def mem_check(opts): while True: if opts['gc']: try: gc.collect() except Exception as e: logging.exception(repr(e) + ' while gc.collect()') try: rss = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss logging.info('current memory used: {rss}'.format(rss=rss)) if rss > opts['threshold']: memory_dump(opts) os.abort() except Exception as e: logging.exception(repr(e) + ' while checking memory usage') finally: time.sleep(opts['interval'])
def pids_active(pids_computer): """ This function find pids of computer and return the valid. """ pid_valid = {} for pid in pids_computer: data = None try: process = psutil.Process(pid) data = {"pid": process.pid, "status": process.status(), "percent_cpu_used": process.cpu_percent(interval=0.0), "percent_memory_used": process.memory_percent()} except (psutil.ZombieProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): data = None if data is not None: pid_valid[process.name()] = data return pid_valid
def process_finished(self, exit_code): format = self.ui.edit_stdout.currentCharFormat() format.setFontWeight(QFont.Bold) if exit_code == 0: if self._interrupted: color = Qt.red msg = ('Process interrupted by user') else: color = Qt.green msg = ('Process exited normally') else: color = Qt.red msg = ('Process exited with exit code %d' % exit_code) format.setForeground(color) self.ui.edit_stdout.setCurrentCharFormat(format) self.ui.edit_stdout.appendPlainText(msg) self.restore_gui() self.ui.edit_stdout.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse | Qt.TextSelectableByKeyboard) self.process = None self.ui.btn_log.setEnabled(self.last_log_file is not None and os.path.isfile(self.last_log_file))
def set_zombie_refresh_to_fail(self, refresh_job): current_pid = refresh_job.pid if current_pid is None: return p = psutil.Process(current_pid) if p.status() != psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE: return refresh = self.schematizer.get_refresh_by_id( refresh_job.refresh_id ) if refresh.status == RefreshStatus.IN_PROGRESS: # Must update manually (not relying on the signal), # as the process may not properly handle the signal # if it's a zombie self.schematizer.update_refresh( refresh_id=refresh_job.refresh_id, status=RefreshStatus.FAILED, offset=0 ) source = refresh_job.source del self.active_refresh_jobs[source] os.kill(current_pid, signal.SIGINT)
def kill_proc(proc): """ Kill a process and its children processes :param proc: Process class defined in psutil :return: None """ try: children = proc.children() for child in children: try: child.terminate() except: pass gone, still_alive = psutil.wait_procs(children, timeout=3) for p in still_alive: p.kill() proc.kill() except: pass
def test_procfs_path(self): tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: psutil.PROCFS_PATH = tdir self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.virtual_memory) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times, percpu=True) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.boot_time) # self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.pids) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_connections) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_io_counters) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_if_stats) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.disk_io_counters) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.disk_partitions) self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.Process) finally: psutil.PROCFS_PATH = "/proc" os.rmdir(tdir)
def get_default_session(): """ Locates the first ancestor process which is a shell. Returns its pid, or None if not found. """ if psutil.POSIX: def predicate(name): return name.endswith("sh") elif psutil.WINDOWS: def predicate(name): return name in ("cmd.exe", "powershell.exe") else: return None proc = psutil.Process() while proc.parent().pid: proc = proc.parent() if predicate(proc.name()): return proc.pid return None
def has_connection(processes): for i in processes: proc = psutil.Process(i.pid) conns = proc.connections() # find our listening port ports = set() for conn in conns: if conn.status == 'LISTEN': if conn.laddr: ports.add(conn.laddr[1]) for conn in conns: if conn.status == 'ESTABLISHED' and conn.laddr[1] in ports: print "conn ", conn return True
def restart(self): """ Safely restart prism """ import os import sys import psutil import logging try: p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) for handler in p.open_files() + p.connections(): os.close(handler.fd) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)
def __repr__(self): classname = self.__class__.__name__ if not self.is_running: return "<{} (not running)>".format(classname) reprs = [] for child in psutil.Process(self._process.pid).children(recursive=True): if 'python' in child.name(): name = ''.join(child.cmdline()) else: name = child.name() reprs.append("<Process pid='{}', name='{}', status='{}'>".format( child.pid, name, child.status()) ) return "<{} pid='{}', children: {}>".format( classname, self._process.pid, reprs )
def usable_cpu_count(): """Get number of CPUs usable by the current process. Takes into consideration cpusets restrictions. Returns ------- int """ try: result = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except AttributeError: try: result = len(psutil.Process().cpu_affinity()) except AttributeError: result = os.cpu_count() return result
def kill_task(request): if request.method == 'POST': try: params = json.loads(request.body) except: return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'error':'Json required'}),content_type="application/json") if not params.get("task_id"): return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'error':'task_id manadatory'}),content_type="application/json") tasks = Results.objects.filter(id = params['task_id']) for task in tasks: try: parent = psutil.Process(task.pid) for child in parent.children(recursive=True): child.kill() parent.kill() except Exception as e: pass task.status_text = 'Killed' task.is_done = True task.save() return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success':True}),content_type="application/json") else: raise Http404()
def wait_for_listening_port(port_number, tries=10, sleep=0.1, pid=None): if pid is None: pid = os.getpid() for _ in range(tries): gevent.sleep(sleep) # macoOS requires root access for the connections api to work # so get connections of the current process only connections = psutil.Process(pid).connections() for conn in connections: if conn.status == 'LISTEN' and conn.laddr[1] == port_number: return raise RuntimeError('{port} is not bound'.format(port=port_number)) # TODO: Figure out why this fixture can't work as session scoped # What happens is that after one test is done, in the next one # the server is no longer running even though the teardown has not # been invoked.
def gulp_exited_cb(future): if future.exception(): print(traceback.format_exc()) children = psutil.Process().children(recursive=True) for child in children: print('>>> Killing pid {}'.format(child.pid)) child.send_signal(SIGTERM) print('>>> Exiting') # It would be nice to be able to raise a CommandError or use # sys.kill here but neither of those stop the runserver instance # since we're in a thread. This method is used in django as well. os._exit(1)
def ReStart(groupname): '''??mysqlrouter''' restart_stat = None pids = psutil.pids() for pid in pids: p = psutil.Process(pid) cmdline = p.cmdline() if groupname+'.conf' in cmdline: try: os.kill(pid, 9) os.popen('cd /etc/mysqlrouter;nohup mysqlrouter -c mysqlrouter.conf -a %s.conf &' % groupname) return True except Exception,e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False restart_stat = True break if restart_stat is None: os.popen('cd /etc/mysqlrouter;nohup mysqlrouter -c mysqlrouter.conf -a %s.conf &' % groupname)
def handle_tasks(tasks, time_limit, memory_limit, n_jobs=1, logger=None): window = [] while len(tasks) > 0: while len(window) < n_jobs: if len(tasks) == 0: break job, sema = tasks.pop() window.append((job, time.time(), sema)) job.start() if logger: logger.debug("Process %s start: %s MB is used" % (job.pid, memory_usage())) while len(window) == n_jobs: window = _check_window(window, time_limit, memory_limit, logger) while len(window) > 0: window = _check_window(window, time_limit, memory_limit, logger)
def on_crypto_ransom(self, evt): logger.debug('Whitelist: %s' % json.dumps(self.whitelist, indent=4)) logger.debug('Suspended: %s' % json.dumps([ {'pid': p.pid, 'exe': p.exe()} for p in self.suspended ], indent=4)) if any(suspended.pid == evt.pid for suspended in self.suspended): return # ignore captured ransom events try: p = psutil.Process(evt.pid) cmdline = p.cmdline() except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): logger.warn('Suspicious process %d exited before being caught' % evt.pid) return if cmdline not in self.whitelist: p.suspend() self.suspended.append(p) event.EventAskUserAllowOrDeny(p, evt.path).fire() else: logger.info('Allowed white-listed process: %d' % evt.pid)
def get_absolute_path(event_raw): ''' Keeps a cache of processes' cwds, in case that their events might come after they're terminated. ''' pid = event_raw.get('pid') path = event_raw.get('path') if path and path[0] == '/': return os.path.realpath(path) cwd = None logger.debug('%r' % pid_cwd) try: process = psutil.Process(pid) cwd = process.cwd() pid_cwd[pid] = cwd # cache every pid's cwd except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): cwd = pid_cwd.get(pid) if not cwd: return None return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(cwd, path))
def check(proc, target_name, max_timeout): """ Check CPU usage of target process """ try: pid = proc.pid start_time = time() if psutil.Process(pid).children(): for child in psutil.Process(pid).children(): if child.name() == target_name: while True: cpu = all(0 == child.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) for x in xrange(8)) if cpu is not None and cpu is True: kill(proc, child.pid) break if max_timeout is not None or max_timeout != 0: end_time = time() elapsed = end_time - start_time if elapsed > max_timeout: kill(proc, child.pid) break except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass
def phantomjs_pid_and_memory(self): """ Return the pid and memory (MB) of the phantomjs process, restart if it's a zombie, and exit if a restart isn't working after three attempts. """ for k in range(3): # three strikes try: @self.phantomjs_short_timeout def phantomjs_process_pid(): return self.driver.service.process.pid pid = phantomjs_process_pid() rss_mb = psutil.Process(pid).memory_info().rss / float(2 ** 20) break except (psutil.NoSuchProcess,Exception) as e: if self.debug: print('.service.process.pid exception:\n{}'.format(e)) self.quit_driver(pid=pid) self.open_driver() else: # throw in the towel and exit if no viable phantomjs process after multiple attempts print('No viable phantomjs process after multiple attempts!') sys.exit(1) return (pid, rss_mb)
def killing_loop( self, ): while self.stop_event.wait(): if not psutil.pid_exists(self.pid_to_kill): return process = psutil.Process(self.pid_to_kill) if self.memory_limit != 0 and process.memory_info().rss >= self.memory_limit: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.memory_limit_signal) if self.soft_timeout != 0 and self.time_elapsed >= self.soft_timeout: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.soft_timeout_signal) if self.hard_timeout != 0 and self.time_elapsed >= self.hard_timeout: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.hard_timeout_signal) if self.critical_timeout != 0 and self.time_elapsed >= self.critical_timeout: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.critical_timeout_signal) time.sleep(self.sleep_interval) self.time_elapsed += self.sleep_interval
def killing_loop( self, ): while self.stop_event.wait(): if not psutil.pid_exists(self.pid_to_kill): return process = psutil.Process(self.pid_to_kill) if self.memory_limit != 0 and process.memory_info().rss >= self.memory_limit: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.memory_limit_signal) with self.time_elapsed.get_lock(): if self.soft_timeout != 0 and self.time_elapsed.value >= self.soft_timeout: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.soft_timeout_signal) if self.hard_timeout != 0 and self.time_elapsed.value >= self.hard_timeout: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.hard_timeout_signal) if self.critical_timeout != 0 and self.time_elapsed.value >= self.critical_timeout: os.kill(self.pid_to_kill, self.critical_timeout_signal) self.time_elapsed.value += self.sleep_interval time.sleep(self.sleep_interval)
def kill_using_shell(logger, pid, signal=signal.SIGTERM): try: process = psutil.Process(pid) # Use sudo only when necessary - consider SubDagOperator and SequentialExecutor case. if process.username() != getpass.getuser(): args = ["sudo", "kill", "-{}".format(int(signal)), str(pid)] else: args = ["kill", "-{}".format(int(signal)), str(pid)] # PID may not exist and return a non-zero error code logger.error(subprocess.check_output(args, close_fds=True)) logger.info("Killed process {} with signal {}".format(pid, signal)) return True except psutil.NoSuchProcess as e: logger.warning("Process {} no longer exists".format(pid)) return False except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning("Failed to kill process {} with signal {}. Output: {}" .format(pid, signal, e.output)) return False
def terminate(self): if not self.is_running(): print (" ...%s processes already dead" % self.name) return tps = [] for process in self.processes: if process: parent_pid = process.pid parent = psutil.Process(parent_pid) try: for child in parent.children(recursive=True): child.kill() parent.kill() except Exception as e: print (" !! %s: %s" % (self.name, e)) else: tps.append(process.pid) print (" [x] Terminated: %s - pId(s): %s" % (self.name, ', '.join(str(p) for p in tps))) self.commands = [] self.output_filenames = [] self.processes = [] self.pid_commands.clear()
def terminate_process_and_children(self, name): """ Recursively terminate all children of respective process @args: name: Name of the job """ if name not in self.jobs: print("[%s] does not exist as a process!", name) ppid = self.jobs[name]['process'].pid try: parent_proc = psutil.Process(ppid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: return children = parent_proc.children(recursive=True) for proc in children: l.debug(proc) try: proc.send_signal(signal.SIGKILL) except: pass
def test_prlimit_availability(self): # prlimit() should be available starting from kernel 2.6.36 p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) p.rlimit(psutil.RLIMIT_NOFILE) # if prlimit() is supported *at least* these constants should # be available self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIM_INFINITY")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_AS")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_CORE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_CPU")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_DATA")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_FSIZE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_LOCKS")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_MEMLOCK")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NOFILE")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NPROC")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_RSS")) self.assertTrue(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_STACK"))
def test_open_files_file_gone(self): # simulates a file which gets deleted during open_files() # execution p = psutil.Process() files = p.open_files() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(): # give the kernel some time to see the new file call_until(p.open_files, "len(ret) != %i" % len(files)) with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.readlink', side_effect=OSError(errno.ENOENT, "")) as m: files = p.open_files() assert not files assert m.called # also simulate the case where os.readlink() returns EINVAL # in which case psutil is supposed to 'continue' with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.readlink', side_effect=OSError(errno.EINVAL, "")) as m: self.assertEqual(p.open_files(), []) assert m.called # --- mocked tests
def test_exe_mocked(self): with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.readlink', side_effect=OSError(errno.ENOENT, "")) as m: # No such file error; might be raised also if /proc/pid/exe # path actually exists for system processes with low pids # (about 0-20). In this case psutil is supposed to return # an empty string. ret = psutil.Process().exe() assert m.called self.assertEqual(ret, "") # ...but if /proc/pid no longer exist we're supposed to treat # it as an alias for zombie process with mock.patch('psutil._pslinux.os.path.lexists', return_value=False): self.assertRaises(psutil.ZombieProcess, psutil.Process().exe)
def test_process_create_time(self): cmdline = "ps -o lstart -p %s" % self.pid p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0] if PY3: output = str(output, sys.stdout.encoding) start_ps = output.replace('STARTED', '').strip() hhmmss = start_ps.split(' ')[-2] year = start_ps.split(' ')[-1] start_psutil = psutil.Process(self.pid).create_time() self.assertEqual( hhmmss, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(start_psutil))) self.assertEqual( year, time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime(start_psutil)))
def test_serialization(self): def check(ret): if json is not None: json.loads(json.dumps(ret)) a = pickle.dumps(ret) b = pickle.loads(a) self.assertEqual(ret, b) check(psutil.Process().as_dict()) check(psutil.virtual_memory()) check(psutil.swap_memory()) check(psutil.cpu_times()) check(psutil.cpu_times_percent(interval=0)) check(psutil.net_io_counters()) if LINUX and not os.path.exists('/proc/diskstats'): pass else: if not APPVEYOR: check(psutil.disk_io_counters()) check(psutil.disk_partitions()) check(psutil.disk_usage(os.getcwd())) check(psutil.users())
def test_ad_on_process_creation(self): # We are supposed to be able to instantiate Process also in case # of zombie processes or access denied. with mock.patch.object(psutil.Process, 'create_time', side_effect=psutil.AccessDenied) as meth: psutil.Process() assert meth.called with mock.patch.object(psutil.Process, 'create_time', side_effect=psutil.ZombieProcess(1)) as meth: psutil.Process() assert meth.called with mock.patch.object(psutil.Process, 'create_time', side_effect=ValueError) as meth: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): psutil.Process() assert meth.called
def test_special_pid(self): p = psutil.Process(4) self.assertEqual(p.name(), 'System') # use __str__ to access all common Process properties to check # that nothing strange happens str(p) p.username() self.assertTrue(p.create_time() >= 0.0) try: rss, vms = p.memory_info()[:2] except psutil.AccessDenied: # expected on Windows Vista and Windows 7 if not platform.uname()[1] in ('vista', 'win-7', 'win7'): raise else: self.assertTrue(rss > 0)
def PidIsRunning(pid): """ Check if a process with PID pid is running. """ try: proc = psutil.Process(int(pid)) if proc.status == psutil.STATUS_DEAD: return False if proc.status == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE: return False return True # Assume other status are valid except psutil.NoSuchProcess: return False
def process_errored(self): try: exit_code = self.process.exitCode() except Exception: exit_code = 0 format = self.ui.edit_stdout.currentCharFormat() format.setFontWeight(QFont.Bold) format.setForeground(Qt.red) self.ui.edit_stdout.setCurrentCharFormat(format) self.ui.edit_stdout.appendPlainText('Process exited with exit code' % exit_code) self.restore_gui() self.ui.edit_stdout.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse | Qt.TextSelectableByKeyboard) self.process = None
def check_processes(self): try: self.logger.log("Main", "informative", "Checking processes...") for process in self.processes: proc = psutil.Process(process.pid) if not proc.is_running(): self.logger.log("Main", "error", "Process crashed! Exiting program.") self.stop() # We can't trust the program after a process crashes. self.logger.log("Main", "informative", "Processes OK!") except Exception as e: self.logger.log("Main", "error", "Error checking processes: " + str(e)) self.stop() # Stop here sinc a process probably died, causing this error self.gui.after(100, self.check_processes) # Check again in 100ms # Starts the processes
def get_rss_prop(): # this is quite expensive process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) return (process.memory_info().rss - process.memory_info().shared) / 10**6
def __init__(self, description, debug=False, **parameters): self.debug = debug if debug: try: import os import psutil import gc self.description = description self.params = parameters self.start_memory = None self.process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) except Exception as e: Log.warning("problem in memory measure", cause=e)
def memory_usage_psutil(): # return the memory usage in MB import psutil process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) mem = process.get_memory_info()[0] / float(2 ** 20) return mem
def getProcess(): psutil = getPSUtil() if psutil: import os return psutil.Process( os.getpid() ) return None
def printMemUsage(): psutil = getPSUtil() if psutil: u = mem_usage() M = psutil.virtual_memory() print( "Process Mem: %0.1fMb System: %0.1fMb / %0.1fMb"%(u, M.used/1048576., M.total/1048576.) )
def ownhandle() : my_regex = r".*" + re.escape(sys.argv[1]) + r".*" regex = re.compile(my_regex, re.IGNORECASE) for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid']) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: #print pinfo['pid'] try: proci = psutil.Process(pinfo['pid']) for files in proci.open_files() : #print files #handles = re.match(my_regex, files, re.IGNORECASE) match = regex.search(str(files)) #print match if match is not None and pinfo['pid'] not in safepids : return(pinfo['pid']) except : pass
def stop(self): StopCheck = True NumProcs = len(self._thread_list) ProcsStopped = 0 while StopCheck: for _idx, _t in enumerate(self._thread_list): _qmsg = _t.finq if _qmsg == 'completed_run': _t.stop() ProcsStopped += 1 logging.info("Stopped thread %s with pid %s with kwargs \ %s" % (_idx+1, _t.getPID(), _t)) if _qmsg == 'error': _t.stop() logging.info("Error on thread %s with pid %s with kwargs \ %s" % (_idx+1, _t.getPID(), _t)) StopCheck = False if NumProcs == ProcsStopped: StopCheck = False sleep(0.5) print "\n\nGoodbye..." for pid in self._pid_list: p = psutil.Process(pid) p.terminate() exit(0)
def benchmark(self): '''Benchmark''' process = psutil.Process() memory = process.memory_info().rss / 2 ** 20 process.cpu_percent() embed = discord.Embed(color = clients.bot_color) embed.add_field(name = "RAM", value = "{:.2f} MiB".format(memory)) embed.add_field(name = "CPU", value = "Calculating CPU usage..") message, embed = await self.bot.say(embed = embed) await asyncio.sleep(1) cpu = process.cpu_percent() / psutil.cpu_count() embed.set_field_at(1, name = "CPU", value = "{}%".format(cpu)) await self.bot.edit_message(message, embed = embed)
def kill_process(pid): proc = psutil.Process(pid) proc.kill()
def pid_isrunning(pid): proc = psutil.Process(pid) return proc
def __init__(self): self.process = psutil.Process() super().__init__(name='memory_reporter', daemon=True)
def close_fds(self, exclude): exclude.append(self.pipe.w) Process.close_fds(self, exclude)
def t5(pretty, factory): pipe = Pipe() p = P2(pipe) p.start() factory.processes.append(p) gc_pid = pipe.get() try: proc = psutil.Process(gc_pid) except Exception, e: print('FAIL %s: could not query grandchild: %s' % (pretty, e)) return False os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL) ok = False for i in range(3): try: proc = psutil.Process(gc_pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: ok = True break time.sleep(0.5) if not ok: print('FAIL %s: could query grandchild: %s' % (pretty, proc)) return False return True # grandchild does not die when child dies if PDEATHSIG is unset?