def test_PlotCurveItem(): p = pg.GraphicsWindow() p.ci.layout.setContentsMargins(4, 4, 4, 4) # default margins vary by platform v = p.addViewBox() p.resize(200, 150) data = np.array([1,4,2,3,np.inf,5,7,6,-np.inf,8,10,9,np.nan,-1,-2,0]) c = pg.PlotCurveItem(data) v.addItem(c) v.autoRange() # Check auto-range works. Some platform differences may be expected.. checkRange = np.array([[-1.1457564053237301, 16.145756405323731], [-3.076811473165955, 11.076811473165955]]) assert np.allclose(v.viewRange(), checkRange) assertImageApproved(p, 'plotcurveitem/connectall', "Plot curve with all points connected.") c.setData(data, connect='pairs') assertImageApproved(p, 'plotcurveitem/connectpairs', "Plot curve with pairs connected.") c.setData(data, connect='finite') assertImageApproved(p, 'plotcurveitem/connectfinite', "Plot curve with finite points connected.") c.setData(data, connect=np.array([1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0])) assertImageApproved(p, 'plotcurveitem/connectarray', "Plot curve with connection array.")
def init_viewbox(): """Helper function to init the ViewBox """ global win, vb win = pg.GraphicsWindow() win.ci.layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) win.resize(200, 200) win.show() vb = win.addViewBox() # set range before viewbox is shown vb.setRange(xRange=[0, 10], yRange=[0, 10], padding=0) # required to make mapFromView work properly. qtest.qWaitForWindowShown(win) g = pg.GridItem() vb.addItem(g) app.processEvents()
def test_plotscene(): tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg').name print("using %s as a temporary file" % tempfilename) pg.setConfigOption('foreground', (0,0,0)) w = pg.GraphicsWindow() w.show() p1 = w.addPlot() p2 = w.addPlot() p1.plot([1,3,2,3,1,6,9,8,4,2,3,5,3], pen={'color':'k'}) p1.setXRange(0,5) p2.plot([1,5,2,3,4,6,1,2,4,2,3,5,3], pen={'color':'k', 'cosmetic':False, 'width': 0.3}) app.processEvents() app.processEvents() ex = pg.exporters.SVGExporter(w.scene()) ex.export(fileName=tempfilename) # clean up after the test is done os.unlink(tempfilename)
def init_gui(self): #self.main_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.init_main_layout(orientation="vertical") self.init_attribute_layout() self.win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Expected signal") self.plot_item = self.win.addPlot(title='Expected ' + self.module.name) self.plot_item.showGrid(y=True, x=True, alpha=1.) self.curve = self.plot_item.plot(pen='y') self.curve_slope = self.plot_item.plot(pen=pg.mkPen('b', width=5)) self.symbol = self.plot_item.plot(pen='b', symbol='o') self.main_layout.addWidget(self.win) self.button_calibrate = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Calibrate') self.main_layout.addWidget(self.button_calibrate) self.button_calibrate.clicked.connect(lambda: self.module.calibrate()) self.input_calibrated()
def plot_liss(self): lissx = self.Liss_x.currentText() lissy = self.Liss_y.currentText() self.liss_x = self.Liss_x.currentIndex() self.liss_y = self.Liss_y.currentIndex() if not (self.channel_states[self.liss_x] and self.channel_states[self.liss_y]): QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, 'Error : Insufficient Data', 'Please enable the selected channels in the oscilloscope') return self.liss_win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Basic plotting examples") self.liss_win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: Plotting') self.p1 = self.liss_win.addPlot(title="Lissajous: x : %s vs y : %s"%(lissx,lissy),x=self.I.achans[self.liss_x].get_yaxis(),y=self.I.achans[self.liss_y].get_yaxis()) self.p1.setLabel('left',lissy);self.p1.setLabel('bottom',lissx) self.p1.getAxis('left').setGrid(170) self.p1.getAxis('bottom').setGrid(170) self.lissvLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False,pen=[100,100,200,200]) self.p1.addItem(self.lissvLine, ignoreBounds=True) self.lisshLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False,pen=[100,100,200,200]) self.p1.addItem(self.lisshLine, ignoreBounds=True) self.vb = self.p1.vb self.lissproxy = pg.SignalProxy(self.p1.scene().sigMouseClicked, rateLimit=60, slot=self.lissMouseClicked)
def __init__(self, video, result): self.video = video self.result = result app = pg.mkQApp() self.win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Live webcam") self.win.resize(640,480) box = self.win.addViewBox(lockAspect=True) box.invertY() self.vis = pg.ImageItem() box.addItem(self.vis) box = self.win.addViewBox(lockAspect=True) box.invertY() self.res = pg.ImageItem() box.addItem(self.res) self.win.show() self.lastUpdate = pg.ptime.time() self.avgFps = 0.0
def addCompSpecPlot(self, title, sim, comp_id, spec_id, data_size = 1000, x_range = None, y_range = None, measure = "count", **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the amount changes of species in a compartment. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * comp_id ID of the compartment * spec_id ID of the species * data_size Size of the data history * x_range Range of X axis * y_range Range of y axis * measure Measure type * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = CompSpecUpdater(plot, sim, comp_id, spec_id, data_size, x_range, y_range, measure, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addTetsSpecPlot(self, title, sim, tets, spec_id, data_size = 1000, x_range = None, y_range = None, measure = "count", **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the amount changes of species in a list of tetrahedrons. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * tets List of tetrahedron indices * spec_id ID of the species * data_size Size of the data history * x_range Range of X axis * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = TetsSpecUpdater(plot, sim, tets, spec_id, data_size, x_range, y_range, measure, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addPatchSpecPlot(self, title, sim, patch_id, spec_id, data_size = 1000, x_range = None, y_range = None, **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the amount changes of species in a patch. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * patch_id ID of the patch * spec_id ID of the species * data_size Size of the data history * x_range Range of X axis * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = PatchSpecUpdater(plot, sim, patch_id, spec_id, data_size, x_range, y_range, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addTrisSpecPlot(self, title, sim, tris, spec_id, data_size = 1000, x_range = None, y_range = None, **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the amount changes of species in a list of triangles. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * tris List of triangle indices * spec_id ID of the species * data_size Size of the data history * x_range Range of X axis * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = TrisSpecUpdater(plot, sim, tris, spec_id, data_size, x_range, y_range, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addPatchSumSpecsPlot(self, title, sim, patch_id, spec_ids, data_size = 1000, x_range = None, y_range = None, **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the sum-up amount changes of species in a patch. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * patch_id ID of the patch * spec_id ID of the species * data_size Size of the data history * x_range Range of X axis * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = PatchSumSpecsUpdater(plot, sim, patch_id, spec_ids, data_size, x_range, y_range, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addCompSpecDist(self, title, mesh, sim, comp_id, spec_id, axis = "x", nbins = 20, y_range = None, **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the distribution of species in a compartment. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * comp_id ID of the compartment * spec_id ID of the species * axis Spatial direction of the distribution * nbins Number of bins for the data * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = CompSpecDistUpdater(plot, mesh, sim, comp_id, spec_id, axis, nbins, y_range, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addPatchSpecDist(self, title, mesh, sim, patch_id, spec_id, axis = "x", nbins = 20, y_range = None, **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the distribution of species in a patch. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * mesh STEPS mesh * patch_id ID of the patch * spec_id ID of the species * axis Spatial direction of the distribution * nbins Number of bins for the data * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = PatchSpecDistUpdater(plot, mesh, sim, patch_id, spec_id, axis, nbins, y_range, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addTetsSpecDist(self, title, mesh, sim, tets, spec_id, axis = "x", nbins = 20, y_range = None, **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the distribution of species in a list of tetrahedrons. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * mesh STEPS mesh * tets List of tetrahedron indices * spec_id ID of the species * axis Spatial direction of the distribution * nbins Number of bins for the data * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = TetsSpecDistUpdater(plot, mesh, sim, tets, spec_id, axis, nbins, y_range, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def addTrisSpecDist(self, title, mesh, sim, tris, spec_id, axis = "x", nbins = 20, y_range = None, **kwargs): """ Add plot to display the distribution of species in a list of triangles. Parameters: * title Title of the plot * sim STEPS solver * mesh STEPS mesh * tris List of triangle indices * spec_id ID of the species * axis Spatial direction of the distribution * nbins Number of bins for the data * y_range Range of y axis * **kwargs Other keywords that are supported by pygraph.GraphicsWindow class Return: pyqtgraph.PlotItem object """ if title in self.updater: raise NameError('A Plot with name ' + title + " exists.") plot = self.addPlot(title = title) updater = TrisSpecDistUpdater(plot, mesh, sim, tris, spec_id, axis, nbins, y_range, **kwargs) self.updater[title] = updater return plot
def run(self): self.app = QtGui.QApplication([]) win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Basic plotting examples") win.resize(1000,600) win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: Plotting') plot = win.addPlot(title=self.name) self.curve = plot.plot(pen='y') timer = QtCore.QTimer() timer.timeout.connect(self._update) timer.start(50) self.app.exec_() try: self.in_process_pipe.send("closing") except: pass # Process was done, no need to process exception
def test_GraphicsWindow(): def mkobjs(): w = pg.GraphicsWindow() p1 = w.addPlot() v1 = w.addViewBox() return mkrefs(w, p1, v1) for i in range(5): assert_alldead(mkobjs())
def __init__(self, title="plotwindow"): self.win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title=title) self.pw = self.win.addPlot() self.curves = {} self.win.show() self.plot_start_time = time()
def _make_widget(self): """ Sets the widget (here a QCheckbox) :return: """ self.widget = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Plot") legend = getattr(self.module.__class__, self.attribute_name).legend self.pw = self.widget.addPlot(title="%s vs. time (s)"%legend) self.plot_start_time = self.time() self.curves = {} setattr(self.module.__class__, '_' + self.attribute_name + '_pw', self.pw)
def newPlot(self,x,y,**args): self.plot_ext = pg.GraphicsWindow(title=args.get('title','')) self.curve_ext = self.plot_ext.addPlot(title=args.get('title',''), x=x,y=y,connect='finite') self.curve_ext.setLabel('bottom',args.get('xLabel','')) self.curve_ext.setLabel('left',args.get('yLabel',''))
def __init__(self, func): self.func = func app = pg.mkQApp() self.win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Bar learning") self.win.resize(800,800) self.win.addLabel("Input") self.win.addLabel("Feature") self.win.nextRow() box = self.win.addViewBox(lockAspect=True) self.input_vis = pg.ImageItem() box.addItem(self.input_vis) box = self.win.addViewBox(lockAspect=True) self.feature_vis = pg.ImageItem() box.addItem(self.feature_vis) self.win.nextRow() self.win.addLabel("Receptive fields", colspan=2) self.win.nextRow() box = self.win.addViewBox(lockAspect=True, colspan=2) self.rv_vis = pg.ImageItem() box.addItem(self.rv_vis) self.win.show()
def __init__(self, title=None, size=(800, 600)): """ Constructor. """ pg.GraphicsWindow.__init__(self, title=title, size=size) self.updater = {}
def init_gui(self): """ Sets up the gui. """ self.ch_col = ('magenta', 'blue', 'green') self.last_data = None self.init_main_layout(orientation="vertical") #self.main_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.module.__dict__['curve_name'] = 'pyrpl spectrum' self.init_attribute_layout() self.other_widget = OtherAttributesWidget(self) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.other_widget) self.iqmode_widget = IqModeAttributesWidget(self) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.iqmode_widget) self.baseband_widget = BasebandAttributesWidget(self) self.attribute_layout.addWidget(self.baseband_widget) self.button_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.main_layout) # self.setWindowTitle("Spec. An.") #self.win = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="PSD") #self.main_layout.addWidget(self.win) self.win2 = DataWidget(title='Spectrum') self.main_layout.addWidget(self.win2) #self.plot_item = self.win.addPlot(title="PSD") #self.curve = self.plot_item.plot(pen=self.ch_col[0][0]) #self.curve2 = self.plot_item.plot(pen=self.ch_col[1][0]) # input2 # spectrum in # baseband #self.curve_cross = self.plot_item.plot(pen=self.ch_col[2][0]) # # curve for super(SpecAnWidget, self).init_gui() aws = self.attribute_widgets aws['display_input1_baseband'].setStyleSheet("color: %s" % self.ch_col[0]) aws['display_input2_baseband'].setStyleSheet("color: %s" % self.ch_col[1]) aws['display_cross_amplitude'].setStyleSheet("color: %s" % self.ch_col[2]) # Not sure why the stretch factors in button_layout are not good by # default... self.attribute_layout.addStretch(1) self.update_baseband_visibility()
def _make_widget(self): self.widget = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="Curve") self.plot_item = self.widget.addPlot(title="Curve") self.plot_item_phase = self.widget.addPlot(row=1, col=0, title="Phase (deg)") self.plot_item_phase.setXLink(self.plot_item) self.plot_item.showGrid(y=True, alpha=1.) self.plot_item_phase.showGrid(y=True, alpha=1.) self.curve = self.plot_item.plot(pen='g') self.curve_phase = self.plot_item_phase.plot(pen='g') self._is_real = True self._set_real(True) #def _set_widget_value(self, new_value): # data = new_value # if data is None: # return # shape = np.shape(new_value) # if len(shape)>2: # raise ValueError("Shape of data should be (1) or (2, 1)") # if len(shape)==1: # x = np.linspace(0, len(data), len(data)) # y = [data] # if len(shape)==2: # if shape[0] == 1: # x = np.linspace(0, len(data), len(data[0])) # y = [data[0]] # if shape[0] >= 2: # x = data[0] # y = data[1:] # self._set_real(np.isreal(y).all()) # for i, values in enumerate(y): # self._display_curve_index(x, values, i) # while (i + 1 < len(self.curves)): # delete remaining curves # i += 1 # self.curves[i].hide() #def _display_curve_index(self, x, values, i): # y_mag = values if self._is_real else self._magnitude(values) # y_phase = np.zeros(len(values)) if self._is_real else \ # self._phase(values) # if len(self.curves)<=i: # color = self._defaultcolors[i%len(self._defaultcolors)] # self.curves.append(self.plot_item.plot(pen=color)) # self.curves_phase.append(self.plot_item_phase.plot(pen=color)) # self.curves[i].setData(x, y_mag) # self.curves_phase[i].setData(x, y_phase)