def run_bg(cmd, debug=False, cwd=''): # make sure 'cmd' is a list of strings if type(cmd) in [str, unicode]: cmd = [c for c in cmd.split() if c != ''] if debug: sys.stderr.write(' '.join(cmd)+'\n') sys.stderr.flush() try: ( child_pid, child_fd ) = pty.fork() except OSError as e: raise RunError(cmd, None, message='pty.fork() failed: %s' % str(e)) if child_pid == 0: try: if cwd != '': os.chdir(cwd) os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd) except Exception, e: raise RunError(cmd, None, 'os.execvp() failed: %s' % str(e)) else: return child_pid, child_fd
def test(coverage=False): """Run the unit tests.""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest import xmlrunner tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') # run tests with unittest-xml-reporting and output to $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS on CircleCI or test-reports locally xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output=os.environ.get('CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS','test-reports')).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir): linux.unshare(linux.CLONE_NEWNS) # create a new mount namespace linux.mount(None, '/', None, linux.MS_PRIVATE | linux.MS_REC, None) new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) _create_mounts(new_root) old_root = os.path.join(new_root, 'old_root') os.makedirs(old_root) linux.pivot_root(new_root, old_root) os.chdir('/') linux.umount2('/old_root', linux.MNT_DETACH) # umount old root os.rmdir('/old_root') # rmdir the old_root dir os.execvp(command[0], command)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir): linux.unshare(linux.CLONE_NEWNS) # create a new mount namespace # TODO: switch to a new UTS namespace, change hostname to container_id # HINT: use linux.sethostname() linux.mount(None, '/', None, linux.MS_PRIVATE | linux.MS_REC, None) new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) _create_mounts(new_root) old_root = os.path.join(new_root, 'old_root') os.makedirs(old_root) linux.pivot_root(new_root, old_root) os.chdir('/') linux.umount2('/old_root', linux.MNT_DETACH) # umount old root os.rmdir('/old_root') # rmdir the old_root dir os.execvp(command[0], command)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir): linux.sethostname(container_id) # change hostname to container_id linux.mount(None, '/', None, linux.MS_PRIVATE | linux.MS_REC, None) new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) _create_mounts(new_root) old_root = os.path.join(new_root, 'old_root') os.makedirs(old_root) linux.pivot_root(new_root, old_root) os.chdir('/') linux.umount2('/old_root', linux.MNT_DETACH) # umount old root os.rmdir('/old_root') # rmdir the old_root dir os.execvp(command[0], command)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir): linux.unshare(linux.CLONE_NEWNS) # create a new mount namespace linux.unshare(linux.CLONE_NEWUTS) # switch to a new UTS namespace linux.sethostname(container_id) # change hostname to container_id linux.mount(None, '/', None, linux.MS_PRIVATE | linux.MS_REC, None) new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) _create_mounts(new_root) old_root = os.path.join(new_root, 'old_root') os.makedirs(old_root) linux.pivot_root(new_root, old_root) os.chdir('/') linux.umount2('/old_root', linux.MNT_DETACH) # umount old root os.rmdir('/old_root') # rmdir the old_root dir os.execvp(command[0], command)
def create_child(*args): parentfp, childfp = socket.socketpair() pid = os.fork() if not pid: mitogen.core.set_block(childfp.fileno()) os.dup2(childfp.fileno(), 0) os.dup2(childfp.fileno(), 1) childfp.close() parentfp.close() os.execvp(args[0], args) childfp.close() # Decouple the socket from the lifetime of the Python socket object. fd = os.dup(parentfp.fileno()) parentfp.close() LOG.debug('create_child() child %d fd %d, parent %d, cmd: %s', pid, fd, os.getpid(), Argv(args)) return pid, fd
def tty_create_child(*args): master_fd, slave_fd = os.openpty() disable_echo(master_fd) disable_echo(slave_fd) pid = os.fork() if not pid: mitogen.core.set_block(slave_fd) os.dup2(slave_fd, 0) os.dup2(slave_fd, 1) os.dup2(slave_fd, 2) close_nonstandard_fds() os.setsid() os.close(os.open(os.ttyname(1), os.O_RDWR)) os.execvp(args[0], args) os.close(slave_fd) LOG.debug('tty_create_child() child %d fd %d, parent %d, cmd: %s', pid, master_fd, os.getpid(), Argv(args)) return pid, master_fd
def test(coverage=False): """Run the unit tests.""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def play(conn, query): """Launch mpv with the results of the query. Parameters ---------- conn : sa.engine.Connection The connection to the metadata database. query : string The witchcraft ql query to run against the database. Notes ----- This function never returns. """ select, extra_args = ql.compile(query) paths = [p[0] for p in conn.execute(select).fetchall()] if not paths: # nothing to play, mpv doesn't want an empty path list return os.execvp('mpv', ['mpv', '--no-video'] + extra_args + paths)
def test(coverage=False): """ ?? :param coverage ???????? :return: """ if coverage and not os.environ.get('PG_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['PG_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tests/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def RunAsAdminUnixLike(): # FIXME ... what happens if "frozen" script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) params = [sys.executable] if sys.executable != script: params.append(script) # CHECK Seems logic to always extend params.extend(sys.argv[1:]) # FIXME ... execute the command directly try: os.execvp('sudo', params) except Exception, e: return False, str(e) # If execvp was ok ... this will never be reached return True, None
def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_debug(False) options = setup() configure_logging(options.log_level) config = configure_from_file(options.conf) config.update(configure_from_env()) r = reactive.Reactive(config, loop=loop) r.find_rules() r.find_schemas() try: config_task = loop.create_task(r()) loop.run_until_complete(config_task) if config_task.result() is True: # Fork/Exec cmd log.info("Container Configured") log.info("Exec {}".format(options.cmd)) os.execvp(options.cmd[0], options.cmd) else: log.critical("Unable to configure container, see log or run with -l DEBUG") finally: loop.close()
def test(coverage=False): # run the test unit if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def execl(*args): """ Replaces the current process with a new instance of the specified executable. This function will only return if there is an issue starting the new instance, in which case it will return false. Otherwise, it will not return. """ retval = EXECUTION_FAILURE if POSIX: os.execvp(args[0], args) elif WIN32: os.execvp(sys.executable, args) else: retval = NOT_SUPPORTED return retval
def screen_on(retPage, backlightControl): if os.environ["KPPIN"] != "1": launch_bg=os.environ["MENUDIR"] + "launch-bg.sh" process = subprocess.call(launch_bg, shell=True) pygame.quit() if backlightControl == "3.5r": process = subprocess.call("echo '1' > /sys/class/backlight/soc\:backlight/brightness", shell=True) elif backlightControl == "4dpi-24": process = subprocess.call("echo '80' > /sys/class/backlight/24-hat-pwm/brightness", shell=True) else: backlight = GPIO.PWM(18, 1023) backlight.start(100) GPIO.cleanup() if os.environ["KPPIN"] == "1": page=os.environ["MENUDIR"] + "menu-pin.py" args = [page, retPage] else: page=os.environ["MENUDIR"] + retPage args = [page] os.execvp("python", ["python"] + args) # Turn screen off
def spawn(self, filepath, configuration_alias, replace=False): """Spawns uWSGI using the given configuration module. :param str|unicode filepath: :param str|unicode configuration_alias: :param bool replace: Whether a new process should replace current one. """ # Pass --conf as an argument to have a chance to use # touch reloading form .py configuration file change. args = ['uwsgi', '--ini', 'exec://%s %s --conf %s' % (self.binary_python, filepath, configuration_alias)] if replace: return os.execvp('uwsgi', args) return os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'uwsgi', args)
def cli(cov): """ Runs all the tests. :param cov: bool Set to True to get coverage report """ if cov and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('app.tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname('__file__')) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def ssh(args): prefix, at, name = args.name.rpartition("@") instance = resources.ec2.Instance(resolve_instance_id(name)) if not instance.public_dns_name: msg = "Unable to resolve public DNS name for {} (state: {})" raise AegeaException(msg.format(instance, getattr(instance, "state", {}).get("Name"))) tags = {tag["Key"]: tag["Value"] for tag in instance.tags or []} ssh_host_key = tags.get("SSHHostPublicKeyPart1", "") + tags.get("SSHHostPublicKeyPart2", "") if ssh_host_key: # FIXME: this results in duplicates. # Use paramiko to detect if the key is already listed and not insert it then (or only insert if different) add_ssh_host_key_to_known_hosts(instance.public_dns_name + " " + ssh_host_key + "\n") ssh_args = ["ssh", prefix + at + instance.public_dns_name] if not (prefix or at): try: ssh_args += ["-l", resources.iam.CurrentUser().user.name] except: logger.info("Unable to determine IAM username, using local username") os.execvp("ssh", ssh_args + args.ssh_args)
def test(coverage=False): """Runs the unit tests.""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def _wait_for_ssh(queue, ssh, command, timeout=1, attempts=40): """Wait until a successful connection to the ssh endpoint can be made.""" try: host, port = queue.get(timeout=timeout * attempts) except g_queue.Empty: cli.bad_exit("No SSH endpoint found.") for _ in six.moves.range(attempts): _LOGGER.debug('Checking SSH endpoint %s:%s', host, port) if checkout.connect(host, port): run_ssh(host, port, ssh, list(command)) break # if run_ssh doesn't end with os.execvp()... try: host, port = queue.get(timeout=timeout) queue.task_done() except g_queue.Empty: pass # Either all the connection attempts failed or we're after run_ssh # (not resulting in os.execvp) so let's "clear the queue" so the thread # can join queue.task_done()
def sane_execvp(filename, args, close_fds=True, restore_signals=True): """Execute a new program with sanitized environment. """ def _restore_signals(): """Reset the default behavior to all signals. """ for i in _SIGNALS: signal.signal(i, signal.SIG_DFL) def _close_fds(): """Close all file descriptors except 0, 1, 2. """ os.closerange(3, subprocess.MAXFD) if close_fds: _close_fds() if restore_signals: _restore_signals() os.execvp(filename, args)
def test(coverage=False): """Run the unit tests.""" import sys if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest import xmlrunner tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') results = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='test-reports').run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'test-reports/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase() if (len(results.failures) > 0 or len(results.errors) > 0): sys.exit(1)
def start_new_process(args, nice_value=0): "start a new process in a pty and renice it" data = {} data['start_time'] = time.time() pid, master_fd = pty.fork() if pid == CHILD: default_signals() if nice_value: os.nice(nice_value) os.execvp(args[0], [a.encode(cf['_charset'], "replace") for a in args]) else: data['pid'] = pid if os.uname()[0] == "Linux": fcntl.fcntl(master_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) data['fd'] = master_fd data['file'] = os.fdopen(master_fd) data['cmd'] = args data['buf'] = "" data['otf'] = 0 data['percent'] = 0 data['elapsed'] = 0 return data
def test(coverage = False): """Run the unit tests""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity = 2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory = covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def _as_child(self, process, gnupg_commands, args): """Stuff run after forking in child""" # child for std in _stds: p = process._pipes[std] os.dup2(p.child, getattr(sys, "__%s__" % std).fileno()) for k, p in process._pipes.items(): if p.direct and k not in _stds: # we want the fh to stay open after execing fcntl.fcntl(p.child, fcntl.F_SETFD, 0) fd_args = [] for k, p in process._pipes.items(): # set command-line options for non-standard fds if k not in _stds: fd_args.extend([_fd_options[k], "%d" % p.child]) if not p.direct: os.close(p.parent) command = [self.call] + fd_args + self.options.get_args() + gnupg_commands + args os.execvp(command[0], command)
def loop_forever(self): try: while 1: try: self.status_changed = False self.phone_home() except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Failed to contact server. %s' % e) if self.need_restart and not self.container.running_jobs and not self.container.finished_jobs: print 'Restarting...' # End current process and launch a new one with the same command line parameters #os.execvp('python.exe', ['python.exe'] + sys.argv) exit(3) if not self.status_changed: self.cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=self.PHONEHOME_DELAY) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print 'Exiting...' self.notify_exit()
def __init__(self, cmd, bufsize=-1): p2cread, p2cwrite = os.pipe() c2pread, c2pwrite = os.pipe() self.pid = os.fork() if self.pid == 0: # Child os.dup2(p2cread, 0) os.dup2(c2pwrite, 1) os.dup2(c2pwrite, 2) for i in range(3, popen2.MAXFD): try: os.close(i) except: pass try: os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd) finally: os._exit(1) # Shouldn't come here, I guess os._exit(1) os.close(p2cread) self.tochild = os.fdopen(p2cwrite, 'w', bufsize) os.close(c2pwrite) self.fromchild = os.fdopen(c2pread, 'r', bufsize) popen2._active.append(self)
def test(coverage=False): """Run the unit tests.""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase() # source code profile
def test(coverage=False): """Run the unit tests""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): import sys os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def test(coverage=False): """Run the unit tests.""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) import unittest tests = unittest.TestLoader().discover('tests') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) if COV: COV.stop() COV.save() print('Coverage Summary:') COV.report() basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) covdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp/coverage') COV.html_report(directory=covdir) print('HTML version: file://%s/index.html' % covdir) COV.erase()
def test(coverage=False): """Run the unit tests.""" if coverage and not os.environ.get('FLASK_COVERAGE'): os.environ['FLASK_COVERAGE'] = '1' os.execvp(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv) testresult = TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(TestLoader().discover('tests')) if cov: cov.stop() cov.save() print('Coverage Summary:') cov.report() covdir = app.config.get('COVERAGE_DIRECTORY', '') if covdir: covdir = os.path.join(covdir, datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')) if not os.path.exists(covdir): os.makedirs(covdir) cov.html_report(directory=covdir) print('Coverage HTML version: file://{}/index.html'.format(covdir)) cov.erase() if len(testresult.failures) + len(testresult.errors) > 0: sys.exit(1)
def maybe_restart_mirroring_script(): # type: () -> None if os.stat(os.path.join(options.stamp_path, "stamps", "restart_stamp")).st_mtime > start_time or \ ((options.user == "tabbott" or options.user == "tabbott/extra") and os.stat(os.path.join(options.stamp_path, "stamps", "tabbott_stamp")).st_mtime > start_time): logger.warning("") logger.warning("zephyr mirroring script has been updated; restarting...") maybe_kill_child() try: zephyr._z.cancelSubs() except IOError: # We don't care whether we failed to cancel subs properly, but we should log it logger.exception("") while True: try: os.execvp(os.path.abspath(__file__), sys.argv) except Exception: logger.exception("Error restarting mirroring script; trying again... Traceback:") time.sleep(1)
def _run_child(self, cmd): if isinstance(cmd, basestring): cmd = ['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd] os.closerange(3, MAXFD) try: os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd) finally: os._exit(1)
def _execute(path, argv, environ): if environ is None: os.execvp(path, argv) else: os.execvpe(path, argv, environ) return # endregion
def main(): """Parse options and call the appropriate class/method.""" CONF.register_cli_opt(category_opt) script_name = sys.argv[0] if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(_("\nOpenStack meteos version: %(version)s\n") % {'version': version.version_string()}) print(script_name + " category action [<args>]") print(_("Available categories:")) for category in CATEGORIES: print("\t%s" % category) sys.exit(2) try: log.register_options(CONF) CONF(sys.argv[1:], project='meteos', version=version.version_string()) log.setup(CONF, "meteos") except cfg.ConfigFilesNotFoundError: cfgfile = CONF.config_file[-1] if CONF.config_file else None if cfgfile and not os.access(cfgfile, os.R_OK): st = os.stat(cfgfile) print(_("Could not read %s. Re-running with sudo") % cfgfile) try: os.execvp('sudo', ['sudo', '-u', '#%s' % st.st_uid] + sys.argv) except Exception: print(_('sudo failed, continuing as if nothing happened')) print(_('Please re-run meteos-manage as root.')) sys.exit(2) fn = CONF.category.action_fn fn_args = fetch_func_args(fn) fn(*fn_args)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir): # TODO: would you like to do something before chrooting? # print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) # TODO: chroot into new_root # TODO: something after chrooting? os.execvp(command[0], command)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir): linux.unshare(linux.CLONE_NEWNS) # create a new mount namespace # TODO: we added MS_REC here. wanna guess why? linux.mount(None, '/', None, linux.MS_PRIVATE | linux.MS_REC, None) new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) # Create mounts (/proc, /sys, /dev) under new_root linux.mount('proc', os.path.join(new_root, 'proc'), 'proc', 0, '') linux.mount('sysfs', os.path.join(new_root, 'sys'), 'sysfs', 0, '') linux.mount('tmpfs', os.path.join(new_root, 'dev'), 'tmpfs', linux.MS_NOSUID | linux.MS_STRICTATIME, 'mode=755') # Add some basic devices devpts_path = os.path.join(new_root, 'dev', 'pts') if not os.path.exists(devpts_path): os.makedirs(devpts_path) linux.mount('devpts', devpts_path, 'devpts', 0, '') makedev(os.path.join(new_root, 'dev')) os.chroot(new_root) # TODO: replace with pivot_root os.chdir('/') # TODO: umount2 old root (HINT: see MNT_DETACH in man 2 umount) os.execvp(command[0], command)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir): new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) # TODO: time to say goodbye to the old mount namespace, # see "man 2 unshare" to get some help # HINT 1: there is no os.unshare(), time to use the linux module we made # just for you! # HINT 2: the linux module includes both functions and constants! # e.g. linux.CLONE_NEWNS # TODO: remember shared subtrees? # (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/sharedsubtree.txt) # Make / a private mount to avoid littering our host mount table. # Create mounts (/proc, /sys, /dev) under new_root linux.mount('proc', os.path.join(new_root, 'proc'), 'proc', 0, '') linux.mount('sysfs', os.path.join(new_root, 'sys'), 'sysfs', 0, '') linux.mount('tmpfs', os.path.join(new_root, 'dev'), 'tmpfs', linux.MS_NOSUID | linux.MS_STRICTATIME, 'mode=755') # Add some basic devices devpts_path = os.path.join(new_root, 'dev', 'pts') if not os.path.exists(devpts_path): os.makedirs(devpts_path) linux.mount('devpts', devpts_path, 'devpts', 0, '') for i, dev in enumerate(['stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr']): os.symlink('/proc/self/fd/%d' % i, os.path.join(new_root, 'dev', dev)) # TODO: add more devices (e.g. null, zero, random, urandom) using os.mknod. os.chroot(new_root) os.chdir('/') os.execvp(command[0], command)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir, cpu_shares, memory, memory_swap): _setup_cpu_cgroup(container_id, cpu_shares) # TODO: similarly to the CPU cgorup, add Memory cgroup support here # setup memory -> memory.limit_in_bytes, # memory_swap -> memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes if they are not None linux.sethostname(container_id) # Change hostname to container_id linux.mount(None, '/', None, linux.MS_PRIVATE | linux.MS_REC, None) new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) _create_mounts(new_root) old_root = os.path.join(new_root, 'old_root') os.makedirs(old_root) linux.pivot_root(new_root, old_root) os.chdir('/') linux.umount2('/old_root', linux.MNT_DETACH) # umount old root os.rmdir('/old_root') # rmdir the old_root dir os.execvp(command[0], command)
def contain(command, image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir, cpu_shares): # TODO: insert the container to a new cpu cgroup named: # 'rubber_docker/container_id' # TODO: if (cpu_shares != 0) => set the 'cpu.shares' in our cpu cgroup linux.sethostname(container_id) # change hostname to container_id linux.mount(None, '/', None, linux.MS_PRIVATE | linux.MS_REC, None) new_root = create_container_root( image_name, image_dir, container_id, container_dir) print('Created a new root fs for our container: {}'.format(new_root)) _create_mounts(new_root) old_root = os.path.join(new_root, 'old_root') os.makedirs(old_root) linux.pivot_root(new_root, old_root) os.chdir('/') linux.umount2('/old_root', linux.MNT_DETACH) # umount old root os.rmdir('/old_root') # rmdir the old_root dir os.execvp(command[0], command)
def run(container, containerArgs, config, basePath=None, networks=None): params = readCreateParameters( container, config, basePath=basePath, networks=networks, asList=True) if params.isFail(): return params try: cmd = [DOCKER_CLIENT, "run", "--rm", "--interactive", "--tty"] + params.getOK() + containerArgs logger.debug("EXECVP - %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) os.execvp(DOCKER_CLIENT, cmd) except Exception as ex: return Fail(ex)
def main(eth_nodes, seed, raiden_executable, raiden_args): if ETH_RPC_ENDPOINT_ARG in raiden_args: raise RuntimeError("Argument conflict: {}".format(ETH_RPC_ENDPOINT_ARG)) eth_nodes = eth_nodes.split(",") offset = sum(ord(c) for c in seed) % len(eth_nodes) target_eth_node = eth_nodes[offset] raiden_args = [raiden_executable] + list(raiden_args) + [ETH_RPC_ENDPOINT_ARG, target_eth_node] print(" ".join(raiden_args)) # Ensure print is flushed - exec could swallow it sys.stdout.flush() os.execvp(raiden_args[0], raiden_args)
def _launch_mpisub(self, args, site_dir): # extract the mpirun run argument parser = ArgumentParser(add_help=False) # these values are ignored. This is a hack to filter out unused argv. parser.add_argument("--single", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--mpirun", default=None) _args, additional = parser.parse_known_args() # now call with mpirun mpirun = args.mpirun.split() cmdargs = [sys.executable, sys.argv[0], '--mpisub'] if site_dir is not None: # mpi subs will use system version of package cmdargs.extend(['--mpisub-site-dir=' + site_dir]) # workaround the strict openmpi oversubscribe policy # the parameter is found from # https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/blob/ba47f738871ff06b8e8f34b8e18282b9fe479586/orte/mca/rmaps/base/rmaps_base_frame.c#L169 # see the faq: # https://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running#oversubscribing os.environ['OMPI_MCA_rmaps_base_oversubscribe'] = '1' os.execvp(mpirun[0], mpirun + cmdargs + additional) # if we are here os.execvp has failed; bail sys.exit(1)
def runshell( self ): if ( djangoVersion[0:2] <= ( 1, 0 ) ): from django.conf import settings database_name = settings.DATABASE_NAME database_user = settings.DATABASE_USER database_password = settings.DATABASE_PASSWORD elif ( djangoVersion[0:2] <= ( 1, 1 ) ): settings_dict = self.connection.settings_dict database_name = settings_dict['DATABASE_NAME'] database_user = settings_dict['DATABASE_USER'] database_password = settings_dict['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] else: settings_dict = self.connection.settings_dict database_name = settings_dict['NAME'] database_user = settings_dict['USER'] database_password = settings_dict['PASSWORD'] cmdArgs = ["db2"] if ( os.name == 'nt' ): cmdArgs += ["db2 connect to %s" % database_name] else: cmdArgs += ["connect to %s" % database_name] if sys.version_info.major >= 3: basestring = str else: basestring = basestring if ( isinstance( database_user, basestring ) and ( database_user != '' ) ): cmdArgs += ["user %s" % database_user] if ( isinstance( database_password, basestring ) and ( database_password != '' ) ): cmdArgs += ["using %s" % database_password] # db2cmd is the shell which is required to run db2 commands on windows. if ( os.name == 'nt' ): os.execvp( 'db2cmd', cmdArgs ) else: os.execvp( 'db2', cmdArgs )