def readwav(file): # wavio.py # Author: Warren Weckesser # License: BSD 3-Clause (http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) """ Read a wav file. Returns the frame rate, sample width (in bytes) and a numpy array containing the data. This function does not read compressed wav files. """ wav = wave.open(file) rate = wav.getframerate() nchannels = wav.getnchannels() sampwidth = wav.getsampwidth() nframes = wav.getnframes() data = wav.readframes(nframes) wav.close() array = _wav2array(nchannels, sampwidth, data) return rate, sampwidth, array
def extract_mfcc(sound): (rate,sig) = wav.read(StringIO.StringIO(sound)) mfcc_feat = features.mfcc(sig,rate) return numpy.asarray(mfcc_feat, dtype='float32')
def load_data(path): data = [] label_index = np.array([], dtype=int) label_count = 0 wav_files_count = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): # get all wav files in current dir wav_files = [file for file in files if file.endswith('.wav')] data_same_person = [] # extract logfbank features from wav file for wav_file in wav_files: (rate, sig) = wav.read(root + "/" + wav_file) fbank_beats = logfbank(sig, rate, nfilt=40) # save logfbank features into same person array data_same_person.append(fbank_beats) # save all data of same person into the data array # the length of data array is number of speakers if wav_files: wav_files_count += len(wav_files) data.append(data_same_person) # return data, np.arange(len(data)) return data
def get_noise(start): # read audio samples input_data = read('junk.wav') audio_in = input_data[1] samples = len(audio_in) intvl = (samples-start)/seg k = start sum_data = numpy.zeros(seg) for i in xrange(intvl): buffer_data = [] for j in xrange(seg): buffer_data.append(audio_in[k]) k = k+1 cbuffer_out = fft(buffer_data) for j in xrange(seg): sq = abs(cbuffer_out[j])**2.0 sum_data[j] = sum_data[j]+sq for j in xrange(seg): sum_data[j] = sqrt(sum_data[j]/intvl) return sum_data
def read(cls, filename): """ Read an audio file (only wav is supported). Parameters ---------- filename: string Path to the wav file. """ sample_rate, samples = wavfile.read(filename) if samples.dtype==np.dtype('int16'): samples = samples.astype(_types.float_) / np.iinfo(np.dtype('int16')).min if len(samples.shape)==1: samples = samples.reshape((samples.shape[0],1)) instance = cls(samples, sample_rate) return instance
def load_wav_to_sampler_slot(path, sampler, slot, **kwargs): sample = sampler.Sample() freq, snd = wavfile.read(str(path)) if snd.dtype.name == 'int16': sample.format = sampler.Format.int16 elif snd.dtype.name == 'float32': sample.format = sampler.Format.float32 else: raise Exception('Not supported') if len(snd.shape) == 1: size, = snd.shape channels = 1 else: size, channels = snd.shape sample.rate = freq sample.channels = { 1: m.Sampler.Channels.mono, 2: m.Sampler.Channels.stereo, }[channels] sample.data = snd.data.tobytes() for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(sample, key, value) sampler.samples[slot] = sample return sample
def test_trim_remove_zeros_frames(): fs, x = wavfile.read(example_audio_file()) frame_period = 5 x = x.astype(np.float64) f0, timeaxis = pyworld.dio(x, fs, frame_period=frame_period) spectrogram = pyworld.cheaptrick(x, f0, timeaxis, fs) aperiodicity = pyworld.d4c(x, f0, timeaxis, fs) for mat in [spectrogram, aperiodicity]: trimmed = trim_zeros_frames(mat) assert trimmed.shape[1] == mat.shape[1] for mat in [spectrogram, aperiodicity]: trimmed = remove_zeros_frames(mat) assert trimmed.shape[1] == mat.shape[1]
def make_spectrum(self, filename, use_normalize): sr, y = wav.read(filename) if sr != 16000: raise ValueError('Sampling rate is expected to be 16kHz!') if y.dtype!='float32': y = np.float32(y/32767.) D=librosa.stft(y,n_fft=512,hop_length=256,win_length=512,window=scipy.signal.hamming) Sxx=np.log10(abs(D)**2) if use_normalize: mean = np.mean(Sxx, axis=1).reshape((257,1)) std = np.std(Sxx, axis=1).reshape((257,1))+1e-12 Sxx = (Sxx-mean)/std slices = [] for i in range(0, Sxx.shape[1]-self.FRAMELENGTH, self.OVERLAP): slices.append(Sxx[:,i:i+self.FRAMELENGTH]) return np.array(slices)
def __init__(self, filepath="files", is_delta_mode=False, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.message = "" self.filepath = filepath self.is_delta = is_delta_mode # Load files try: self.NN = pickle.load(open(self.filepath+'/model.pkl','rb')) # Load user names userList = open(self.filepath+"/metadata.txt", "r") self.users = userList.read().split('\n') userList.close() except FileNotFoundError: print("Model and metadata.txt not found.") self.mlp = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(50, 50, 50), activation = 'logistic') if self.verbose: print("Delta Mode enable = ", is_delta_mode) # Train the network and generate model.pkl file and csv file
def fetch_sample_speech_fruit(n_samples=None): url = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15378192/audio.tar.gz' wav_path = "audio.tar.gz" if not os.path.exists(wav_path): download(url, wav_path) tf = tarfile.open(wav_path) wav_names = [fname for fname in tf.getnames() if ".wav" in fname.split(os.sep)[-1]] speech = [] print("Loading speech files...") for wav_name in wav_names[:n_samples]: f = tf.extractfile(wav_name) fs, d = wavfile.read(f) d = d.astype('float32') / (2 ** 15) speech.append(d) return fs, speech
def run_mgc_example(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fs, x = wavfile.read("test16k.wav") pos = 3000 fftlen = 1024 win = np.blackman(fftlen) / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.blackman(fftlen) ** 2)) xw = x[pos:pos + fftlen] * win sp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.rfft(xw))) mgc_order = 20 mgc_alpha = 0.41 mgc_gamma = -0.35 mgc_arr = win2mgc(xw, order=mgc_order, alpha=mgc_alpha, gamma=mgc_gamma, verbose=True) xwsp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(np.fft.rfft(xw))) sp = mgc2sp(mgc_arr, mgc_alpha, mgc_gamma, fftlen) plt.plot(xwsp) plt.plot(20. / np.log(10) * np.real(sp), "r") plt.xlim(1, len(xwsp)) plt.show()
def load_wav_file(fname, smprate=16000): ''' load a WAV file, then return a numpy float32 vector. Resample if needed. The returned array will always have lenght of multiples of FFT_SIZE to ease preprocessing, this is done via zero padding at the end. ''' smprate_real, data = wavfile.read(fname) if smprate_real == smprate: data = data.astype(FLOATX) elif (smprate_real % smprate) == 0: # integer factor downsample smpfactor = smprate_real // smprate data = np.pad( data, [(0, (-len(data)) % smpfactor)], mode='constant') data = np.reshape(data, [len(data)//smpfactor, smpfactor]) data = np.mean(data.astype(FLOATX), axis=1) else: newlen = int(ceil(len(data) * (smprate / smprate_real))) # FIXME this resample is very slow on prime length data = scipy.signal.resample(data, newlen).astype(FLOATX) return data
def get_num_examples(self, wavlists, labellists, num_examples, num_features): for n,(w, l) in enumerate(zip(wavlists, labellists)): fs, au = wav.read(w) # Extract Spectrum of audio inputs melf = mfcc(au, samplerate = fs, numcep = self.num_features, winlen=0.025, winstep=0.01, nfilt=self.num_features) #melf = (melf - np.mean(melf))/np.std(melf) self.mel_freq.append(melf) melf_target = self.labelprocessing(l) self.target_label.append(melf_target) if n == num_examples - 1: break if melf.shape[0] <= len(melf_target): t = w,l self.length_check.append(t) # Split transcript into each label
def prepareData(path): normal_files = os.listdir(path + "/Normal/") nasal_files = os.listdir(path + "/Nasalized/") normal_features = np.zeros((1,400)) normal_labels = np.zeros((1,1)) nasal_features = np.zeros((1,400)) nasal_labels = np.zeros((1,1)) for filename in normal_files: (rate, sig) = wav.read(path + "/Normal/" + filename) sig = sig[:,0] sig = preprocess_sample(sig,rate) features, labels = create_labeled_data(sig, nasal=0) normal_features = np.append(normal_features,features,axis = 0) for filename in nasal_files: (rate, sig) = wav.read(path + "/Nasalized/" + filename) sig = sig[:,0] sig = preprocess_sample(sig,rate) features, labels = create_labeled_data(sig, nasal=1) nasal_features = np.append(nasal_features,features,axis = 0) normal_features = normal_features[1:] nasal_features = nasal_features[1:] return (normal_features,nasal_features)
def synth_audio(audiofile, impfile, chns, angle, nsfile=None, snrlevel=None, outname=None, outsplit=False): FreqSamp, audio = wavfile.read(audiofile) audio = audio.astype(np.float32)/np.amax(np.absolute(audio.astype(np.float32))) gen_audio = np.zeros((audio.shape[0], chns), dtype=np.float32) for ch in range(1,chns+1): impulse = np.fromfile('{}D{:03d}_ch{}.flt'.format(impfile, angle, ch), dtype=np.float32) gen_audio[:,ch-1] = np.convolve(audio, impulse, mode='same') gen_audio = add_noise(gen_audio, nsfile=nsfile, snrlevel=snrlevel) if outname is None: return FreqSamp, np.transpose(gen_audio) if outsplit: for ch in range(chns): play_data = audiolab.wavwrite(gen_audio[:,ch],'{}_ch{:02d}.wav'.format(outname,ch), fs=FreqSamp, enc='pcm16') return else: play_data = audiolab.wavwrite(gen_audio,'{}.wav'.format(outname), fs=FreqSamp, enc='pcm16') return
def add_noise(gen_audio, nsfile=None, snrlevel=None): chns = gen_audio.shape[1] if not ((nsfile is None) or (nsfile==-1)): _, noise= wavfile.read(nsfile) noise = noise[0:gen_audio.shape[0]] if not (snrlevel is None or snrlevel=='Clean'): if nsfile is None: noise = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (gen_audio.shape[0],)) if nsfile == -1: noise = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, (gen_audio.shape[0], chns)) else: noise = np.tile(noise[:,np.newaxis], [1, chns]) noise = noise.astype(np.float32)/np.amax(np.absolute(noise.astype(np.float32))) noise = noise/LA.norm(noise) * LA.norm(gen_audio) / np.power(10,0.05*float(snrlevel)) gen_audio= gen_audio+noise gen_audio /=np.amax(np.absolute(gen_audio)) #Normalized Audio return gen_audio
def kayurecord(woodname, duration): """ Record audio and save to wav file """ filename = time_now() + "_" + woodname + ".wav" container = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = container.open(format=FORMAT, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) print("* start recording...") data = [] frames = [] for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * duration)): data = stream.read(CHUNK) frames.append(data) stream.stop_stream() stream.close() container.terminate() print("* done recording!") kayurecord_save(filename, frames, container) return filename
def process_data(wav_files, phn_files): max_step_size = 0 inputs = [] targets = [] for i in tqdm(range(len(wav_files))): # extract mfcc features from wav (rate, sig) = wav.read(wav_files[i]) mfcc_feat = mfcc(sig, rate) fbank_feat = logfbank(sig, rate) acoustic_features = join_features(mfcc_feat, fbank_feat) # time_stamp x n_features # extract label from phn phn_labels = [] with open(phn_files[i], 'rb') as csvfile: phn_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in phn_reader: if row[2] == 'q': continue phn_labels.append(phoneme_set_39[phoneme_48_39.get(row[2], row[2])] - 1) inputs.append(acoustic_features) targets.append(phn_labels) return lists_batches(inputs, targets)
def process_wav(wav_file): (rate, sig) = wav.read(wav_file) mfcc_feat = mfcc(sig, rate) fbank_feat = logfbank(sig, rate) acoustic_features = join_features(mfcc_feat, fbank_feat) # time_stamp x n_features return acoustic_features
def get_mfcc_feat(self): # creating codebook with all models mfcc_feats = None for filename in glob.iglob('../data/voices/*.wav'): print filename (rate, sig) = wav.read(filename) # MFCC Features. Each row corresponds to MFCC for a frame mfcc_person = mfcc(sig.astype(np.float64), rate) if mfcc_feats is None: mfcc_feats = mfcc_person else: mfcc_feats = np.concatenate((mfcc_feats, mfcc_person), axis=0) # Normalize the features whitened = whiten(mfcc_feats) self.codebook, labeled_obs = kmeans2(data=whitened, k=3)
def load_audio(filename, b_normalize=True): """Load the audiofile at the provided filename using scipy.io.wavfile. Optionally normalizes the audio to the maximum value. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to load. b_normalize : bool, optional Normalize to the maximum value. """ sr, s = wavfile.read(filename) if b_normalize: s = s.astype(np.float32) s = (s / np.max(np.abs(s))) s -= np.mean(s) return s
def shuffle_examples(featdir): ''' shuffle the utterances and put them in feats_shuffled.scp Args: featdir: the directory containing the features in feats.scp ''' #read feats.scp featsfile = open(featdir + '/feats.scp', 'r') feats = featsfile.readlines() #shuffle feats randomly shuffle(feats) #wite them to feats_shuffled.scp feats_shuffledfile = open(featdir + '/feats_shuffled.scp', 'w') feats_shuffledfile.writelines(feats)
def read_wav(wavfile): ''' read a wav file formatted by kaldi Args: wavfile: a pair containing eiher the filaname or the command to read the wavfile and a boolean that determines if its a name or a command ''' if wavfile[1]: #read the audio file and temporarily copy it to tmp (and duplicate, I #don't know how to avoid this) os.system(wavfile[0] + ' tee tmp.wav > duplicate.wav') #read the created wav file (rate, utterance) = wav.read('tmp.wav') #delete the create file os.remove('tmp.wav') os.remove('duplicate.wav') else: (rate, utterance) = wav.read(wavfile[0]) return rate, utterance
def make_batch_padded(path, num_layers = 14): rate, data = wavfile.read(path) #only use the 1st channel data = data[:, 0] data_ = normalize(data) bins, bins_center = mu_law_bins(256) inputs = np.digitize(data_[0:-1], bins, right=False) inputs = bins_center[inputs][None, :, None] #predict sample 1 to end using 0 to end-1 targets = np.digitize(data_[1::], bins, right=False)[None, :] base = 2 ** num_layers _, width, _ = inputs.shape #crop the width to make it multiple of base width_cropped = int(np.floor(width * 1.0 / base) * base) inputs_padded = np.pad(inputs[:, 0:width_cropped, :], ((0, 0), (base - 1, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant') targets_padded = targets[:, 0:width_cropped] return (inputs_padded, targets_padded)
def test_synthesis_from_codeap(self): path = dirpath + '/data/test16000.wav' fs, x = wavfile.read(path) af = FeatureExtractor(analyzer='world', fs=fs, shiftms=5) f0, spc, ap = af.analyze(x) codeap = af.codeap() assert len(np.nonzero(f0)[0]) > 0 assert spc.shape == ap.shape assert pyworld.get_num_aperiodicities(fs) == codeap.shape[-1] ap = pyworld.decode_aperiodicity(codeap, fs, 1024) synth = Synthesizer(fs=fs, fftl=1024, shiftms=5) wav = synth.synthesis_spc(f0, spc, ap) nun_check(wav)
def test_high_frequency_completion(self): path = dirpath + '/data/test16000.wav' fs, x = wavfile.read(path) f0rate = 0.5 shifter = Shifter(fs, f0rate=f0rate) mod_x = shifter.f0transform(x, completion=False) mod_xc = shifter.f0transform(x, completion=True) assert len(mod_x) == len(mod_xc) N = 512 fl = int(fs * 25 / 1000) win = np.hanning(fl) sts = [1000, 5000, 10000, 20000] for st in sts: # confirm w/o completion f_mod_x = fft(mod_x[st: st + fl] / 2**16 * win) amp_mod_x = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(f_mod_x)) # confirm w/ completion f_mod_xc = fft(mod_xc[st: st + fl] / 2**16 * win) amp_mod_xc = 20.0 * np.log10(np.abs(f_mod_xc)) assert np.mean(amp_mod_x[N // 4:] < np.mean(amp_mod_xc[N // 4:]))
def load_wav_chunks(filenames): num_files = len(filenames) max_chunks = 100000 all_chunks = np.zeros([max_chunks, chunk_size]) total_chunks = 0 for file_idx in range(num_files): filename = filenames[file_idx] print("[" + str(file_idx).zfill(3) + "]: " + filename) rate, data = wavfile.read(filename) data = np.sum(data, axis=1) print(data.shape) data = data.astype(np.float32) * (1.0 / 32768.0) chunks = create_chunks(data) num_chunks = len(chunks) all_chunks[total_chunks:total_chunks+num_chunks] = np.array(chunks) total_chunks += num_chunks all_chunks = all_chunks[0:total_chunks] return all_chunks
def load_wav_chunks(filenames): num_files = len(filenames) max_chunks = 100000 all_chunks = np.zeros([max_chunks, chunk_size]) total_chunks = 0 for file_idx in range(num_files): filename = filenames[file_idx] print("[" + str(file_idx).zfill(3) + "]: " + filename) rate, data = wavfile.read(filename) if (rate != desired_rate or len(data.shape) > 1): data = resample(data, rate, desired_rate) data = data.astype(np.float32) * (1.0 / 32768.0) chunks = create_chunks(data) num_chunks = len(chunks) all_chunks[total_chunks:total_chunks+num_chunks] = np.array(chunks) total_chunks += num_chunks all_chunks = all_chunks[0:total_chunks] return all_chunks
def encode(self, s): """Transform a string with a filename into a list of float32. Args: s: path to the file with a waveform. Returns: samples: list of int16s """ # Make sure that the data is a single channel, 16bit, 16kHz wave. # TODO(chorowski): the directory may not be writable, this should fallback # to a temp path, and provide instructions for instaling sox. if not s.endswith(".wav"): out_filepath = s + ".wav" if not os.path.exists(out_filepath): call(["sox", "-r", "16k", "-b", "16", "-c", "1", s, out_filepath]) s = out_filepath rate, data = wavfile.read(s) assert rate == self._sample_rate assert len(data.shape) == 1 if data.dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64]: data = data.astype(np.float32) / np.iinfo(data.dtype).max return data.tolist()
def get_audio_feature(): ''' ??wav????mfcc??????? ''' audio_filename = "audio.wav" #??wav?????fs????? audio??? fs, audio = wav.read(audio_filename) #??mfcc?? inputs = mfcc(audio, samplerate=fs) # ??????????????????? feature_inputs = np.asarray(inputs[np.newaxis, :]) feature_inputs = (feature_inputs - np.mean(feature_inputs))/np.std(feature_inputs) #????????? feature_seq_len = [feature_inputs.shape[1]] return feature_inputs, feature_seq_len
def midiwrap(): """ Wrapper to midi read and midi write """ try: sys.path.insert(1, get_resource_dir("")) from midi.utils import midiread, midiwrite sys.path.pop(1) except ImportError: logger.info("Need GPL licensed midi utils, downloading...", "http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lisa/deep/midi.zip") url = "http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lisa/deep/midi.zip" partial_path = get_resource_dir("") full_path = os.path.join(partial_path, "midi.zip") if not os.path.exists(full_path): download(url, full_path) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(full_path, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(partial_path) zip_ref.close() sys.path.insert(1, get_resource_dir("")) from midi.utils import midiread, midiwrite sys.path.pop(1) return midiread, midiwrite
def fetch_sample_audio_chords(n_samples=None): url = "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15378192/piano_chords.tar.gz" partial_path = get_resource_dir("chords") full_path = os.path.join(partial_path, "piano_chords.tar.gz") if not os.path.exists(full_path): download(url, full_path) tf = tarfile.open(full_path) wav_names = [fname for fname in tf.getnames() if ".wav" in fname.split(os.sep)[-1]] chords = [] logger.info("Loading audio files...") for wav_name in wav_names[:n_samples]: f = tf.extractfile(wav_name) fs, d = wavfile.read(f) d = d.astype('float32') / (2 ** 15) chords.append(d) return fs, chords, wav_names
def fetch_sample_speech_fruit(n_samples=None): url = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15378192/audio.tar.gz' partial_path = get_resource_dir("fruit") full_path = os.path.join(partial_path, "audio.tar.gz") if not os.path.exists(full_path): download(url, full_path) tf = tarfile.open(full_path) wav_names = [fname for fname in tf.getnames() if ".wav" in fname.split(os.sep)[-1]] speech = [] logger.info("Loading speech files...") for wav_name in wav_names[:n_samples]: f = tf.extractfile(wav_name) fs, d = wavfile.read(f) d = d.astype('float32') / (2 ** 15) speech.append(d) return fs, speech, wav_names