespace_s`` is ``None`` the namespace mapping of the :term:`transformation root` is used as context. If given as :term:`mapping`, this is used as context. It can also be provided as string, which is then used as default namespace. """ def handler(transformation, nsmap): if is_Ref(tag): _tag = tag(transformation) else: _tag = tag if namespace_s is None: _namespace_s = nsmap elif is_Ref(namespace_s): _namespace_s = namespace_s(transformation) else: _namespace_s = namespace_s if isinstance(_namespace_s, str): return etree.Element('{' + _namespace_s + '}' + _tag) else: if ':' in _tag: prefix, _tag = _tag.split(':', 1) _tag = '{' + _namespace_s[prefix] + '}' + _tag return etree.Element(_tag, nsmap=_namespace_s) return handler
def test_grouped_steps(): def append_to_list(value): def appender(list): list.append(value) return appender stpgrp_c = (append_to_list(3), append_to_list(4)) stpgrp_b = (append_to_list(2), stpgrp_c, append_to_list(5)) stpgrp_a = (append_to_list(1)) transformation = Transformation( append_to_list(0), stpgrp_a, stpgrp_b, context={'list': []}, result_object='context.list' ) result = transformation(etree.Element('root')) for exp, val in enumerate(result): assert exp == val
def test_wikipedia_example_1(): expected = parse(""" <root> <name username="JS1">John</name> <name username="MI1">Morka</name> </root> """) def extract_person(element): return element.attrib['username'], element.find('name').text def append_person(previous_result, result): lxml_utils.subelement(result, 'name', {'username': previous_result[0]}, text=previous_result[1]) transformation = Transformation( Rule('person', (extract_person, append_person)), result_object='context.result', context={'result': etree.Element('root')}) # that's five (or not counting line-breaks: nine) lines less sloc than the XSLT implementation assert equal_subtree(transformation(wp_document), expected)
def __generate_reference__(self, triple_map, **kwargs): """Internal method takes a triple_map and returns the result of applying to XPath to the current DOM context Args: ----- triple_map: SimpleNamespace element: etree.Element """ element = kwargs.get("element") found_elements = element.xpath( triple_map.reference, namespaces=self.xml_ns) for elem in found_elements: raw_text = elem.text.strip() #! Quick and dirty test for valid URI if not raw_text.startswith("http"): continue return rdflib.URIRef(raw_text)
def xml_set_attribv_occ(xmltree, xpathn, attributename, attribv, occ=[0], create=False): """ Routine sets the value of an attribute in the xml file on only the places specified in occ :param: an etree a xpath from root to the attribute and the attribute value :param: occ, list of integers :return: None, or an etree Comment: Element.set will add the attribute if it does not exist, xpath expression has to exist example: xml_set_first_attribv(tree, '/fleurInput/calculationSetup', 'band', 'T') xml_set_first_attribv(tree, '/fleurInput/calculationSetup', 'dos', 'F') """ root = xmltree.getroot() nodes = eval_xpath3(root, xpathn, create=create) #print 'nodes from xml_set_attribv_occ: {}'.format(nodes) if type(attribv) != type(''): attribv = str(attribv) for i, node in enumerate(nodes): if i in occ: node.set(attributename, attribv) if -1 in occ:# 'all' node.set(attributename, attribv)
def xml_set_first_attribv(xmltree, xpathn, attributename, attribv, create=False): """ Routine sets the value of an attribute in the xml file :param: an etree a xpath from root to the attribute and the attribute value :return: None, or an etree Comment: Element.set will add the attribute if it does not exist, xpath expression has to exist example: xml_set_first_attribv(tree, '/fleurInput/calculationSetup', 'band', 'T') xml_set_first_attribv(tree, '/fleurInput/calculationSetup', 'dos', 'F') """ root = xmltree.getroot() if type(attribv) == type(''): eval_xpath3(root, xpathn, create=create)[0].set(attributename, attribv) else: eval_xpath3(root, xpathn, create=create)[0].set(attributename, str(attribv)) #return xmltree #ToDO check if worked. else exception,
def sortFile(fileobj): with open(fileobj['filename'], 'r') as original: # parse the XML file and get a pointer to the top xmldoc = le.parse(original) xmlroot = xmldoc.getroot() # create a new XML element that will be the top of # the sorted copy of the XML file newxmlroot = le.Element(xmlroot.tag) # create the sorted copy of the XML file sortAttrs(xmlroot, newxmlroot) sortElements(list(xmlroot), newxmlroot) # write the sorted XML file to the temp file newtree = le.ElementTree(newxmlroot) with open(fileobj['tmpfilename'], 'wb') as newfile: newtree.write(newfile, pretty_print=True) # # sort each of the specified files
def trans_root(description,copyright,Annotation): """Some basic information about the document """ username = str(getpass.getuser()) py_version = "0.1" PMML_version = "4.3" xmlns = "http://www.dmg.org/PMML-4_2" PMML = root = Element('pmml',xmlns=xmlns, version=PMML_version) # pmml level if copyright is None: copyright = "Copyright (c) 2015 {0}".format(username) if description is None: description = "Gaussian Process Model" Header = SubElement(PMML,"header",copyright=copyright,description=description) if Annotation is not None: ET.Element(Header,"Annotation").text=Annotation return PMML
def write_linestring(pyptlist): """ This function writes a GML linestring member. Parameters ---------- pyptlist : a list of tuples List of points to be converted. A pypt is a tuple that documents the xyz coordinates of a pt e.g. (x,y,z), thus a pyptlist is a list of tuples e.g. [(x1,y1,z1), (x2,y2,z2), ...] Returns ------- linestring member : lxml Element The lxml linestring member. """ gml_LineString = Element("{" + XMLNamespaces.gml+ "}" + 'LineString') gml_posList = SubElement(gml_LineString, "{" + XMLNamespaces.gml+ "}" + 'posList') gml_posList.attrib['srsDimension'] = '3' gml_posList.text = pos_list2text(pyptlist) return gml_LineString
def write_pt(pypt): """ This function writes a GML point member. Parameters ---------- pypt : tuple of floats A pypt is a tuple that documents the xyz coordinates of a pt e.g. (x,y,z). Returns ------- point member : lxml Element The lxml point member. """ gml_Point = Element("{" + XMLNamespaces.gml+ "}" + 'Point') gml_pos = SubElement(gml_Point,"{" + XMLNamespaces.gml+ "}" + 'pos') gml_pos.attrib['srsDimension'] = "3" gml_pos.text = str(pypt[0]) + " " + str(pypt[1]) + " " + str(pypt[2]) return gml_pos
def get_landuses(self): """ This function gets the landuse cityobject. Returns ------- landuses : list of lxml Elements List of landuses lxml Element. """ landuses = [] cityobjectmembers = self.cityobjectmembers for cityobject in cityobjectmembers: landuse = cityobject.find("luse:LandUse", namespaces=self.namespaces) if landuse is not None: landuses.append(landuse) return landuses
def get_roads(self): """ This function gets the roads cityobject. Returns ------- roads : list of lxml Elements List of roads lxml Element. """ roads = [] cityobjectmembers = self.cityobjectmembers for cityobject in cityobjectmembers: road = cityobject.find("trans:Road", namespaces=self.namespaces) if road is not None: roads.append(road) return roads
def get_building_height(self, lxmlbuilding): """ This function gets the height of the building. Parameters ---------- lxmlbuilding : lxml Element A lxml building object. Returns ------- building height : float The building height, if attribute is not available return None. """ height = lxmlbuilding.find("bldg:measuredHeight", namespaces=self.namespaces) if height != None: return float(height.text) else: return None
def get_building_storey(self, lxmlbuilding): """ This function gets the number of building storey above ground of the building. Parameters ---------- lxmlbuilding : lxml Element A lxml building object. Returns ------- building storey above ground : int The building storey above ground, if attribute is not available return None. """ storey = lxmlbuilding.find("bldg:storeysAboveGround", namespaces=self.namespaces) if storey != None: return int(storey.text) else: return None
def get_building_function(self,lxmlbuilding): """ This function gets the function of the building. Parameters ---------- lxmlbuilding : lxml Element A lxml building object. Returns ------- building function code : str The building function in gml code, if attribute is not available return None. """ function = lxmlbuilding.find("bldg:function", namespaces=self.namespaces) if function != None: return function.text else: return None
def get_building_class(self,lxmlbuilding): """ This function gets the class of the building. Parameters ---------- lxmlbuilding : lxml Element A lxml building object. Returns ------- building class code : str The building class in gml code, if attribute is not available return None. """ bclass = lxmlbuilding.find("bldg:class", namespaces=self.namespaces) if bclass != None: return bclass.text else: return None
def get_building_yr_constr(self, lxmlbuilding): """ This function gets year of construction of the building. Parameters ---------- lxmlbuilding : lxml Element A lxml building object. Returns ------- building year of construction : str The building year of construction, if attribute is not available return None. """ constr = lxmlbuilding.find("bldg:yearOfConstruction", namespaces=self.namespaces) if constr != None: return constr.text else: return None
def get_building_rooftype(self, lxmlbuilding): """ This function gets year of construction of the building. Parameters ---------- lxmlbuilding : lxml Element A lxml building object. Returns ------- building rooftype : str The building rooftype in gml code, if attribute is not available return None. """ rooftype = lxmlbuilding.find("bldg:roofType", namespaces=self.namespaces) if rooftype != None: return rooftype.text else: return None
def convert(parent, entry): if isinstance(parent, str): parent = etree.Element(parent) if isinstance(entry, dict): return _convert_dict(parent, entry) elif isinstance(entry, list): return _convert_list(parent, entry) elif etree.iselement(entry): parent.append(entry) else: parent.text = str(entry)