def run(self): self.total = self.get_total() or 5000000 if not self.total: print('error loading document total; using estimate') index_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() bulk_index_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.bulk_index, args=(index_queue,), ) bulk_index_process.start() for comment in self.iter_comments(): self.stats['fetched'] += 1 if not self.stats['fetched'] % 500: print('fetched %s/%s\t%s%%\t%s' % (self.stats['fetched'], self.total, int(self.stats['fetched'] / self.total * 100), comment['date_disseminated'])) index_queue.put(comment) index_queue.put(None) bulk_index_process.join() return self.stats['fetched']
def __init__(self, configuration): self.client_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(0) self.apply_patch() self.logger = self.init_logger() if ["debug", "html", "content_type", "notify", "ports"] not in configuration: raise PJFMissingArgument() if configuration.debug: print("[\033[92mINFO\033[0m] Starting HTTP ({0}) and HTTPS ({1}) built-in server...".format( configuration.ports["servers"]["HTTP_PORT"], configuration.ports["servers"]["HTTPS_PORT"] )) if not configuration.content_type: configuration.content_type = False if not configuration.content_type: configuration.content_type = "application/json" self.config = configuration self.json = PJFFactory(configuration) self.https = SSLWSGIRefServer(host="", port=self.config.ports["servers"]["HTTPS_PORT"]) self.http = WSGIRefServer(host="", port=self.config.ports["servers"]["HTTP_PORT"]) self.httpsd = multiprocessing.Process(target=run, kwargs={"server": self.https, "quiet": True}) self.httpd = multiprocessing.Process(target=run, kwargs={"server": self.http, "quiet": True}) if self.config.fuzz_web: self.request_checker = Thread(target=self.request_pool, args=()) self.logger.debug("[{0}] - PJFServer successfully initialized".format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")))
def startReplay(warcFilename): global p pathOfWARC = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(moduleLocation) + '/samples/warcs/' + warcFilename) tempFilePath = '/tmp/' + ''.join(random.sample( string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits * 6, 6)) + '.cdxj' print('B2' + tempFilePath) p = Process(target=replay.start, args=[tempFilePath]) p.start() sleep(5) cdxjList = indexer.indexFileAt(pathOfWARC, quiet=True) cdxj = '\n'.join(cdxjList) with open(tempFilePath, 'w') as f: f.write(cdxj)
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='A command line interface to move tweets from pubsub to bigquery') parser.add_argument('project_name', help='Project name in console') parser.add_argument('subscription', help='subscription to read from') parser.add_argument('-w','--workers', help='change the number of workers', default = 10, type=int) args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) pool = [Process(target = worker, args = (args,)) for i in xrange(args.workers)] print("Starting pool of %d worker"%args.workers) for i in pool: i.start() for i in pool: i.join()
def build(source, target, versions, current_name, is_root): """Build Sphinx docs for one version. Includes Versions class instance with names/urls in the HTML context. :raise HandledError: If sphinx-build fails. Will be logged before raising. :param str source: Source directory to pass to sphinx-build. :param str target: Destination directory to write documentation to (passed to sphinx-build). :param sphinxcontrib.versioning.versions.Versions versions: Versions class instance. :param str current_name: The ref name of the current version being built. :param bool is_root: Is this build in the web root? """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) argv = ('sphinx-build', source, target) config = Config.from_context() log.debug('Running sphinx-build for %s with args: %s', current_name, str(argv)) child = multiprocessing.Process(target=_build, args=(argv, config, versions, current_name, is_root)) child.start() child.join() # Block. if child.exitcode != 0: log.error('sphinx-build failed for branch/tag: %s', current_name) raise HandledError
def _launch_pipeline(self): """This method creates two queues. filename_queue: stores the list of filesnames in data_file and label_file data_queue: stores the mini-batch """ self.data_processes = [] # Holds process handles queue_size = 2 * self.num_preprocess_threads + 2 * self.num_gpu_towers self.data_queue = Queue(queue_size) # This queue stores the data image_files = open(self.data_file, 'r').readlines() labels = open(self.label_file, 'r').readlines() print 'Size of queue: ', queue_size self.filename_queue = Queue(len(image_files)) # This queue stores the filenames p = Process(target=self._create_filename_queue, args=(self.filename_queue, image_files, labels, self.num_epochs)) p.start() self.data_processes.append(p) print 'Data feeder started' for each_worker in range(self.num_preprocess_threads): p = Process(target=self._each_worker_process, args=(self.data_queue,)) p.start() self.data_processes.append(p)
def __init__(self, host, reward_address, **kwargs): self.host = host self.request_nodes_from_all() self.reward_address = reward_address self.broadcast_node(host) self.full_nodes.add(host) block_path = kwargs.get("block_path") if block_path is None: self.blockchain = Blockchain() else: self.load_blockchain(block_path) mining = kwargs.get("mining") if mining is True: self.NODE_TYPE = "miner" self.mining_process = Process(target=self.mine) self.mining_process.start() logger.debug("mining node started on %s with reward address of %s...", host, reward_address) logger.debug("full node server starting on %s with reward address of %s...", host, reward_address) self.node_process = Process(target=self.app.run, args=(host, self.FULL_NODE_PORT)) self.node_process.start() logger.debug("full node server started on %s with reward address of %s...", host, reward_address)
def udp_flood(self): """Get target ip and port from server, start UPD flood wait for 'KILL'.""" en_data = self.receive(3) # Max ip+port+payload length 999 chars en_data = self.receive(int(en_data)) en_data = en_data.split(":") target_ip = en_data[0] target_port = int(en_data[1]) msg = en_data[2] proc = Process(target=udp_flood_start, args=(target_ip, target_port, msg)) proc.start() killed = False while not killed: en_data = self.receive(5) try: en_data = self.comm_dict[en_data] except KeyError: continue if en_data == 'KILL': proc.terminate() killed = True return 0
def udp_spoof(self): """Get target/spoofed ip and port from server, start UPD spoof wait for 'KILL'.""" en_data = self.receive(3) # Max ip+port+spoofedip+spoofed port+payload length 999 chars en_data = self.receive(int(en_data)) en_data = en_data.split(":") target_ip = en_data[0] target_port = int(en_data[1]) spoofed_ip = en_data[2] spoofed_port = int(en_data[3]) payload = en_data[4].encode('UTF-8') proc = Process(target=udp_spoof_start, args=(target_ip, target_port, spoofed_ip, spoofed_port, payload)) proc.start() killed = False while not killed: en_data = self.receive(5) try: en_data = self.comm_dict[en_data] except KeyError: continue if en_data == 'KILL': proc.terminate() killed = True return 0
def main(): """ main entry point for script """ opts = getoptions(False) setuplogger(opts['log']) config = Config() threads = opts['threads'] if threads <= 1: processjobs(config, opts, None) return else: proclist = [] for procid in xrange(threads): p = Process(target=processjobs, args=(config, opts, procid)) p.start() proclist.append(p) for proc in proclist: p.join()
def processFilesThreaded(self, filenames): """ Run detector from files :param filenames: filenames to load :return: None """ allstart = time.time() if not isinstance(filenames, list): raise ValueError("Files must be list of filenames.") p = Process(target=self.threadProducerFiles, args=[filenames]) p.daemon = True c = Process(target=self.threadConsumer, args=[]) c.daemon = True p.start() c.start() c.join() p.join() print("DONE in {}s".format((time.time() - allstart)))
def processVideoThreaded(self, device): """ Use video as input :param device: device id :return: None """ p = Process(target=self.threadProducerVideo, args=[device]) p.daemon = True c = Process(target=self.threadConsumer, args=[]) c.daemon = True p.start() c.start() c.join() p.join()
def get_solvers(net_name): # Faster R-CNN Alternating Optimization n = 'faster_rcnn_alt_opt' # Solver for each training stage solvers = [[net_name, n, 'stage1_rpn_solver60k80k.pt'], [net_name, n, 'stage1_fast_rcnn_solver30k40k.pt'], [net_name, n, 'stage2_rpn_solver60k80k.pt'], [net_name, n, 'stage2_fast_rcnn_solver30k40k.pt']] solvers = [os.path.join(cfg.MODELS_DIR, *s) for s in solvers] # Iterations for each training stage max_iters = [80000, 40000, 80000, 40000] # max_iters = [100, 100, 100, 100] # Test prototxt for the RPN rpn_test_prototxt = os.path.join( cfg.MODELS_DIR, net_name, n, 'rpn_test.pt') return solvers, max_iters, rpn_test_prototxt # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Pycaffe doesn't reliably free GPU memory when instantiated nets are discarded # (e.g. "del net" in Python code). To work around this issue, each training # stage is executed in a separate process using multiprocessing.Process. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_wsgi(cls): if cls.wsgi_process != None: cls.make_browser() return cls.wsgi_process = Process(target=cls._run_wsgi) cls.wsgi_process.start() # Wait for it to come up success = False for i in range(10): try: if urllib.urlopen("http://localhost:%i/" % cls.port_num).getcode() == 200: success = True break except Exception: pass time.sleep(2) # Create a second app for routing etc cls.app = cls._make_app() # If we failed to run WSGI then clean-up if not success: cls.stop_wsgi() cls.wsgi_process = None raise Exception("Couldn't bring up WSGI server") cls.make_browser()
def buffered_gen_mp(source_gen, buffer_size=2): """ Generator that runs a slow source generator in a separate process. buffer_size: the maximal number of items to pre-generate (length of the buffer) """ if buffer_size < 2: raise RuntimeError("Minimal buffer size is 2!") buffer = mp.Queue(maxsize=buffer_size - 1) # the effective buffer size is one less, because the generation process # will generate one extra element and block until there is room in the buffer. def _buffered_generation_process(source_gen, buffer): for data in source_gen: buffer.put(data, block=True) buffer.put(None) # sentinel: signal the end of the iterator buffer.close() # unfortunately this does not suffice as a signal: if buffer.get() # was called and subsequently the buffer is closed, it will block forever. process = mp.Process(target=_buffered_generation_process, args=(source_gen, buffer)) process.start() for data in iter(buffer.get, None): yield data
def stub_server(request): from multiprocessing import Process from stubilous.server import run from stubilous.builder import Builder builder = Builder() builder.server(host="localhost", port=9998) builder.route("GET", "/health")("Ok", 200) config = builder.build() proc = Process(target=run, args=(config,)) def on_close(): proc.terminate() proc.join() request.addfinalizer(on_close) proc.start() return proc
def start(self): self.setup_sockets() import StaticUPnP_Settings permissions = Namespace(**StaticUPnP_Settings.permissions) print(permissions) if permissions.drop_permissions: self.drop_privileges(permissions.user, permissions.group) self.running = Value(ctypes.c_int, 1) self.queue = Queue() self.reciever_thread = Process(target=self.socket_handler, args=(self.queue, self.running)) self.reciever_thread.start() self.schedule_thread = Process(target=self.schedule_handler, args=(self.running,)) self.schedule_thread.start() self.response_thread = Process(target=self.response_handler, args=(self.queue, self.running)) self.response_thread.start()
def aireplay(): """ Controls the attacks function Starts attack function in a sub-process """ start_attack_proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=attack) start_attack_proc.start() while True: try: print('', end='', flush=True) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: os.system('clear') print(G + "[+] INFO: Stopping Attack..." + W) start_attack_proc.terminate() break # --------------------------------ICON--------------------------------
def run_parallel(num_processes, out_dir, source): page = requests.get("http://storage.googleapis.com/books/ngrams/books/datasetsv2.html") pattern = re.compile('href=\'(.*%s-%s-%s-.*\.gz)' % (source, TYPE, VERSION)) urls = pattern.findall(page.text) del page queue = Queue() for url in urls: queue.put(url) ioutils.mkdir(out_dir + '/' + source + '/raw') download_dir = out_dir + '/' + source + '/raw/' ioutils.mkdir(download_dir) procs = [Process(target=split_main, args=[i, queue, download_dir]) for i in range(num_processes)] for p in procs: p.start() for p in procs: p.join()
def _import_mp(): global Process, Queue, Pool, Event, Value, Array try: from multiprocessing import Manager, Process #prevent the server process created in the manager which holds Python #objects and allows other processes to manipulate them using proxies #to interrupt on SIGINT (keyboardinterrupt) so that the communication #channel between subprocesses and main process is still usable after #ctrl+C is received in the main process. old=signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) m = Manager() #reset it back so main process will receive a KeyboardInterrupt #exception on ctrl+c signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old) Queue, Pool, Event, Value, Array = ( m.Queue, m.Pool, m.Event, m.Value, m.Array ) except ImportError: warn("multiprocessing module is not available, multiprocess plugin " "cannot be used", RuntimeWarning)
def startProcess(self, iworker, testQueue, resultQueue, shouldStop, result): currentaddr = Value('c',bytes_('')) currentstart = Value('d',time.time()) keyboardCaught = Event() p = Process(target=runner, args=(iworker, testQueue, resultQueue, currentaddr, currentstart, keyboardCaught, shouldStop, self.loaderClass, result.__class__, pickle.dumps(self.config))) p.currentaddr = currentaddr p.currentstart = currentstart p.keyboardCaught = keyboardCaught old = signal.signal(signal.SIGILL, signalhandler) p.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGILL, old) return p
def __init__(self): try: with open(self.AQBOT_CONF) as f: config = json.load(f) except IOError: exit(1) except: exit(1) try: for network in config['networks']: for channel in network['channels']: worker = mp.Process(target=self._connect, args=(network, channel,)) worker.start() except: exit(1)
def run_worker_pool(job_handler, host="localhost", port=48484, *, max_workers=None): """ Runs a pool of workers which connect to a remote HighFive master and begin executing calls. """ if max_workers is None: max_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() processes = [] for _ in range(max_workers): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker_main, args=(job_handler, host, port)) p.start() processes.append(p) logger.debug("workers started") for p in processes: p.join() logger.debug("all workers completed")
def main(): ip_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() msg_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=get_proxy,args=(ip_queue,msg_queue)) p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=test_and_verify.verify_db_data,args=(ip_queue,msg_queue)) p3 = [multiprocessing.Process(target=test_and_verify.gevent_queue,args=(ip_queue,msg_queue)) for i in range(settings.TEST_PROCESS_NUM)] p4 = multiprocessing.Process(target=web_cache_run,args=(ip_queue,)) p1.start() p2.start() for p in p3: p.start() pid_list = [os.getpid(),p1.pid,p2.pid,] pid_list.extend(p.pid for p in p3) if WEB_USE_REDIS_CACHE: p4.start() pid_list.append(p4.pid) with open(PID,"w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(pid_list)) p1.join() p2.join() for p in p3: p.join() if WEB_USE_REDIS_CACHE: p4.join()
def create_server(self, is_leader=True): def server_factory(config): serverSetup(config) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_forever() self.server = Process(target=server_factory, args=(self.config,)) self.server.start() if is_leader and self.address == self.leader_address: sleep(1) print('Restarting Leader to increment term') self.server.terminate() self.create_server(is_leader=False) # prevents recurtion sleep(1) else: sleep(3) self.leader = DistributedDict(*self.leader_address) self.leader.config_cluster('add', *self.address)
def test_5_add_server(self): print('Add new server') d = DistributedDict('', 9110) d['test'] = 0 self.pool.stop(self.pool.ids) self.pool.start(self.pool.ids) self.pool.configs[10] = {'address': ('', 9120), 'cluster': {('', 9120), }, 'storage': '20.persist', 'debug': False} self.pool.servers[10] = Process(target=self.pool._run_server, args=(self.pool.configs[10],)) self.pool.start(10) sleep(1) d.config_cluster('add', '', 9120) sleep(1) del d d = DistributedDict('', 9120) self.assertEqual(d, {'test': 0})
def target_file(target_hosts, output_directory, dns_server, quiet, quick): targets = load_targets(target_hosts, output_directory, quiet) target_file = open(targets, 'r') try: target_file = open(targets, 'r') print("[*] Loaded targets from: %s" % targets) except: print("[!] Unable to load: %s" % targets) for ip_address in target_file: ip_address = ip_address.strip() create_dir_structure(ip_address, output_directory) host_directory = output_directory + "/" + ip_address nmap_directory = host_directory + "/scans" jobs = [] p = multiprocessing.Process(target=nmap_scan, args=(ip_address, nmap_directory, dns_server, quick)) jobs.append(p) p.start() target_file.close()
def target_file(target_hosts, output_directory, quiet): targets = load_targets(target_hosts, output_directory, quiet) target_file = open(targets, 'r') try: target_file = open(targets, 'r') print("[*] Loaded targets from: %s" % targets) except: print("[!] Unable to load: %s" % targets) for ip_address in target_file: ip_address = ip_address.strip() snmp_directory = output_directory + '/' + ip_address+ '/scans/snmp/' check_directory(snmp_directory) jobs = [] p = multiprocessing.Process(target=snmp_scans, args=(ip_address, snmp_directory)) jobs.append(p) p.start() target_file.close()
def driller_callback(self, fuzz): l.warning("Driller stuck callback triggered!") # remove any workers that aren't running self._running_workers = [x for x in self._running_workers if x.is_alive()] # get the files in queue queue = self._queue_files(fuzz) #for i in range(1, fuzz.fuzz_id): # fname = "fuzzer-%d" % i # queue.extend(self.queue_files(fname)) # start drilling not_drilled = set(queue) - self._already_drilled_inputs if len(not_drilled) == 0: l.warning("no inputs left to drill") while len(self._running_workers) < self._num_workers and len(not_drilled) > 0: to_drill_path = list(not_drilled)[0] not_drilled.remove(to_drill_path) self._already_drilled_inputs.add(to_drill_path) proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_run_drill, args=(self, fuzz, to_drill_path)) proc.start() self._running_workers.append(proc)
def run(self, started_event: Event) -> Process: p = Process(target=_sub_process_main, args=( started_event, self._channel_name, self._connection, self._consumer_configuration, self._consumer_factory, self._command_processor_factory, self._mapper_func)) self._logger.debug("Starting worker process for channel: %s on exchange %s on server %s", self._channel_name, self._connection.exchange, self._connection.amqp_uri) p.start() started_event.wait(timeout=1) return p
def multiWorker(processNum=4,serverHost='',serverAuthkey='',serverPort=5000,logFile=None,color=True,debug=4): ''' :param processNum: default=4 <class int> :param serverHost: default='' <class str> :param serverAuthkey: default='' <class bytes> :param serverPort: default=5000 <class int> :param logFile: default=None <class str> :param color: default=True <class bool> :param debug: default=4 <class int|0 NONE,1 [Error],2 [Error][WARING],3 [Error][WARING][INFO],4 ALL> :function: multiprocessing download ''' while True: pools = [] for num in range(processNum): pools.append(Process(target=DownloadWorker(serverHost,serverAuthkey,serverPort,logFile,color,debug).run,args=('Worker%d'%num,))) for p in pools: p.start() for p in pools: p.join()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): test_notes = global_vars['test_notes'] pause_reporting = global_vars['pause_reporting'] def wrapper(func, test_notes, pause_reporting, **kwargs): """ :param func: function to pass to multiprocessing.Process. :param test_notes: multiprocessing Queue() instance. Allows us to add notes to :param disable_reporting: multiprocessing Event() instance. Turns off reporting to terminal when input needed. :param kwargs: dictionary that contains all args and kwargs being sent to wrapped function. :return: """ global_vars['test_notes'] = test_notes global_vars['pause_reporting'] = pause_reporting args_ = kwargs['args'] if 'args' in kwargs else () kwargs_ = kwargs['kwargs'] if 'kwargs' in kwargs else {} return func(*args_, **kwargs_) wrapper_args = [kwargs['target'], test_notes, pause_reporting] wrapper_kwargs = kwargs multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self, target=wrapper, args=wrapper_args, kwargs=wrapper_kwargs)
def _process_single_event(self, socket): """ Process a socket's event. Parameters ---------- socket : zmq.Socket Socket that generated the event. """ data = socket.recv() address = self.address[socket] if address.kind == 'SUB': self._process_sub_event(socket, address, data) elif address.kind == 'PULL': self._process_pull_event(socket, address, data) elif address.kind == 'REP': self._process_rep_event(socket, address, data) else: self._process_single_event_complex(address, socket, data)
def _process_single_event_complex(self, address, socket, data): """ Process a socket's event for complex sockets (channels). Parameters ---------- address : AgentAddress or AgentChannel Agent address or channel associated to the socket. socket : zmq.Socket Socket that generated the event. data Received in the socket. """ if address.kind == 'ASYNC_REP': self._process_async_rep_event(socket, address, data) elif address.kind == 'PULL_SYNC_PUB': self._process_sync_pub_event(socket, address.channel, data) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported kind %s!' % address.kind)
def _process_rep_event(self, socket, addr, data): """ Process a REP socket's event. Parameters ---------- socket : zmq.Socket Socket that generated the event. addr : AgentAddress AgentAddress associated with the socket that generated the event. data : bytes Data received on the socket. """ message = deserialize_message(message=data, serializer=addr.serializer) handler = self.handler[socket] if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(handler): generator = handler(self, message) socket.send(serialize_message(next(generator), addr.serializer)) execute_code_after_yield(generator) else: reply = handler(self, message) socket.send(serialize_message(reply, addr.serializer))
def _process_pull_event(self, socket, addr, data): """ Process a PULL socket's event. Parameters ---------- socket : zmq.Socket Socket that generated the event. addr : AgentAddress AgentAddress associated with the socket that generated the event. data : bytes Data received on the socket. """ message = deserialize_message(message=data, serializer=addr.serializer) handler = self.handler[socket] if not isinstance(handler, (list, dict, tuple)): handler = [handler] for h in handler: h(self, message)
def test_nameserver_spawn_process(nsproxy): """ A name server should be able to spawn child processes. It is a way to make sure name servers are run as non-daemonic processes, which are not allowed to have children. """ class Spawner(NameServer): def spawn_process(self): p = multiprocessing.Process() p.start() return True ns = run_nameserver(base=Spawner) assert ns.spawn_process() ns.shutdown()
def setUpClass(self): self.smr_proc = Process(target=SpecificManagerRegistry) self.smr_proc.daemon = True self.manoconn = ManoBrokerRequestResponseConnection('son-plugin.SpecificManagerRegistry') self.wait_for_ssm_event = threading.Event() self.wait_for_ssm_event.clear() self.wait_for_fsm_event = threading.Event() self.wait_for_fsm_event.clear() self.event1 = False self.event2 = False self.smr_proc.start() time.sleep(4)
def _main_process(logger, downwards, upwards, process_count, configs): """Main process.""" try: while True: message = _receive_message(upwards, block=True) if message.type == _MESSAGE_ERROR: logger.error("Process '%s' [%d]:\n%s" % ( message.process_name, message.process_id, message.message)) return Status.FAILURE elif message.type == _MESSAGE_QUIT: break finally: for _ in _range(process_count): _send_message(downwards, _MESSAGE_STOP) downwards.close() return Status.SUCCESS
def test_concurrent_access(self): st = SharedTable({'cnt': 0}) def inc(): for _ in range(50): with st.get_lock(): st['cnt'] += 1 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5) / 10000) threads = [] for _ in range(5): # numthreads threads.append(Process(target=inc)) for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() assert st['cnt'] == 250
def main(): print("Starting number crunching") t0 = time.time() procs = [] # Here we create our processes and kick them off for i in range(10): proc = Process(target=executeProc, args=()) procs.append(proc) proc.start() # Again we use the .join() method in order to wait for # execution to finish for all of our processes for proc in procs: proc.join() t1 = time.time() totalTime = t1 - t0 # we print out the total execution time for our 10 # procs. print("Execution Time: {}".format(totalTime))
def main(): ring = ringbuffer.RingBuffer(slot_bytes=50000, slot_count=10) ring.new_writer() processes = [ multiprocessing.Process(target=reader, args=(ring, ring.new_reader())), multiprocessing.Process(target=reader, args=(ring, ring.new_reader())), multiprocessing.Process(target=writer, args=(ring, 1, 1000)), ] for p in processes: p.daemon = True p.start() for p in processes: p.join(timeout=20) assert not p.is_alive() assert p.exitcode == 0
def new_reader(self): """Returns a new unique reader into the buffer. This must only be called in the parent process. It must not be called in a child multiprocessing.Process. See class docstring. To enforce this policy, no readers may be allocated after the first write has occurred. """ with self.lock.for_write(): writer_position = self.writer.get() if writer_position.counter > 0: raise MustCreatedReadersBeforeWritingError reader = Pointer(self.slot_count, start=writer_position.counter) self.readers.append(reader) return reader
def main(): ring = ringbuffer.RingBuffer(slot_bytes=50000, slot_count=100) ring.new_writer() processes = [ multiprocessing.Process(target=writer, args=(ring,)), ] for i in range(10): processes.append(multiprocessing.Process( target=reader, args=(ring, ring.new_reader()))) for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join(timeout=20) assert not p.is_alive() assert p.exitcode == 0
def main(): while True: indata=raw_input("Enter domain name and port, example: google.com:443 : ") print indata domain=indata.split(':')[0] try: port=int(indata.split(':')[1]) except: port=443 if len(domain)<5: print 'wrong domain' continue print 'fucking '+domain+' @ port '+str(port)+'...' fn=open(domain+'.bin','ab') for j in xrange(THREADS): t = Process(target=fuckit,args=(domain,port,fn)) t.daemon=True t.start()
def get_solvers(net_name): # Faster R-CNN Alternating Optimization n = 'faster_rcnn_alt_opt' # Solver for each training stage solvers = [[net_name, n, 'stage1_rpn_solver60k80k.pt'], [net_name, n, 'stage1_fast_rcnn_solver30k40k.pt'], [net_name, n, 'stage2_rpn_solver60k80k.pt'], [net_name, n, 'stage2_fast_rcnn_solver30k40k.pt']] solvers = [os.path.join(cfg.ROOT_DIR, 'models', *s) for s in solvers] # Iterations for each training stage max_iters = [80000, 40000, 80000, 40000] # max_iters = [100, 100, 100, 100] # Test prototxt for the RPN rpn_test_prototxt = os.path.join( cfg.ROOT_DIR, 'models', net_name, n, 'rpn_test.pt') return solvers, max_iters, rpn_test_prototxt # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Pycaffe doesn't reliably free GPU memory when instantiated nets are discarded # (e.g. "del net" in Python code). To work around this issue, each training # stage is executed in a separate process using multiprocessing.Process. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def addProcess(self, method, arguments): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=method, args=(arguments,)) p.start()