def tell_system_status(self): import psutil import platform import datetime os, name, version, _, _, _ = platform.uname() version = version.split('-')[0] cores = psutil.cpu_count() cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent() memory_percent = psutil.virtual_memory()[2] disk_percent = psutil.disk_usage('/')[3] boot_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time()) running_since = boot_time.strftime("%A %d. %B %Y") response = "I am currently running on %s version %s. " % (os, version) response += "This system is named %s and has %s CPU cores. " % (name, cores) response += "Current disk_percent is %s percent. " % disk_percent response += "Current CPU utilization is %s percent. " % cpu_percent response += "Current memory utilization is %s percent. " % memory_percent response += "it's running since %s." % running_since return response
def test_procfs_path(self): tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: psutil.PROCFS_PATH = tdir self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.virtual_memory) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.cpu_times, percpu=True) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.boot_time) # self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.pids) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_connections) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_io_counters) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.net_if_stats) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.disk_io_counters) self.assertRaises(IOError, psutil.disk_partitions) self.assertRaises(psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.Process) finally: psutil.PROCFS_PATH = "/proc" os.rmdir(tdir)
def check(request): return { 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'ips': ips, 'cpus': psutil.cpu_count(), 'uptime': timesince(datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time())), 'memory': { 'total': filesizeformat(psutil.virtual_memory().total), 'available': filesizeformat(psutil.virtual_memory().available), 'used': filesizeformat(psutil.virtual_memory().used), 'free': filesizeformat(psutil.virtual_memory().free), 'percent': psutil.virtual_memory().percent }, 'swap': { 'total': filesizeformat(psutil.swap_memory().total), 'used': filesizeformat(psutil.swap_memory().used), 'free': filesizeformat(psutil.swap_memory().free), 'percent': psutil.swap_memory().percent } }
def stream_host_stats(): while True: net = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True) time.sleep(1) net1 = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True) net_stat_download = {} net_stat_upload = {} for k, v in net.items(): for k1, v1 in net1.items(): if k1 == k: net_stat_download[k] = (v1.bytes_recv - v.bytes_recv) / 1000. net_stat_upload[k] = (v1.bytes_sent - v.bytes_sent) / 1000. ds = statvfs('/') disk_str = {"Used": ((ds.f_blocks - ds.f_bfree) * ds.f_frsize) / 10 ** 9, "Unused": (ds.f_bavail * ds.f_frsize) / 10 ** 9} yield '[{"cpu":"%s","memory":"%s","memTotal":"%s","net_stats_down":"%s","net_stats_up":"%s","disk":"%s"}],' \ % (psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1), psutil.virtual_memory().used, psutil.virtual_memory().free, \ net_stat_download, net_stat_upload, disk_str)
def doit(channel): cpu_pc = psutil.cpu_percent() mem_avail = psutil.virtual_memory().percent try: response = channel.update({1:cpu_pc, 2:mem_avail}) print cpu_pc print mem_avail_mb print strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) print response except: print "connection failed" #sleep for 16 seconds (api limit of 15 secs)
def remove_oldest_entries(storage, percentage=90): # compute current memory usage (%) old_mem = psutil.virtual_memory().percent # if we have data in storage and utilization exceeds 90% while storage and old_mem > percentage: # removed oldest entry storage.popitem(last=False) # garbage collect gc.collect(1) # comute used memory again new_mem = psutil.virtual_memory().percent # if the used memory did not decrease stop if new_mem >= old_mem: break # net new measurement for memory usage and loop old_mem = new_mem
def get_hugepage_number(): # TODO: defaults to 2M - this should probably be configurable # and support multiple pool sizes - e.g. 2M and 1G. # NOTE(jamespage): 2M in bytes hugepage_size = 2048 * 1024 hugepage_config = config('hugepages') hugepages = None if hugepage_config: if hugepage_config.endswith('%'): # NOTE(jamespage): return units of virtual_memory is # bytes import psutil mem = psutil.virtual_memory() hugepage_config_pct = hugepage_config.strip('%') hugepage_multiplier = float(hugepage_config_pct) / 100 hugepages = int((mem.total * hugepage_multiplier) / hugepage_size) else: hugepages = int(hugepage_config) return hugepages
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # From the psutil documentation https://pythonhosted.org/psutil/#psutil.cpu_percent: # # Warning the first time this function is called # with interval = 0.0 or None it will return a # meaningless 0.0 value which you are supposed # to ignore. psutil.cpu_percent() # '...is recommended for accuracy that this function be called with at least 0.1 seconds between calls.' time.sleep(0.1) # a sliding window of 60 contiguous 5 sec utilization (up to five minutes) self.cpuutils = collections.deque([psutil.cpu_percent()], maxlen=60) self.system_virtual_memory = psutil.virtual_memory() logger.debug('System Utilization handler initialized.')
def get_stats(): root.authorized() params = {} # number of jobs in queued, running, and completed states params['nq'] = db(jobs.state=='Q').count() params['nr'] = db(jobs.state=='R').count() params['nc'] = db(jobs.state=='C').count() params['cpu'] = psutil.cpu_percent() params['vm'] = psutil.virtual_memory().percent params['disk'] = psutil.disk_usage('/').percent params['cid'] = request.query.cid params['app'] = request.query.app return template("stats", params)
def psutil_phymem_usage(): """ Return physical memory usage (float) Requires the cross-platform psutil (>=v0.3) library (http://code.google.com/p/psutil/) """ # This is needed to avoid a deprecation warning error with # newer psutil versions if settings.__PSUTIL__ == False: return 0.0 try: percent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent except: percent = psutil.phymem_usage().percent return percent
def collect_system_information(self): import psutil mem = psutil.virtual_memory() with self.git.batch_commit('JOB_SYSTEM_INFORMATION'): self.set_system_info('memory_total', mem.total) import aetros.cuda_gpu try: self.set_system_info('cuda_version', aetros.cuda_gpu.get_version()) except Exception: pass import cpuinfo cpu = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info() self.set_system_info('cpu_name', cpu['brand']) self.set_system_info('cpu', [cpu['hz_actual_raw'][0], cpu['count']])
def sysInfoRaw(): import time import psutil cpuPercent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) memPercent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent sda2Percent = psutil.disk_usage('/').percent sda3Percent = psutil.disk_usage('/home').percent seconds = int(time.time()) - int(psutil.boot_time()) m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) uptime = [d, h, m, s] return [cpuPercent, memPercent, sda2Percent, sda3Percent, uptime]
def test_serialization(self): def check(ret): if json is not None: json.loads(json.dumps(ret)) a = pickle.dumps(ret) b = pickle.loads(a) self.assertEqual(ret, b) check(psutil.Process().as_dict()) check(psutil.virtual_memory()) check(psutil.swap_memory()) check(psutil.cpu_times()) check(psutil.cpu_times_percent(interval=0)) check(psutil.net_io_counters()) if LINUX and not os.path.exists('/proc/diskstats'): pass else: if not APPVEYOR: check(psutil.disk_io_counters()) check(psutil.disk_partitions()) check(psutil.disk_usage(os.getcwd())) check(psutil.users())
def test_total_phymem(self): w = wmi.WMI().Win32_ComputerSystem()[0] self.assertEqual(int(w.TotalPhysicalMemory), psutil.virtual_memory().total) # @unittest.skipIf(wmi is None, "wmi module is not installed") # def test__UPTIME(self): # # _UPTIME constant is not public but it is used internally # # as value to return for pid 0 creation time. # # WMI behaves the same. # w = wmi.WMI().Win32_Process(ProcessId=self.pid)[0] # p = psutil.Process(0) # wmic_create = str(w.CreationDate.split('.')[0]) # psutil_create = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", # time.localtime(p.create_time())) # Note: this test is not very reliable
def test_virtual_memory(self): mem = psutil.virtual_memory() assert mem.total > 0, mem assert mem.available > 0, mem assert 0 <= mem.percent <= 100, mem assert mem.used > 0, mem assert mem.free >= 0, mem for name in mem._fields: value = getattr(mem, name) if name != 'percent': self.assertIsInstance(value, (int, long)) if name != 'total': if not value >= 0: self.fail("%r < 0 (%s)" % (name, value)) if value > mem.total: self.fail("%r > total (total=%s, %s=%s)" % (name, mem.total, name, value))
def test_proc_cpu_times(self): tested = [] out = sh('procstat -r %s' % self.pid) p = psutil.Process(self.pid) for line in out.split('\n'): line = line.lower().strip() if 'user time' in line: pstat_value = float('0.' + line.split()[-1].split('.')[-1]) psutil_value = p.cpu_times().user self.assertEqual(pstat_value, psutil_value) tested.append(None) elif 'system time' in line: pstat_value = float('0.' + line.split()[-1].split('.')[-1]) psutil_value = p.cpu_times().system self.assertEqual(pstat_value, psutil_value) tested.append(None) if len(tested) != 2: raise RuntimeError("couldn't find lines match in procstat out") # --- virtual_memory(); tests against sysctl
def __init__(self): self.conn = None self.dirty_scene = False self.guest = None self.guest_mapping_by_uuid = dict() self.hostname = ji.Common.get_hostname() self.node_id = uuid.getnode() self.cpu = psutil.cpu_count() self.memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total self.interfaces = dict() self.disks = dict() self.guest_callbacks = list() self.interval = 60 # self.last_host_cpu_time = dict() self.last_host_traffic = dict() self.last_host_disk_io = dict() self.last_guest_cpu_time = dict() self.last_guest_traffic = dict() self.last_guest_disk_io = dict() self.ts = ji.Common.ts() self.ssh_client = None
def get_memory(): memory = dict() virtual = psutil.virtual_memory() swap = psutil.swap_memory() memory['virtual_total'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.total/1024/1024) memory['virtual_available'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.available/1024/1024) memory['virtual_percent'] = str(virtual.percent)+'%' memory['virtual_used'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.used/1024/1024) memory['virtual_free'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.free/1024/1024) memory['virtual_active'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.active/1024/1024) memory['virtual_inactive'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.inactive/1024/1024) memory['virtual_buffers'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.buffers/1024/1024) memory['virtual_cached'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.cached/1024/1024) memory['virtual_shared'] = '%.2fMB' % (virtual.shared/1024/1024) memory['swap_total'] = '%.2fMB' % (swap.total/1024/1024) memory['swap_used'] = '%.2fMB' % (swap.used/1024/1024) memory['swap_free'] = '%.2fMB' % (swap.free/1024/1024) memory['swap_percent'] = str(swap.percent)+'%' memory['swap_sin'] = '%.2fMB' % (swap.sin/1024/1024) memory['swap_sout'] = '%.2fMB' % (swap.sout/1024/1024) return memory
def _get_memory_stats(self): mem_info = {'virtual': {}, 'swap': {}} v_mem = ps.virtual_memory() s_mem = ps.swap_memory() _c = mem_info['virtual'] _c['total'] = v_mem.total _c['used'] = v_mem.used _c['free'] = v_mem.free _c['used_percent'] = v_mem.percent _c = mem_info['swap'] _c['total'] = s_mem.total _c['used'] = s_mem.used _c['free'] = s_mem.free _c['used_percent'] = s_mem.percent return mem_info
def _init_in_memory_chunks(self, size): available_mem = psutil.virtual_memory().available required_mem = self._calculate_required_memory(size) if required_mem <= available_mem: self._in_memory_chunks = np.empty(shape=(size, self.data_producer.dimension()), order='C', dtype=np.float32) else: if self.oom_strategy == 'raise': self.logger.warning('K-means failed to load all the data (%s required, %s available) into memory. ' 'Consider using a larger stride or set the oom_strategy to \'memmap\' which works ' 'with a memmapped temporary file.' % (bytes_to_string(required_mem), bytes_to_string(available_mem))) raise MemoryError() else: self.logger.warning('K-means failed to load all the data (%s required, %s available) into memory ' 'and now uses a memmapped temporary file which is comparably slow. ' 'Consider using a larger stride.' % (bytes_to_string(required_mem), bytes_to_string(available_mem))) self._in_memory_chunks = np.memmap(tempfile.mkstemp()[1], mode="w+", shape=(size, self.data_producer.dimension()), order='C', dtype=np.float32)
def memory(): c = statsd.StatsClient(STATSD_HOST, 8125, prefix=PREFIX + 'system.memory') while True: swap = psutil.swap_memory() c.gauge('swap.total', swap.total) c.gauge('swap.used', swap.used) c.gauge('swap.free', swap.free) c.gauge('swap.percent', swap.percent) virtual = psutil.virtual_memory() c.gauge('virtual.total', virtual.total) c.gauge('virtual.available', virtual.available) c.gauge('virtual.used', virtual.used) c.gauge('virtual.free', virtual.free) c.gauge('virtual.percent', virtual.percent) c.gauge('virtual.active', virtual.active) c.gauge('virtual.inactive', virtual.inactive) c.gauge('virtual.buffers', virtual.buffers) c.gauge('virtual.cached', virtual.cached) time.sleep(GRANULARITY)
def POST(self): cpuused = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None, percpu=False) memused = psutil.virtual_memory()[2] diskused = psutil.disk_usage('/')[3] pidcount = len(psutil.pids()) uptimeshell = subprocess.Popen(['uptime'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) uptimeshell.wait() uptime = uptimeshell.communicate() return json.dumps( { "code": 0, "current": { "cpuused": cpuused, "memused": memused, "diskused": diskused, "pidcount": pidcount, "uptime": uptime } } )
def cpuinfo(): men=psutil.virtual_memory() menab=(men.available)/(1024*1024) menta=(men.total)/(1024*1024) menus=(men.used)/(1024*1024) disk=psutil.disk_usage('/') diskta=(disk.total)/(1024*1024*1024) diskus=(disk.used)/(1024*1024*1024) diskfr=(disk.free)/(1024*1024*1024) time = datetime.datetime.now() with open('eggs.csv', 'a') as csvfile: spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) spamwriter.writerow({"??????%s"%time}) spamwriter.writerow({"cpu?????%d%s"%(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1),"%")}) spamwriter.writerow({"???????%sMB" % int(menta)}) spamwriter.writerow({"?????????%sMB" % int(menus)}) spamwriter.writerow({"????????%sMB" % int(menab)}) spamwriter.writerow({"???????%sG" % int(diskta)}) spamwriter.writerow({"???????%sG" % int(diskus)}) spamwriter.writerow({"???????%sG" % int(diskfr)}) with open('eggs.csv', 'r') as csvfile: spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|') for row in spamreader: print(row)
def _get_docker_node_info(info): """Gets the node info specific to docker. """ cpucapacity = int(cpu_count() * 100) memcapacity = (psutil.virtual_memory().total * 0.9) // _BYTES_IN_MB # TODO: manage disk space a little better if os.name == 'nt': path = 'C:\\ProgramData\\docker' else: path = '/var/lib/docker' diskfree = disk_usage(path).free // _BYTES_IN_MB info.update({ 'memory': '%dM' % memcapacity, 'disk': '%dM' % diskfree, 'cpu': '%d%%' % cpucapacity, 'up_since': up_since(), }) return info
def monitor(arglar): logger.info("Starting main loop") while True: if arglar.mode in "ca": cpu_reading = max(psutil.cpu_percent(arglar.resolution, percpu=True)) logger.debug("Cpu percents {}".format(cpu_reading)) if cpu_reading > arglar.cpu_crit: logger.debug("Cpu percentage is higher than critical level") print("CPU usage is high", file=arglar.crit_out) elif arglar.cpu_warn is not None and cpu_reading > arglar.cpu_warn: logger.debug("Cpu percentage is higher than warning level") print("CPU usage is critical", file=arglar.warn_out) if arglar.mode in "ra": ram_reading = psutil.virtual_memory().percent logger.debug("Ram percents {}".format(ram_reading)) if ram_reading > arglar.ram_crit: logger.debug("Ram percentage is higher than critical level") print("RAM usage is high", file=arglar.crit_out) elif arglar.ram_warn is not None and ram_reading > arglar.ram_warn: logger.debug("Ram percentage is higher than warning level") print("RAM usage is critical", file=arglar.warn_out) logger.debug("Sleeping") time.sleep(arglar.resolution)
def get_memory_usage(output_dict): my_dict = {} memory_usage = psutil.virtual_memory() memory_total_gb = float(memory_usage.total)/(1024*1024*1024) memory_used_gb = float(memory_usage.used)/(1024*1024*1024) memory_available_gb = float(memory_usage.available)/(1024*1024*1024) memory_buffers_gb = float(memory_usage.buffers)/(1024*1024*1024) my_dict["ram_total_gb"] = "{:.2f}".format(memory_total_gb) my_dict["ram_used_gb"] = "{:.2f}".format(memory_used_gb) my_dict["ram_available_gb"] = "{:.2f}".format(memory_available_gb) my_dict["ram_buffers_gb"] = "{:.2f}".format(memory_buffers_gb) percent_ratio = float(my_dict["ram_used_gb"])*100/float(my_dict["ram_total_gb"]) my_dict["used_percentage"] = "%s(%sgb/%sgb)" % \ ("{:.2f}".format(percent_ratio) + "%", \ my_dict["ram_used_gb"], my_dict["ram_total_gb"]) output_dict["ram"] = my_dict # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/276052/how-to-get-current-cpu-and-ram-usage-in-python
def updateGui(screen, boxes, data): maxy, maxx = screen.getmaxyx() date = str(time.strftime("%c")) screen.addstr(1, maxx - len(date) - 2, date) screen.addstr(3, 15, '%3d' % (psutil.cpu_percent())) # svmem(total=10367352832, available=6472179712, percent=37.6, used=8186245120, free=2181107712, active=4748992512, inactive=2758115328, buffers=790724608, cached=3500347392, shared=787554304) screen.addstr(4, 15, str(psutil.virtual_memory()[4] / (1024 * 1024))) screen.refresh() n = 0 for box in boxes: testspersecond = '%8d' % data[n]["testspersecond"] testcount = '%8d' % data[n]["testcount"] crashcount = '%8d' % data[n]["crashcount"] box.addstr(1, 1, testspersecond) box.addstr(2, 1, testcount) box.addstr(3, 1, crashcount) box.refresh() n += 1
def status(cmd, message, args): os_icon, os_color = get_os_icon() general_text = f'Latency: **{int(cmd.bot.latency * 1000)}ms**' general_text += f'\nPlatform: **{sys.platform.upper()}**' general_text += f'\nStarted: **{arrow.get(psutil.boot_time()).humanize()}**' cpu_clock = psutil.cpu_freq() if cpu_clock: cpu_clock = cpu_clock.current else: cpu_clock = 'Unknown' cpu_text = f'Count: **{psutil.cpu_count()} ({psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)})**' cpu_text += f'\nUsage: **{psutil.cpu_percent()}%**' cpu_text += f'\nClock: **{cpu_clock} MHz**' used_mem = humanfriendly.format_size(psutil.virtual_memory().available, binary=True) total_mem = humanfriendly.format_size(psutil.virtual_memory().total, binary=True) mem_text = f'Used: **{used_mem}**' mem_text += f'\nTotal: **{total_mem}**' mem_text += f'\nPercent: **{int(100 - psutil.virtual_memory().percent)}%**' response = discord.Embed(color=os_color) response.set_author(name=socket.gethostname(), icon_url=os_icon) response.add_field(name='General', value=general_text) response.add_field(name='CPU', value=cpu_text) response.add_field(name='Memory', value=mem_text) await message.channel.send(embed=response)
def isMemEnoughEigen(D, extraVarsRatio=5): mem = virtual_memory() installedMemGB = round( mem.total * 1.0 / (1<<30) ) # 15 is an empirical estimation. when D=30K, it takes around 50GB mem requiredMemGB = D * D * 4.0 * ( extraVarsRatio + 8 ) / 1000000000 # installed mem is enough if requiredMemGB <= installedMemGB: isEnough = 2 # give a warning, will use some paging file and make the computer very slow elif requiredMemGB <= installedMemGB * 1.2: isEnough = 1 # not enough else: isEnough = 0 return isEnough, installedMemGB, requiredMemGB
def monitor(frist_invoke=1): mem = psutil.virtual_memory() value_dic = { 'memory': { 'mem.total': int(mem.total/(1024*1024)), 'mem.free': int(mem.free/(1024*1024)), 'mem.buffers': int(mem.buffers/(1024*1024)), 'mem.cache': int(mem.cached/(1024*1024)), 'mem.used': int(mem.used/(1024*1024)), 'mem.percent': mem.percent } } return value_dic
def poll(): global lastChecksum, voltage if socketio != None: mempercent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent cpupercent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None) cputemp = get_cpu_temperature() secs = int(round(time.time())) # every 10 seconds update voltage (or if it is zero) if(secs % 10 == 0 or voltage == 0): v = robot.getVoltage() # sometimes getVoltage fails and returns 0...don't show it..wait for next read if(v != 0): voltage = v data = {'mp': mempercent, 'cp': cpupercent, 'ct': cputemp, 'v': voltage} checksum = hashlib.sha224(json.dumps(data)).hexdigest() if lastChecksum != checksum: socketio.emit('sysinfo', data) lastChecksum = checksum time.sleep(0.5)
def update(self): """Function to update the entire class information.""" self.cpu["percentage"] = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.7) self.boot = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time()).strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") virtual_memory = psutil.virtual_memory() self.memory["used"] = virtual_memory.used self.memory["free"] = virtual_memory.free self.memory["cached"] = virtual_memory.cached net_io_counters = psutil.net_io_counters() self.network["packet_sent"] = net_io_counters.packets_sent self.network["packet_recv"] = net_io_counters.packets_recv disk_usage = psutil.disk_usage('/') self.disk["total"] = int(disk_usage.total/1024) self.disk["used"] = int(disk_usage.used/1024) self.disk["free"] = int(disk_usage.free/1024) self.timestamp = time.time()
def show_platform(): ''' Show information on platform''' swrite('\n=== SYSTEM ===\n\n') try: linux_distribution = platform.linux_distribution() except: linux_distribution = "N/A" swrite(""" dist: %s linux_distribution: %s system: %s machine: %s platform: %s uname: %s version: %s mac_ver: %s memory: %s number of CPU: %s """ % ( str(platform.dist()), linux_distribution, platform.system(), platform.machine(), platform.platform(), platform.uname(), platform.version(), platform.mac_ver(), psutil.virtual_memory(), str(psutil.cpu_count()) ))
def collect_meminfo(self): meminfo = psutil.virtual_memory() memdict = {} memdict['total'] = meminfo.total/1024 memdict['used'] = meminfo.used/1024 memdict['free'] = meminfo.free/1024 memdict['buffers'] = meminfo.buffers/1024 memdict['cached'] = meminfo.cached/1024 memdict['percent'] = meminfo.percent #print(output) #print(memparts) return memdict # collect cpu used information and processors information
def printMemUsage(): psutil = getPSUtil() if psutil: u = mem_usage() M = psutil.virtual_memory() print( "Process Mem: %0.1fMb System: %0.1fMb / %0.1fMb"%(u, M.used/1048576., M.total/1048576.) )
def print_mem_time(tag): print(tag," time %.2f seconds"%(time.time()-_start), end='') try: summ = psutil.virtual_memory() print(" Used: %.2f GB %.2f%%"%((summ.used)/(1024.0*1024*1024),summ.percent)) except: print()
def __get_mem_usage(self): return psutil.virtual_memory().percent / 100.0
def __init__(self, cfgParams, memory_factor): """ Constructor :param cfgParams: initialized NetTrainerParams :param memory_factor: fraction of memory used for single shared variable """ self.cfgParams = cfgParams if not isinstance(cfgParams, NetTrainerParams): raise ValueError("cfgParams must be an instance of NetTrainerParams") if 'gpu' in theano.config.device: # get GPU memory info mem_info = theano.sandbox.cuda.cuda_ndarray.cuda_ndarray.mem_info() self.memory = (mem_info[0] / 1024 ** 2) / float(memory_factor) # MB, use third of free memory elif 'cpu' in theano.config.device: # get CPU memory info self.memory = (psutil.virtual_memory().available / 1024 ** 2) / float(memory_factor) # MB, use third of free memory else: raise EnvironmentError("Neither GPU nor CPU device in theano.config found!") self.currentMacroBatch = -1 # current batch on GPU, load on first run self.trainSize = 0 self.sampleSize = 0 self.numTrainSamples = 0 self.numValSamples = 0 self.managedVar = []
def get_system_load(self): return { MEM_AVAILABLE: psutil.virtual_memory().available, CPU_IDLE_PERCENT: psutil.cpu_times_percent( self.cpu_sample_interval).idle, CLIENT_NUMBER: len(self.protocol.server.clients), }
def get_memo_usage_available(): psy_mem = psutil.virtual_memory() vrt_mem = psutil.swap_memory() return psy_mem.available, vrt_mem.free + psy_mem.available
def get_init_resource(): cpu = cpu_count() * 100 psy_mem = psutil.virtual_memory() vrt_mem = psutil.swap_memory() disk = list(psutil.disk_usage(get_config("env", "workspace")))[0] return cpu, psy_mem.total, disk, vrt_mem.total + psy_mem.total
def init_with_context(self, context): ram = psutil.virtual_memory().percent cpu = psutil.cpu_percent() green, orange, red, grey = '#00FF38', '#FFB400', '#FF3B00', '#EBEBEB' ram_color = green if ram >= 75: ram_color = red elif ram >= 50: ram_color = orange cpu_color = green if cpu >= 75: cpu_color = red elif cpu >= 50: cpu_color = orange self.cpu_idel = 100 - cpu self.cpu_color = cpu_color self.cpu = cpu self.ram = 100 - ram self.ram_used = ram self.ram_color = ram_color
def memory(self, type): mem = psutil.virtual_memory() if type == 'total': return format(mem.total / 1024 / 1024, '.0f') elif type == 'available': return format(mem.available / 1024 / 1024, '.0f') elif type == 'used': return format(mem.used / 1024 / 1024, '.0f') elif type == 'free': return format(mem.free / 1024 / 1024, '.0f') elif type == 'cached': return format(mem.cached / 1024 / 1024, '.0f')
def get_total_mem(): total_mem = virtual_memory().total return jsonify(status=0, total_mem=total_mem)
def get_memory(self): return int(psutil.virtual_memory()[2])
def get_total_memory(self): return psutil.virtual_memory()[0]
def get(self, request, show=False): if show == 'all': show = True cpu_count = get_cpu_count() return ('processes.html', { 'panel_pid': prism.settings.PANEL_PID, 'cpu_count': cpu_count[0], 'cpu_count_logical': cpu_count[1], 'ram': psutil.virtual_memory()[0], 'processes': self.get_processes(show, lambda x: x['memory_percent'] + x['cpu_percent']) })