def __init__(self, pool_names, max_restarts=0, options=None): self.names = pool_names self.queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.pool = dict() self.max_restarts = max_restarts self.options = options or dict() self.dog_path = os.curdir self.dog_handler = LiveReload(self) # self.dog_observer = Observer() # self.dog_observer.schedule(self.dog_handler, self.dog_path, recursive=True) if multiprocessing.get_start_method() != 'fork': # pragma: no cover root_logger = logging.getLogger() self.log_listener = QueueListener(self.queue, *root_logger.handlers) # TODO: Find out how to get the watchdog + livereload working on a later moment. # self.dog_observer.start() self._restarts = dict()
def default_test_processes(): """ Default number of test processes when using the --parallel option. """ # The current implementation of the parallel test runner requires # multiprocessing to start subprocesses with fork(). # On Python 3.4+: if multiprocessing.get_start_method() != 'fork': if not hasattr(os, 'fork'): return 1 try: return int(os.environ['DJANGO_TEST_PROCESSES']) except KeyError: return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def test_noforkbomb(self): sm = multiprocessing.get_start_method() name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mp_fork_bomb.py') if sm != 'fork': rc, out, err = test.script_helper.assert_python_failure(name, sm) self.assertEqual(out, b'') self.assertIn(b'RuntimeError', err) else: rc, out, err = test.script_helper.assert_python_ok(name, sm) self.assertEqual(out.rstrip(), b'123') self.assertEqual(err, b'') # # Issue #17555: ForkAwareThreadLock #
def test_closefd(self): if not HAS_REDUCTION: raise unittest.SkipTest('requires fd pickling') reader, writer = multiprocessing.Pipe() fd = self.get_high_socket_fd() try: p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._test_closefds, args=(writer, fd)) p.start() writer.close() e = reader.recv() p.join(timeout=5) finally: self.close(fd) writer.close() reader.close() if multiprocessing.get_start_method() == 'fork': self.assertIs(e, None) else: WSAENOTSOCK = 10038 self.assertIsInstance(e, OSError) self.assertTrue(e.errno == errno.EBADF or e.winerror == WSAENOTSOCK, e) # # Issue #17097: EINTR should be ignored by recv(), send(), accept() etc #
def _check_context(cls, conn): conn.send(multiprocessing.get_start_method())
def check_context(self, ctx): r, w = ctx.Pipe(duplex=False) p = ctx.Process(target=self._check_context, args=(w,)) p.start() w.close() child_method = r.recv() r.close() p.join() self.assertEqual(child_method, ctx.get_start_method())
def test_context(self): for method in ('fork', 'spawn', 'forkserver'): try: ctx = multiprocessing.get_context(method) except ValueError: continue self.assertEqual(ctx.get_start_method(), method) self.assertIs(ctx.get_context(), ctx) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ctx.set_start_method, 'spawn') self.assertRaises(ValueError, ctx.set_start_method, None) self.check_context(ctx)
def _run(name, queue, options): """ The actual process that runs the separate controller instance. :param name: name of the process :param queue: Queue of the binding parent. :param options: Custom Options :type name: str """ from pyplanet.core.instance import Controller from pyplanet.utils.log import initiate_logger, QueueHandler import logging # Tokio Asyncio (EXPERIMENTAL). if 'tokio' in options and options['tokio'] is True: import tokio import asyncio policy = tokio.TokioLoopPolicy() asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(policy) asyncio.set_event_loop(tokio.new_event_loop()) logging.warning('Using experimental Tokio Asyncio Loop!') # Logging to queue. if multiprocessing.get_start_method() != 'fork': # pragma: no cover initiate_logger() root_logger = logging.getLogger() formatter = ColoredFormatter( '%(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s%(reset)s %(yellow)s[%(threadName)s][%(name)s]%(reset)s %(blue)s%(message)s' ) queue_handler = QueueHandler(queue) queue_handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger.addHandler(queue_handler) logging.getLogger(__name__).info('Starting pool process for \'{}\'...'.format(name)) # Setting thread name to our process name. threading.main_thread().setName(name) # Start instance. instance = Controller.prepare(name).instance instance._queue = queue instance.start()
def _loop_wrapper_func(func, args, shared_mem_run, shared_mem_pause, interval, sigint, sigterm, name, logging_level, conn_send, func_running, log_queue): """ to be executed as a separate process (that's why this functions is declared static) """ prefix = get_identifier(name) + ' ' global log log = logging.getLogger(__name__+".log_{}".format(get_identifier(name, bold=False))) log.setLevel(logging_level) log.addHandler(QueueHandler(log_queue)) sys.stdout = StdoutPipe(conn_send) log.debug("enter wrapper_func") SIG_handler_Loop(sigint, sigterm, log, prefix) func_running.value = True error = False while shared_mem_run.value: try: # in pause mode, simply sleep if shared_mem_pause.value: quit_loop = False else: # if not pause mode -> call func and see what happens try: quit_loop = func(*args) except LoopInterruptError: raise except Exception as e: log.error("error %s occurred in loop calling 'func(*args)'", type(e)) log.info("show traceback.print_exc()\n%s", traceback.format_exc()) error = True break if quit_loop is True: log.debug("loop stooped because func returned True") break time.sleep(interval) except LoopInterruptError: log.debug("quit wrapper_func due to InterruptedError") break func_running.value = False if error: sys.exit(-1) else: log.debug("wrapper_func terminates gracefully") # gets rid of the following warnings # Exception ignored in: <_io.FileIO name='/dev/null' mode='rb'> # ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'> try: if mp.get_start_method() == "spawn": sys.stdin.close() except AttributeError: pass