def compute_etag_from_file_obj(file_obj, offset=0, size=None, chunk_size=1024 * 1024): etag = hashlib.sha256() size = size or os.fstat(file_obj.fileno()).st_size - offset if size != 0 and offset % mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY == 0: target = mmap.mmap(file_obj.fileno(), length=size, offset=offset, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) else: target = file_obj target.seek(offset) while size > 0: data = target.read(chunk_size) etag.update(data[:min(len(data), size)]) size -= len(data) if target is file_obj: file_obj.seek(offset) else: target.close() s = etag.hexdigest() return s
def compute_tree_etag_from_file_obj(file_obj, offset=0, size=None, chunk_size=1024 * 1024): generator = TreeHashGenerator() size = size or os.fstat(file_obj.fileno()).st_size - offset if size != 0 and offset % mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY == 0: target = mmap.mmap(file_obj.fileno(), length=size, offset=offset, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) else: target = file_obj target.seek(offset) while size > 0: data = target.read(chunk_size) generator.update(data[:min(len(data), size)]) size -= len(data) if target is file_obj: file_obj.seek(offset) else: target.close() return generator.generate().digest()
def compute_hash_from_file_obj(file_obj, offset=0, size=None, chunk_size=1024 * 1024): etag = hashlib.sha256() generator = TreeHashGenerator() size = size or os.fstat(file_obj.fileno()).st_size - offset if size != 0 and offset % mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY == 0: target = mmap.mmap(file_obj.fileno(), length=size, offset=offset, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) else: target = file_obj target.seek(offset) while size > 0: data = target.read(chunk_size) generator.update(data[:min(len(data), size)]) etag.update(data[:min(len(data), size)]) size -= len(data) if target is file_obj: file_obj.seek(offset) else: target.close() return etag.hexdigest(), generator.generate().digest()
def __init__(self, path, page_count, read_only=False): # XXX TODO NOTE remove this line when write functionality is added. read_only = True # getting 'too many files open' error? increase the constant on the next line # (must be an exponent of 2) self._page_size = page_count * mmap.PAGESIZE # make sure we're sane here - allocation granularity needs to divide into page size! assert (self._page_size % mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY) == 0, 'page size is not a multiple of allocation granularity!' self._file = open(path, 'r+b') self._pages = dict() self.read_only = read_only self._path = path self.cursor = 0 super(MappedFile, self).__init__(self, base_offset=0, size=len(self))
def map_file(cls, fileobj, offset = 0, size = None): fileobj.seek(offset) total_size = cls._Header.unpack(fileobj.read(cls._Header.size))[0] map_start = offset - offset % mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY buf = mmap.mmap(fileobj.fileno(), total_size + offset - map_start, access = mmap.ACCESS_READ, offset = map_start) rv = cls(buffer(buf, offset - map_start)) rv._file = fileobj rv._mmap = buf return rv
def map_file(cls, fileobj, offset = 0, size = None): map_start = offset - offset % mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY fileobj.seek(map_start) buf = mmap.mmap(fileobj.fileno(), 0, access = mmap.ACCESS_READ, offset = map_start) rv = cls(buf, offset - map_start) rv._file = fileobj return rv