def mpraw_as_np(shape, dtype): """Construct a numpy array of the specified shape and dtype for which the underlying storage is a multiprocessing RawArray in shared memory. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Shape of numpy array dtype : data-type Data type of array Returns ------- arr : ndarray Numpy array """ sz = int(np.product(shape)) csz = sz * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize raw = mp.RawArray('c', csz) return np.frombuffer(raw, dtype=dtype, count=sz).reshape(shape)
def __init__(self, shape, dtype = numpy.float32): num_elems = numpy.prod(shape) if dtype == numpy.int32: c_type = ctypes.c_int elif dtype == numpy.float32: c_type = ctypes.c_float elif dtype == numpy.float64: c_type = ctypes.c_double else: assert(0) #shared storage for numpy array self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype self.base = mp.RawArray(c_type, int(num_elems)) self.lock = mp.RLock() #overloaded operators for convienince
def extract_params_as_shared_arrays(model): """ converts params to shared arrays """ # can get in the form of list -> shared + policy + value shared_arrays = [] weights_dict = model.get_all_weights() weight_list = [] for k,v in weights_dict.items(): weight_list += v for weights in weight_list: shared_arrays.append(mp.RawArray('f', weights.ravel())) return shared_arrays
def __init__(self): # # RETURNS STDOUT: self._state = "TEXT" + str(NUMBER) # # RETURNS BAD VALUE: self._timestamp.value = 1234567890.99 # self._state = multiprocessing.RawValue(ctypes.c_char_p) # self._ost_name = multiprocessing.RawValue(ctypes.c_char_p) # self._timestamp = multiprocessing.RawValue(ctypes.c_float) self._state = multiprocessing.RawValue(ctypes.c_int, WorkerState.NOT_READY) self._ost_name = multiprocessing.RawArray('c', 64) self._timestamp = multiprocessing.RawValue(ctypes.c_uint, 0)
def __init__(self, *, slot_bytes, slot_count): """Initializer. Args: slot_bytes: How big each buffer in the array should be. slot_count: How many buffers should be in the array. """ self.slot_bytes = slot_bytes self.slot_count = slot_count self.length_bytes = 4 slot_type = ctypes.c_byte * (slot_bytes + self.length_bytes) self.array = multiprocessing.RawArray(slot_type, slot_count)
def extract_params_as_shared_arrays(link): assert isinstance(link, chainer.Link) shared_arrays = {} for param_name, param in link.namedparams(): shared_arrays[param_name] = mp.RawArray('f', param.data.ravel()) return shared_arrays
def extract_states_as_shared_arrays(optimizer): assert isinstance(optimizer, chainer.Optimizer) assert hasattr(optimizer, 'target'), 'Optimizer.setup must be called first' shared_arrays = {} for param_name, param in optimizer.target.namedparams(): shared_arrays[param_name] = {} ensure_initialized_update_rule(param) state = param.update_rule.state for state_name, state_val in state.items(): shared_arrays[param_name][ state_name] = mp.RawArray('f', state_val.ravel()) return shared_arrays
def init_mpraw(mpv, npv): """Set a global variable as a multiprocessing RawArray in shared memory with a numpy array wrapper and initialise its value. Parameters ---------- mpv : string Name of global variable to set npv : ndarray Numpy array to use as initialiser for global variable value """ globals()[mpv] = mpraw_as_np(npv.shape, npv.dtype) globals()[mpv][:] = npv
def extract_states_as_shared_arrays(optimizer): assert isinstance(optimizer, chainer.Optimizer) assert hasattr(optimizer, 'target'), 'Optimizer.setup must be called first' shared_arrays = {} for state_name, state in optimizer._states.items(): shared_arrays[state_name] = {} for param_name, param in state.items(): shared_arrays[state_name][ param_name] = mp.RawArray('f', param.ravel()) return shared_arrays
def createSharedNumpyArray(dimensions, ctype = ctypes.c_double): # create array in shared memory segment shared_array_base = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctype, np.prod(dimensions)) # convert to numpy array vie ctypeslib shared_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base) return shared_array.reshape(dimensions);
def _activation_matrix(indices_list, weights, number_of_threads): """ Estimate activation for indices in weights Memory overhead for multiprocessing is one copy of weights plus a copy of cues for each thread. Parameters ---------- indices_list : list[int] events as cue indices in weights weights : numpy.array weight matrix with shape (outcomes, cues) number_of_threads : int Returns ------- activation_matrix : numpy.array estimated activations as matrix with shape (outcomes, events) """ assert number_of_threads >= 1, "Can't run with less than 1 thread" activations_dim = (weights.shape[0], len(indices_list)) if number_of_threads == 1: activations = np.empty(activations_dim, dtype=np.float64) for row, event_cues in enumerate(indices_list): activations[:, row] = weights[:, event_cues].sum(axis=1) return activations else: shared_activations = mp.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, int(np.prod(activations_dim))) weights = np.ascontiguousarray(weights) shared_weights = mp.sharedctypes.copy(np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.float64(weights))) initargs = (shared_weights, weights.shape, shared_activations, activations_dim) with mp.Pool(number_of_threads, initializer=_init_mp_activation_matrix, initargs=initargs) as pool: pool.starmap(_run_mp_activation_matrix, enumerate(indices_list)) activations = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_activations) activations.shape = activations_dim return activations
def malloc_contiguous(self, size, initial_val=None): if initial_val is None: return RawArray(ctypes.c_float, size) else: return RawArray(ctypes.c_float, initial_val)
def __init__(self, num_actors): self.updated = RawArray(ctypes.c_int, num_actors)
def test_can_pass_custom_create_storage(self): create_storage = functools.partial( multiprocessing.RawArray, ctypes.c_int ) m = SM(3, create_storage) m[1, 2] = 5 self.assertEqual(m[2, 1], 5)
def test_array(self, raw=False): seq = [680, 626, 934, 821, 150, 233, 548, 982, 714, 831] if raw: arr = self.RawArray('i', seq) else: arr = self.Array('i', seq) self.assertEqual(len(arr), len(seq)) self.assertEqual(arr[3], seq[3]) self.assertEqual(list(arr[2:7]), list(seq[2:7])) arr[4:8] = seq[4:8] = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(list(arr[:]), seq) self.f(seq) p = self.Process(target=self.f, args=(arr,)) p.daemon = True p.start() p.join() self.assertEqual(list(arr[:]), seq)
def test_getobj_getlock_obj(self): arr1 = self.Array('i', list(range(10))) lock1 = arr1.get_lock() obj1 = arr1.get_obj() arr2 = self.Array('i', list(range(10)), lock=None) lock2 = arr2.get_lock() obj2 = arr2.get_obj() lock = self.Lock() arr3 = self.Array('i', list(range(10)), lock=lock) lock3 = arr3.get_lock() obj3 = arr3.get_obj() self.assertEqual(lock, lock3) arr4 = self.Array('i', range(10), lock=False) self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr4, 'get_lock')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr4, 'get_obj')) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.Array, 'i', range(10), lock='notalock') arr5 = self.RawArray('i', range(10)) self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr5, 'get_lock')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(arr5, 'get_obj')) # # #
def __createArr(self,shapeinfo): import ctypes import multiprocessing fulldim=1 for d in shapeinfo: fulldim*=d if fulldim < 0: #catch some weird things that happen when there is a file IO error fulldim=0 # reserve memory for array shared_array_base = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctypes.c_float, int(fulldim)) shared_array = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base)#.get_obj()) #print('giving shape',shapeinfo) shared_array = shared_array.reshape(shapeinfo) #print('gave shape',shapeinfo) return shared_array
def main(): x = np.ctypeslib.as_array(mp.RawArray('f', N * C * H * W)).reshape(N, C, H, W) print(x.shape) b = mp.Barrier(G) workers = [mp.Process(target=worker, args=(x, b, rank)) for rank in range(1, G)] for w in workers: w.start() worker(x, b, 0) for w in workers: w.join()
def np_mp_arr(t_or_tc, size_or_init): return np.ctypeslib.as_array(mp.RawArray(t_or_tc, size_or_init))
def __init__(self, init_dict=None): """Create a shared memory version of each element of the initial dictionary. Creates an empty array otherwise, which will extend automatically when keys are added. Each different type (all supported types listed in the ``types`` array above) has its own array. For each key we store an index into the appropriate array as well as the type of value stored for that key. """ # idx is dict of {key: (array_idx, value_type)} self.idx = {} # arrays is dict of {value_type: array_of_ctype} self.arrays = {} self.tensors = {} if init_dict: sizes = {typ: 0 for typ in self.types.keys()} for k, v in init_dict.items(): if 'Tensor' in str(type(v)): # add tensor to tensor dict--don't try to put in rawarray self.tensors[k] = v continue elif type(v) not in sizes: raise TypeError('SharedTable does not support values of ' + 'type ' + str(type(v))) sizes[type(v)] += 1 # pop tensors from init_dict for k in self.tensors.keys(): init_dict.pop(k) # create raw arrays for each type for typ, sz in sizes.items(): self.arrays[typ] = RawArray(self.types[typ], sz) # track indices for each key, assign them to their typed rawarray idxs = {typ: 0 for typ in self.types.keys()} for k, v in init_dict.items(): val_type = type(v) self.idx[k] = (idxs[val_type], val_type) if val_type == str: v = sys.intern(v) self.arrays[val_type][idxs[val_type]] = v idxs[val_type] += 1 # initialize any needed empty arrays for typ, ctyp in self.types.items(): if typ not in self.arrays: self.arrays[typ] = RawArray(ctyp, 0) self.lock = Lock()