def create_graph(filename, result_extract, verbose, path_write_png='/tmp/analysis_result.png', dangerous_score=5): #create DOT dot_content = 'digraph Analysis {\nratio=auto;\nnodesep="2.5 equally";\nranksep="2.5 equally";\n' color="green" if result_extract[u'GlobalRiskScore'] >= dangerous_score: color="red" dot_content += 'R_0 [shape=record, label="{{' + os.path.basename(filename) + '|' + str(result_extract[u'GlobalRiskScore']) + '|' + 'Coef:' + str(result_extract[u'GlobalRiskScoreCoef']) + '}|' + result_extract[u'RootFileType'].encode('utf8') + '}", color=' + color + '];\n' if result_extract[u'Yara']: dot_content += 'R_0_info [label="' + str(result_extract[u'Yara']).replace('}, {', '},\n{').replace('"', '').replace("'", '').encode('utf8') + '", color=blue];\n' dot_content += 'R_0 -- R_0_info [style=dotted];\n' dot_content += json2dot(result_extract, dangerous_score, 'R_0', 'R_0') dot_content += '}' if verbose: print dot_content #convert dot to png (graph,) = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_content) graph.write_png(path_write_png)
def decision_tree(X, y, regression, max_depth=3): from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize from IPython.display import Image figsize(12.5, 6) import pydot if regression: clf = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=max_depth) else: clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=max_depth) clf.fit(X, y) dot_data = StringIO() export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=list(X.columns), filled=True, rounded=True,) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) return Image(graph.create_png())
def method2format(output, _format="png", mx=None, raw=None): """ Export method to a specific file format @param output : output filename @param _format : format type (png, jpg ...) (default : png) @param mx : specify the MethodAnalysis object @param raw : use directly a dot raw buffer if None """ try: import pydot except ImportError: error("module pydot not found") buff = "digraph {\n" buff += "graph [rankdir=TB]\n" buff += "node [shape=plaintext]\n" if raw: data = raw else: data = method2dot(mx) # subgraphs cluster buff += "subgraph cluster_" + hashlib.md5(output).hexdigest() + " {\nlabel=\"%s\"\n" % data['name'] buff += data['nodes'] buff += "}\n" # subgraphs edges buff += data['edges'] buff += "}\n" d = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(buff) if d: getattr(d, "write_" + _format.lower())(output)
def read_hypergraph(string): """ Read a hypergraph from a string in dot format. Nodes and edges specified in the input will be added to the current hypergraph. @type string: string @param string: Input string in dot format specifying a graph. @rtype: hypergraph @return: Hypergraph """ hgr = hypergraph() dotG = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(string) # Read the hypernode nodes... # Note 1: We need to assume that all of the nodes are listed since we need to know if they # are a hyperedge or a normal node # Note 2: We should read in all of the nodes before putting in the links for each_node in dotG.get_nodes(): if 'hypernode' == each_node.get('hyper_node_type'): hgr.add_node(each_node.get_name()) elif 'hyperedge' == each_node.get('hyper_node_type'): hgr.add_hyperedge(each_node.get_name()) # Now read in the links to connect the hyperedges for each_link in dotG.get_edges(): if hgr.has_node(each_link.get_source()): link_hypernode = each_link.get_source() link_hyperedge = each_link.get_destination() elif hgr.has_node(each_link.get_destination()): link_hypernode = each_link.get_destination() link_hyperedge = each_link.get_source() hgr.link(link_hypernode, link_hyperedge) return hgr
def parse_elf(workspace, file): r2 = r2pipe.open(file.filepath) r2.cmd("aa") r2.cmd("afl") result = r2.cmd("agC") output_dir = os.path.join(workspace, "graphs") if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, file.hash) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(result) graph[0].write_png(out_file) file.graph_file = out_file file.save() print("%s parsed" % file.filepath)
def classifyTree(Xtr, ytr, Xte, yte, splitCriterion="gini", maxDepth=0, visualizeTree=False): """ Classifies data using CART """ try: accuracyRate, probabilities, timing = 0.0, [], 0.0 # Perform classification cartClassifier = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=splitCriterion, max_depth=maxDepth) startTime = time.time() prettyPrint("Training a CART tree for classification using \"%s\" and maximum depth of %s" % (splitCriterion, maxDepth), "debug") cartClassifier.fit(numpy.array(Xtr), numpy.array(ytr)) prettyPrint("Submitting the test samples", "debug") predicted = cartClassifier.predict(Xte) endTime = time.time() # Compare the predicted and ground truth and append result to list accuracyRate = round(metrics.accuracy_score(predicted, yte), 2) # Also append the probability estimates probs = cartClassifier.predict_proba(Xte) probabilities.append(probs) timing = endTime-startTime # Keep track of performance if visualizeTree: # Visualize the tree dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(cartClassifier, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) prettyPrint("Saving learned CART to \"tritonTree_%s.pdf\"" % getTimestamp(), "debug") graph.write_pdf("tree_%s.pdf" % getTimestamp()) except Exception as e: prettyPrint("Error encountered in \"classifyTree\": %s" % e, "error") return accuracyRate, timing, probabilities, predicted
def visualize_tree(clf, outname, headers): from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO import pydot dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=list(headers)) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue().decode('latin1').encode('utf8')) graph.write_pdf(outname)
def read(string): """ Read a graph from a string in Dot language and return it. Nodes and edges specified in the input will be added to the current graph. @type string: string @param string: Input string in Dot format specifying a graph. @rtype: graph @return: Graph """ dotG = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(string) if (dotG.get_type() == "graph"): G = graph() elif (dotG.get_type() == "digraph"): G = digraph() elif (dotG.get_type() == "hypergraph"): return read_hypergraph(string) else: raise InvalidGraphType # Read nodes... # Note: If the nodes aren't explicitly listed, they need to be for each_node in dotG.get_nodes(): G.add_node(each_node.get_name()) for each_attr_key, each_attr_val in each_node.get_attributes().items(): G.add_node_attribute(each_node.get_name(), (each_attr_key, each_attr_val)) # Read edges... for each_edge in dotG.get_edges(): # Check if the nodes have been added if not G.has_node(each_edge.get_source()): G.add_node(each_edge.get_source()) if not G.has_node(each_edge.get_destination()): G.add_node(each_edge.get_destination()) # See if there's a weight if 'weight' in each_edge.get_attributes().keys(): _wt = each_edge.get_attributes()['weight'] else: _wt = 1 # See if there is a label if 'label' in each_edge.get_attributes().keys(): _label = each_edge.get_attributes()['label'] else: _label = '' G.add_edge((each_edge.get_source(), each_edge.get_destination()), wt = _wt, label = _label) for each_attr_key, each_attr_val in each_edge.get_attributes().items(): if not each_attr_key in ['weight', 'label']: G.add_edge_attribute((each_edge.get_source(), each_edge.get_destination()), \ (each_attr_key, each_attr_val)) return G
def makePrediction(para,rawData,totalNumRows,labels): traingSetSize=int(math.floor(totalNumRows*para['trainingSetPercent'])) print('%d instances are selected as training dataset!'%traingSetSize) trainX=np.array(rawData[0:traingSetSize]) trainY=np.array(labels[0:traingSetSize]) clf=tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() clf=clf.fit(trainX,trainY) feaNames=['event'+str(i) for i in range(1,386)] classNames=trainY # generate the decision tree figure # dot_data = StringIO() #class_names=classNames, # tree.export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data, feature_names=feaNames, # filled=True, rounded=True, # special_characters=True) # graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) # graph.write_png('sample_SOSP.png') testingX=rawData[traingSetSize:] testingY=labels[traingSetSize:] prediction=list(clf.predict(testingX)) if len(prediction)!=len(testingY): print ('prediction and testingY have different length and SOMEWHERE WRONG!') sameLabelNum=0 sameFailureNum=0 for i in range(len(testingY)): if prediction[i]==testingY[i]: sameLabelNum+=1 if prediction[i]==1: sameFailureNum+=1 accuracy=float(sameLabelNum)/len(testingY) print ('accuracy is %.5f:'%accuracy) predictSuccess=0 predictFailure=0 for item in prediction: if item==0: predictSuccess+=1 elif item==1: predictFailure+=1 testSuccess=0 testFailure=0 for tt in testingY: if tt==0: testSuccess+=1 elif tt==1: testFailure+=1 print(predictSuccess,predictFailure,testSuccess,testFailure,sameFailureNum) if sameFailureNum==0: print ('precision is 0 and recall is 0') else: precision=float(sameFailureNum)/(predictFailure) print('precision is %.5f'%precision) recall=float(sameFailureNum)/(testFailure) print('recall is %.5f'%recall) F_measure=2*precision*recall/(precision+recall) print('F_measure is %.5f'%F_measure) return predictFailure,testFailure,sameFailureNum,precision,recall,F_measure
def classifyTreeKFold(X, y, kFold=2, splitCriterion="gini", maxDepth=0, visualizeTree=False): """ Classifies data using CART and K-Fold cross validation """ try: groundTruthLabels, predictedLabels = [], [] accuracyRates = [] # Meant to hold the accuracy rates # Split data into training and test datasets trainingDataset, testDataset = [], [] trainingLabels, testLabels = [], [] accuracyRates = [] probabilities = [] timings = [] kFoldValidator = KFold(n=len(X), n_folds=kFold, shuffle=False) currentFold = 1 for trainingIndices, testIndices in kFoldValidator: # Prepare the training and testing datasets for trIndex in trainingIndices: trainingDataset.append(X[trIndex]) trainingLabels.append(y[trIndex]) for teIndex in testIndices: testDataset.append(X[teIndex]) testLabels.append(y[teIndex]) # Perform classification startTime = time.time() cartClassifier = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=splitCriterion, max_depth=maxDepth) prettyPrint("Training a CART tree for classification using \"%s\" and maximum depth of %s" % (splitCriterion, maxDepth), "debug") cartClassifier.fit(numpy.array(trainingDataset), numpy.array(trainingLabels)) prettyPrint("Submitting the test samples", "debug") predicted = cartClassifier.predict(testDataset) endTime = time.time() # Add that to the groundTruthLabels and predictedLabels matrices groundTruthLabels.append(testLabels) predictedLabels.append(predicted) # Compare the predicted and ground truth and append result to list accuracyRates.append(round(metrics.accuracy_score(predicted, testLabels), 2)) # Also append the probability estimates probs = cartClassifier.predict_proba(testDataset) probabilities.append(probs) timings.append(endTime-startTime) # Keep track of performance if visualizeTree: # Visualize the tree dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(cartClassifier, out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) prettyPrint("Saving learned CART to \"tritonTree_%s.pdf\"" % currentFold, "debug") graph.write_pdf("tritonTree_%s.pdf" % currentFold) trainingDataset, trainingLabels = [], [] testDataset, testLabels = [], [] currentFold += 1 except Exception as e: prettyPrint("Error encountered in \"classifyTreeKFold\": %s" % e, "error") return [], [], [] return accuracyRates, probabilities, timings, groundTruthLabels, predictedLabels