def _find_localserver_exe(mustfind): if not sys.platform.startswith("win32"): return sys.executable if pythoncom.__file__.find("_d") < 0: exeBaseName = "pythonw.exe" else: exeBaseName = "pythonw_d.exe" # First see if in the same directory as this .EXE exeName = os.path.join( os.path.split(sys.executable)[0], exeBaseName ) if not os.path.exists(exeName): # See if in our sys.prefix directory exeName = os.path.join( sys.prefix, exeBaseName ) if not os.path.exists(exeName): # See if in our sys.prefix/pcbuild directory (for developers) if "64 bit" in sys.version: exeName = os.path.join( sys.prefix, "PCbuild", "amd64", exeBaseName ) else: exeName = os.path.join( sys.prefix, "PCbuild", exeBaseName ) if not os.path.exists(exeName): # See if the registry has some info. try: key = "SOFTWARE\\Python\\PythonCore\\%s\\InstallPath" % sys.winver path = win32api.RegQueryValue( win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key ) exeName = os.path.join( path, exeBaseName ) except (AttributeError,win32api.error): pass if not os.path.exists(exeName): if mustfind: raise RuntimeError("Can not locate the program '%s'" % exeBaseName) return None return exeName
def RegisterPythonServer(filename, progids=None, verbose=0): if progids: if isinstance(progids, str): progids = [progids] # we know the CLSIDs we need, but we might not be an admin user # and otherwise unable to register them. So as long as the progids # exist and the DLL points at our version, assume it already is. why_not = None for progid in progids: try: clsid = pythoncom.MakeIID(progid) except pythoncom.com_error: # no progid - not registered. break # have a CLSID - open it. try: HKCR = winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT hk = winreg.OpenKey(HKCR, "CLSID\\%s" % clsid) dll = winreg.QueryValue(hk, "InprocServer32") except WindowsError: # no CLSID or InProcServer32 - not good! break ok_files = [os.path.basename(pythoncom.__file__), 'pythoncomloader%d%d.dll' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])] if os.path.basename(dll) not in ok_files: why_not = "%r is registered against a different Python version (%s)" % (progid, dll) break else: #print "Skipping registration of '%s' - already registered" % filename return # needs registration - see if its likely! try: from win32com.shell.shell import IsUserAnAdmin except ImportError: print("Can't import win32com.shell - no idea if you are an admin or not?") is_admin = False else: try: is_admin = IsUserAnAdmin() except pythoncom.com_error: # old, less-secure OS - assume *is* admin. is_admin = True if not is_admin: msg = "%r isn't registered, but I'm not an administrator who can register it." % progids[0] if why_not: msg += "\n(registration check failed as %s)" % why_not # throw a normal "class not registered" exception - we don't report # them the same way as "real" errors. raise pythoncom.com_error(winerror.CO_E_CLASSSTRING, msg, None, -1) # so theoretically we are able to register it. cmd = '%s "%s" --unattended > nul 2>&1' % (win32api.GetModuleFileName(0), filename) if verbose: print("Registering engine", filename) # print cmd rc = os.system(cmd) if rc: print("Registration command was:") print(cmd) raise RuntimeError("Registration of engine '%s' failed" % filename)
def load_pythoncom(finder, module): """the pythoncom module is actually contained in a DLL but since those cannot be loaded directly in Python 2.5 and higher a special module is used to perform that task; simply use that technique directly to determine the name of the DLL and ensure it is included as a file in the target directory.""" import pythoncom finder.IncludeFiles(pythoncom.__file__, os.path.join("lib", os.path.basename(pythoncom.__file__)), copyDependentFiles = False)
def load_pywintypes(finder, module): """the pywintypes module is actually contained in a DLL but since those cannot be loaded directly in Python 2.5 and higher a special module is used to perform that task; simply use that technique directly to determine the name of the DLL and ensure it is included as a file in the target directory.""" import pywintypes finder.IncludeFiles(pywintypes.__file__, os.path.join("lib", os.path.basename(pywintypes.__file__)), copyDependentFiles = False) # PyQt5 and PyQt4 can't both be loaded in the same process, so we cache the # QtCore module so we can still return something sensible if we try to load # both.
def copy_qt_plugins(plugins, finder, QtCore): """Helper function to find and copy Qt plugins.""" # Qt Plugins can either be in a plugins directory next to the Qt libraries, # or in other locations listed by QCoreApplication.libraryPaths() dir0 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(QtCore.__file__), "plugins") for libpath in QtCore.QCoreApplication.libraryPaths() + [dir0]: sourcepath = os.path.join(str(libpath), plugins) if os.path.exists(sourcepath): finder.IncludeFiles(sourcepath, plugins)
def load_zmq(finder, module): """the zmq package loads zmq.backend.cython dynamically and links dynamically to zmq.libzmq.""" finder.IncludePackage("zmq.backend.cython") if sys.platform == "win32": # Not sure yet if this is cross platform import zmq.libzmq srcFileName = os.path.basename(zmq.libzmq.__file__) finder.IncludeFiles( os.path.join(module.path[0], srcFileName), srcFileName)
def RegisterPythonServer(filename, progids=None, verbose=0): if progids: if isinstance(progids, basestring): progids = [progids] # we know the CLSIDs we need, but we might not be an admin user # and otherwise unable to register them. So as long as the progids # exist and the DLL points at our version, assume it already is. why_not = None for progid in progids: try: clsid = pythoncom.MakeIID(progid) except pythoncom.com_error: # no progid - not registered. break # have a CLSID - open it. try: HKCR = _winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT hk = _winreg.OpenKey(HKCR, "CLSID\\%s" % clsid) dll = _winreg.QueryValue(hk, "InprocServer32") except WindowsError: # no CLSID or InProcServer32 - not good! break ok_files = [os.path.basename(pythoncom.__file__), 'pythoncomloader%d%d.dll' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])] if os.path.basename(dll) not in ok_files: why_not = "%r is registered against a different Python version (%s)" % (progid, dll) break else: #print "Skipping registration of '%s' - already registered" % filename return # needs registration - see if its likely! try: from win32com.shell.shell import IsUserAnAdmin except ImportError: print "Can't import win32com.shell - no idea if you are an admin or not?" is_admin = False else: try: is_admin = IsUserAnAdmin() except pythoncom.com_error: # old, less-secure OS - assume *is* admin. is_admin = True if not is_admin: msg = "%r isn't registered, but I'm not an administrator who can register it." % progids[0] if why_not: msg += "\n(registration check failed as %s)" % why_not # throw a normal "class not registered" exception - we don't report # them the same way as "real" errors. raise pythoncom.com_error(winerror.CO_E_CLASSSTRING, msg, None, -1) # so theoretically we are able to register it. cmd = '%s "%s" --unattended > nul 2>&1' % (win32api.GetModuleFileName(0), filename) if verbose: print "Registering engine", filename # print cmd rc = os.system(cmd) if rc: print "Registration command was:" print cmd raise RuntimeError("Registration of engine '%s' failed" % filename)