def test_keysort_bytesio(self): pl = collections.OrderedDict() pl['b'] = 1 pl['a'] = 2 pl['c'] = 3 for fmt in ALL_FORMATS: for sort_keys in (False, True): with self.subTest(fmt=fmt, sort_keys=sort_keys): b = BytesIO() plistlib.dump(pl, b, fmt=fmt, sort_keys=sort_keys) pl2 = plistlib.load(BytesIO(b.getvalue()), dict_type=collections.OrderedDict) self.assertEqual(dict(pl), dict(pl2)) if sort_keys: self.assertEqual(list(pl2.keys()), ['a', 'b', 'c']) else: self.assertEqual(list(pl2.keys()), ['b', 'a', 'c'])
def _mac_ver_xml(): fn = '/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist' if not os.path.exists(fn): return None try: import plistlib except ImportError: return None with open(fn, 'rb') as f: pl = plistlib.load(f) release = pl['ProductVersion'] versioninfo = ('', '', '') machine = os.uname().machine if machine in ('ppc', 'Power Macintosh'): # Canonical name machine = 'PowerPC' return release, versioninfo, machine
def _add_itunes_library(self, path): """ Read the iTunes music library index xml from the given path and use all songs in there instead of scanning all files in the given path. """ print("Importing iTunes music library.") itunes_idx = os.path.join(path, "iTunes Music Library.xml") if not os.path.isfile(itunes_idx): itunes_idx = os.path.join(path, "iTunes Library.xml") with open(itunes_idx, "rb") as fp: library = plistlib.load(fp) tracks = library["Tracks"] print("iTunes library contains {:d} entries.".format(len(tracks))) music_folder = urllib.request.url2pathname(urllib.parse.urlparse(library["Music Folder"]).path) if music_folder.endswith(('/', '\\')): music_folder = music_folder[:-1] music_folder = os.path.split(music_folder)[0] + os.path.sep tracks = (Track.from_itunes(t, music_folder, path) for t in tracks.values() if t["Track Type"] == "File" and not t.get("Podcast") and t.get("Genre", "").lower() not in ("audio book", "audiobook") and "document" not in t.get("Kind", "")) amount_new = self.add_tracks(tracks) print("Added {:d} new tracks.".format(amount_new))
def set_application_binary(self, binary: str = None) -> None: """ Sets the binary that will be patched. If a binary is not defined, the applications Info.plist is parsed and the CFBundleIdentifier key read. :param binary: :return: """ if binary is not None: click.secho('Using user provided binary name of: {0}'.format(binary)) self.app_binary = os.path.join(self.app_folder, binary) return with open(os.path.join(self.app_folder, 'Info.plist'), 'rb') as f: info_plist = plistlib.load(f) # print the bundle identifier click.secho('Bundle identifier is: {0}'.format(info_plist['CFBundleIdentifier']), fg='green', bold=True) self.app_binary = os.path.join(self.app_folder, info_plist['CFBundleExecutable'])
def __installDocset(self, docset, refresh): extract_location = self.docsetFolder docset.stats = 'Preparing to install: This might take a while.' refresh() zip = ZipFile(docset.zipPath, mode='r') ll = [name for name in zip.namelist() if '.docset' in name] if len(ll) > 0: n = ll[0] m = os.path.join(self.docsetFolder, n) docset.stats = 'Preparing to extract' refresh() l = zip.infolist() zip.extractall(path=extract_location, members = self.track_progress(l, docset, len(l), refresh)) zip.close() os.remove(docset.zipPath) plistpath = os.path.join(m, self.plistPath) name = docset.name image = '' with open(plistpath, 'rb') as f: pp = plistlib.load(f) if 'CFBundleName' in pp.keys(): name = pp['CFBundleName'] if 'CFBundleIdentifier' in pp.keys(): image = pp['CFBundleIdentifier'] dbManager = DBManager.DBManager() dbManager.DocsetInstalled(name, m, 'transfer', image, 0.0) if docset in self.__installingDocsets: self.__installingDocsets.remove(docset) docset.status = 'Cleaning up...' refresh() cleanup_path = os.path.join(self.docsetFolder,'__MACOSX') if os.path.exists(cleanup_path): shutil.rmtree(cleanup_path) docset.status = 'Installed' refresh() else: raise Exception('Unknown docset structure')
def __get_plist_values(info_plist_path, key): """ ??Plist?value :param info_plist_path: Info.plist ??? :param key: ?????key :return: key???value """ with open(info_plist_path, 'rb') as fp: plist = plistlib.load(fp) return plist.get(key)
def set_info(self, k, v): """ Set a value for a given key in an app's base project info.plist """ info = self.get_info() with open(self.info, 'wb') as f: # Note that we have to write the entire contents to the file. # so we load the current data, add whatever we need to it then info[k] = v plistlib.dump(info, f)
def get_info(self, k=None): """ Get the value for a key in the an app's base project info.plist """ info = None with open(self.info, 'rb') as f: info = plistlib.load(f) if k: return info.get(k) else: return info
def test_io(self): pl = self._create() with open(support.TESTFN, 'wb') as fp: plistlib.dump(pl, fp) with open(support.TESTFN, 'rb') as fp: pl2 = plistlib.load(fp) self.assertEqual(dict(pl), dict(pl2)) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, plistlib.dump, pl, 'filename') self.assertRaises(AttributeError, plistlib.load, 'filename')
def test_bytesio(self): for fmt in ALL_FORMATS: with self.subTest(fmt=fmt): b = BytesIO() pl = self._create(fmt=fmt) plistlib.dump(pl, b, fmt=fmt) pl2 = plistlib.load(BytesIO(b.getvalue()), fmt=fmt) self.assertEqual(dict(pl), dict(pl2)) pl2 = plistlib.load(BytesIO(b.getvalue())) self.assertEqual(dict(pl), dict(pl2))
def _validate_read_data_types_metainfo_plist(self): metainfo_plist_path = os.path.join(self.ufopath, 'metainfo.plist') res = Result(metainfo_plist_path) ss = StdStreamer(metainfo_plist_path) try: meta_dict = load(metainfo_plist_path) if 'formatVersion' in meta_dict.keys(): if isinstance(meta_dict['formatVersion'], int): res.test_failed = False ss.stream_result(res) else: res.test_failed = True res.exit_failure = True # early exit if fails res.test_long_stdstream_string = metainfo_plist_path + " 'formatVersion' value must be specified as" \ " an integer" ss.stream_result(res) else: res.test_failed = True res.exit_failure = True # early exit if fails res.test_long_stdstream_string = "Failed to read the 'formatVersion' value in " + metainfo_plist_path ss.stream_result(res) except Exception as e: res.test_failed = True res.exit_failure = True # early exit if fails res.test_long_stdstream_string = "Failed to read the 'formatVersion' value in " \ "the file " + metainfo_plist_path + ". Error: " + str(e) ss.stream_result(res)
def _validate_read_load_glyphsdirs_layercontents_plist(self): layercontents_plist_path = os.path.join(self.ufopath, 'layercontents.plist') res = Result(layercontents_plist_path) ss = StdStreamer(layercontents_plist_path) try: # loads as [ ['layername1', 'glyphsdir1'], ['layername2', 'glyphsdir2'] ] self.ufo_glyphs_dir_list = load(layercontents_plist_path) res.test_failed = False ss.stream_result(res) except Exception as e: res.test_failed = True res.exit_failure = True res.test_long_stdstream_string = "Failed to read " + layercontents_plist_path + ". Error: " + str(e) ss.stream_result(res)
def check(self): plist_file_globs = { "**/*.tmLanguage", "**/*.tmPreferences", "**/*.tmSnippet", "**/*.tmTheme", } for file_path in self.globs(*plist_file_globs): with self.file_context(file_path): with file_path.open('rb') as f: try: plistlib.load(f) except (ValueError, ExpatError) as e: self.fail("Invalid Plist", exception=e)
def __init__(self): # ????????? ???? ?? ??????????? if isfile('/usr/local/bin/terminal-notifier'): self.notifier = True else: self.notifier = False # ????? ?????? ?? parser.py self.session = Session() # ?????????? ?????? self.root_dir = dirname(abspath(__file__)) # ????????? ? ?????? # ??????? ??? ?????? ? ????? ?? ???????? chdir(self.root_dir) # ????? ???????? self.plugins_dir = join(self.root_dir, 'plugins') # ????? ???????? self.configs_dir = join(self.root_dir, 'configs') # ????? ?????? self.icons_dir = join(self.root_dir, 'icons') # ?????, ???? ????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????? self.series_dir = join(environ['HOME'], 'Movies', '???????') # ????????? ??????? ? ????? ?????? self.name = self.__class__.__name__ # ????????? ? ????? ???????? chdir(self.configs_dir) # ????????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??????? self.config_path = join(self.configs_dir, '%s.plist' % self.name) # ???? ??? - ?????? ?????? ? ????? ???????????, ??????? ???? ???????????? if not isfile(self.config_path): dump({'old_links': [''], 'subscriptions': [''], 'quality': '720p', 'excluding': ['']}, open(self.config_path, 'wb')) exit(0) self.settings = AttrDict(load(open(self.config_path, 'rb'))) # ???? ????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ???? ??? ???, ??????? ?? if not isdir(self.series_dir): mkdir(self.series_dir) chdir(self.series_dir)
def _change_build_version(self): """ set CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString. """ build_version_list = self._build_version.split('.') cf_bundle_short_version_string = '.'.join(build_version_list[:3]) with open(self._plist_path, 'rb') as fp: plist_content = plistlib.load(fp) plist_content['CFBundleShortVersionString'] = cf_bundle_short_version_string plist_content['CFBundleVersion'] = self._build_version with open(self._plist_path, 'wb') as fp: plistlib.dump(plist_content, fp)