def __or__(self, other): return self.union(other)
def union(self, other): if isinstance(other, BitSet): return self._logic(self.copy(), operator.__or__, other) b = self.copy() b.update(other) return b
def column_like(name, patterns, default): """ patterns: dict[label, list[match_expr]]""" # start with the pyspark.sql.functions op = F for label in patterns: cond = reduce( operator.__or__, [F.col(name).like(pat) for pat in patterns[label]] ) op = op.when(cond, label) return op.otherwise(default)
def __or__(self, rhs): return op_binary(self, rhs, operator.__or__)
def __ror__(self, lhs): return op_binary(lhs, self, operator.__or__)
def __ior__(self, v): return self.op_binary_inplace(v, operator.__or__)
def __or__(self, other): with self._lock: return operator.__or__(self.__wrapped__, other)
def __ror__(self, other): with self._lock: return operator.__or__(other, self.__wrapped__) # inplace operations
def _handle_search_param(self): search_param = self.params.get('search') if not search_param: return fields = [f.name for f in self.model._meta.get_fields() if not f.is_relation] q_list = [Q(**{'%s__icontains' % f : search_param}) for f in fields] related = [f for f in self.model._meta.get_fields() if isinstance(f, ForeignKey)] for rel in related: model = rel.related_model r_fields = [f.name for f in model._meta.get_fields() if not f.is_relation] q_list += [Q(**{'%s__%s__icontains' % (rel.name, r_field): search_param}) for r_field in r_fields] search_filter = reduce(OR, q_list) return search_filter
def intersection(self, geometry): try: geoms = geometry.geoms except AttributeError: return set(self._index.intersection(geometry.bounds)) else: return reduce(operator.__or__, (self.intersection(geom) for geom in geoms), set())
def __or__(self, other): """ Public method of OR operator: a|b. It call or_() internal method. If or_() returns None: RegexOr object is used (and otherwise, use or_() result). """ # Try to optimize (a|b) new_regex = self.or_(other) if new_regex: return new_regex # Else use (a|b) return RegexOr((self, other))
def join(cls, regex): """ >>> RegexOr.join( (RegexString('a'), RegexString('b'), RegexString('c')) ) <RegexRange '[a-c]'> """ return _join(operator.__or__, regex)
def merge(old, new): prims = ImmutableTreeList.merge(old.prims, new.prims, operator.__and__) arrs = ImmutableTreeList.merge(old.arrs, new.arrs, arrays.merge) tainted = ImmutableTreeList.merge(old.tainted, new.tainted, operator.__or__) if prims is old.prims and arrs is old.arrs and tainted is old.tainted: return old return TypeInfo(prims, arrs, tainted)
def _update_spent(self): today = date.today() first_month_day = date(today.year, today.month, 1) spent = Record.objects.filter(user=self.user, transaction_type='EXP', created_at__gte=first_month_day) tags_list = [] for tag in self.get_tags_list(): tags_list.append(Q(tags=getattr(Record.tags, tag))) if self.tags_type == 'INCL': spent = spent.filter(reduce(OR, tags_list)) if self.tags_type == 'EXCL': spent = spent.exclude(reduce(OR, tags_list)) spent = spent.aggregate(spent=Sum('amount')) self.__spent = spent['spent'] if spent['spent'] else 0
def test_or(self): self._test_incompatible_types_fail(operator.__or__) self.assertEqual(no_flags | no_flags, no_flags) self.assertEqual(no_flags | all_flags, all_flags) self.assertEqual(no_flags | f0, f0) self.assertEqual(no_flags | f1, f1) self.assertEqual(no_flags | f2, f2) self.assertEqual(no_flags | f01, f01) self.assertEqual(no_flags | f02, f02) self.assertEqual(no_flags | f12, f12) self.assertEqual(f0 | no_flags, f0) self.assertEqual(f0 | all_flags, all_flags) self.assertEqual(f0 | f0, f0) self.assertEqual(f0 | f1, f01) self.assertEqual(f0 | f2, f02) self.assertEqual(f0 | f01, f01) self.assertEqual(f0 | f02, f02) self.assertEqual(f0 | f12, all_flags) self.assertEqual(f01 | no_flags, f01) self.assertEqual(f01 | all_flags, all_flags) self.assertEqual(f01 | f0, f01) self.assertEqual(f01 | f1, f01) self.assertEqual(f01 | f2, all_flags) self.assertEqual(f01 | f01, f01) self.assertEqual(f01 | f02, all_flags) self.assertEqual(f01 | f12, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | no_flags, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | all_flags, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | f0, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | f1, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | f2, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | f01, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | f02, all_flags) self.assertEqual(all_flags | f12, all_flags)
def can_control_read(self, reg): flag_bits = CGC_FLAG_PAGE >> 12 # shouldn't unset any already good bits orig_bits = self.orig_regs[reg] >> 12 orig_matching_bits = (~(flag_bits ^ orig_bits)) & 0xfffff curr_best_matches = [] for i in self.byte_analysis: ast_vals = [x["AST"] for x in self.byte_analysis[i].reg_vals.values()] for a in ast_vals: bits = a >> 12 matching_bits = ~(flag_bits ^ bits) & 0xfffff if matching_bits & orig_matching_bits != orig_matching_bits: continue else: is_better_than_curr = True for b in list(curr_best_matches): matching_bits_b = ~(flag_bits ^ b) & 0xfffff if matching_bits & matching_bits_b == matching_bits: is_better_than_curr = False elif matching_bits & matching_bits_b == matching_bits_b: curr_best_matches.remove(b) if is_better_than_curr: curr_best_matches.append(bits) # verify it can be pointed at flag page all_bits = reduce(operator.__or__, [~(x ^ flag_bits) & 0xfffff for x in curr_best_matches]) if bin(all_bits).count("1") < 20: return False match_dict = defaultdict(set) # now get all bytes that match each best for i in self.byte_analysis: for b in self.byte_analysis[i].reg_vals: a = self.byte_analysis[i].reg_vals[b][reg] bits = a >> 12 if bits in curr_best_matches: match_dict[bits].add((i, b)) return True
def can_control_read(self, reg): flag_bits = CGC_FLAG_PAGE >> 12 # shouldn't unset any already good bits orig_bits = self.orig_regs[reg] >> 12 orig_matching_bits = (~(flag_bits ^ orig_bits)) & 0xfffff curr_best_matches = [] for i in self.byte_analysis: ast_vals = [x["AST"] for x in self.byte_analysis[i].reg_vals.values()] for a in ast_vals: bits = a >> 12 matching_bits = ~(flag_bits ^ bits) & 0xfffff if matching_bits & orig_matching_bits != orig_matching_bits: continue else: is_better_than_curr = True for b in list(curr_best_matches): matching_bits_b = ~(flag_bits ^ b) & 0xfffff if matching_bits & matching_bits_b == matching_bits: is_better_than_curr = False elif matching_bits & matching_bits_b == matching_bits_b: curr_best_matches.remove(b) if is_better_than_curr: curr_best_matches.append(bits) # verify it can be pointed at flag page if len(curr_best_matches) > 0: all_bits = reduce(operator.__or__, [~(x ^ flag_bits) & 0xfffff for x in curr_best_matches]) else: all_bits = 0 if bin(all_bits).count("1") < 20: return False match_dict = defaultdict(set) # now get all bytes that match each best for i in self.byte_analysis: for b in self.byte_analysis[i].reg_vals: a = self.byte_analysis[i].reg_vals[b][reg] bits = a >> 12 if bits in curr_best_matches: match_dict[bits].add((i, b)) return True
def _items(self, cart_status, category=None): ''' Aggregates the items that this user has purchased. Arguments: cart_status (int or Iterable(int)): etc category (Optional[models.inventory.Category]): the category of items to restrict to. Returns: [ProductAndQuantity, ...]: A list of product-quantity pairs, aggregating like products from across multiple invoices. ''' if not isinstance(cart_status, Iterable): cart_status = [cart_status] status_query = ( Q(productitem__cart__status=status) for status in cart_status ) in_cart = Q(productitem__cart__user=self.user) in_cart = in_cart & reduce(operator.__or__, status_query) quantities_in_cart = When( in_cart, then="productitem__quantity", ) quantities_or_zero = Case( quantities_in_cart, default=Value(0), ) products = inventory.Product.objects if category: products = products.filter(category=category) products = products.select_related("category") products = products.annotate(quantity=Sum(quantities_or_zero)) products = products.filter(quantity__gt=0) out = [] for prod in products: out.append(ProductAndQuantity(prod, prod.quantity)) return out