def plot_sent_trajectories(sents, decode_plot): font = {'family' : 'normal', 'size' : 14} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) i = 0 l = ["Portuguese","Catalan"] axes = plt.gca() #axes.set_xlim([xmin,xmax]) axes.set_ylim([-1,1]) for sent, enc in zip(sents, decode_plot): if i==2: continue i += 1 #times = np.arange(len(enc)) times = np.linspace(0,1,len(enc)) plt.plot(times, enc, label=l[i-1]) plt.title("Hidden Node Trajectories") plt.xlabel('timestep') plt.ylabel('trajectories') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig("final_tests/cr_por_cat_hidden_cell_trajectories", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
def plot_ROC(test_labels, test_predictions): fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve( test_labels, test_predictions, pos_label=1) auc = "%.2f" % metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) title = 'ROC Curve, AUC = '+str(auc) with plt.style.context(('ggplot')): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(fpr, tpr, "#000099", label='ROC curve') ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--', label='Baseline') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.title(title) return fig
def plot_interpolation(orderx,ordery): s = PseudoSpectralDiscretization2D(orderx,XMIN,XMAX, ordery,YMIN,YMAX) Xc,Yc = s.get_x2d() x = np.linspace(XMIN,XMAX,100) y = np.linspace(YMIN,YMAX,100) Xf,Yf = np.meshgrid(x,y,indexing='ij') f_coarse = f(Xc,Yc) f_interpolator = s.to_continuum(f_coarse) f_num = f_interpolator(Xf,Yf) plt.pcolor(Xf,Yf,f_num) cb = plt.colorbar() cb.set_label('interpolated function',fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') for postfix in ['.png','.pdf']: name = 'orthopoly_interpolated_function'+postfix if USE_FIGS_DIR: name = 'figs/' + name plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf()
def plot_bar_chart(label_to_value, title, x_label, y_label): """ Plots a bar chart from a dict. Args: label_to_value: A dict mapping ints or strings to numerical values (int or float). title: A string representing the title of the graph. x_label: A string representing the label for the x-axis. y_label: A string representing the label for the y-axis. """ n = len(label_to_value) labels = sorted(label_to_value.keys()) values = [label_to_value[label] for label in labels] plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.bar(range(n), values, align='center') plt.xticks(range(n), labels, rotation='vertical', fontsize='7') plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) # make room for x-axis labels plt.show()
def plot_line_graph_multiple_lines(x, label_to_values, title, x_label, y_label): if not all(len(x) == len(values) for values in label_to_values.values()): raise ValueError('values of label_to_values must have length len(x)') colors = ['b','g','r','c','m','y','k'] line_styles = ['-','--',':'] for (i, label) in enumerate(sorted(label_to_values.keys())): color = colors[i%len(colors)] line_style = line_styles[(i//len(colors))%len(line_styles)] plt.plot(x, label_to_values[label], label=label, color=color, linestyle=line_style) plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1,0.5), prop={'size':9}) plt.tight_layout(pad=9) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.show() # x_min, x_max for example proportion_initiated_by_user
def plot_histogram(x, n_bins, title, x_label, y_label): """ Plots a histogram from a list of data. Args: x: A list of floats representing the data. n_bins: An int representing the number of bins to plot. title: A string representing the title of the graph. x_label: A string representing the label for the x-axis. y_label: A string representing the label for the y-axis. """ plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.hist(x, bins=n_bins) plt.show() # probability
def plot_traing_info(x, ylist, path): """ Loads log file and plot x and y values as provided by input. Saves as <path>/train_log.png """ file_name = os.path.join(path, __train_log_file_name) try: with open(file_name, "rb") as f: log = pickle.load(f) except IOError: # first time warnings.warn("There is no {} file here!!!".format(file_name)) return plt.figure() x_vals = log[x] for y in ylist: y_vals = log[y] if len(y_vals) != len(x_vals): warning.warn("One of y's: {} does not have the same length as x:{}".format(y, x)) plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals, label=y) # assert len(y_vals) == len(x_vals), "not the same len" plt.xlabel(x) plt.legend() #plt.show() plt.savefig(file_name[:-3]+'png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all')
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, target_names, title='Confusion matrix', cmap=plt.cm.Greys, block=True): # Colormaps: jet, Greys cm_normalized = cm.astype(np.float32) / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] plt.imshow(cm_normalized, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) # Show confidences for i, cas in enumerate(cm): for j, c in enumerate(cas): if c > 0: plt.text(j-0.1, i+0.2, c, fontsize=16, fontweight='bold', color='#b70000') f = plt.figure(1) f.clf() plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() tick_marks = np.arange(len(target_names)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, target_names, rotation=45) plt.yticks(tick_marks, target_names) plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label') plt.show(block=block)
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, clf_target_names, title='Confusion matrix', cmap=plt.cm.jet): target_names = map(lambda key: key.replace('_','-'), clf_target_names) for idx in range(len(cm)): cm[idx,:] = (cm[idx,:] * 100.0 / np.sum(cm[idx,:])).astype(np.int) plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) # plt.matshow(cm) plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() tick_marks = np.arange(len(clf_target_names)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, target_names, rotation=45) plt.yticks(tick_marks, target_names) # plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, target_names, title='Confusion matrix', cmap=plt.cm.Greys): # Colormaps: jet, Greys cm_normalized = cm.astype(np.float32) / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] plt.imshow(cm_normalized, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) # Show confidences for i, cas in enumerate(cm): for j, c in enumerate(cas): if c > 0: plt.text(j-0.1, i+0.2, c, fontsize=16, fontweight='bold', color='#b70000') plt.title(title) plt.colorbar() tick_marks = np.arange(len(target_names)) plt.xticks(tick_marks, target_names, rotation=45) plt.yticks(tick_marks, target_names) plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label') plt.show(block=True)
def plot_build_time_composition_graph(parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes, diffToBuildTime): # times in s fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.stackplot(np.arange(1, len(parseTimes)+1), # x axis # [parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes, diffToBuildTime], [[i/60 for i in parseTimes], [i/60 for i in hashTimes], [i/60 for i in compileTimes], [i/60 for i in diffToBuildTime]], colors=[parseColor,hashColor,compileColor,remainColor], edgecolor='none') plt.xlim(1,len(parseTimes)) plt.xlabel('commits') plt.ylabel('time [min]') lgd = ax.legend([mpatches.Patch(color=remainColor), mpatches.Patch(color=compileColor), mpatches.Patch(color=hashColor), mpatches.Patch(color=parseColor)], ['remaining build time','compile time', 'hash time', 'parse time'], loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) fig.savefig(abs_path(BUILD_TIME_COMPOSITION_FILENAME), bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') print_avg(parseTimes, 'parse') print_avg(hashTimes, 'hash') print_avg(compileTimes, 'compile') print_avg(diffToBuildTime, 'remainder')
def plotTimeMultiHistogram(parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes, filename): # times in ms bins = np.linspace(0, 5000, 50) data = np.vstack([parseTimes, hashTimes, compileTimes]).T fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.hist(data, bins, alpha=0.7, label=['parsing', 'hashing', 'compiling'], color=[parseColor, hashColor, compileColor]) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('time [ms]') plt.ylabel('#files') fig.savefig(filename) fig, ax = plt.subplots() boxplot_data = [[i/1000 for i in parseTimes], [i/1000 for i in hashTimes], [i/1000 for i in compileTimes]] # times to s plt.boxplot(boxplot_data, 0, 'rs', 0, [5, 95]) plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.yticks([1, 2, 3], ['parsing', 'hashing', 'compiling']) #lgd = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) # legend on the right fig.savefig(filename[:-4] + '_boxplots' + GRAPH_EXTENSION)
def plot_build_time_composition_graph(parse_times, hash_times, compile_times, diff_to_build_time): # times in ns fig, ax = plt.subplots() #[i/1e6 for i in parse_times], ax.stackplot(np.arange(1, len(parse_times)+1), # x axis [[i/1e6 for i in parse_times], [i/1e6 for i in hash_times],[i/1e6 for i in compile_times], # ns to ms #diff_to_build_time ], colors=[parse_color,hash_color,compile_color, # remain_color ], edgecolor='none') plt.xlim(1,len(parse_times)) plt.xlabel('commits') plt.ylabel('time [ms]') ax.set_yscale('log') lgd = ax.legend([#mpatches.Patch(color=remain_color), mpatches.Patch(color=compile_color), mpatches.Patch(color=hash_color), mpatches.Patch(color=parse_color)], [#'remaining build time', 'compile time', 'hash time', 'parse time'], loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) fig.savefig(abs_path(BUILD_TIME_FILENAME), bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') ################################################################################
def load_data(): """Draw the Mott lobes.""" res = np.load(r'data_%d.npy' % GRID_SIZE) x = res[:, 0] y = res[:, 1] z = [] for i, entry in enumerate(res): z.append(kinetic_energy(entry[2:], -1.)) plt.pcolor( np.reshape(x, (GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE)), np.reshape(y, (GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE)), np.reshape(z, (GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE)) ) plt.xlabel('$dt/U$') plt.ylabel('$\mu/U$') plt.show()
def plot_ecdf(x, y, xlabel='attribute', legend='x'): """ Plot distribution ECDF x should be sorted, y typically from 1/len(x) to 1 TODO: function should be improved to plot multiple overlayed ecdfs """ plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none') # Make nice margins plt.margins(0.02) # Annotate the plot plt.legend((legend,), loc='lower right') _ = plt.xlabel(xlabel) _ = plt.ylabel('ECDF') # Display the plot plt.show()
def scatter2d(x,y,title='2dscatterplot',xlabel=None,ylabel=None): fig=plt.figure() plt.scatter(x,y) plt.title(title) if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if not 0<=np.min(x)<=np.max(x)<=1: raise ValueError('summary_scatter2d title:',title,' input x exceeded [0,1] range.\ min:',np.min(x),' max:',np.max(x)) if not 0<=np.min(y)<=np.max(y)<=1: raise ValueError('summary_scatter2d title:',title,' input y exceeded [0,1] range.\ min:',np.min(y),' max:',np.max(y)) plt.xlim([0,1]) plt.ylim([0,1]) return fig
def plot_beta(): '''plot beta over training ''' beta = args.beta scale = args.scale beta_min = args.beta_min num_epoch = args.num_epoch epoch_size = int(float(args.num_examples) / args.batch_size) x = np.arange(num_epoch*epoch_size) y = beta * np.power(scale, x) y = np.maximum(y, beta_min) epoch_x = np.arange(num_epoch) * epoch_size epoch_y = beta * np.power(scale, epoch_x) epoch_y = np.maximum(epoch_y, beta_min) # plot beta descent curve plt.semilogy(x, y) plt.semilogy(epoch_x, epoch_y, 'ro') plt.title('beta descent') plt.ylabel('beta') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.show()
def plotBestFit(weights): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dataMat, labelMat = loadDataSet() dataArr = array(dataMat) n = shape(dataArr)[0] xcord1 = []; ycord1 = [] xcord2 = []; ycord2 = [] for i in range(n): if int(labelMat[i]) == 1: xcord1.append(dataArr[i, 1]);ycord1.append(dataArr[i, 2]) else: xcord2.append(dataArr[i, 1]);ycord2.append(dataArr[i, 2]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(xcord1, ycord1, s=30, c='red', marker='s') ax.scatter(xcord2, ycord2, s=30, c='green') x = arange(-3.0, 3.0, 0.1) y = (-weights[0]-weights[1]*x)/weights[2] # ?????? ax.plot(x, y) plt.xlabel('X1');plt.ylabel('X2') plt.show() # ??500???
def plot_gold(g1, g2, lc, p = 0): """ plot sen/spe of g1 against g2 only consider workers in lc """ mv = crowd_model.mv_model(lc) s1 = []; s2 = [] for w in g1.keys(): if w in g2 and g1[w][p] != None and g2[w][p] != None and w in mv.dic_ss: s1.append(g1[w][p]) s2.append(g2[w][p]) plt.xticks((0, 0.5, 1), ("0", "0.5", "1")) plt.tick_params(labelsize = 25) plt.yticks((0, 0.5, 1), ("0", "0.5", "1")) plt.xlim(0,1) plt.ylim(0,1) plt.scatter(s1, s2, marker = '.', s=50, c = 'black') plt.xlabel('task 1 sen.', fontsize = 25) plt.ylabel('task 2 sen.', fontsize = 25)
def plot_multi_err(): """ """ f = open('gzoo1000000_1_2_0.2_pickle.pkl') res = pickle.load(f) sing = res[(0.5, 'single')] multi = res[(0.5, 'multi')] (g1, g2, g3, g4) = load_gold() a = []; b = [] for w in multi: a.append(abs(g2[w][0]- sing[w][0])); b.append(abs(g2[w][0] - multi[w][0])) plt.xlim(0,1); plt.ylim(0,1) plt.scatter(a, b, marker = '.') plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], ls="-", c=".5") plt.xlabel('single') plt.ylabel('multi')
def plot_gold(gold): #plt.xlim([0.2,1]) #plt.ylim([0.7,1]) x = [] y = [] for (wid,(sen, spe, n)) in gold.items(): if wid.startswith('S'): x.append(sen) y.append(spe) plt.scatter(x,y, c = 'r', marker = 'o', label = 'Novice') x = []; y = [] for (wid,(sen, spe, n)) in gold.items(): if wid.startswith('E'): x.append(sen) y.append(spe) plt.scatter(x,y, c = 'b', marker = 'x', label = 'Expert') plt.legend(loc = 'lower left') plt.xlabel("Sensitivity") plt.ylabel("Specificity")
def plotValResults(self, save_path=None, label=None): if label is not None: accs = self.training_val_results['acc'][label] aucs = self.training_val_results['auc'][label] else: accs = self.training_val_results['acc'] aucs = self.training_val_results['auc'] plt.figure() plt.plot([i * ACCURACY_LOGGED_EVERY_N_STEPS for i in range(len(accs))], accs) plt.plot([i * ACCURACY_LOGGED_EVERY_N_STEPS for i in range(len(aucs))], aucs) plt.xlabel('Training step') plt.ylabel('Validation accuracy') plt.legend(['Accuracy','AUC']) if save_path is None: plt.show() else: plt.savefig(save_path) plt.close()
def plotValResults(self, save_path=None, label=None): if label: accs = self.training_val_results_per_task['acc'][label] aucs = self.training_val_results_per_task['auc'][label] else: accs = self.training_val_results['acc'] aucs = self.training_val_results['auc'] plt.figure() plt.plot([i * self.accuracy_logged_every_n for i in range(len(accs))], accs) plt.plot([i * self.accuracy_logged_every_n for i in range(len(aucs))], aucs) plt.xlabel('Training step') plt.ylabel('Validation accuracy') plt.legend(['Accuracy','AUC']) if save_path is None: plt.show() else: plt.savefig(save_path)
def flush(): prints = [] for name, vals in _since_last_flush.items(): prints.append("{}\t{}".format(name, np.mean(list(vals.values())))) _since_beginning[name].update(vals) x_vals = np.sort(list(_since_beginning[name].keys())) y_vals = [_since_beginning[name][x] for x in x_vals] plt.clf() plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals) plt.xlabel('iteration') plt.ylabel(name) plt.savefig('generated/'+name.replace(' ', '_')+'.jpg') print("iter {}\t{}".format(_iter[0], "\t".join(prints))) _since_last_flush.clear() with open('log.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dict(_since_beginning), f, 4)
def _plot_cmc(cmcs, colors, labels, title, fontsize=10, position=None): if position is None: position = 'lower right' # open new page for current plot figure = pyplot.figure() max_R = 0 # plot the CMC curves for i in range(len(cmcs)): probs = bob.measure.cmc(cmcs[i]) R = len(probs) pyplot.semilogx(range(1, R+1), probs, figure=figure, color=colors[i], label=labels[i]) max_R = max(R, max_R) # change axes accordingly ticks = [int(t) for t in pyplot.xticks()[0]] pyplot.xlabel('Rank') pyplot.ylabel('Probability') pyplot.xticks(ticks, [str(t) for t in ticks]) pyplot.axis([0, max_R, -0.01, 1.01]) pyplot.legend(loc=position, prop = {'size':fontsize}) pyplot.title(title) return figure
def _plot_epc(scores_dev, scores_eval, colors, labels, title, fontsize=10, position=None): if position is None: position = 'upper center' # open new page for current plot figure = pyplot.figure() # plot the DET curves for i in range(len(scores_dev)): x,y = bob.measure.epc(scores_dev[i][0], scores_dev[i][1], scores_eval[i][0], scores_eval[i][1], 100) pyplot.plot(x, y, color=colors[i], label=labels[i]) # change axes accordingly pyplot.xlabel('alpha') pyplot.ylabel('HTER') pyplot.title(title) pyplot.axis([-0.01, 1.01, -0.01, 0.51]) pyplot.grid(True) pyplot.legend(loc=position, prop = {'size':fontsize}) pyplot.title(title) return figure
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, col, title, cmap=plt.cm.viridis): plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) for i in range(cm.shape[0]): plt.annotate("%.2f" %cm[i][i],xy=(i,i), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') plt.title(title,fontsize=18) plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) tick_marks = np.arange(len(col.unique())) plt.xticks(tick_marks, sorted(col.unique()),rotation=90) plt.yticks(tick_marks, sorted(col.unique())) plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label',fontsize=18) plt.xlabel('Predicted label',fontsize=18) #using flavor network to project recipes from ingredient matrix to flavor matrix
def plot_training_parameters(self): fr = open("training_param.csv", "r") fr.readline() lines = fr.readlines() fr.close() n = 100 nu = np.empty(n, dtype=np.float64) gamma = np.empty(n, dtype=np.float64) diff = np.empty([n, n], dtype=np.float64) for row in range(len(lines)): m = lines[row].strip().split(",") i = row / n j = row % n nu[i] = Decimal(m[0]) gamma[j] = Decimal(m[1]) diff[i][j] = Decimal(m[2]) plt.pcolor(gamma, nu, diff, cmap="coolwarm") plt.title("The Difference of Guassian Classifier with Different nu, gamma") plt.xlabel("gamma") plt.ylabel("nu") plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.colorbar() plt.show()
def Energy_Flow(Time_Series): Energy_Flow = {'Energy_Demand':0, 'Lost Load':0, 'Energy PV':0,'Curtailment':0, 'Energy Diesel':0, 'Discharge energy from the Battery':0, 'Charge energy to the Battery':0} for v in Energy_Flow.keys(): if v == 'Energy PV': Energy_Flow[v] = round((Time_Series[v].sum() - Time_Series['Curtailment'].sum()- Time_Series['Charge energy to the Battery'].sum())/1000000, 2) else: Energy_Flow[v] = round((Time_Series[v].sum())/1000000, 2) c = ['From Generator', 'To Battery', 'Demand', 'From PV', 'From Battery', 'Curtailment', 'Lost Load'] plt.figure() plt.bar((1,2,3,4,5,6,7), Energy_Flow.values(), color= 'b', alpha=0.3, align='center') plt.xticks((1.2,2.2,3.2,4.2,5.2,6.2,7.2), c) plt.xlabel('Technology') plt.ylabel('Energy Flow (MWh)') plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='on') plt.xticks(rotation=-30) plt.savefig('Results/Energy_Flow.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.show() return Energy_Flow
def show(self): keys = [] values = [] for (k, v) in self.letter_db.iteritems(): total = v['total'] right = v['right'] keys.append(k) values.append(100 * float(right / float(total))) groups = len(self.letter_db) index = np.arange(groups) width = 0.5 opacity = 0.4 plt.bar(index, values, linewidth = width, alpha = opacity, color = 'b', label = 'right rate') plt.xlabel('letter') plt.ylabel('predict rgith rate (%)') plt.title('Writer identify: letter right rate') plt.xticks(index + width, keys) plt.ylim(0, 100) plt.legend() plt.show()
def plot_info_retrieval(precisions, save_file): # markers = ["|", "D", "8", "v", "^", ">", "h", "H", "s", "*", "p", "d", "<"] markers = ["D", "p", 's', "*", "d", "8", "^", "H", "v", ">", "<", "h", "|"] ticks = zip(*zip(*precisions)[1][0])[0] plt.xticks(range(len(ticks)), ticks) new_x = interpolate.interp1d(ticks, range(len(ticks)))(ticks) i = 0 for model_name, val in precisions: fr, pr = zip(*val) plt.plot(new_x, pr, linestyle='-', alpha=0.7, marker=markers[i], markersize=8, label=model_name) i += 1 # plt.legend(model_name) plt.xlabel('Fraction of Retrieved Documents') plt.ylabel('Precision') legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True) plt.savefig(save_file) plt.show()
def plot_info_retrieval_by_length(precisions, save_file): markers = ["o", "v", "8", "s", "p", "*", "h", "H", "^", "x", "D"] ticks = zip(*zip(*precisions)[1][0])[0] plt.xticks(range(len(ticks)), ticks) new_x = interpolate.interp1d(ticks, range(len(ticks)))(ticks) i = 0 for model_name, val in precisions: fr, pr = zip(*val) plt.plot(new_x, pr, linestyle='-', alpha=0.6, marker=markers[i], markersize=6, label=model_name) i += 1 # plt.legend(model_name) plt.xlabel('Document Sorted by Length') plt.ylabel('Precision (%)') legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=True) plt.savefig(save_file) plt.show()
def plot_cdf_model_and_meansh(self, cdfs, tag, cdf0_1s, aucs, bx, dx): plt.close("all") x = np.arange(0, bx, dx) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) ax.plot(x, cdfs[0], label="CDF model") ax.plot(x, cdfs[1], label="CDF mean shape") ax.grid(True) plt.xlabel("NRMSE") plt.ylabel("Data proportion") plt.legend(loc=4, prop={'size': 8}, fancybox=True, shadow=True) plt.title( "CDF curve: " + tag + ". Model: CDF0.1: " + str(prec2 % cdf0_1s[0]) + " . AUC:" + str(prec2 % aucs[0]) + ".\n" + ". MSh: CDF0.1: " + str(prec2 % cdf0_1s[1]) + " . AUC:" + str(prec2 % aucs[1]) + ".\n") return fig
def plot_errors(self, valid, train, path, epoc=-1): '''Plot then save the figure of the error over the valid and train sets calculated during the gradient descent. ***** CLASSIFICATION The figure won't be displayed. valid: list of errors over the validation set train: list of errors over the train set path: path where to save the figure. ''' fig = plt.figure() train_gp, = plt.plot(train, '-r') valid_gp, = plt.plot(valid, '-*g') if epoc >= 0: epoc = epoc - 1 # ploting starts from 0 stop, = plt.plot([epoc, epoc], [0, max(valid + train) + 5], '--b', lw=2) plt.legend([train_gp, valid_gp, stop], ['train error', 'valid error', 'stop learning, epoch='+str(epoc + 1)], fancybox=True, shadow=True) else: plt.legend([train_gp, valid_gp], ['train error', 'valid error'], fancybox=True, shadow=True) plt.title('Train/valid error during the gradient descent') plt.xlabel(u"n° epoch") plt.ylabel('Error (100 - accuracy) %') fig.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') # to display the figure #plt.show()
def plot_histogram(counter, label, plot=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() nums = list(counter.keys()) counts = list(counter.values()) indices = range(len(counts)) bars = plt.bar(indices, counts, align="center") plt.xticks(indices, nums) top = 1.06 * max(counts) plt.ylim(min(counts), top) plt.xlabel("number of %s" % label) plt.ylabel("count") for bar in bars: count = bar.get_height() plt.text(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2., count, "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * count / sum(counts)), ha="center", va="bottom") if plot: plt.savefig(plot + "histogram_" + label + ".png") else: plt.show()
def algo_specific_fit(self, printTopN): # print Feature Importance Scores table self.feature_imp = pd.Series( self.alg.feature_importances_, index=self.predictors ).sort_values(ascending=False) self.plot_feature_importance(printTopN) self.model_output['Feature_Importance'] = \ self.feature_imp.to_string() #Plot OOB estimates if subsample <1: if self.model_output['subsample']<1: plt.xlabel("GBM Iteration") plt.ylabel("Score") plt.plot( range(1, self.model_output['n_estimators']+1), self.alg.oob_improvement_ ) plt.legend(['oob_improvement_','train_score_'], loc='upper left') plt.show(block=False)
def plot_spatial_cluster_fig(data, covar_type_tied_labels_k): """ Creates a 3x2 plot spatial plot using labels as the color """ sns.set(context='talk', style='white') data.columns = [c.lower() for c in data.columns] fig = plt.figure() placement = {'full': {True: 1, False: 4}, 'diag': {True: 2, False: 5}, 'spher': {True: 3, False: 6}} lim_left = data['longitude'].min() lim_right = data['longitude'].max() lim_bottom = data['latitude'].min() lim_top = data['latitude'].max() for covar_type, covar_tied, labels, k in covar_type_tied_labels_k: plt.subplot(2, 3, placement[covar_type][covar_tied]) plt.scatter(data['longitude'], data['latitude'], c=labels, cmap=plt.cm.rainbow, s=10) plt.xlim(left=lim_left, right=lim_right) plt.ylim(bottom=lim_bottom, top=lim_top) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.xlabel('Longitude') plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.title('{}-{}, K={}'.format(covar_type.capitalize(), ['Untied', 'Tied'][covar_tied], k)) plt.tight_layout() return fig
def paramagg(data): ''' USE: paramagg(df) Provides an overview in one plot for a parameter scan. Useful to understand rough distribution of accuracacy and loss for both test and train. data = a pandas dataframe from hyperscan() ''' plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 8), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') plt.scatter(data.train_loss, data.train_acc, label='train') plt.scatter(data.test_loss, data.test_acc, label='test') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', pad=15) plt.xlabel('loss', fontsize=18, labelpad=15, color="gray") plt.ylabel('accuracy', fontsize=18, labelpad=15, color="gray") plt.show()
def make_plot(counts): """ Plot the counts for the positive and negative words for each timestep. Use plt.show() so that the plot will popup. """ positive = [] negative = [] for count in counts: for word in count: if word[0] == "positive": positive.append(word[1]) else: negative.append(word[1]) plt.axis([-1, len(positive), 0, max(max(positive),max(negative))+100]) pos, = plt.plot(positive, 'b-', marker = 'o', markersize = 10) neg, = plt.plot(negative, 'g-', marker = 'o', markersize = 10) plt.legend((pos,neg),('Positive','Negative'),loc=2) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(positive), 1)) plt.xlabel("Time Step") plt.ylabel("Word Count") plt.show()
def _plot_old_pred_data(old_pred_data, show_pred_plot, save_pred_plot, show_clarke_plot, save_clarke_plot, id_str, algorithm_str, minutes_str): actual_bg_array = old_pred_data.result_actual_bg_array actual_bg_time_array = old_pred_data.result_actual_bg_time_array pred_array = old_pred_data.result_pred_array pred_time_array = old_pred_data.result_pred_time_array #Root mean squared error rms = math.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(actual_bg_array, pred_array)) print " Root Mean Squared Error: " + str(rms) print " Mean Absolute Error: " + str(metrics.mean_absolute_error(actual_bg_array, pred_array)) print " R^2 Coefficient of Determination: " + str(metrics.r2_score(actual_bg_array, pred_array)) plot, zone = ClarkeErrorGrid.clarke_error_grid(actual_bg_array, pred_array, id_str + " " + algorithm_str + " " + minutes_str) print " Percent A:{}".format(float(zone[0]) / (zone[0] + zone[1] + zone[2] + zone[3] + zone[4])) print " Percent C, D, E:{}".format(float(zone[2] + zone[3] + zone[4])/ (zone[0] + zone[1] + zone[2] + zone[3] + zone[4])) print " Zones are A:{}, B:{}, C:{}, D:{}, E:{}\n".format(zone[0],zone[1],zone[2],zone[3],zone[4]) if save_clarke_plot: plt.savefig(id_str + algorithm_str.replace(" ", "") + minutes_str + "clarke.png") if show_clarke_plot: plot.show() plt.clf() plt.plot(actual_bg_time_array, actual_bg_array, label="Actual BG", color='black', linestyle='-') plt.plot(pred_time_array, pred_array, label="BG Prediction", color='black', linestyle=':') plt.title(id_str + " " + algorithm_str + " " + minutes_str + " BG Analysis") plt.ylabel("Blood Glucose Level (mg/dl)") plt.xlabel("Time (minutes)") plt.legend(loc='upper left') # SHOW/SAVE PLOT DEPENDING ON THE BOOLEAN PARAMETER if save_pred_plot: plt.savefig(id_str + algorithm_str.replace(" ","") + minutes_str + "plot.png") if show_pred_plot: plt.show() #Function to analyze the old OpenAPS data
def plot_convergence(history, prefix='', prefix2=''): plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() plt.plot(history["TC"], '-', lw=2.5, color=tableau20[0]) x = len(history["TC"]) y = np.max(history["TC"]) plt.text(0.5 * x, 0.8 * y, "TC", fontsize=18, fontweight='bold', color=tableau20[0]) if history.has_key("additivity"): plt.plot(history["additivity"], '-', lw=2.5, color=tableau20[1]) plt.text(0.5 * x, 0.3 * y, "additivity", fontsize=18, fontweight='bold', color=tableau20[1]) plt.ylabel('TC', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold') plt.xlabel('# Iterations', fontsize=12, fontweight='bold') plt.suptitle('Convergence', fontsize=12) filename = '{}/summary/convergence{}.pdf'.format(prefix, prefix2) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close('all') return True
def get_stock(symbol): last_year_date = datetime.strftime(datetime.now() - relativedelta(years=1), "%Y-%m-%d") date = get_last_trading_date() url = requests.get('https://www.quandl.com/api/v3/datasets/WIKI/{}.json?start_date={}&end_date={}'.format(symbol, last_year_date, date)) json_dataset = url.json() json_data = json_dataset['dataset']['data'] dates = [] closing = [] for day in json_data: dates.append(datetime.strptime(day[0], "%Y-%m-%d")) closing.append(day[4]) plt.plot_date(dates, closing, '-') plt.title(symbol) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylable('Stock Price') plt.savefig('foo.png')
def plot_learning_curve(_, history, folder, debug=True): arr = np.asarray( map(lambda k: [k['epoch'], k['train_loss'], k['valid_loss']], history)) plt.figure() plt.plot(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], 'r', marker='o', label='Training loss', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 2], 'b', marker='o', label='Validation loss', linewidth=2.0) plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.ylim([0.0, np.max(arr[:, 1:]) * 1.3]) plt.title('Learning curve') plt.legend() if not debug: plt.savefig('%s/learning_curve.png' % folder, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def display_pr_curve(precision, recall): # following examples from sklearn # TODO: f1 operating point import pylab as plt # Plot Precision-Recall curve plt.clf() plt.plot(recall, precision, label='Precision-Recall curve') plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.title('Precision-Recall example: Max f1={0:0.2f}'.format(max_f1)) plt.legend(loc="lower left") plt.show()
def traffic_districution(self): data_dir = g_singletonDataFilePath.getTrainDir() df = self.load_trafficdf(data_dir) print df['traffic'].describe() # sns.distplot(self.gapdf['gap'],kde=False, bins=100); df['traffic'].plot(kind='hist', bins=100) plt.xlabel('Traffic') plt.title('Histogram of Traffic') return # def disp_gap_bydistrict(self, disp_ids = np.arange(34,67,1), cls1 = 'start_district_id', cls2 = 'time_id'): # # disp_ids = np.arange(1,34,1) # plt.figure() # by_district = self.gapdf.groupby(cls1) # size = len(disp_ids) # # size = len(by_district) # col_len = row_len = math.ceil(math.sqrt(size)) # count = 1 # for name, group in by_district: # if not name in disp_ids: # continue # plt.subplot(row_len, col_len, count) # group.groupby(cls2)['gap'].mean().plot() # count += 1 # return
def disp_gap_byweather(self): df = self.gapdf data_dir = g_singletonDataFilePath.getTrainDir() dumpfile_path = '../data_preprocessed/' + data_dir.split('/')[-2] + '_prevweather.df.pickle' dumpload = DumpLoad(dumpfile_path) if dumpload.isExisiting(): temp_df = dumpload.load() else: weather_dict = self.get_weather_dict(data_dir) temp_df = self.X_y_Df['time_slotid'].apply(self.find_prev_weather_mode, weather_dict=weather_dict) dumpload.dump(temp_df) df = pd.concat([df, temp_df], axis=1) gaps_mean = df.groupby('preweather')['gap'].mean() gaps_mean.plot(kind='bar') plt.ylabel('Mean of gap') plt.xlabel('Weather') plt.title('Weather/Gap Correlation') return
def plot_one_metric(self, models_metric, title): """ :param models_metric: :param title: :return: """ for index, model_metric in enumerate(models_metric): plt.plot(self.steps, model_metric, label=self.file_desc[index]) plt.title(title) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Number of batches') plt.ylabel('Score')
def plot_trajectories(src_sent, src_encoding, idx): # encoding is (time_steps, hidden_dim) #pca = PCA(n_components=1) #pca_result = pca.fit_transform(src_encoding) times = np.arange(src_encoding.shape[0]) plt.plot(times, src_encoding) plt.title(" ".join(src_sent)) plt.xlabel('timestep') plt.ylabel('trajectories') plt.savefig("misc_hidden_cell_trajectories_"+str(idx), bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
def plot_test_function(orderx,ordery): s = PseudoSpectralDiscretization2D(orderx,XMIN,XMAX, ordery,YMIN,YMAX) X,Y = s.get_x2d() f_ana = f(X,Y) plt.pcolor(X,Y,f_ana) plt.xlabel('x',fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('y',fontsize=16) plt.xlim(XMIN,XMAX) plt.ylim(YMIN,YMAX) cb = plt.colorbar() cb.set_label(label=r'$\cos(x)\sin(2 y)$',fontsize=16) for postfix in ['.png','.pdf']: name = 'test_function'+postfix if USE_FIGS_DIR: name = 'figs/' + name plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf()
def test_derivatives(): orders = [4+(2*i) for i in range(12)] errors = [test_derivatives_at_order(o) for o in orders] plt.semilogy(orders,errors,'bo-',lw=2,ms=12) plt.xlabel('order in y-direction',fontsize=16) plt.ylabel(r'$|E|_2$',fontsize=16) for postfix in ['.png','.pdf']: name = 'orthopoly_errors'+postfix if USE_FIGS_DIR: name = 'figs/' + name plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf()