def get_comma_separated_data(raw): # Convert to long string header, data = "".join(raw).strip().split(" = ") # Remove trailing comma assert data[-1] == ';' data = data[:-1] # Remove newline characters and convert to list data = eval(data.replace("\n", '')) shape = tuple(eval(header[header.index("["):header.index("]") + 1])) step_size = functools.reduce(operator.mul, shape) + 1 years = np.array(data[::step_size], dtype=int) data = np.stack([ np.array(data[1 + index * step_size:(index + 1) * step_size]).reshape(shape) for index in range(len(years)) ], axis=-1) return header, years, data
def get_space_separated_data(raw): assert raw[0].strip().endswith("= [") assert raw[-1].strip().endswith("];") header = raw[0].replace("= [", "").strip() shape = tuple(eval(header[header.index("["):header.index("]") + 1])) data = [eval(line.strip().replace(" ", ",")) for line in raw[1:-1]] if len(shape) == 1: step_size = 1 else: step_size = functools.reduce(operator.mul, shape[:-1]) years = np.array(data[::step_size + 1], dtype=int) subarrays = [ np.array(data[index * (step_size + 1) + 1:(index + 1) * (step_size + 1)]).reshape(shape) for index in range(len(years)) ] return header, years, np.stack(subarrays, axis=-1)
def test_combine(self): cases = ( ({'a': 2}, {'a': 3}, operator.mul, None, {'a': 6}), ({'a': 2}, {'a': 3}, operator.mul, {'a': True}, {'a': 2}), ) for a, b, op, exclude, expected in cases: result = dictutil.combine(a, b, op, exclude=exclude) self.assertIsNot(a, result) self.assertDictEqual(expected, result, repr([a, b, op, exclude, expected, result])) result = dictutil.combineto(a, b, op, exclude=exclude) self.assertIs(a, result) self.assertDictEqual(expected, result, repr([a, b, op, exclude, expected, result]))
def factorial(n): """ Factorial of a number. >>> factorial(0) 1 >>> factorial(1) 1 >>> factorial(5) 120 >>> factorial(10) 3628800 """ # Handle 0 as a special case if n == 0: return 1 return functools.reduce(operator.mul, range(1,n+1))
def test_safe_binop(): # Test checked arithmetic routines ops = [ (operator.add, 1), (operator.sub, 2), (operator.mul, 3) ] with exc_iter(ops, INT64_VALUES, INT64_VALUES) as it: for xop, a, b in it: pyop, op = xop c = pyop(a, b) if not (INT64_MIN <= c <= INT64_MAX): assert_raises(OverflowError, mt.extint_safe_binop, a, b, op) else: d = mt.extint_safe_binop(a, b, op) if c != d: # assert_equal is slow assert_equal(d, c)
def test_datafriendly_mul(self): # Test keeping data w/ (inplace) multiplication # Test mul w/ scalar x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x * 2 assert_equal(xx.data, [2, 4, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test imul w/ scalar x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x *= 2 assert_equal(x.data, [2, 4, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test mul w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x * array([10, 20, 30], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(xx.data, [1, 40, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [1, 0, 1]) # Test imul w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x *= array([10, 20, 30], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(x.data, [1, 40, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [1, 0, 1])
def _read_datafile(self, path, expected_dims): """Helper function to read a file in IDX format.""" base_magic_num = 2048 with gzip.GzipFile(path) as f: magic_num = struct.unpack('>I', f.read(4))[0] expected_magic_num = base_magic_num + expected_dims if magic_num != expected_magic_num: raise ValueError('Incorrect MNIST magic number (expected ' '{}, got {})' .format(expected_magic_num, magic_num)) dims = struct.unpack('>' + 'I' * expected_dims, f.read(4 * expected_dims)) buf = f.read(reduce(operator.mul, dims)) data = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape(*dims) return data
def variable_with_weight_decay(name, shape, stddev, wd): """Helper to create an initialized Variable with weight decay. Note that the Variable is initialized with a truncated normal distribution. A weight decay is added only if one is specified. Args: name: name of the variable shape: list of ints stddev: standard deviation of a truncated Gaussian wd: add L2Loss weight decay multiplied by this float. If None, weight decay is not added for this Variable. Returns: Variable Tensor """ var = variable_on_cpu(name, shape, tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=stddev)) if wd: weight_decay = tf.mul(tf.nn.l2_loss(var), wd, name='weight_loss') tf.add_to_collection('losses', weight_decay) return var
def _generate_normal(self, func, size, dtype, *args): # curand functions below don't support odd size. # * curand.generateNormal # * curand.generateNormalDouble # * curand.generateLogNormal # * curand.generateLogNormalDouble size = core.get_size(size) element_size = six.moves.reduce(operator.mul, size, 1) if element_size % 2 == 0: out = cupy.empty(size, dtype=dtype) func(self._generator, out.data.ptr, out.size, *args) return out else: out = cupy.empty((element_size + 1,), dtype=dtype) func(self._generator, out.data.ptr, out.size, *args) return out[:element_size].reshape(size) # NumPy compatible functions
def categorical_accuracy(y_true, y_pred, mask=True): ''' categorical_accuracy adjusted for padding mask ''' # if mask is not None: print y_true print y_pred eval_shape = (reduce(mul, y_true.shape[:-1]), y_true.shape[-1]) print eval_shape y_true_ = np.reshape(y_true, eval_shape) y_pred_ = np.reshape(y_pred, eval_shape) flat_mask = np.flatten(mask) comped = np.equal(np.argmax(y_true_, axis=-1), np.argmax(y_pred_, axis=-1)) ## not sure how to do this in tensor flow good_entries = flat_mask.nonzero()[0] return np.mean(np.gather(comped, good_entries)) # else: # return K.mean(K.equal(K.argmax(y_true, axis=-1), # K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)))
def tdma(a, b, c, d, workgrp_size=None): assert a.shape == b.shape == c.shape == d.shape assert a.dtype == b.dtype == c.dtype == d.dtype # Check that PyOpenCL is installed and that the Bohrium runtime uses the OpenCL backend if not bh.interop_pyopencl.available(): raise NotImplementedError("OpenCL not available") # Get the OpenCL context from Bohrium ctx = bh.interop_pyopencl.get_context() queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) ret = bh.empty(a.shape, dtype=a.dtype) a_buf, b_buf, c_buf, d_buf, ret_buf = map(bh.interop_pyopencl.get_buffer, (a, b, c, d, ret)) prg = compile_tdma(ret.shape[-1], bh.interop_pyopencl.type_np2opencl_str(a.dtype)) global_size = functools.reduce(operator.mul, ret.shape[:-1]) prg.tdma(queue, [global_size], workgrp_size, a_buf, b_buf, c_buf, d_buf, ret_buf) return ret
def test_reduceby(self): data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def iseven(x): return x % 2 == 0 assert reduceby(iseven, add, data, 0) == {False: 9, True: 6} assert reduceby(iseven, mul, data, 1) == {False: 15, True: 8} projects = [{'name': 'build roads', 'state': 'CA', 'cost': 1000000}, {'name': 'fight crime', 'state': 'IL', 'cost': 100000}, {'name': 'help farmers', 'state': 'IL', 'cost': 2000000}, {'name': 'help farmers', 'state': 'CA', 'cost': 200000}] assert reduceby(lambda x: x['state'], lambda acc, x: acc + x['cost'], projects, 0) == {'CA': 1200000, 'IL': 2100000} assert reduceby('state', lambda acc, x: acc + x['cost'], projects, 0) == {'CA': 1200000, 'IL': 2100000}
def operate(self, left, right, operation): """ Do operation on colors args: left (str): left side right (str): right side operation (str): Operation returns: str """ operation = { '+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub, '*': operator.mul, '/': operator.truediv }.get(operation) return operation(left, right)
def create_tomo_blocks(qubits, numPulses, alignment='parallel'): ''' Helper function to create the tomography pulse block in either parallel or serial. ''' #Tomography pulse sets if numPulses == 4: tomoSet = [Id, X90, Y90, X] elif numPulses == 6: tomoSet = [Id, X90, X90m, Y90, Y90m, X] else: raise ValueError("Only able to handle numPulses=4 or 6") #Create all combinations of pulses for the number of qubits if alignment == 'parallel': return [reduce(operator.mul, [p(q) for p, q in zip(pulseSet, qubits)]) for pulseSet in product(tomoSet, repeat=len(qubits))] elif alignment == 'serial': return [[p(q) for p, q in zip(pulseSet, qubits)] for pulseSet in product(tomoSet, repeat=len(qubits))] else: raise ValueError("Alignment must be either serial or parallel")
def state_tomo(seq, qubits, numPulses=4, measChans=None): ''' Apply state tomography readout pulses and measurement. Parameters ----------- seq : a single entry list sequence to perform tomography on qubits : which qubits to act on numPulses : number of readout pulses measChans : tuple of measurement channels to readout (defaults to individual qubit channels) ''' if measChans is None: measChans = qubits measBlock = reduce(operator.mul, [MEAS(q) for q in measChans]) return [seq + [tomoBlock, measBlock] for tomoBlock in create_tomo_blocks(qubits, numPulses)]
def process_tomo(seq, qubits, numPulses=4, measChans=None): ''' Apply process tomography state prep. and readout pulses and measurement. Parameters ----------- seq : a single entry list sequence to perform tomography on qubits : which qubits to act on numPulses : number of prep/readout pulses measChans : tuple of measurement channels to readout (defaults to individual qubit channels) ''' if measChans is None: measChans = qubits measBlock = reduce(operator.mul, [MEAS(q) for q in measChans]) seqs = [] for k in range(numPulses**len(qubits)): for readoutBlock in create_tomo_blocks(qubits, numPulses): prepBlock = create_tomo_blocks(qubits, numPulses)[k] tomoseq = [prepBlock] + seq + [readoutBlock, measBlock] seqs.append(tomoseq) return seqs
def get_samples(desired_data): all_samples = [] for data in desired_data: temperatures = np.atleast_1d(data['conditions']['T']) num_configs = np.array(data['solver'].get('sublattice_configurations'), dtype=np.object).shape[0] site_fractions = data['solver'].get('sublattice_occupancies', [[1]] * num_configs) site_fraction_product = [reduce(operator.mul, list(itertools.chain(*[np.atleast_1d(f) for f in fracs])), 1) for fracs in site_fractions] # TODO: Subtle sorting bug here, if the interactions aren't already in sorted order... interaction_product = [] for fracs in site_fractions: interaction_product.append(float(reduce(operator.mul, [f[0] - f[1] for f in fracs if isinstance(f, list) and len(f) == 2], 1))) if len(interaction_product) == 0: interaction_product = [0] comp_features = zip(site_fraction_product, interaction_product) all_samples.extend(list(itertools.product(temperatures, comp_features))) return all_samples
def prod(a, start=1): """Return product of elements of a. Start with int 1 so if only ints are included then an int result is returned. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import prod, S >>> prod(range(3)) 0 >>> type(_) is int True >>> prod([S(2), 3]) 6 >>> _.is_Integer True You can start the product at something other than 1: >>> prod([1, 2], 3) 6 """ return reduce(operator.mul, a, start)
def pde_separate_mul(eq, fun, sep): """ Helper function for searching multiplicative separable solutions. Consider an equation of two independent variables x, y and a dependent variable w, we look for the product of two functions depending on different arguments: `w(x, y, z) = X(x)*u(y, z)` Examples ======== >>> from sympy import Function, Eq, pde_separate_mul, Derivative as D >>> from sympy.abc import x, y >>> u, X, Y = map(Function, 'uXY') >>> eq = Eq(D(u(x, y), x, 2), D(u(x, y), y, 2)) >>> pde_separate_mul(eq, u(x, y), [X(x), Y(y)]) [Derivative(X(x), x, x)/X(x), Derivative(Y(y), y, y)/Y(y)] """ return pde_separate(eq, fun, sep, strategy='mul')
def _rebuild_expr(self, expr, mapping): domain = self.domain def _rebuild(expr): generator = mapping.get(expr) if generator is not None: return generator elif expr.is_Add: return reduce(add, list(map(_rebuild, expr.args))) elif expr.is_Mul: return reduce(mul, list(map(_rebuild, expr.args))) elif expr.is_Pow and expr.exp.is_Integer: return _rebuild(expr.base)**int(expr.exp) else: try: return domain.convert(expr) except CoercionFailed: if not domain.has_Field and domain.has_assoc_Field: return domain.get_field().convert(expr) else: raise return _rebuild(sympify(expr))
def _rebuild_expr(self, expr, mapping): domain = self.domain def _rebuild(expr): generator = mapping.get(expr) if generator is not None: return generator elif expr.is_Add: return reduce(add, list(map(_rebuild, expr.args))) elif expr.is_Mul: return reduce(mul, list(map(_rebuild, expr.args))) elif expr.is_Pow and expr.exp.is_Integer and expr.exp >= 0: return _rebuild(expr.base)**int(expr.exp) else: return domain.convert(expr) return _rebuild(sympify(expr))
def mul(self, *objs): """ Multiply a sequence of polynomials or containers of polynomials. Example ------- >>> from sympy.polys.rings import ring >>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ >>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ) >>> R.mul([ x**2 + 2*i + 3 for i in range(4) ]) x**8 + 24*x**6 + 206*x**4 + 744*x**2 + 945 >>> _.factor_list() (1, [(x**2 + 3, 1), (x**2 + 5, 1), (x**2 + 7, 1), (x**2 + 9, 1)]) """ p = self.one for obj in objs: if is_sequence(obj, include=GeneratorType): p *= self.mul(*obj) else: p *= obj return p
def check_mul(Poly): c1 = list(random((4,)) + .5) c2 = list(random((3,)) + .5) p1 = Poly(c1) p2 = Poly(c2) p3 = p1 * p2 assert_poly_almost_equal(p2 * p1, p3) assert_poly_almost_equal(p1 * c2, p3) assert_poly_almost_equal(c2 * p1, p3) assert_poly_almost_equal(p1 * tuple(c2), p3) assert_poly_almost_equal(tuple(c2) * p1, p3) assert_poly_almost_equal(p1 * np.array(c2), p3) assert_poly_almost_equal(np.array(c2) * p1, p3) assert_poly_almost_equal(p1 * 2, p1 * Poly([2])) assert_poly_almost_equal(2 * p1, p1 * Poly([2])) assert_raises(TypeError, op.mul, p1, Poly([0], domain=Poly.domain + 1)) assert_raises(TypeError, op.mul, p1, Poly([0], window=Poly.window + 1)) if Poly is Polynomial: assert_raises(TypeError, op.mul, p1, Chebyshev([0])) else: assert_raises(TypeError, op.mul, p1, Polynomial([0]))
def list(**type): """List all the enumerations within the database. Search type can be identified by providing a named argument. like = glob match regex = regular expression index = particular index identifier = particular id number pred = function predicate """ res = __builtin__.list(iterate(**type)) maxindex = max(__builtin__.map(idaapi.get_enum_idx, res)) maxname = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(idaapi.get_enum_name, len), res)) maxsize = max(__builtin__.map(size, res)) cindex = math.ceil(math.log(maxindex or 1)/math.log(10)) cmask = max(__builtin__.map(utils.compose(mask, math.log, functools.partial(operator.mul, 1.0/math.log(16)), math.ceil), res) or [database.config.bits()/4.0]) for n in res: print("[{:{:d}d}] {:>{:d}s} & {:#<{:d}x} ({:d} members){:s}".format(idaapi.get_enum_idx(n), int(cindex), idaapi.get_enum_name(n), maxname, mask(n), int(cmask), len(__builtin__.list(members(n))), " // {:s}".format(comment(n)) if comment(n) else '')) return ## members
def test_optimized_concat(self): x = 'x' * MAX_Py_ssize_t try: x = x + '?' # this statement uses a fast path in ceval.c except OverflowError: pass else: self.fail("should have raised OverflowError") try: x += '?' # this statement uses a fast path in ceval.c except OverflowError: pass else: self.fail("should have raised OverflowError") self.assertEqual(len(x), MAX_Py_ssize_t) ### the following test is pending a patch # (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-July/067774.html) #@bigaddrspacetest #def test_repeat(self): # self.assertRaises(OverflowError, operator.mul, 'x', MAX_Py_ssize_t + 1)
def largest_product(txt, n): if len(txt) < n or n < 0: raise ValueError("Input length is less than n") if any(not c.isdigit() for c in txt): raise ValueError("Input must be numeric") if n == 0: return 1 products = [reduce(mul, grp) for grp in slices(txt, n)] largest = reduce(max, products) return largest # from series.py
def __init__(self, code, objects=None): self._OPERATORS = [ ('|', operator.or_), ('^', operator.xor), ('&', operator.and_), ('>>', operator.rshift), ('<<', operator.lshift), ('-', operator.sub), ('+', operator.add), ('%', operator.mod), ('/', operator.truediv), ('*', operator.mul), ] self._ASSIGN_OPERATORS = [(op + '=', opfunc) for op, opfunc in self._OPERATORS] self._ASSIGN_OPERATORS.append(('=', lambda cur, right: right)) self._VARNAME_PATTERN = r'[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*' if objects is None: objects = {} self.code = code self._functions = {} self._objects = objects
def selectname(self, name, num=10): if not name: return [] evalnum = int(num ** (1/len(name))) + 1 namechars = [sorted(filter(ig1, ((n, self.firstchar.get(n, 1e-10 if 0x4E00 <= ord(n) < 0x9FCD else 0)) for n in self.lookupchar(name[0]))), key=ig1, reverse=1)] namechars.extend(sorted(filter(ig1, ((n, self.secondchar.get(n, 1e-10 if 0x4E00 <= ord(n) < 0x9FCD else 0)) for n in self.lookupchar(l))), key=ig1, reverse=1)[:evalnum] for l in name[1:]) namechars = list(filter(None, namechars))[:10] if not namechars: return [] candidates = [] for group in itertools.product(*namechars): gz = tuple(zip(*group)) gname = ''.join(gz[0]) gfreq = functools.reduce(operator.mul, gz[1]) candidates.append((gname, gfreq)) candidates.sort(key=ig1, reverse=1) return [x[0] for x in candidates][:num]
def number_of_args(fn): """Return the number of positional arguments for a function, or None if the number is variable. Looks inside any decorated functions.""" try: if hasattr(fn, '__wrapped__'): return number_of_args(fn.__wrapped__) if any(p.kind == p.VAR_POSITIONAL for p in signature(fn).parameters.values()): return None else: return sum(p.kind in (p.POSITIONAL_ONLY, p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for p in signature(fn).parameters.values()) except ValueError: # signatures don't work for built-in operators, so check for a few explicitly UNARY_OPS = [len, op.not_, op.truth, op.abs, op.index, op.inv, op.invert, op.neg, op.pos] BINARY_OPS = [op.lt, op.le, op.gt, op.ge, op.eq, op.ne, op.is_, op.is_not, op.add, op.and_, op.floordiv, op.lshift, op.mod, op.mul, op.or_, op.pow, op.rshift, op.sub, op.truediv, op.xor, op.concat, op.contains, op.countOf, op.delitem, op.getitem, op.indexOf] TERNARY_OPS = [op.setitem] if fn in UNARY_OPS: return 1 elif fn in BINARY_OPS: return 2 elif fn in TERNARY_OPS: return 3 else: raise NotImplementedError("Bult-in operator {} not supported".format(fn))
def dotproduct(x, y): """dotproduct(x, y) -> int Computes the dot product of `x` and `y`. Arguments: x(iterable): An iterable. x(iterable): An iterable. Returns: The dot product of `x` and `y`, i.e.: ``x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1] + ...``. Example: >>> dotproduct([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) ... # 1 * 4 + 2 * 5 + 3 * 6 == 32 32 """ return sum(imap(operator.mul, x, y))
def binaryOpTester(f, g, binop, nf, ng): ff = Chebtech2.initfun_fixedlen(f, nf) gg = Chebtech2.initfun_fixedlen(g, ng) FG = lambda x: binop(f(x),g(x)) fg = binop(ff, gg) def tester(self): vscl = max([ff.vscale, gg.vscale]) lscl = max([ff.size, gg.size]) self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(fg(self.xx)-FG(self.xx)), 3*vscl*lscl*eps) if binop is operator.mul: # check simplify is not being called in __mul__ self.assertEqual(fg.size, ff.size+gg.size-1) return tester # note: defining __radd__(a,b) = operator.add(b,a) and feeding this into the # test will not in fact test the __radd__ functionality of the class. These # test need to be added manually to the class.
def __mul__(self, trc): return self.apply_op2(trc, operator.mul)
def test_vwap(context, data): """ Tests the vwap transform by manually keeping track of the prices and volumes in a naiive way and asserting that our hand-rolled vwap is the same """ mins = sum(context.mins_for_days[-context.days:]) for sid in data: prices = context.price_bars[sid][-mins:] vols = context.vol_bars[sid][-mins:] manual_vwap = sum( map(operator.mul, np.nan_to_num(np.array(prices)), vols), ) / sum(vols) assert_allclose( data[sid].vwap(context.days), manual_vwap, )
def rectVolume(self): return reduce(operator.mul, self)
def __mul__(self, other): return Vector(self._scalarOp(other, operator.mul), keep=True)
def __imul__(self, other): self.values = self._scalarOp(other, operator.mul) return self
def product(numbers): """Return the product of the numbers. >>> product([1,2,3,4]) 24 """ return reduce(operator.mul, numbers, 1)
def test_mul (self): c1 = pygame.Color (0x01010101) self.assertEquals (c1.r, 1) self.assertEquals (c1.g, 1) self.assertEquals (c1.b, 1) self.assertEquals (c1.a, 1) c2 = pygame.Color (2, 5, 3, 22) self.assertEquals (c2.r, 2) self.assertEquals (c2.g, 5) self.assertEquals (c2.b, 3) self.assertEquals (c2.a, 22) c3 = c1 * c2 self.assertEquals (c3.r, 2) self.assertEquals (c3.g, 5) self.assertEquals (c3.b, 3) self.assertEquals (c3.a, 22) c3 = c3 * c2 self.assertEquals (c3.r, 4) self.assertEquals (c3.g, 25) self.assertEquals (c3.b, 9) self.assertEquals (c3.a, 255) # Issue #286: Is type checking done for Python 3.x? self.assertRaises (TypeError, operator.mul, c1, None) self.assertRaises (TypeError, operator.mul, None, c1)
def vector_inner_product(self, a, b): """Takes the inner product of vectors a and b a and b are lists. This is a private function called by matrix_multiply. """ assert(isinstance(a, types.ListType)) assert(isinstance(b, types.ListType)) return reduce(operator.add, map(operator.mul, a, b))
def multiplication(self, *args): if not len(args) > 1: raise EvaluateException('* requires at least 2 parameters!' + ' (' + str(len(args)) + ' given).') elif False in [isinstance(x, NumberType) for x in args]: raise EvaluateException('* requires all parameters to be numbers!') return reduce(op.mul, args, IntegerType(1))
def __imul__(self, other): if not isinstance(self._magnitude, ndarray): return self._mul_div(other, operator.mul) else: return self._imul_div(other, operator.imul)
def __mul__(self, other): return self._mul_div(other, operator.mul)
def test_unitcontainer_arithmetic(self): x = UnitsContainer(meter=1) y = UnitsContainer(second=1) z = UnitsContainer(meter=1, second=-2) self._test_not_inplace(op.mul, x, y, UnitsContainer(meter=1, second=1)) self._test_not_inplace(op.truediv, x, y, UnitsContainer(meter=1, second=-1)) self._test_not_inplace(op.pow, z, 2, UnitsContainer(meter=2, second=-4)) self._test_not_inplace(op.pow, z, -2, UnitsContainer(meter=-2, second=4)) self._test_inplace(op.imul, x, y, UnitsContainer(meter=1, second=1)) self._test_inplace(op.itruediv, x, y, UnitsContainer(meter=1, second=-1)) self._test_inplace(op.ipow, z, 2, UnitsContainer(meter=2, second=-4)) self._test_inplace(op.ipow, z, -2, UnitsContainer(meter=-2, second=4))
def _test_quantity_mul_div(self, unit, func): func(op.mul, unit * 10.0, '4.2*meter', '42*meter', unit) func(op.mul, '4.2*meter', unit * 10.0, '42*meter', unit) func(op.mul, '4.2*meter', '10*inch', '42*meter*inch', unit) func(op.truediv, unit * 42, '4.2*meter', '10/meter', unit) func(op.truediv, '4.2*meter', unit * 10.0, '0.42*meter', unit) func(op.truediv, '4.2*meter', '10*inch', '0.42*meter/inch', unit)