def display_ec2_tags(self, outputformat='json', filter=None, aggr_and=False): ''' Display Tags for all EC2 Resources ''' ec2_client = aws_service.AwsService('ec2') tagsobj = ec2_client.service.list_tags() if filter is not None: tagsobj = orcautils.filter_dict(tagsobj, filter, aggr_and=aggr_and) if outputformat == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(tagsobj) else: self.display_ec2_tags_table(tagsobj)
def display_s3_bucketlist(self, outputformat='json', filter=None, output_fields=None, aggr_and=False): ''' Display the List of S3 buckets ''' service_client = aws_service.AwsService('s3') bucketlist = service_client.service.list_buckets_fast() newbucketlist = service_client.service.populate_bucket_fast("location", bucketlist) newbucketlist = service_client.service.populate_bucket_fast( "objects", newbucketlist) if filter is not None: newbucketlist = orcautils.filter_list(newbucketlist, filter, aggr_and=aggr_and) if outputformat == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(newbucketlist) else: self.display_s3_buckelist_table(newbucketlist)
def display_s3_bucket_validations(self, outputformat='json'): ''' Display the list of S3 buckets and the validation results. ''' s3client = aws_service.AwsService('s3') bucketlist = s3client.service.list_buckets() #s3client.service.populate_bucket_tagging(bucketlist) #s3client.service.populate_bucket_validation(bucketlist) newbucketlist = s3client.service.populate_bucket_fast("tagging", bucketlist) newbucketlist = s3client.service.populate_bucket_fast("validation", newbucketlist) if outputformat == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(newbucketlist) else: self.display_s3_bucket_validations_table(newbucketlist)
def pprint(to_be_printed): """nicely formated print""" try: import pprint as pp # generate an instance PrettyPrinter # pp.PrettyPrinter().pprint(to_be_printed) pp.pprint(to_be_printed) except ImportError: if isinstance(to_be_printed, dict): print('{') for k, v in to_be_printed.items(): print("'" + k + "'" if str(k) == k else k, ': ', "'" + v + "'" if str(v) == v else v, sep="") print('}') else: print('could not import pprint module, appling regular print') print(to_be_printed) # todo: this should rather be a class instance
def print_progress_bar(progress_array, iteration, prefix='', suffix='', bar_length=100): """ Prints a progress bar """ str_format = "{0:.1f}" total = len(progress_array) percents = str_format.format(100 * (iteration / float(total))) fill_length = int(round(bar_length / float(total))) bar_symbol = '' for idx, pos in enumerate(progress_array): if idx == iteration: bar_symbol += (PrettyPrinter.yellow(u'?') * fill_length) elif pos is None: bar_symbol += ('-' * fill_length) elif pos: bar_symbol += (PrettyPrinter.green(u'?') * fill_length) else: bar_symbol += (PrettyPrinter.red(u'?') * fill_length) # pylint: disable=W0106 sys.stdout.write(u'\x1b[2K\r{} |{}| {}{} {}\n' .format(prefix, bar_symbol, percents, '%', suffix)), sys.stdout.flush()
def list_apps(ctx): environment = ctx.parent.params['environment'] config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() config_parser.read(CONFIG_PATH) if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and environment.lower() == 'default': environment = configparser.DEFAULTSECT client_id = config_parser.get(environment, 'client_id') client_secret = config_parser.get(environment, 'client_secret') response = management_utils.list_apps((client_id, client_secret)) if response.ok: app_data = response.json() else: click.echo(response.text) printer = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) printer.pprint(app_data)
def __init__(self, app): # Initiate the parent class cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) # Set up the command line prompt itself self.prompt = "Tuxemon>> " self.intro = 'Tuxemon CLI\nType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.' # Import pretty print so that shit is formatted nicely import pprint self.pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) # Import threading to start the CLI in a separate thread from threading import Thread self.app = app self.cmd_thread = Thread(target=self.cmdloop) self.cmd_thread.daemon = True self.cmd_thread.start()
def export_as_python(request): """Export site settings as a dictionary of dictionaries""" from livesettings.models import Setting, LongSetting import pprint work = {} both = list(Setting.objects.all()) both.extend(list(LongSetting.objects.all())) for s in both: sitesettings = work.setdefault(s.site.id, {'DB': False, 'SETTINGS': {}})['SETTINGS'] sitegroup = sitesettings.setdefault(s.group, {}) sitegroup[s.key] = s.value pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pretty = pp.pformat(work) return render(request, 'livesettings/text.txt', {'text': pretty}, content_type='text/plain') # Required permission `is_superuser` is equivalent to auth.change_user, # because who can modify users, can easy became a superuser.
def load_structure(raw_data): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) #pp.pprint(raw_data[0]); exit(0) # print('Stracting from Spotify') for raw_song_data in raw_data: song_details = {} song_details['title'] = raw_song_data['track']['name'] artists = '' for saltimbanqui in raw_song_data['track']['artists']: artists = artists + saltimbanqui['name'] + " " song_details['artist'] = artists try: album_pic = raw_song_data['track']['album']['images'][0]['url'] song_details['album_pic'] = album_pic except: break songs_to_dl.append(song_details)
def pprint(to_be_printed): """nicely formated print""" try: import pprint as pp # generate an instance PrettyPrinter # pp.PrettyPrinter().pprint(to_be_printed) pp.pprint(to_be_printed) except ImportError: if isinstance(to_be_printed, dict): print('{') for k, v in list(to_be_printed.items()): print("'" + k + "'" if isinstance(k, str) else k, ': ', "'" + v + "'" if isinstance(k, str) else v, sep="") print('}') else: print('could not import pprint module, appling regular print') print(to_be_printed)
def main(): """ A sample usage of ids_parser() """ import pprint printer = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) parser = ids_parser() rules = [] with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as rules_fh: for line in rules_fh.readlines(): try: result = parser.parse(line) except SyntaxError as error: print "invalid rule, %s : original rule: %s" % (error, repr(line)) if len(result): rules.append(result) printer.pprint(rules)
def tagindexdump(bot, _event, *_args): """dump raw contents of tags indices""" printer = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) printer.pprint(bot.tags.indices) chunks = [] for relationship in bot.tags.indices: lines = [_("index: <b><i>{}</i></b>").format(relationship)] for key, items in bot.tags.indices[relationship].items(): lines.append(_("key: <i>{}</i>").format(key)) for item in items: lines.append("... <i>{}</i>".format(item)) if not lines: continue chunks.append("\n".join(lines)) if not chunks: chunks = [_("<b>no entries to list</b>")] return "\n\n".join(chunks)
def extract_details_from_nrt (nrt_struct): """ Extract some details of call events """ # DEBUG # print (nrt_struct.prettyPrint()) # Translate the NRT structure into a Python one py_nrt = py_encode (nrt_struct) # DEBUG # pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter (indent = 2) # pp.pprint (py_nrt) # return py_nrt
def pprint(to_be_printed): """nicely formated print""" try: import pprint as pp # generate an instance PrettyPrinter # pp.PrettyPrinter().pprint(to_be_printed) pp.pprint(to_be_printed) except ImportError: if isinstance(to_be_printed, dict): print('{') for k, v in to_be_printed.items(): print("'" + k + "'" if isinstance(k, basestring) else k, ': ', "'" + v + "'" if isinstance(k, basestring) else v, sep="") print('}') else: print('could not import pprint module, appling regular print') print(to_be_printed)
def test_basic(self): # Verify .isrecursive() and .isreadable() w/o recursion pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() for safe in (2, 2.0, 2j, "abc", [3], (2,2), {3: 3}, uni("yaddayadda"), bytearray(b"ghi"), True, False, None, self.a, self.b): # module-level convenience functions self.assertFalse(pprint.isrecursive(safe), "expected not isrecursive for %r" % (safe,)) self.assertTrue(pprint.isreadable(safe), "expected isreadable for %r" % (safe,)) # PrettyPrinter methods self.assertFalse(pp.isrecursive(safe), "expected not isrecursive for %r" % (safe,)) self.assertTrue(pp.isreadable(safe), "expected isreadable for %r" % (safe,))
def Dump(self, key = None): """ Using the standard Python pretty printer, return the contents of the scons build environment as a string. If the key passed in is anything other than None, then that will be used as an index into the build environment dictionary and whatever is found there will be fed into the pretty printer. Note that this key is case sensitive. """ import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) if key: dict = self.Dictionary(key) else: dict = self.Dictionary() return pp.pformat(dict)
def import_summerdata(exampleName,actionDirectory): import parsingSummerActionAndFluentOutput fluent_parses = parsingSummerActionAndFluentOutput.readFluentResults(exampleName) action_parses = parsingSummerActionAndFluentOutput.readActionResults("{}.{}".format(actionDirectory,exampleName)) #import pprint #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=6) #pp.pprint(action_parses) #pp.pprint(fluent_parses) return [fluent_parses, action_parses]
def display_ec2_vmlist(self, outputformat='json'): ''' Display the List of EC2 buckets ''' service_client = aws_service.AwsService('ec2') vmlist = service_client.service.list_vms() if outputformat == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(vmlist) else: self.display_ec2_vmlist_table(vmlist)
def display_ec2_nw_interfaces(self, outputformat="json"): ''' Display network interfaces ''' ec2_client = aws_service.AwsService('ec2') nw_interfaces = ec2_client.service.list_network_interfaces() if outputformat == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(nw_interfaces) else: self.display_ec2_nw_interfaces_table(nw_interfaces)
def display_iam_userlist(self, outputformat='json'): ''' Display the list of users. ''' service_client = aws_service.AwsService('iam') userlist = service_client.service.list_users() service_client.service.populate_groups_in_users(userlist) if outputformat == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(userlist) else: self.display_iam_userlist_table(userlist)
def display_iam_user_policies(self, user_name, outputformat='json'): ''' Display policies attached to the user. ''' awsconfig = aws_config.AwsConfig() profiles = awsconfig.get_profiles() service_client = aws_service.AwsService('iam') policyinfo = {} for profile in profiles: policyinfo[profile] = [] policies = service_client.service.get_user_attached_policies( UserName=user_name, profile_name=profile) policyinfo[profile] = policies if outputformat == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(policyinfo) if outputformat == "table": self.display_iam_user_policies_table(user_name, policyinfo)
def perform_profile_operations(self, namespace): ''' Handle the profile operations ''' awsconfig = aws_config.AwsConfig() profiles = awsconfig.get_profiles() profile_summary = {} for profile in profiles: profile_summary[profile] = {} profile_summary[profile]['access_key_id'] = \ awsconfig.get_aws_access_key_id(profile) profile_summary[profile]['secret_access_key'] = \ awsconfig.get_aws_secret_access_key(profile) if namespace.output == "json": pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter() pprinter.pprint(profile_summary) else: # Setup table. header = ["Profile Name", "Access Key ID", "Secret Access Key"] table = prettytable.PrettyTable(header) for profile in profile_summary.keys(): row = [profile, profile_summary[profile]['access_key_id'], profile_summary[profile]['secret_access_key']] table.add_row(row) print table
def printWatchlistHits(serverurl, watchlistid, watchlisttype, rows): global cb pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2) print rows getparams = {"cb.urlver": 1, "watchlist_%d" % watchlistid : "*", "rows": rows } if watchlisttype == 'modules': getparams["cb.q.server_added_timestamp"] = "-1440m" r = cb.cbapi_get("%s/api/v1/binary?%s" % (serverurl, urllib.urlencode(getparams))) parsedjson = json.loads(r.text) pp.pprint(parsedjson) elif watchlisttype == 'events': getparams["cb.q.start"] = "-1440m" r = cb.cbapi_get("%s/api/v1/process?%s" % (serverurl, urllib.urlencode(getparams))) parsedjson = json.loads(r.text) pp.pprint(parsedjson) else: return print print "Total Number of results returned: %d" % len(parsedjson['results']) print
def check_root_privileges(): """ This function checks if the current user is root. If the user is not root it exits immediately. """ if os.getuid() != 0: # check if root user PrettyPrinter.println(PrettyPrinter.red("Root privileges are required to run this tool")) sys.exit(1)
def _format(color, text): """ Generic pretty print string formatter """ return u"{}{}{}".format(color, text, PrettyPrinter.Colors.ENDC)
def header(text): """ Formats text as header """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.HEADER, text)
def bold(text): """ Formats text as bold """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.BOLD, text)
def blue(text): """ Formats text as blue """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.BLUE, text)
def light_purple(text): """ Formats text as light_purple """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.LIGTH_PURPLE, text)
def green(text): """ Formats text as green """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.GREEN, text)
def dark_green(text): """ Formats text as dark_green """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.DARK_GREEN, text)
def yellow(text): """ Formats text as yellow """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.YELLOW, text)
def dark_yellow(text): """ Formats text as dark_yellow """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.DARK_YELLOW, text)
def orange(text): """ Formats text as orange """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.ORANGE, text)
def cyan(text): """ Formats text as cyan """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.CYAN, text)
def magenta(text): """ Formats text as magenta """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.MAGENTA, text)
def purple(text): """ Formats text as purple """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.PURPLE, text)
def info(text): """ Formats text as info """ return PrettyPrinter._format(PrettyPrinter.Colors.LIGHT_YELLOW, text)
def p_bold(text): """ Prints text formatted as bold """ sys.stdout.write(PrettyPrinter.bold(text))
def pl_bold(text): """ Prints text formatted as bold with newline in the end """ sys.stdout.write(u"{}\n".format(PrettyPrinter.bold(text)))
def p_blue(text): """ Prints text formatted as blue """ print(PrettyPrinter.blue(text))
def p_green(text): """ Prints text formatted as green """ print(PrettyPrinter.green(text))
def p_red(text): """ Prints text formatted as red """ print(PrettyPrinter.red(text))
def print(self): import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) pp.pprint(self.settings)
def printTest(testDict, solutionDict): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) print "Test case:" for line in testDict["__raw_lines__"]: print " |", line print "Solution:" for line in solutionDict["__raw_lines__"]: print " |", line
def pprint_patch(): if isinstance(getattr(pprint.PrettyPrinter, '_dispatch', None), dict): orig = pprint.PrettyPrinter._dispatch[collections.OrderedDict.__repr__] pprint.PrettyPrinter._dispatch[collections.OrderedDict.__repr__] = patched_pprint_ordered_dict try: yield finally: pprint.PrettyPrinter._dispatch[collections.OrderedDict.__repr__] = orig else: yield # # #
def process(self, write, request, submit, **kw): """Override me: I process a form. I will only be called when the correct form input data to process this form has been received. I take a variable number of arguments, beginning with 'write', 'request', and 'submit'. 'write' is a callable object that will append a string to the response, 'request' is a twisted.web.request.Request instance, and 'submit' is the name of the submit action taken. The remainder of my arguments must be correctly named. They will each be named after one of the """ write("<pre>Submit: %s <br /> %s</pre>" % (submit, html.PRE(pprint.PrettyPrinter().pformat(kw))))