def test_add_operators_to_field_reference_field(): from mongoengine import ReferenceField, Document, StringField from graphene_mongo.operators import gen_operators_of_field, allowed_operators from graphene_mongo.fields import respective_special_fields class Other(Document): name = StringField() class Test(Document): test = ReferenceField(Other) field = Test.test r_graphene = respective_special_fields[type(field)] applied_operators = gen_operators_of_field('test', field, r_graphene('test', field), allowed_operators(field)) assert sorted(list(applied_operators.keys())) == format_fields(['in', 'nin', 'ne']) assert isinstance(applied_operators['test__in'], graphene.List) assert isinstance(applied_operators['test__nin'], graphene.List) assert isinstance(applied_operators['test__ne'], graphene.ID)
def test_mutate_wrong_number_arguments(): from mongoengine import Document class Test(Document): pass def mutate(): pass with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: Options('TestSchema', {'model': Test, 'mutate': staticmethod(mutate)}) assert str(e_info.value) == 'Failed to generate schema {}, mutate method must accept two params. ' \ 'The first is the arguments passed to mutate in query, for instance: ' \ 'username:"NewObjName". Second is the context of the application, if it is flask, ' \ 'will be flask global request.'.format('TestSchema')
def test_validator_wrong(): from mongoengine import Document, StringField class Test(Document): parent = StringField() with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: Options('TestSchema', {'model': Test, 'validator': True}) assert str(e_info.value) == "'validator' attribute must be callable." with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: Options('TestSchema', {'model': Test, 'validator': lambda x: x}) assert str(e_info.value) == ("The 'validator' attribute must be a callable that accepts four arguments: " "model, fields, query, special_params")
def setUp(self): """Setup class.""" from bson import DBRef, ObjectId class Source(db.Document): pass class Model(db.Document): src = db.ReferenceField(Source, dbref=True) self.src_cls = Source self.model_cls = Model self.src_id = ObjectId() self.data = json.dumps({ "src": {"collection": "source", "id": str(self.src_id)} }) self.expected_data = {"src": DBRef("source", self.src_id)} self.hook = generate_object_hook(self.model_cls)
def setUp(self): """Setup class.""" from bson import ObjectId, DBRef class Source(db.Document): pass class Model(db.Document): src = db.ReferenceField(Source) self.src_cls = Source self.model_cls = Model self.src_id = ObjectId() self.data = json.dumps({ "src": str(self.src_id) }) self.expected_data = { "src": DBRef("source", self.src_id) } self.hook = generate_object_hook(self.model_cls)
def setUp(self): """Setup test.""" from datetime import datetime, timedelta from calendar import timegm class DateTime(db.Document): date = db.DateTimeField() self.model_cls = DateTime now = datetime.utcnow() epoch_mil = int(timegm(now.timetuple())*1000 + now.microsecond / 1000) self.data = json.dumps({"date": epoch_mil}) self.expected_data = { "date": datetime.utcfromtimestamp( int(epoch_mil / 1000) ) + timedelta(milliseconds=int(epoch_mil % 1000)) } self.hook = generate_object_hook(self.model_cls)
def setUp(self): """Setup test.""" from datetime import datetime class DateTime(db.Document): date = db.DateTimeField() self.model_cls = DateTime now = datetime.utcnow() # This format shouldn't be supported. self.data = json.dumps({"date": { "year": now.year, "month": now.month, "date": now.day }}) self.hook = generate_object_hook(self.model_cls)
def init_mappings(self): """Initialize RBAC Mappings. RBAC Mappings always refer to a (Organization, Team) combination. In order to reference the Organization instance of this Team, we are using `self._instance`, which is a proxy object to the upper level Document. """ if not RBACMapping: return if self.name == 'Owners': return if RBACMapping.objects(org=self._instance.id, team=self.id).only('id'): raise me.ValidationError( 'RBAC Mappings already initialized for Team %s' % self ) for perm in ('read', 'read_logs'): RBACMapping( org=self._instance.id, team=self.id, permission=perm ).save()
def test_not_mongoengine_document(): with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: Options('TestSchema', {'model': False}) assert str(e_info.value) == 'Failed to generate schema {}, model must be ' \ 'a subclass of mongoengine.Document.'.format('TestSchema')
def test_mutate_not_static(): from mongoengine import Document class Test(Document): pass with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: Options('TestSchema', {'model': Test, 'mutate': 'To fails'}) assert str(e_info.value) == 'Failed to generate schema {}, mutate method must ' \ 'be a method with the decorator staticmethod.'.format('TestSchema')
def test_mongoengine_field_not_implemented(): from mongoengine import FileField, Document class Test(Document): field_error = FileField() with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: Options('TestSchema', {'model': Test}) assert str(e_info.value) == "It was not possible to generate schema for {} because the " \ "field {} is of the type {}, and that field is not supported yet." \ .format("Test", 'field_error', FileField)
def test_mongoengine_field_references_self(): from mongoengine import Document, ReferenceField class Test(Document): parent = ReferenceField('self') with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: Options('TestSchema', {'model': Test}) assert str(e_info.value) == "It was not possible to generate schema for {} because the field {} is a " \ "ReferenceField to self and this is not supported yet."\ .format("TestSchema", 'parent')
def to_mongo(self, document, **kwargs): """ Convert to python-typed dict. Parameters: document: The document. """ cur_depth = getattr(self, "$$cur_depth$$", self.max_depth) if not getattr(self, "$$good_json$$", None) or \ cur_depth >= self.max_depth: return super(FollowReferenceField, self).to_mongo( document, **kwargs ) doc = document if isinstance(document, db.Document): if document.pk is None and self.id_check: self.error("The referenced document needs ID.") else: doc = self.document_type.objects( pk=super( FollowReferenceField, self ).to_mongo(document, **kwargs) ).get() if isinstance(doc, Document): doc.begin_goodjson(cur_depth + 1) ret = doc.to_mongo(**kwargs) if isinstance(doc, Document): doc.end_goodjson(cur_depth + 1) if "_id" in ret and issubclass(self.document_type, Document): ret["id"] = ret.pop("_id", None) return ret
def setUp(self): """Setup class.""" from bson import ObjectId class TestModel(db.Document): user = db.ObjectIdField() self.model_cls = TestModel self.hook = generate_object_hook(self.model_cls) self.data = json.dumps({"user": "56f63a716a8dec7705f36409"}) self.expected_data = {"user": ObjectId("56f63a716a8dec7705f36409")}
def setUp(self): """Setup test.""" from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from bson.binary import Binary, BINARY_SUBTYPE class BinaryTest(db.Document): text = db.BinaryField() self.model_cls = BinaryTest self.data = { "text": { "data": b64encode( ("This is a test").encode("utf-8") ).decode("utf-8"), "type": BINARY_SUBTYPE } } self.expected_data = { "text": Binary( b64decode(self.data["text"]["data"]), self.data["text"]["type"] ) } self.data = json.dumps(self.data) self.hook = generate_object_hook(BinaryTest)
def setUp(self): """Setup test.""" from uuid import uuid5, NAMESPACE_DNS class UUIDModel(db.Document): uuid = db.UUIDField() self.model_cls = UUIDModel uuid = uuid5(NAMESPACE_DNS, "This is a test") self.expected_data = { "uuid": uuid } self.data = json.dumps({"uuid": str(uuid)}) self.hook = generate_object_hook(UUIDModel)
def __init__(self, app=None, config=None): _include_mongoengine(self) self.app = None self.Document = Document self.DynamicDocument = DynamicDocument if app is not None: self.init_app(app, config)
def _is_foreign_key(field_cls, field_name): return field_cls and issubclass(field_cls, Document) and not _is_dereference_disabled(field_name)
def verified_attrs(self, attrs): """ Function to verify if the attributes is of the right type """ model = attrs.get('model') mutate = attrs.get('mutate') validator = attrs.get('validator') validator = validator.__func__ if isinstance(validator, staticmethod) else validator if model is None: raise AttributeError('Failed to generate schema {},' ' model attribute was not given.'.format(self.class_name)) if not model or not issubclass(model, Document): raise TypeError('Failed to generate schema {}, model must be ' 'a subclass of mongoengine.Document.'.format(self.class_name)) if mutate and not isinstance(mutate, staticmethod): raise TypeError('Failed to generate schema {}, mutate method must ' 'be a method with the decorator staticmethod.'.format(self.class_name)) if mutate and len(inspect.signature(mutate.__func__).parameters) != 2: raise TypeError('Failed to generate schema {}, mutate method must accept two params. ' 'The first is the arguments passed to mutate in query, for instance: username:"NewObjName".' ' Second is the context of the application, if it is flask, will be flask global request.' .format(self.class_name)) # verify if all fields of document is supported for f_name, m_field in model._fields.items(): if type(m_field) not in respective_fields and type(m_field) not in respective_special_fields: raise NotImplementedError("It was not possible to generate schema for {} because the " "field {} is of the type {}, and that field is not supported yet." .format(model.__name__, f_name, type(m_field))) if isinstance(m_field, list_fields): if type(m_field.field) not in respective_fields and type(m_field.field) not in respective_special_fields: raise NotImplementedError("It was not possible to generate schema for {} because the " "field {} is a List of the type {}, and that field is not supported yet." .format(model.__name__, f_name, type(m_field.field))) if isinstance(m_field, reference_fields): if isinstance(m_field.document_type_obj, str) and m_field.document_type_obj == 'self': raise NotImplementedError("It was not possible to generate schema for {} because the " "field {} is a ReferenceField to self and this is not supported yet." .format(self.class_name, f_name)) if validator and not callable(validator): raise AttributeError("'validator' attribute must be callable.") elif validator and len(inspect.signature(validator).parameters) != 4: raise AttributeError("The 'validator' attribute must be a callable that accepts four arguments: " "model, fields, query, special_params") return model, mutate.__func__ if mutate else None, model._fields, validator