Python operator 模块,ior() 实例源码


项目:cupy    作者:cupy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ior_array(self):
项目:cupy    作者:cupy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_broadcasted_ior(self):
项目:camisole    作者:prologin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def for_binaries(self, binaries):
        return functools.reduce(
            operator.ior, (self.for_binary(binary) for binary in binaries))
项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ior_array(self):
项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_broadcasted_ior(self):
项目:isf    作者:w3h    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ior(self, bs):
        return self._inplace_logical_helper(bs, operator.ior)
项目:lsdj-wave-cruncher    作者:iLambda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ior(self, bs):
        return self._inplace_logical_helper(bs, operator.ior)
项目:lsdj-wave-cruncher    作者:iLambda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ior(self, bs):
        return self._inplace_logical_helper(bs, operator.ior)
项目:isf    作者:dark-lbp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ior(self, bs):
        return self._inplace_logical_helper(bs, operator.ior)
项目:LIFX_Controller    作者:autolog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ior(self, bs):
        return self._inplace_logical_helper(bs, operator.ior)
项目:script.kodi.lifx.ambilight    作者:sanghviharshit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ior(self, bs):
        return self._inplace_logical_helper(bs, operator.ior)
项目:ui2    作者:controversial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _add_shortcut(shortcut, function, title=None):
    """Bind a function to a keyboard shortcut."""
    # Wrap function to accept and ignore arguments
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

    # Parse shortcut
    tokens = _tokenize_shortcut_string(shortcut)
    modifiers = tokens[:-1]
    inp = tokens[-1]

    # Process components
    mod_bitmask = functools.reduce(
        [_modifiers[mod] for mod in modifiers],
    if inp in _special_keys:
        inp = _special_keys[inp]

    # Make the command
    sel = _add_method(_controller, wrapper)

    kc = objc_util.ObjCClass("UIKeyCommand")
    if title is not None:
        c = kc.keyCommandWithInput_modifierFlags_action_discoverabilityTitle_(
        c = kc.keyCommandWithInput_modifierFlags_action_(

    _registered_commands[frozenset(tokens)] = cp

项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inplace(self):
        class C(object):
            def __iadd__     (self, other): return "iadd"
            def __iand__     (self, other): return "iand"
            def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return "ifloordiv"
            def __ilshift__  (self, other): return "ilshift"
            def __imod__     (self, other): return "imod"
            def __imul__     (self, other): return "imul"
            def __ior__      (self, other): return "ior"
            def __ipow__     (self, other): return "ipow"
            def __irshift__  (self, other): return "irshift"
            def __isub__     (self, other): return "isub"
            def __itruediv__ (self, other): return "itruediv"
            def __ixor__     (self, other): return "ixor"
            def __getitem__(self, other): return 5  # so that C is a sequence
        c = C()
        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ipow     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iadd__     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iand__     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ifloordiv__(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ilshift__  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imod__     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imul__     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ior__      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ipow__     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irshift__  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__isub__     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__itruediv__ (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ixor__     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iconcat__  (c, c), "iadd")
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inplace(self):
        class C(object):
            def __iadd__     (self, other): return "iadd"
            def __iand__     (self, other): return "iand"
            def __idiv__     (self, other): return "idiv"
            def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return "ifloordiv"
            def __ilshift__  (self, other): return "ilshift"
            def __imod__     (self, other): return "imod"
            def __imul__     (self, other): return "imul"
            def __ior__      (self, other): return "ior"
            def __ipow__     (self, other): return "ipow"
            def __irshift__  (self, other): return "irshift"
            def __isub__     (self, other): return "isub"
            def __itruediv__ (self, other): return "itruediv"
            def __ixor__     (self, other): return "ixor"
            def __getitem__(self, other): return 5  # so that C is a sequence
        c = C()
        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.idiv     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ipow     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irepeat  (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iadd__     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iand__     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__idiv__     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ifloordiv__(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ilshift__  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imod__     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imul__     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ior__      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ipow__     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irshift__  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__isub__     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__itruediv__ (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ixor__     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iconcat__  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irepeat__  (c, 5), "imul")
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inplace(self):
        class C(object):
            def __iadd__     (self, other): return "iadd"
            def __iand__     (self, other): return "iand"
            def __idiv__     (self, other): return "idiv"
            def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return "ifloordiv"
            def __ilshift__  (self, other): return "ilshift"
            def __imod__     (self, other): return "imod"
            def __imul__     (self, other): return "imul"
            def __ior__      (self, other): return "ior"
            def __ipow__     (self, other): return "ipow"
            def __irshift__  (self, other): return "irshift"
            def __isub__     (self, other): return "isub"
            def __itruediv__ (self, other): return "itruediv"
            def __ixor__     (self, other): return "ixor"
            def __getitem__(self, other): return 5  # so that C is a sequence
        c = C()
        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.idiv     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ipow     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irepeat  (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iadd__     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iand__     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__idiv__     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ifloordiv__(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ilshift__  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imod__     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imul__     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ior__      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ipow__     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irshift__  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__isub__     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__itruediv__ (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ixor__     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iconcat__  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irepeat__  (c, 5), "imul")
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inplace(self):
        class C(object):
            def __iadd__     (self, other): return "iadd"
            def __iand__     (self, other): return "iand"
            def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return "ifloordiv"
            def __ilshift__  (self, other): return "ilshift"
            def __imod__     (self, other): return "imod"
            def __imul__     (self, other): return "imul"
            def __ior__      (self, other): return "ior"
            def __ipow__     (self, other): return "ipow"
            def __irshift__  (self, other): return "irshift"
            def __isub__     (self, other): return "isub"
            def __itruediv__ (self, other): return "itruediv"
            def __ixor__     (self, other): return "ixor"
            def __getitem__(self, other): return 5  # so that C is a sequence
        c = C()
        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ipow     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iadd__     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iand__     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ifloordiv__(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ilshift__  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imod__     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imul__     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ior__      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ipow__     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irshift__  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__isub__     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__itruediv__ (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ixor__     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iconcat__  (c, c), "iadd")
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inplace(self):
        class C(object):
            def __iadd__     (self, other): return "iadd"
            def __iand__     (self, other): return "iand"
            def __idiv__     (self, other): return "idiv"
            def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return "ifloordiv"
            def __ilshift__  (self, other): return "ilshift"
            def __imod__     (self, other): return "imod"
            def __imul__     (self, other): return "imul"
            def __ior__      (self, other): return "ior"
            def __ipow__     (self, other): return "ipow"
            def __irshift__  (self, other): return "irshift"
            def __isub__     (self, other): return "isub"
            def __itruediv__ (self, other): return "itruediv"
            def __ixor__     (self, other): return "ixor"
            def __getitem__(self, other): return 5  # so that C is a sequence
        c = C()
        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.idiv     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ipow     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irepeat  (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iadd__     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iand__     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__idiv__     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ifloordiv__(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ilshift__  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imod__     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imul__     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ior__      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ipow__     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irshift__  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__isub__     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__itruediv__ (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ixor__     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iconcat__  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irepeat__  (c, 5), "imul")
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inplace(self):
        class C(object):
            def __iadd__     (self, other): return "iadd"
            def __iand__     (self, other): return "iand"
            def __idiv__     (self, other): return "idiv"
            def __ifloordiv__(self, other): return "ifloordiv"
            def __ilshift__  (self, other): return "ilshift"
            def __imod__     (self, other): return "imod"
            def __imul__     (self, other): return "imul"
            def __ior__      (self, other): return "ior"
            def __ipow__     (self, other): return "ipow"
            def __irshift__  (self, other): return "irshift"
            def __isub__     (self, other): return "isub"
            def __itruediv__ (self, other): return "itruediv"
            def __ixor__     (self, other): return "ixor"
            def __getitem__(self, other): return 5  # so that C is a sequence
        c = C()
        self.assertEqual(operator.iadd     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iand     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.idiv     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ifloordiv(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ilshift  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imod     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.imul     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ior      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ipow     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irshift  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.isub     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.itruediv (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.ixor     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.iconcat  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.irepeat  (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iadd__     (c, 5), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iand__     (c, 5), "iand")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__idiv__     (c, 5), "idiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ifloordiv__(c, 5), "ifloordiv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ilshift__  (c, 5), "ilshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imod__     (c, 5), "imod")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__imul__     (c, 5), "imul")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ior__      (c, 5), "ior")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ipow__     (c, 5), "ipow")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irshift__  (c, 5), "irshift")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__isub__     (c, 5), "isub")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__itruediv__ (c, 5), "itruediv")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__ixor__     (c, 5), "ixor")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__iconcat__  (c, c), "iadd")
        self.assertEqual(operator.__irepeat__  (c, 5), "imul")