def test_wait_non_children(self): # test wait() against processes which are not our children code = "import sys;" code += "from subprocess import Popen, PIPE;" code += "cmd = ['%s', '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(60)'];" % PYTHON code += "sp = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE);" code += "sys.stdout.write(str(sp.pid));" sproc = get_test_subprocess([PYTHON, "-c", code], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) grandson_pid = int(sproc.stdout.read()) grandson_proc = psutil.Process(grandson_pid) try: self.assertRaises(psutil.TimeoutExpired, grandson_proc.wait, 0.01) grandson_proc.kill() ret = grandson_proc.wait() self.assertEqual(ret, None) finally: reap_children(recursive=True)
def test_children_recursive(self): # here we create a subprocess which creates another one as in: # A (parent) -> B (child) -> C (grandchild) s = "import subprocess, os, sys, time;" s += "PYTHON = os.path.realpath(sys.executable);" s += "cmd = [PYTHON, '-c', 'import time; time.sleep(60);'];" s += "subprocess.Popen(cmd);" s += "time.sleep(60);" get_test_subprocess(cmd=[PYTHON, "-c", s]) p = psutil.Process() self.assertEqual(len(p.children(recursive=False)), 1) # give the grandchild some time to start stop_at = time.time() + GLOBAL_TIMEOUT while time.time() < stop_at: children = p.children(recursive=True) if len(children) > 1: break self.assertEqual(len(children), 2) self.assertEqual(children[0].ppid(), os.getpid()) self.assertEqual(children[1].ppid(), children[0].pid)
def test_Popen(self): # XXX this test causes a ResourceWarning on Python 3 because # psutil.__subproc instance doesn't get propertly freed. # Not sure what to do though. cmd = [PYTHON, "-c", "import time; time.sleep(60);"] proc = psutil.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: proc.name() proc.cpu_times() proc.stdin self.assertTrue(dir(proc)) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, proc, 'foo') finally: proc.kill() proc.wait()
def execute(cmd, stderr_to_stdout=False, stdin=None): """Execute a command in the shell and return a tuple (rc, stdout, stderr)""" if stderr_to_stdout: stderr = STDOUT else: stderr = PIPE if stdin is None: _stdin = None else: _stdin = PIPE p = Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdin=_stdin, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, preexec_fn=os.setsid) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=stdin) return p.returncode, stdout, stderr
def _fun_thread_daemon_watch(self): time_sleep = 5 if self._close: return while True: '''check api work''' is_api_ok = self._is_api_socket_ok() if is_api_ok is True: time.sleep(time_sleep) continue self._loop_kill_futunn() '''start new ftnn.exe process''' process_new = psutil.Popen([self._exe_path, "type=python_auto"]) if process_new is not None: print("FTApiDaemon new futnn process open ! pid={}".format(process_new.pid)) else: print("FTApiDaemon open process fail ! ") time.sleep(time_sleep)
def start_hoplite_server(port_num): proc = psutil.Popen( '{} -c "import hoplite.main; hoplite.main.server_main([\'--port={}\'])"'.format(sys.executable, port_num) ) wait_for_hoplite('localhost', port_num) return proc
def start_hoplite_server(port_num): proc = psutil.Popen( '{} -c "import hoplite.main; hoplite.main.server_main([\'--port={}\'])"'.format(sys.executable, port_num), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) wait_for_hoplite('localhost', port_num) return proc
def test_exe(self): sproc = get_test_subprocess() exe = psutil.Process(sproc.pid).exe() try: self.assertEqual(exe, PYTHON) except AssertionError: if WINDOWS and len(exe) == len(PYTHON): # on Windows we don't care about case sensitivity normcase = os.path.normcase self.assertEqual(normcase(exe), normcase(PYTHON)) else: # certain platforms such as BSD are more accurate returning: # "/usr/local/bin/python2.7" # ...instead of: # "/usr/local/bin/python" # We do not want to consider this difference in accuracy # an error. ver = "%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) try: self.assertEqual(exe.replace(ver, ''), PYTHON.replace(ver, '')) except AssertionError: # Tipically OSX. Really not sure what to do here. pass subp = subprocess.Popen([exe, '-c', 'import os; print("hey")'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = subp.communicate() self.assertEqual(out.strip(), b'hey')
def test_Popen_ctx_manager(self): with psutil.Popen([PYTHON, "-V"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: pass assert proc.stdout.closed assert proc.stderr.closed assert proc.stdin.closed
def _execute(cmd, stdin=None): """Run command and return output""" logger.warn('Running command (panel): %s', cmd) # Warning level because we want to see this in logs proc = Popen(cmd, bufsize=0, close_fds=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(input=stdin) return { 'returncode': proc.returncode, 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr, } # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def start(self, parent): self._set_node_uuid() super(FastDaemon, self).start(parent) self.vm_status_queue = Queue() self.vm_status_watcher = Popen(self.SYSEVENT, bufsize=0, close_fds=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, preexec_fn=os.setsid) self.vm_status_monitor_thread = Thread(target=self._vm_status_monitor, name='VMStatusMonitor', args=(self.vm_status_watcher.stdout,)) self.vm_status_monitor_thread.daemon = True self.vm_status_monitor_thread.start() self.vm_status_dispatcher_thread = Thread(target=self._vm_status_dispatcher, name='VMStatusDispatcher') self.vm_status_dispatcher_thread.daemon = True self.vm_status_dispatcher_thread.start()
def _fun_thread_daemon_restart(self): if self._close: return while True: if self._is_api_socket_ok() is False: process_new = psutil.Popen([self._exe_path, "type=python_auto"]) if process_new is not None: print("FTApiDaemon new futnn process open ! pid={}".format(process_new.pid)) else: print("FTApiDaemon open process fail ! ") time.sleep(self._time_restart) self._loop_kill_futunn()
def RunCommandEx(self, cwd, cmd, cmdargs): try: cmdline = "{0} {1}".format(cmd, cmdargs) p = psutil.Popen(cmdline, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) return p except Exception: return None
def RunCommandAsEx(self, username, password, cwd, cmd, cmdargs): try: cmdline = "PsExec -u {0} -p {1} {2} {3}".format(username, password, cwd, cmd, cmdargs) p = psutil.Popen(cmdline, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) return p except Exception: return None
def DumpThreadStacks(pid): sddir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) p = psutil.Popen([os.path.join(sddir, "stackdump.exe"), str(pid)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out = p.communicate()[0] return out
def main(): process_size = 4 for episode in range(5): ret_values = [None for _ in range(process_size)] results = [None for _ in range(process_size)] envs = [os.environ.copy() for _ in range(process_size)] for i, env in enumerate(envs): env[str('THEANO_FLAGS')] = str('device=cpu,floatX=float{}'.format(32 if i % 2 == 0 else 16)) time_before = time.time() pool = [ psutil.Popen( ['python', 'slave.py'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=envs[i], ) for i in range(process_size) ] # time_after = time.time() # Roll polling while any(e is None for e in ret_values): for i, process in enumerate(pool): ret_values[i] = process.poll() time.sleep(1.0) time_after = time.time() for i, process in enumerate(pool): if ret_values[i] == 0: results[i], _ = process.communicate() print('Time: {:.6}s'.format(time_after - time_before)) print(*results, sep='')
def run_command(args, **kwargs): kwargs = merge_dicts({ 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE }, kwargs) command = Popen(args, **kwargs) return command
def run_script(script, *args): s = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../scripts/' + script) command = [executable, s] command.extend(args) with Popen([executable, s]) as p: sleep(4) p.send_signal(SIGINT) p.wait(timeout=1) assert p.poll() == 0, 'script failed'