def calculate_katz_centrality(graph): """ Compute the katz centrality for nodes. """ # if not graph.is_directed(): # raise nx.NetworkXError( \ # "katz_centrality() not defined for undirected graphs.") print "\n\tCalculating Katz Centrality..." print "\tWarning: This might take a long time larger pedigrees." g = graph A = nx.adjacency_matrix(g) from scipy import linalg as LA max_eign = float(np.real(max(LA.eigvals(A.todense())))) print "\t-Max.Eigenvalue(A) ", round(max_eign, 3) kt = nx.katz_centrality(g, tol=1.0e-4, alpha=1/max_eign-0.01, beta=1.0, max_iter=999999) nx.set_node_attributes(g, 'katz', kt) katz_sorted = sorted(kt.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for key, value in katz_sorted[0:10]: print "\t > ", key, round(value, 4) return g, kt
def max_abs_eigs(q, d): """ Returns the largest of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of system matrix at q in direction d """ J = jacobian(q, d) return max(abs(eigvals(J)))
def _numeric_nullspace_dim(mat): """Numerically computes the nullspace dimension of a matrix.""" mat_numeric = np.array(mat.evalf().tolist(), dtype=complex) eigenvals = la.eigvals(mat_numeric) return np.sum(np.isclose(eigenvals, np.zeros_like(eigenvals)))
def roots(self): """ Utilises Boyd's O(n^2) recursive subdivision algorithm. The chebfun is recursively subsampled until it is successfully represented to machine precision by a sequence of piecewise interpolants of degree 100 or less. A colleague matrix eigenvalue solve is then applied to each of these pieces and the results are concatenated. See: J. P. Boyd, Computing zeros on a real interval through Chebyshev expansion and polynomial rootfinding, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 40 (2002), pp. 1666–1682. """ if self.size() == 1: return np.array([]) elif self.size() <= 100: ak = self.coefficients() v = np.zeros_like(ak[:-1]) v[1] = 0.5 C1 = linalg.toeplitz(v) C2 = np.zeros_like(C1) C1[0,1] = 1. C2[-1,:] = ak[:-1] C = C1 - .5/ak[-1] * C2 eigenvalues = linalg.eigvals(C) roots = [eig.real for eig in eigenvalues if np.allclose(eig.imag,0,atol=1e-10) and np.abs(eig.real) <=1] scaled_roots = self._ui_to_ab(np.array(roots)) return scaled_roots else: # divide at a close-to-zero split-point split_point = self._ui_to_ab(0.0123456789) return np.concatenate( (self.restrict([self._domain[0],split_point]).roots(), self.restrict([split_point,self._domain[1]]).roots()) ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Interpolation and evaluation (go from values to coefficients) # ----------------------------------------------------------------