Python mechanize 模块,DefaultCookiePolicy() 实例源码


项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rfc2109_handling(self):
        # 2109 cookies have rfc2109 attr set correctly, and are handled
        # as 2965 or Netscape cookies depending on policy settings
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        for policy, version in [
            (DefaultCookiePolicy(), 0),
            (DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True), 1),
            (DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2109_as_netscape=True), 0),
            (DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True, rfc2109_as_netscape=True), 0),
            c = CookieJar(policy)
            interact_netscape(c, "", "ni=ni; Version=1")
            cookie = c._cookies[""]["/"]["ni"]
            self.assertEqual(cookie.version, version)
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_strict_domain(self):
        # Cookies whose domain is a country-code tld like should
        # not be set if CookiePolicy.strict_domain is true.
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        cp = DefaultCookiePolicy(strict_domain=True)
        cj = CookieJar(policy=cp)
        interact_netscape(cj, "", 'no=problemo')
        interact_netscape(cj, "",
        self.assertEquals(len(cj), 2)
        for pseudo_tld in ["", "", "", ""]:
            interact_netscape(cj, "http://example.%s/" % pseudo_tld,
            self.assertEquals(len(cj), 2)
        # XXXX This should be compared with the Konqueror (kcookiejar.cpp) and
        # Mozilla implementations.
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_secure(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        for ns in True, False:
            for whitespace in " ", "":
                c = CookieJar()
                if ns:
                    pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=False)
                    int = interact_netscape
                    vs = ""
                    pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)
                    int = interact_2965
                    vs = "; Version=1"
                url = ""
                int(c, url, "foo1=bar%s%s" % (vs, whitespace))
                int(c, url, "foo2=bar%s; secure%s" % (vs, whitespace))
                assert not c._cookies[""]["/"]["foo1"].secure, \
                    "non-secure cookie registered secure"
                assert c._cookies[""]["/"]["foo2"].secure, \
                    "secure cookie registered non-secure"
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_path_mirror(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, "spam=eggs; Version=1")
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find("Path") == -1, \
            "absent path returned with path present"

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, 'spam=eggs; Version=1; Path=/')
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find('$Path="/"') != -1, "path not returned"
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_return_comment(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        c = CookieJar(DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, 'spam=eggs; Version=1; '
                      'Comment="does anybody read these?"; '
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find("Comment") == -1, \
            "Comment or CommentURL cookie-attributes returned to server"

# just pondering security here -- this isn't really a test (yet)
# def test_hack(self):
##         from mechanize import CookieJar

##         c = CookieJar()
# interact_netscape(c, "",
# 'prefs="foo"')
# interact_netscape(c, "",
# 'prefs="bar";')
# interact_netscape(c, "",
# '$Version="1";')
##         h = interact_netscape(c, "")
# print h
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_firefox3_cookiejar_iteration(self):
            from mechanize import Firefox3CookieJar
        except ImportError:
            from mechanize import DefaultCookiePolicy
            filename = self.mktemp()
                cj = Firefox3CookieJar(
                    filename, policy=DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))
            summary = "\n".join([str(cookie) for cookie in cj])
            self.assertEquals(summary, """\
<Cookie foo2=bar for>
<Cookie foo3=bar for>
<Cookie foo1=bar for>
<Cookie fooa=bar for>
<Cookie foob=bar for>
<Cookie fooc=bar for>""")
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_url_encoding(self):
        # Try some URL encodings of the PATHs.
        # (the behaviour here has changed from libwww-perl)
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        c = CookieJar(DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))

        interact_2965(c, "",
                      "foo  =   bar; version    =   1")

        cookie = interact_2965(
            c, "<<%0anew\345/\346\370\345",
            'bar=baz; path="/foo/"; version=1')
        version_re = re.compile(r'^\$version=\"?1\"?', re.I)
        assert (cookie.find("foo=bar") != -1 and

        cookie = interact_2965(
            c, "<<%0anew\345/\346\370\345")
        assert not cookie

        # unicode URL doesn't raise exception, as it used to!
        cookie = interact_2965(c, u"\xfc")
项目:pelisalacarta-ce    作者:pelisalacarta-ce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, policy=None):
        See CookieJar.__doc__ for argument documentation.

        if policy is None:
            policy = DefaultCookiePolicy()
        self._policy = policy

        self._cookies = {}

        # for __getitem__ iteration in pre-2.2 Pythons
        self._prev_getitem_index = 0
项目:pelisalacarta-ce    作者:pelisalacarta-ce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_cookies(self, response, request):
        """Extract cookies from response, where allowable given the request.

        Look for allowable Set-Cookie: and Set-Cookie2: headers in the response
        object passed as argument.  Any of these headers that are found are
        used to update the state of the object (subject to the policy.set_ok
        method's approval).

        The response object (usually be the result of a call to
        mechanize.urlopen, or similar) should support an info method, which
        returns a mimetools.Message object (in fact, the 'mimetools.Message
        object' may be any object that provides a getheaders method).

        The request object (usually a mechanize.Request instance) must support
        the methods get_full_url, get_type, get_host, and is_unverifiable, as
        documented by mechanize, and the port attribute (the port number).  The
        request is used to set default values for cookie-attributes as well as
        for checking that the cookie is OK to be set.

        debug("extract_cookies: %s",
        self._policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())

        for cookie in self._make_cookies(response, request):
            if cookie.expires is not None and cookie.expires <= self._now:
                # Expiry date in past is request to delete cookie.  This can't be
                # in DefaultCookiePolicy, because can't delete cookies there.
                    self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
                except KeyError:
                debug("Expiring cookie, domain='%s', path='%s', name='%s'",
                      cookie.domain, cookie.path,
            elif self._policy.set_ok(cookie, request):
                debug(" setting cookie: %s", cookie)
项目:pelisalacarta-ce    作者:pelisalacarta-ce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clear_expired_cookies(self):
        """Discard all expired cookies.

        You probably don't need to call this method: expired cookies are never
        sent back to the server (provided you're using DefaultCookiePolicy),
        this method is called by CookieJar itself every so often, and the save
        method won't save expired cookies anyway (unless you ask otherwise by
        passing a true ignore_expires argument).

        now = time.time()
        for cookie in self:
            if cookie.is_expired(now):
                self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
项目    作者:orione7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, policy=None):
        See CookieJar.__doc__ for argument documentation.

        if policy is None:
            policy = DefaultCookiePolicy()
        self._policy = policy

        self._cookies = {}

        # for __getitem__ iteration in pre-2.2 Pythons
        self._prev_getitem_index = 0
项目    作者:orione7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_cookies(self, response, request):
        """Extract cookies from response, where allowable given the request.

        Look for allowable Set-Cookie: and Set-Cookie2: headers in the response
        object passed as argument.  Any of these headers that are found are
        used to update the state of the object (subject to the policy.set_ok
        method's approval).

        The response object (usually be the result of a call to
        mechanize.urlopen, or similar) should support an info method, which
        returns a mimetools.Message object (in fact, the 'mimetools.Message
        object' may be any object that provides a getheaders method).

        The request object (usually a mechanize.Request instance) must support
        the methods get_full_url, get_type, get_host, and is_unverifiable, as
        documented by mechanize, and the port attribute (the port number).  The
        request is used to set default values for cookie-attributes as well as
        for checking that the cookie is OK to be set.

        debug("extract_cookies: %s",
        self._policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())

        for cookie in self._make_cookies(response, request):
            if cookie.expires is not None and cookie.expires <= self._now:
                # Expiry date in past is request to delete cookie.  This can't be
                # in DefaultCookiePolicy, because can't delete cookies there.
                    self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
                except KeyError:
                debug("Expiring cookie, domain='%s', path='%s', name='%s'",
                      cookie.domain, cookie.path,
            elif self._policy.set_ok(cookie, request):
                debug(" setting cookie: %s", cookie)
项目    作者:orione7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clear_expired_cookies(self):
        """Discard all expired cookies.

        You probably don't need to call this method: expired cookies are never
        sent back to the server (provided you're using DefaultCookiePolicy),
        this method is called by CookieJar itself every so often, and the save
        method won't save expired cookies anyway (unless you ask otherwise by
        passing a true ignore_expires argument).

        now = time.time()
        for cookie in self:
            if cookie.is_expired(now):
                self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
项目:kodi-tk_del    作者:hubsif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, policy=None):
        See CookieJar.__doc__ for argument documentation.

        if policy is None:
            policy = DefaultCookiePolicy()
        self._policy = policy

        self._cookies = {}

        # for __getitem__ iteration in pre-2.2 Pythons
        self._prev_getitem_index = 0
项目:kodi-tk_del    作者:hubsif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_cookies(self, response, request):
        """Extract cookies from response, where allowable given the request.

        Look for allowable Set-Cookie: and Set-Cookie2: headers in the response
        object passed as argument.  Any of these headers that are found are
        used to update the state of the object (subject to the policy.set_ok
        method's approval).

        The response object (usually be the result of a call to
        mechanize.urlopen, or similar) should support an info method, which
        returns a mimetools.Message object (in fact, the 'mimetools.Message
        object' may be any object that provides a getheaders method).

        The request object (usually a mechanize.Request instance) must support
        the methods get_full_url, get_type, get_host, and is_unverifiable, as
        documented by mechanize, and the port attribute (the port number).  The
        request is used to set default values for cookie-attributes as well as
        for checking that the cookie is OK to be set.

        debug("extract_cookies: %s",
        self._policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())

        for cookie in self._make_cookies(response, request):
            if cookie.expires is not None and cookie.expires <= self._now:
                # Expiry date in past is request to delete cookie.  This can't be
                # in DefaultCookiePolicy, because can't delete cookies there.
                    self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
                except KeyError:
                debug("Expiring cookie, domain='%s', path='%s', name='%s'",
                      cookie.domain, cookie.path,
            elif self._policy.set_ok(cookie, request):
                debug(" setting cookie: %s", cookie)
项目:kodi-tk_del    作者:hubsif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clear_expired_cookies(self):
        """Discard all expired cookies.

        You probably don't need to call this method: expired cookies are never
        sent back to the server (provided you're using DefaultCookiePolicy),
        this method is called by CookieJar itself every so often, and the save
        method won't save expired cookies anyway (unless you ask otherwise by
        passing a true ignore_expires argument).

        now = time.time()
        for cookie in self:
            if cookie.is_expired(now):
                self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_policy(self):
        policy = mechanize.DefaultCookiePolicy()
        jar = mechanize.CookieJar()
        self.assertEquals(jar.get_policy(), policy)
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_domain_return_ok(self):
        # test optimization: .domain_return_ok() should filter out most
        # domains in the CookieJar before we try to access them (because that
        # may require disk access -- in particular, with MSIECookieJar)
        # This is only a rough check for performance reasons, so it's not too
        # critical as long as it's sufficiently liberal.
        import mechanize
        pol = mechanize.DefaultCookiePolicy()
        for url, domain, ok in [
            ("", "", False),
            ("", "", False),
            ("", "", False),
            ("", "", True),
            ("", "", True),
            ("", "", True),
            ("", "com", True),
            ("", "", False),
            ("", "", True),
            ("", "", True),
            ("", "com", True),
            ("http://foo/", "", False),
            ("http://foo/", ".foo", True),
            ("http://foo/", "foo", True),
            ("http://foo/", "foo.local", True),
            ("http://foo/", ".local", True),
            request = mechanize.Request(url)
            r = pol.domain_return_ok(domain, request)
            if ok:
                self.assert_(not r)
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_default_path(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        # RFC 2965
        pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        interact_2965(c, "", 'spam="bar"; Version="1"')
        assert "/" in c._cookies[""]

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        interact_2965(c, "", 'eggs="bar"; Version="1"')
        assert "/" in c._cookies[""]

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        interact_2965(c, "",
                      'eggs="bar"; Version="1"')
        assert "/blah/" in c._cookies[""]

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        interact_2965(c, "",
                      'eggs="bar"; Version="1"')
        assert "/blah/rhubarb/" in c._cookies[""]

        # Netscape

        c = CookieJar()
        interact_netscape(c, "", 'spam="bar"')
        assert "/" in c._cookies[""]

        c = CookieJar()
        interact_netscape(c, "", 'eggs="bar"')
        assert "/" in c._cookies[""]

        c = CookieJar()
        interact_netscape(c, "", 'eggs="bar"')
        assert "/blah" in c._cookies[""]

        c = CookieJar()
        interact_netscape(c, "", 'eggs="bar"')
        assert "/blah/rhubarb" in c._cookies[""]
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_two_component_domain_rfc2965(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)
        c = CookieJar(pol)

        # two-component V1 domain is OK
        interact_2965(c, "", 'foo=bar; Version="1"')
        assert len(c) == 1
        assert c._cookies[""]["/"]["foo"].value == "bar"
        assert interact_2965(c, "") == "$Version=1; foo=bar"
        # won't be returned to any other domain (because domain was implied)
        assert interact_2965(c, "") == ""

        # unless domain is given explicitly, because then it must be
        # rewritten to start with a dot: -->, which does
        # not domain-match
        interact_2965(c, "",
                      'spam=eggs;; path=/foo; Version="1"')
        assert len(c) == 1
        assert interact_2965(c, "") == "$Version=1; foo=bar"

        # explicit from three-component domain *does* get
        # set, because domain-matches
        interact_2965(c, "",
                      'spam=eggs;; Version="1"')
        assert c._cookies[""]["/foo/"]["spam"].value == "eggs"
        assert len(c) == 2
        assert interact_2965(c, "") == "$Version=1; foo=bar"
        assert interact_2965(c, "") == \
            '$Version=1; spam=eggs; $Domain=""'

        # top-level domain is too general
        interact_2965(c, "",
                      'ni="ni"; domain=".net"; Version="1"')
        assert len(c) == 2

        # RFC 2965 doesn't require blocking this
        interact_2965(c, "",
                      'nasty=trick;; Version="1"')
        assert len(c) == 3
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_domain_allow(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        c = CookieJar(policy=DefaultCookiePolicy(
            blocked_domains=[""], allowed_domains=[""]))

        req = Request("")
        headers = ["Set-Cookie: CUSTOMER=WILE_E_COYOTE; path=/"]
        res = FakeResponse(headers, "")
        c.extract_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 0

        req = Request("")
        res = FakeResponse(headers, "")
        c.extract_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 1

        req = Request("")
        res = FakeResponse(headers, "")
        c.extract_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 1

        # set a cookie with non-allowed domain...
        req = Request("")
        res = FakeResponse(headers, "")
        cookies = c.make_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 2
        # ... and check is doesn't get returned
        assert not req.has_header("Cookie")
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_domain_block(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        #import logging; logging.getLogger("mechanize").setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

        pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True, blocked_domains=[""])
        c = CookieJar(policy=pol)
        headers = ["Set-Cookie: CUSTOMER=WILE_E_COYOTE; path=/"]

        req = Request("")
        res = FakeResponse(headers, "")
        c.extract_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 0

        c.extract_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 1

        req = Request("")
        res = FakeResponse(headers, "")
        c.extract_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 1
        req = Request("")
        assert (req.has_header("Cookie") and req.has_header("Cookie2"))

        c.extract_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 1

        # set a cookie with blocked domain...
        req = Request("")
        res = FakeResponse(headers, "")
        cookies = c.make_cookies(res, req)
        assert len(c) == 2
        # ... and check it doesn't get returned
        assert not req.has_header("Cookie")
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_quote_cookie_value(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy
        c = CookieJar(policy=DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))
        interact_2965(c, "", r'foo=\b"a"r; Version=1')
        h = interact_2965(c, "")
        assert h == r'$Version=1; foo=\\b\"a\"r'
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_domain_mirror(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, "spam=eggs; Version=1")
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find( "Domain") == -1, \
            "absent domain returned with domain present"

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, 'spam=eggs; Version=1;')
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find('$Domain=""') != -1, \
            "domain not returned"

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        # note missing initial dot in Domain
        interact_2965(c, url, 'spam=eggs; Version=1;')
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find('$Domain=""') != -1, \
            "domain not returned"
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_port_mirror(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        pol = DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, "spam=eggs; Version=1")
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find("Port") == -1, \
            "absent port returned with port present"

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, "spam=eggs; Version=1; Port")
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert"\$Port([^=]|$)", h), \
            "port with no value not returned with no value"

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, 'spam=eggs; Version=1; Port="80"')
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find('$Port="80"') != -1, \
            "port with single value not returned with single value"

        c = CookieJar(pol)
        url = ""
        interact_2965(c, url, 'spam=eggs; Version=1; Port="80,8080"')
        h = interact_2965(c, url)
        assert h.find('$Port="80,8080"') != -1, \
            "port with multiple values not returned with multiple values"
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_Cookie_iterator(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, Cookie, DefaultCookiePolicy

        cs = CookieJar(DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))
        # add some random cookies
        interact_2965(cs, "", 'foo=eggs; Version=1; '
                      'Comment="does anybody read these?"; '
        interact_netscape(cs, "", "spam=bar; secure")
        interact_2965(cs, "",
                      "foo=bar; secure; Version=1")
        interact_2965(cs, "",
                      "foo=bar; path=/; Version=1")
        interact_2965(cs, "",
                      r'bang=wallop; version=1; domain=""; '
                      r'port="90,100, 80,8080"; '
                      r'max-age=100; Comment = "Just kidding! (\"|\\\\) "')

        versions = [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
        names = ["bang", "foo", "foo", "spam", "foo"]
        domains = [
            "", "", "", "",
        paths = ["/", "/", "/", "/blah", "/blah/"]

        # sequential iteration
        for i in range(4):
            i = 0
            for c in cs:
                # assert isinstance(c, Cookie)
                assert c.version == versions[i]
                assert == names[i]
                assert c.domain == domains[i]
                assert c.path == paths[i]
                i = i + 1

        self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda cs=cs: cs[5])
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_firefox3_cookiejar_clear(self):
            from mechanize import Firefox3CookieJar
        except ImportError:
            from mechanize import DefaultCookiePolicy
            filename = self.mktemp()
                cj = Firefox3CookieJar(
                    filename, policy=DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))
            cj.clear("", "/", "foo2")

            def summary():
                return "\n".join([str(cookie) for cookie in cj])

            self.assertEquals(summary(), """\
<Cookie foo3=bar for>
<Cookie foo1=bar for>
<Cookie fooa=bar for>
<Cookie foob=bar for>
<Cookie fooc=bar for>""")
            self.assertEquals(summary(), """\
<Cookie fooa=bar for>
<Cookie foob=bar for>
<Cookie fooc=bar for>""")
            # if name is given, so must path and domain
                ValueError, cj.clear, domain="", name="foob")
            # nonexistent domain
            self.assertRaises(KeyError, cj.clear, domain="")
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mozilla_cookiejar(self):
        # Save / load Mozilla/Netscape cookie file format.
        from mechanize import MozillaCookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy
        filename = tempfile.mktemp()
        c = MozillaCookieJar(
            filename, policy=DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))

        def save_and_restore(cj, ignore_discard, filename=filename):
            from mechanize import MozillaCookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy
                new_c = MozillaCookieJar(
                    filename, DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))
                except OSError:
            return new_c

        new_c = save_and_restore(c, True)
        assert len(new_c) == 6  # none discarded
        assert repr(new_c).find("name='foo1', value='bar'") != -1

        new_c = save_and_restore(c, False)
        assert len(new_c) == 4  # 2 of them discarded on save
        assert repr(new_c).find("name='foo1', value='bar'") != -1
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_intranet_domains_ns(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        c = CookieJar(DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=False))
        interact_netscape(c, "http://example/", "foo1=bar")
        cookie = interact_netscape(c, "http://example/",
                                   'foo2=bar; domain=.local')
        assert len(c) == 2
        assert cookie.find("foo1=bar") >= 0

        cookie = interact_netscape(c, "http://example/")
        assert cookie.find("foo2=bar") >= 0 and len(c) == 2
项目:addon    作者:alfa-addon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, policy=None):
        See CookieJar.__doc__ for argument documentation.

        if policy is None:
            policy = DefaultCookiePolicy()
        self._policy = policy

        self._cookies = {}

        # for __getitem__ iteration in pre-2.2 Pythons
        self._prev_getitem_index = 0
项目:addon    作者:alfa-addon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_cookies(self, response, request):
        """Extract cookies from response, where allowable given the request.

        Look for allowable Set-Cookie: and Set-Cookie2: headers in the response
        object passed as argument.  Any of these headers that are found are
        used to update the state of the object (subject to the policy.set_ok
        method's approval).

        The response object (usually be the result of a call to
        mechanize.urlopen, or similar) should support an info method, which
        returns a mimetools.Message object (in fact, the 'mimetools.Message
        object' may be any object that provides a getheaders method).

        The request object (usually a mechanize.Request instance) must support
        the methods get_full_url, get_type, get_host, and is_unverifiable, as
        documented by mechanize, and the port attribute (the port number).  The
        request is used to set default values for cookie-attributes as well as
        for checking that the cookie is OK to be set.

        debug("extract_cookies: %s",
        self._policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())

        for cookie in self._make_cookies(response, request):
            if cookie.expires is not None and cookie.expires <= self._now:
                # Expiry date in past is request to delete cookie.  This can't be
                # in DefaultCookiePolicy, because can't delete cookies there.
                    self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
                except KeyError:
                debug("Expiring cookie, domain='%s', path='%s', name='%s'",
                      cookie.domain, cookie.path,
            elif self._policy.set_ok(cookie, request):
                debug(" setting cookie: %s", cookie)
项目:addon    作者:alfa-addon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clear_expired_cookies(self):
        """Discard all expired cookies.

        You probably don't need to call this method: expired cookies are never
        sent back to the server (provided you're using DefaultCookiePolicy),
        this method is called by CookieJar itself every so often, and the save
        method won't save expired cookies anyway (unless you ask otherwise by
        passing a true ignore_expires argument).

        now = time.time()
        for cookie in self:
            if cookie.is_expired(now):
                self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
项目:BruteXSS    作者:rajeshmajumdar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, policy=None):
        See CookieJar.__doc__ for argument documentation.

        if policy is None:
            policy = DefaultCookiePolicy()
        self._policy = policy

        self._cookies = {}

        # for __getitem__ iteration in pre-2.2 Pythons
        self._prev_getitem_index = 0
项目:BruteXSS    作者:rajeshmajumdar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_cookies(self, response, request):
        """Extract cookies from response, where allowable given the request.

        Look for allowable Set-Cookie: and Set-Cookie2: headers in the response
        object passed as argument.  Any of these headers that are found are
        used to update the state of the object (subject to the policy.set_ok
        method's approval).

        The response object (usually be the result of a call to
        mechanize.urlopen, or similar) should support an info method, which
        returns a mimetools.Message object (in fact, the 'mimetools.Message
        object' may be any object that provides a getheaders method).

        The request object (usually a mechanize.Request instance) must support
        the methods get_full_url, get_type, get_host, and is_unverifiable, as
        documented by mechanize, and the port attribute (the port number).  The
        request is used to set default values for cookie-attributes as well as
        for checking that the cookie is OK to be set.

        debug("extract_cookies: %s",
        self._policy._now = self._now = int(time.time())

        for cookie in self._make_cookies(response, request):
            if cookie.expires is not None and cookie.expires <= self._now:
                # Expiry date in past is request to delete cookie.  This can't be
                # in DefaultCookiePolicy, because can't delete cookies there.
                    self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
                except KeyError:
                debug("Expiring cookie, domain='%s', path='%s', name='%s'",
                      cookie.domain, cookie.path,
            elif self._policy.set_ok(cookie, request):
                debug(" setting cookie: %s", cookie)
项目:BruteXSS    作者:rajeshmajumdar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clear_expired_cookies(self):
        """Discard all expired cookies.

        You probably don't need to call this method: expired cookies are never
        sent back to the server (provided you're using DefaultCookiePolicy),
        this method is called by CookieJar itself every so often, and the save
        method won't save expired cookies anyway (unless you ask otherwise by
        passing a true ignore_expires argument).

        now = time.time()
        for cookie in self:
            if cookie.is_expired(now):
                self.clear(cookie.domain, cookie.path,
项目:pelisalacarta-ce    作者:pelisalacarta-ce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 blocked_domains=None, allowed_domains=None,
                 netscape=True, rfc2965=False,
                 # WARNING: this argument will change or go away if is not
                 # accepted into the Python standard library in this form!
                 # default, ie. treat 2109 as netscape iff not rfc2965
        Constructor arguments should be used as keyword arguments only.

        blocked_domains: sequence of domain names that we never accept cookies
         from, nor return cookies to
        allowed_domains: if not None, this is a sequence of the only domains
         for which we accept and return cookies

        For other arguments, see CookiePolicy.__doc__ and

        self.netscape = netscape
        self.rfc2965 = rfc2965
        self.rfc2109_as_netscape = rfc2109_as_netscape
        self.hide_cookie2 = hide_cookie2
        self.strict_domain = strict_domain
        self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable = strict_rfc2965_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_unverifiable = strict_ns_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_domain = strict_ns_domain
        self.strict_ns_set_initial_dollar = strict_ns_set_initial_dollar
        self.strict_ns_set_path = strict_ns_set_path

        if blocked_domains is not None:
            self._blocked_domains = tuple(blocked_domains)
            self._blocked_domains = ()

        if allowed_domains is not None:
            allowed_domains = tuple(allowed_domains)
        self._allowed_domains = allowed_domains
项目    作者:orione7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 blocked_domains=None, allowed_domains=None,
                 netscape=True, rfc2965=False,
                 # WARNING: this argument will change or go away if is not
                 # accepted into the Python standard library in this form!
                 # default, ie. treat 2109 as netscape iff not rfc2965
        Constructor arguments should be used as keyword arguments only.

        blocked_domains: sequence of domain names that we never accept cookies
         from, nor return cookies to
        allowed_domains: if not None, this is a sequence of the only domains
         for which we accept and return cookies

        For other arguments, see CookiePolicy.__doc__ and

        self.netscape = netscape
        self.rfc2965 = rfc2965
        self.rfc2109_as_netscape = rfc2109_as_netscape
        self.hide_cookie2 = hide_cookie2
        self.strict_domain = strict_domain
        self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable = strict_rfc2965_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_unverifiable = strict_ns_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_domain = strict_ns_domain
        self.strict_ns_set_initial_dollar = strict_ns_set_initial_dollar
        self.strict_ns_set_path = strict_ns_set_path

        if blocked_domains is not None:
            self._blocked_domains = tuple(blocked_domains)
            self._blocked_domains = ()

        if allowed_domains is not None:
            allowed_domains = tuple(allowed_domains)
        self._allowed_domains = allowed_domains
项目:kodi-tk_del    作者:hubsif    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 blocked_domains=None, allowed_domains=None,
                 netscape=True, rfc2965=False,
                 # WARNING: this argument will change or go away if is not
                 # accepted into the Python standard library in this form!
                 # default, ie. treat 2109 as netscape iff not rfc2965
        Constructor arguments should be used as keyword arguments only.

        blocked_domains: sequence of domain names that we never accept cookies
         from, nor return cookies to
        allowed_domains: if not None, this is a sequence of the only domains
         for which we accept and return cookies

        For other arguments, see CookiePolicy.__doc__ and

        self.netscape = netscape
        self.rfc2965 = rfc2965
        self.rfc2109_as_netscape = rfc2109_as_netscape
        self.hide_cookie2 = hide_cookie2
        self.strict_domain = strict_domain
        self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable = strict_rfc2965_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_unverifiable = strict_ns_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_domain = strict_ns_domain
        self.strict_ns_set_initial_dollar = strict_ns_set_initial_dollar
        self.strict_ns_set_path = strict_ns_set_path

        if blocked_domains is not None:
            self._blocked_domains = tuple(blocked_domains)
            self._blocked_domains = ()

        if allowed_domains is not None:
            allowed_domains = tuple(allowed_domains)
        self._allowed_domains = allowed_domains
项目:mechanize    作者:python-mechanize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ietf_example_2(self):
        from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy

        # 5.2  Example 2
        # This example illustrates the effect of the Path attribute.  All detail
        # of request and response headers has been omitted.  Assume the user agent
        # has no stored cookies.

        c = CookieJar(DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True))

        # Imagine the user agent has received, in response to earlier requests,
        # the response headers
        # Set-Cookie2: Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1";
        #         Path="/acme"
        # and
        # Set-Cookie2: Part_Number="Riding_Rocket_0023"; Version="1";
        #         Path="/acme/ammo"

            c, "",
            'Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; Version="1"; Path="/acme"',
            'Part_Number="Riding_Rocket_0023"; Version="1"; Path="/acme/ammo"')

        # A subsequent request by the user agent to the (same) server for URLs of
        # the form /acme/ammo/...  would include the following request header:
        # Cookie: $Version="1";
        #         Part_Number="Riding_Rocket_0023"; $Path="/acme/ammo";
        #         Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; $Path="/acme"
        # Note that the NAME=VALUE pair for the cookie with the more specific Path
        # attribute, /acme/ammo, comes before the one with the less specific Path
        # attribute, /acme.  Further note that the same cookie name appears more
        # than once.

        cookie = interact_2965(c, "")
        assert"Riding_Rocket_0023.*Rocket_Launcher_0001", cookie)

        # A subsequent request by the user agent to the (same) server for a URL of
        # the form /acme/parts/ would include the following request header:
        # Cookie: $Version="1"; Part_Number="Rocket_Launcher_0001"; $Path="/acme"
        # Here, the second cookie's Path attribute /acme/ammo is not a prefix of
        # the request URL, /acme/parts/, so the cookie does not get forwarded to
        # the server.

        cookie = interact_2965(c, "")
        assert (cookie.find("Rocket_Launcher_0001") != -1 and
                not cookie.find("Riding_Rocket_0023") != -1)
项目:addon    作者:alfa-addon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 blocked_domains=None, allowed_domains=None,
                 netscape=True, rfc2965=False,
                 # WARNING: this argument will change or go away if is not
                 # accepted into the Python standard library in this form!
                 # default, ie. treat 2109 as netscape iff not rfc2965
        Constructor arguments should be used as keyword arguments only.

        blocked_domains: sequence of domain names that we never accept cookies
         from, nor return cookies to
        allowed_domains: if not None, this is a sequence of the only domains
         for which we accept and return cookies

        For other arguments, see CookiePolicy.__doc__ and

        self.netscape = netscape
        self.rfc2965 = rfc2965
        self.rfc2109_as_netscape = rfc2109_as_netscape
        self.hide_cookie2 = hide_cookie2
        self.strict_domain = strict_domain
        self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable = strict_rfc2965_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_unverifiable = strict_ns_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_domain = strict_ns_domain
        self.strict_ns_set_initial_dollar = strict_ns_set_initial_dollar
        self.strict_ns_set_path = strict_ns_set_path

        if blocked_domains is not None:
            self._blocked_domains = tuple(blocked_domains)
            self._blocked_domains = ()

        if allowed_domains is not None:
            allowed_domains = tuple(allowed_domains)
        self._allowed_domains = allowed_domains
项目:BruteXSS    作者:rajeshmajumdar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 blocked_domains=None, allowed_domains=None,
                 netscape=True, rfc2965=False,
                 # WARNING: this argument will change or go away if is not
                 # accepted into the Python standard library in this form!
                 # default, ie. treat 2109 as netscape iff not rfc2965
        Constructor arguments should be used as keyword arguments only.

        blocked_domains: sequence of domain names that we never accept cookies
         from, nor return cookies to
        allowed_domains: if not None, this is a sequence of the only domains
         for which we accept and return cookies

        For other arguments, see CookiePolicy.__doc__ and

        self.netscape = netscape
        self.rfc2965 = rfc2965
        self.rfc2109_as_netscape = rfc2109_as_netscape
        self.hide_cookie2 = hide_cookie2
        self.strict_domain = strict_domain
        self.strict_rfc2965_unverifiable = strict_rfc2965_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_unverifiable = strict_ns_unverifiable
        self.strict_ns_domain = strict_ns_domain
        self.strict_ns_set_initial_dollar = strict_ns_set_initial_dollar
        self.strict_ns_set_path = strict_ns_set_path

        if blocked_domains is not None:
            self._blocked_domains = tuple(blocked_domains)
            self._blocked_domains = ()

        if allowed_domains is not None:
            allowed_domains = tuple(allowed_domains)
        self._allowed_domains = allowed_domains