Python operator 模块,__add__() 实例源码


项目:easyparse    作者:jayvanderwall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def repeat(rule, from_count, to_count=None, allow_whitespace=False):
    """Allow between from_count and to_count repetitions of a rule.

    If to_count is not given, then allow as many repetitions as can be

    if to_count == 0:
        return null

    if from_count == 0 and to_count is None:
        return many(rule, allow_whitespace=allow_whitespace)

    op = operator.__add__ if allow_whitespace else operator.__xor__
    next_to_count = to_count - 1 if to_count is not None else None
    next_from_count = from_count - 1 if from_count > 0 else 0

    first_part = optional(rule) if from_count == 0 else rule

    return op(first_part, repeat(rule, next_from_count, next_to_count,
项目:easyparse    作者:jayvanderwall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __add__(self, other_rule):
        return ConjunctionRule(self, other_rule, allow_whitespace=True)
项目:ntypes    作者:AlexAltea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __add__(self, rhs):
        return op_binary(self, rhs, operator.__add__)
项目:ntypes    作者:AlexAltea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __radd__(self, lhs):
        return op_binary(lhs, self, operator.__add__)
项目:ntypes    作者:AlexAltea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iadd__(self, v):
        return self.op_binary_inplace(v, operator.__add__)
项目:ntypes    作者:AlexAltea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __add__(self, rhs):
        return op_binary(self, rhs, operator.__add__)
项目:ntypes    作者:AlexAltea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __radd__(self, lhs):
        return op_binary(lhs, self, operator.__add__)
项目:Solfege    作者:RannyeriDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, accs):
        self.m_accs = accs
        def f(v, w=dimentions[self.m_fontsize].accidental_widths):
            x = 0
            for a in v:
                x += w[a]
            return x
        self.m_usize = reduce(operator.__add__, map(f, accs.values())) + len(accs)
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _combine_requests(self):
        """Create single request that combines keys and filters of all subscribers"""
        if not self.has_subscribers:
            # Don't request anything
            log.debug('No subscribers - setting request to None')
            kwargs = {}

            all_filters = tuple(self._tfilters.values())
            if not all_filters or None in all_filters:
                # No subscribers or at least one subscriber wants all torrents
                kwargs['torrents'] = None
                kwargs['torrents'] = reduce(operator.__add__, all_filters)

            kwargs['keys'] = reduce(operator.__add__, self._keys.values())
            # Filters also need certain keys
            for f in all_filters:
                if f is not None:
                    kwargs['keys'] += f.needed_keys

            kwargs['keys'] = tuple(set(kwargs['keys']))
            kwargs['autoconnect'] = self._autoconnect
            log.debug('Combined filters: %s', kwargs['torrents'])
            log.debug('Combined keys: %s', kwargs['keys'])
            self.set_request(self._api.torrents, **kwargs)
项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval(self):
        """Evaluates the tree to get actual value.

        Behavior of this function depends on an implementation class.
        For example, a binary operator ``+`` calls the ``__add__`` function
        with the two results of :meth:`eval` function.
        raise NotImplementedError()
项目:cpy2py    作者:maxfischer2781    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, start=0.0, lock_type=Lock):
        if isinstance(start, stringabc):
                start = ast.literal_eval(start)
            except ValueError:
        self.__wrapped__ = start
        self._lock = lock_type()

    # Developer note:
    # operations are implemented using operator.__add__(self._value, other)
    # instead of self._value.__add__(other) as the later does *not* imply
    # calling other.__radd__(self._value) on failure.
项目:cpy2py    作者:maxfischer2781    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __add__(self, other):
        with self._lock:
            return operator.__add__(self.__wrapped__, other)
项目:cpy2py    作者:maxfischer2781    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __radd__(self, other):
        with self._lock:
            return operator.__add__(other, self.__wrapped__)
项目:ttn-coverage-tracker    作者:ttn-zh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dms2decimal(degrees, minutes, seconds):
    op = operator.__add__ if degrees >= 0 else operator.__sub__
    return reduce(op, [degrees, float(minutes)/60, float(seconds)/3600])
项目:2048    作者:vhalis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_at_idx(t, idx, val, typ=tuple, op=operator.__add__):
    add_at_idx(t, idx, val, typ=tuple, op=operator.__add__) ->
        t with t[idx] = op(t[idx], val)
    return t[:idx] + typ((op(t[idx], val),)) + t[idx+1:]
项目:2048    作者:vhalis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_at_l_idx(t, idx, val, op=operator.__add__):
    """See add_at_idx but uses typ=list"""
    return add_at_idx(t, idx, val, typ=list, op=op)
项目:enterprise-fibonacci    作者:surrsurus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plus(typeA, typeB):
    return operator.__add__(typeA.number.getNum(), typeB.number.getNum())
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, fp):
        options = self.__options
        timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M+%Z')
        # The time stamp in the header doesn't have the same format as that
        # generated by xgettext...
        print >> fp, pot_header % {'time': timestamp, 'version': __version__}
        # Sort the entries.  First sort each particular entry's keys, then
        # sort all the entries by their first item.
        reverse = {}
        for k, v in self.__messages.items():
            keys = v.keys()
            reverse.setdefault(tuple(keys), []).append((k, v))
        rkeys = reverse.keys()
        for rkey in rkeys:
            rentries = reverse[rkey]
            for k, v in rentries:
                isdocstring = 0
                # If the entry was gleaned out of a docstring, then add a
                # comment stating so.  This is to aid translators who may wish
                # to skip translating some unimportant docstrings.
                if reduce(operator.__add__, v.values()):
                    isdocstring = 1
                # k is the message string, v is a dictionary-set of (filename,
                # lineno) tuples.  We want to sort the entries in v first by
                # file name and then by line number.
                v = v.keys()
                if not options.writelocations:
                # location comments are different b/w Solaris and GNU:
                elif options.locationstyle == options.SOLARIS:
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        print >>fp, _(
                            '# File: %(filename)s, line: %(lineno)d') % d
                elif options.locationstyle == options.GNU:
                    # fit as many locations on one line, as long as the
                    # resulting line length doesn't exceed 'options.width'
                    locline = '#:'
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        s = _(' %(filename)s:%(lineno)d') % d
                        if len(locline) + len(s) <= options.width:
                            locline = locline + s
                            print >> fp, locline
                            locline = "#:" + s
                    if len(locline) > 2:
                        print >> fp, locline
                if isdocstring:
                    print >> fp, '#, docstring'
                print >> fp, 'msgid', normalize(k)
                print >> fp, 'msgstr ""\n'
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, fp):
        options = self.__options
        timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M+%Z')
        # The time stamp in the header doesn't have the same format as that
        # generated by xgettext...
        print >> fp, pot_header % {'time': timestamp, 'version': __version__}
        # Sort the entries.  First sort each particular entry's keys, then
        # sort all the entries by their first item.
        reverse = {}
        for k, v in self.__messages.items():
            keys = v.keys()
            reverse.setdefault(tuple(keys), []).append((k, v))
        rkeys = reverse.keys()
        for rkey in rkeys:
            rentries = reverse[rkey]
            for k, v in rentries:
                isdocstring = 0
                # If the entry was gleaned out of a docstring, then add a
                # comment stating so.  This is to aid translators who may wish
                # to skip translating some unimportant docstrings.
                if reduce(operator.__add__, v.values()):
                    isdocstring = 1
                # k is the message string, v is a dictionary-set of (filename,
                # lineno) tuples.  We want to sort the entries in v first by
                # file name and then by line number.
                v = v.keys()
                if not options.writelocations:
                # location comments are different b/w Solaris and GNU:
                elif options.locationstyle == options.SOLARIS:
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        print >>fp, _(
                            '# File: %(filename)s, line: %(lineno)d') % d
                elif options.locationstyle == options.GNU:
                    # fit as many locations on one line, as long as the
                    # resulting line length doesn't exceed 'options.width'
                    locline = '#:'
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        s = _(' %(filename)s:%(lineno)d') % d
                        if len(locline) + len(s) <= options.width:
                            locline = locline + s
                            print >> fp, locline
                            locline = "#:" + s
                    if len(locline) > 2:
                        print >> fp, locline
                if isdocstring:
                    print >> fp, '#, docstring'
                print >> fp, 'msgid', normalize(k)
                print >> fp, 'msgstr ""\n'
项目:RKSV    作者:ztp-at    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, fp):
        options = self.__options
        timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M+%Z')
        # The time stamp in the header doesn't have the same format as that
        # generated by xgettext...
        print >> fp, pot_header % {'time': timestamp, 'version': __version__}
        # Sort the entries.  First sort each particular entry's keys, then
        # sort all the entries by their first item.
        reverse = {}
        for k, v in self.__messages.items():
            keys = v.keys()
            reverse.setdefault(tuple(keys), []).append((k, v))
        rkeys = reverse.keys()
        for rkey in rkeys:
            rentries = reverse[rkey]
            for k, v in rentries:
                isdocstring = 0
                # If the entry was gleaned out of a docstring, then add a
                # comment stating so.  This is to aid translators who may wish
                # to skip translating some unimportant docstrings.
                if reduce(operator.__add__, v.values()):
                    isdocstring = 1
                # k is the message string, v is a dictionary-set of (filename,
                # lineno) tuples.  We want to sort the entries in v first by
                # file name and then by line number.
                v = v.keys()
                if not options.writelocations:
                # location comments are different b/w Solaris and GNU:
                elif options.locationstyle == options.SOLARIS:
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        print >>fp, _(
                            '# File: %(filename)s, line: %(lineno)d') % d
                elif options.locationstyle == options.GNU:
                    # fit as many locations on one line, as long as the
                    # resulting line length doesn't exceeds 'options.width'
                    locline = '#:'
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        s = _(' %(filename)s:%(lineno)d') % d
                        if len(locline) + len(s) <= options.width:
                            locline = locline + s
                            print >> fp, locline
                            locline = "#:" + s
                    if len(locline) > 2:
                        print >> fp, locline
                if isdocstring:
                    print >> fp, '#, docstring'
                print >> fp, 'msgid', normalize(k)
                print >> fp, 'msgstr ""\n'
项目:pisi    作者:examachine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, fp):
        options = self.__options
        timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M+%Z')
        # The time stamp in the header doesn't have the same format as that
        # generated by xgettext...
        print >> fp, pot_header % {'time': timestamp, 'version': __version__}
        # Sort the entries.  First sort each particular entry's keys, then
        # sort all the entries by their first item.
        reverse = {}
        for k, v in self.__messages.items():
            keys = v.keys()
            reverse.setdefault(tuple(keys), []).append((k, v))
        rkeys = reverse.keys()
        for rkey in rkeys:
            rentries = reverse[rkey]
            for k, v in rentries:
                isdocstring = 0
                # If the entry was gleaned out of a docstring, then add a
                # comment stating so.  This is to aid translators who may wish
                # to skip translating some unimportant docstrings.
                if reduce(operator.__add__, v.values()):
                    isdocstring = 1
                # k is the message string, v is a dictionary-set of (filename,
                # lineno) tuples.  We want to sort the entries in v first by
                # file name and then by line number.
                v = v.keys()
                if not options.writelocations:
                # location comments are different b/w Solaris and GNU:
                elif options.locationstyle == options.SOLARIS:
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        print >>fp, _(
                            '# File: %(filename)s, line: %(lineno)d') % d
                elif options.locationstyle == options.GNU:
                    # fit as many locations on one line, as long as the
                    # resulting line length doesn't exceeds 'options.width'
                    locline = '#:'
                    for filename, lineno in v:
                        d = {'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno}
                        s = _(' %(filename)s:%(lineno)d') % d
                        if len(locline) + len(s) <= options.width:
                            locline = locline + s
                            print >> fp, locline
                            locline = "#:" + s
                    if len(locline) > 2:
                        print >> fp, locline
                if isdocstring:
                    print >> fp, '#, docstring'
                print >> fp, 'msgid', normalize(k)
                print >> fp, 'msgstr ""\n'