def p_datainst3op_error(p): """datainst3op : OPDATA3OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace REG error REG COMMA op2 | OPDATA3OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace REG COMMA REG error op2 | OPDATA3OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace REG COMMA REG | OPDATA3OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace REG error COMMA REG COMMA op2 | OPDATA3OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace REG COMMA REG error COMMA op2""" if len(p) == 9: raise YaccError("Les registres et/ou constantes utilisés dans une opération doivent être séparés par une virgule") elif len(p) == 7: raise YaccError("L'instruction {} requiert 3 arguments".format(p[1])) elif len(p) == 10: if isinstance(p[5], LexToken): raise YaccError("Le registre R{}{} n'existe pas".format(p[4], p[5].value)) else: raise YaccError("Le registre R{}{} n'existe pas".format(p[6], p[7].value)) elif len(p) == 11: raise YaccError("TEST")
def token(self): """ Token function. Contains 2 hacks: 1. Injects ';' into blocks where the last property leaves out the ; 2. Strips out whitespace from nonsignificant locations to ease parsing. """ if self.next_: t = self.next_ self.next_ = None return t while True: t = self.lexer.token() if not t: return t if t.type == 't_ws' and ( self.pretok or (self.last and self.last.type not in self.significant_ws)): continue self.pretok = False if t.type == 't_bclose' and self.last and self.last.type not in ['t_bopen', 't_bclose'] and self.last.type != 't_semicolon' \ and not (hasattr(t, 'lexer') and (t.lexer.lexstate == 'escapequotes' or t.lexer.lexstate == 'escapeapostrophe')): self.next_ = t tok = lex.LexToken() tok.type = 't_semicolon' tok.value = ';' tok.lineno = t.lineno tok.lexpos = t.lexpos self.last = tok self.lexer.in_property_decl = False return tok self.last = t break return t
def on_token(self, token): value, type = token self.lineno = 0 t = lex.LexToken() t.value = value t.type = type t.lexer = self t.lexpos = 0 t.lineno = 0 self._tokens.append(t)
def _new_token(type, lineno): tok = lex.LexToken() tok.type = type tok.value = None tok.lineno = lineno return tok # Synthesize a DEDENT tag
def token(self, value, ty=None): t = LexToken() t.type = ty if ty != None else value t.value = value t.lineno = -1 t.lexpos = -1 return t
def _new_token(type, value, pos): o = LexToken() o.type = type o.value = value o.lineno, o.lexpos = pos return o
def t_eof(self, t): if t.lexer.indent_stack != [""]: t.lexer.indent_stack.pop() dedent_tok = lex.LexToken() dedent_tok.type = 'DEDENT' dedent_tok.value = '' dedent_tok.lineno = t.lexer.lineno dedent_tok.lexpos = t.lexer.lexpos return dedent_tok return None
def p_datainst2op_error(p): """datainst2op : OPDATA2OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace error COMMA op2 | OPDATA2OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace REG error op2 | OPDATA2OP logmnemonic flagscondandspace REG error COMMA op2""" if len(p) == 8: raise YaccError("Le registre R{}{} n'existe pas".format(p[4], p[5].value)) elif isinstance(p[4], LexToken): raise YaccError("L'instruction {} requiert un registre comme premier argument".format(p[1])) else: raise YaccError("Les registres et/ou constantes utilisés dans une opération doivent être séparés par une virgule")
def token(self): """ Returns the next LexToken. Returns None when all tokens have been exhausted. """ if self.tokens_queue: self.last_token = self.tokens_queue.pop(0) else: r = self.lex.token() if isinstance(r, MultiToken): self.tokens_queue.extend(r.tokens) self.last_token = self.tokens_queue.pop(0) else: if r is None and self.cur_indent > 0: if self.last_token and self.last_token.type not in ('NEWLINE', 'LINE'): newline_token = self._create_token('NEWLINE', '\n', self.lex.lineno, self.lex.lexpos) self.tokens_queue.append(newline_token) dedent_count = self.cur_indent // 4 dedent_token = self._create_token('DEDENT', '\t', self.lex.lineno, self.lex.lexpos) self.tokens_queue.extend([dedent_token] * dedent_count) self.cur_indent = 0 self.last_token = self.tokens_queue.pop(0) else: self.last_token = r return self.last_token
def _create_token(self, token_type, value, lineno, lexpos): """ Helper for creating ply.lex.LexToken objects. Unfortunately, LexToken does not have a constructor defined to make settings these values easy. """ token = lex.LexToken() token.type = token_type token.value = value token.lineno = lineno token.lexpos = lexpos return token
def p_error(self, p): # TODO if p: self._errors.append(p) pass # self._parser.errok() else: # hack handle eof, don't know why ply behaves this way from ply.lex import LexToken tok = LexToken() tok.value = self.lexer.lexdata[self.lexer.lexpos:] tok.lineno = self.lexer.lineno tok.type = 'error' tok.lexpos = self.lexer.lexpos self._parser.errok() return tok
def p_error(p): if not p: print("End of file.") return if p.type == 'EOF': if ZCClex.lexer.lexer.curlyBalance > 0: parser.errok() return lex.LexToken( 'RCURCLYBRACKET', '}', p.lexer.lineno, p.lexer.lexpos) else: return print("Syntax error at %r, at line: %d, column: %d." % ( p.value, p.lexer.lineno, ZCClex.find_column(p.lexer.lexdata, p))) if p.type == 'IDENTIFIER': print("Undefined Type " + p.value[1]) if parser.errorCounter > 0: print("In panic mode\n") while True: tok = parser.token() if not tok or tok.type == 'SEMICOLON' or tok.type == 'RCURLYBRACKET': break parser.restart() else: parser.errorCounter += 1 return p
def token(self): tok = self.lexer.token() if tok is None: if self.end: self.end = False else: self.end = True tok = lex.LexToken() tok.type = self.eof tok.value = None tok.lexpos = self.lexer.lexpos tok.lineno = self.lexer.lineno # print ('custom', tok) return tok
def t_NEWLINE(self,t): r'\n|\r' t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value) t.lexer.newlinepos = t.lexer.lexpos pos = t.lexer.lexpos data = t.lexer.lexdata # Consume all the whitespace until we hit something non-white or a newline while True: if pos >= len(data): return t if data[pos] in ['\n','\r'] or not re.match('\s',data[pos]): break pos += 1 # If this is a line with just whitespace, or we're inside parenthesis, # don't return a token if data[pos] in ['\n', '\t', '#'] or t.lexer.opened > 0: return None ws = data[t.lexer.lexpos:pos] # Check if we went back to an older identation level, then # create some DEDENT tokens try: idx = t.lexer.indent_stack.index(ws) ndedents = len(t.lexer.indent_stack)-idx-1 for i in range(ndedents): t.lexer.indent_stack.pop() dedent_tok = lex.LexToken() dedent_tok.type = 'DEDENT' dedent_tok.value = '' dedent_tok.lineno = t.lexer.lineno dedent_tok.lexpos = pos t.lexer.pushback_token(dedent_tok) # Otherwise, check if we have added an identation level and create # an IDENT token, or just return a newline except: last_ident = t.lexer.indent_stack[-1] if t.lexer.indent_stack else "" if ws.startswith(last_ident): indent_tok = lex.LexToken() indent_tok.type = 'INDENT' indent_tok.value = ws indent_tok.lineno = t.lexer.lineno indent_tok.lexpos = pos t.lexer.pushback_token(indent_tok) t.lexer.indent_stack.append(ws) # Current ident doesn't contain the previous ident, identation error! else: raise Exception("Bad ident at line %d" % t.lexer.lineno ) return t # multi-qoute strings are pretty straightforward