def solve_G(self, b): """Solve ``Gx=b`` where ``G`` is the Gram matrix of the GP. Uses the internally-stored LU decomposition of ``G`` computed in ``gp.update()``.""" assert self.ready return linalg.lu_solve((self.LU, self.LU_piv), b, check_finite=True)
def lu_solve_ATAI(A, rho, b, lu, piv): r""" Solve the linear system :math:`(A^T A + \rho I)\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` or :math:`(A^T A + \rho I)X = B` using :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_solve`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Matrix :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` b : array_like Vector :math:`\mathbf{b}` or matrix :math:`B` lu : array_like Matrix containing U in its upper triangle, and L in its lower triangle, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` piv : array_like Pivot indices representing the permutation matrix P, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the linear system. """ N, M = A.shape if N >= M: x = linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), b) else: x = (b - A.T.dot(linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), A.dot(b), 1))) / rho return x
def lu_solve_AATI(A, rho, b, lu, piv): r""" Solve the linear system :math:`(A A^T + \rho I)\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` or :math:`(A A^T + \rho I)X = B` using :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_solve`. Parameters ---------- A : array_like Matrix :math:`A` rho : float Scalar :math:`\rho` b : array_like Vector :math:`\mathbf{b}` or matrix :math:`B` lu : array_like Matrix containing U in its upper triangle, and L in its lower triangle, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` piv : array_like Pivot indices representing the permutation matrix P, as returned by :func:`scipy.linalg.lu_factor` Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the linear system. """ N, M = A.shape if N >= M: x = (b - linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), b.dot(A).T).T.dot(A.T)) / rho else: x = linalg.lu_solve((lu, piv), b.T).T return x
def solve(self, rhs): """Solve with the system matrix Args: rhs: Right hand side in system Returns: solution to M*x = rhs """ self.update() return la.lu_solve(self.lupiv, rhs)
def mysolve(LU, b): if isinstance(LU, SuperLU): return LU.solve(b) else: return lu_solve(LU, b) ############################################################################### # Solve via full system ###############################################################################
def solve_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs): """ Use numpy to solve Ax=b for x. Parameters ---------- inputs : Vector unscaled, dimensional input variables read via inputs[key] outputs : Vector unscaled, dimensional output variables read via outputs[key] """ # lu factorization for use with solve_linear self._lup = linalg.lu_factor(inputs['A']) outputs['x'] = linalg.lu_solve(self._lup, inputs['b'])
def solve_linear(self, d_outputs, d_residuals, mode): r""" Back-substitution to solve the derivatives of the linear system. If mode is: 'fwd': d_residuals \|-> d_outputs 'rev': d_outputs \|-> d_residuals Parameters ---------- d_outputs : Vector unscaled, dimensional quantities read via d_outputs[key] d_residuals : Vector unscaled, dimensional quantities read via d_residuals[key] mode : str either 'fwd' or 'rev' """ if mode == 'fwd': sol_vec, rhs_vec = d_outputs, d_residuals t = 0 else: sol_vec, rhs_vec = d_residuals, d_outputs t = 1 # print("foobar", rhs_vec['x']) sol_vec['x'] = linalg.lu_solve(self._lup, rhs_vec['x'], trans=t)
def solve_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs): force_vector = np.concatenate([self.metadata['force_vector'], np.zeros(2)]) self.lu = lu_factor(inputs['K']) outputs['d'] = lu_solve(self.lu, force_vector)
def solve_linear(self, d_outputs, d_residuals, mode): if mode == 'fwd': d_outputs['d'] = lu_solve(self.lu, d_residuals['d'], trans=0) else: d_residuals['d'] = lu_solve(self.lu, d_outputs['d'], trans=1)
def _matvec(self, x): return lu_solve(self.M_lu, x)