def predict_log_proba(self,X): assert self.class_column > -1 X1 = None if isinstance(X, pyisc.DataObject): assert X.class_column == self.class_column X1 = X.as_2d_array() elif isinstance(X, ndarray): X1 = X.copy() if X1 is not None: logps = self.compute_logp(X1) LogPs = [x-logsumexp(x) for x in array(logps).T] #normalized return array(LogPs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown type of data to score:", type(X))
def flat_prior(self): """ Evaluate log-probability of each primitive in the population. Return value is properly normalized. In this base class, we implement a version where the distribution over primitives is static; subclasses will reevaluate this at each call based on the values of variables and parameters. """ raw_weights = np.zeros(len(self.rule_population)) normalization = logsumexp(raw_weights) return raw_weights - normalization ###
def test_value(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True): def _test_value(logits, n_experiments, given): logits = np.array(logits, np.float32) normalized_logits = logits - misc.logsumexp( logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True) given = np.array(given) dist = Multinomial(logits, n_experiments) log_p = dist.log_prob(given) target_log_p = np.log(misc.factorial(n_experiments)) - \ np.sum(np.log(misc.factorial(given)), -1) + \ np.sum(given * normalized_logits, -1) self.assertAllClose(log_p.eval(), target_log_p) p = dist.prob(given) target_p = np.exp(target_log_p) self.assertAllClose(p.eval(), target_p) _test_value([-50., -20., 0.], 4, [1, 0, 3]) _test_value([1., 10., 1000.], 1, [1, 0, 0]) _test_value([[2., 3., 1.], [5., 7., 4.]], 3, np.ones([3, 1, 3], dtype=np.int32)) _test_value([-10., 10., 20., 50.], 100, [[0, 1, 99, 100], [100, 99, 1, 0]])
def logsumexp(a, axis=None, b=None): a = np.asarray(a) if axis is None: a = a.ravel() else: a = np.rollaxis(a, axis) a_max = a.max(axis=0) if b is not None: b = np.asarray(b) if axis is None: b = b.ravel() else: b = np.rollaxis(b, axis) out = np.log(np.sum(b * np.exp(a - a_max), axis=0)) else: out = np.log(np.sum(np.exp(a - a_max), axis=0)) out += a_max return out
def ests_ll_quad(self, params): """ Calculate the loglikelihood given model parameters `params`. This method uses Gaussian quadrature, and thus returns an *approximate* integral. """ mu0, gamma0, err0 = np.split(params, 3) x = np.tile(self.z, (self.cfg.QCOUNT, 1, 1)) # (QCOUNTXnhospXnmeas) loc = mu0 + np.outer(QC1, gamma0) loc = np.tile(loc, (self.n, 1, 1)) loc = np.transpose(loc, (1, 0, 2)) scale = np.tile(err0, (self.cfg.QCOUNT, self.n, 1)) zs = lpdf_3d(x=x, loc=loc, scale=scale) w2 = np.tile(self.w, (self.cfg.QCOUNT, 1, 1)) wted = np.nansum(w2 * zs, axis=2).T # (nhosp X QCOUNT) qh = np.tile(QC1, (self.n, 1)) # (nhosp X QCOUNT) combined = wted + norm.logpdf(qh) # (nhosp X QCOUNT) return logsumexp(np.nan_to_num(combined), b=QC2, axis=1) # (nhosp)
def log_softmax(vec): """Robust version of the log of softmax values Args: vec: vector of log-odds Returns: A vector whose exponential sums to one with lgo of softmax values log(exp(x_k)/sum_i (exp(x_i))) Examples: >>> print(log_softmax(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]))) [-1.38629436 -1.38629436 -1.38629436 -1.38629436] >>> print(log_softmax(np.array([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]))) [-1.38629436 -1.38629436 -1.38629436 -1.38629436] >>> print(log_softmax(np.array([1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.1]))) [-0.9587315 -1.9587315 -2.9587315 -0.8587315] """ return vec - logsumexp(vec)
def log_normalize(a, axis=None): """Normalizes the input array so that the exponent of the sum is 1. Parameters ---------- a : array Non-normalized input data. axis : int Dimension along which normalization is performed. Notes ----- Modifies the input **inplace**. """ a_lse = logsumexp(a, axis) a -= a_lse[:, np.newaxis]
def _uwham_obj_grad(self, f_i): """Return the log-likelihood (scalar objective function) and its gradient (wrt the free energies) for a given value of the free energies. Note that this expects one less free energy than there are states, since we always solve under the constraint that f_1 = 0. """ _f_i = hstack((zeros(1), asarray(f_i))) # For numerical stability, use log quantities. logQ_nj = _f_i - self._u_nj_m logNorm_n = logsumexp(logQ_nj, 1, self.PIsdiag[newaxis, :]) W_nj = exp(logQ_nj - logNorm_n[:, newaxis]) # Compute matrix products and sums (equivalent to multiplying by # appropriate vector of ones). Note that using dot() with ndarrays is # _much_ faster than multiplying matrix objects. PIW = self.PIs.dot(W_nj.T) WPI = W_nj.dot(self.PIs) g = PIW.mean(axis=1) # used in gradient and Hessian computation kappa = logNorm_n.mean() - (self.PIsdiag.dot(_f_i)).sum() grad = (g - self.PIsdiag)[1:] self._hess = (diagflat(g) - PIW.dot(WPI) / self.total_samples)[1:, 1:] return kappa, grad
def recursive_line(self, new_line=5246): stir = self.load() J = stir.shape[0] K = stir.shape[1] for x in range(new_line): n = J + x new_l = np.ones((1, K)) * np.inf print(n) for m in range(1,K): if m > n: continue elif m == n: new_l[0, m] = 0 elif m == 1: new_l[0, 1] = logsumexp( [ np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) else: new_l[0, m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) stir = np.vstack((stir, new_l)) #np.save('stirling.npy', stir) #np.load('stirling.npy') return stir
def recursive_row(self, new_row=''): stir = np.load('stirling.npy') J = stir.shape[0] K = stir.shape[1] x = 0 while stir.shape[0] != stir.shape[1]: m = K + x new_c = np.ones((J, 1)) * np.inf stir = np.hstack((stir, new_c)) print(m) for n in range(K,J): if m > n: continue elif m == n: stir[n, m] = 0 else: stir[n,m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) x += 1 #np.save('stirling.npy', stir) #np.load('stirling.npy',) return stir
def _calc_gamma_psi(log_d, alpha, log_beta, gamma, log_psi0): log_psi = log_psi0 count = 0 #print ((np.exp(log_psi1 - log_psi) ** 2).sum()) while count == 0 \ or ((np.exp(log_psi1) - np.exp(log_psi)) ** 2).sum() > 0.001 \ or ((gamma1 - gamma) ** 2).sum() > 0.001: #print ('gamma psi:', count, ((np.exp(log_psi1) - np.exp(log_psi)) ** 2).sum()) log_psi1 = log_psi gamma1 = gamma psi_offset = (digamma(gamma))[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] log_psi = log_beta[np.newaxis, :, :, :] + psi_offset log_psi = log_normalize(log_psi, axis=3) gamma = np.exp(logsumexp(logsumexp(log_d[:, :, :, np.newaxis] + log_psi, axis=1), axis=1)) + alpha[np.newaxis, :] count += 1 #log_psi = np.average([log_psi0, log_psi], axis=0, weights=[0.9, 0.1]) # weak learning return (gamma, log_psi)
def _calc_alpha_beta(log_d, alpha0, log_beta0, gamma, log_psi): log_beta = logsumexp(log_psi + log_d[:, :, :, np.newaxis], axis=0) log_beta = log_normalize(log_beta, axis=1) log_smooth = np.log(10) alpha = alpha0 N = gamma.shape[0] zero = 1e-30 gamma_digamma_sum = digamma(gamma.sum(axis=1))[:, np.newaxis] g_offset = (digamma(gamma) - gamma_digamma_sum).sum(axis=0) / N # using log def next_alpha(alpha): das = digamma(alpha.sum()) g = alpha * N * (das - digamma(alpha) + g_offset) h = alpha * N * (das + g_offset) z = N * das x = (alpha * g / h).sum() w = (alpha ** 2 / h).sum() return np.exp(np.log(alpha) - (g - x * alpha / (1/z + w)) / h) return (alpha, log_beta)
def as_dict(self): """ Returns json encodable dictionary """ haps = [[self._data.alphabets[np.argmax(site_beta)] for site_beta in beta_sites.transpose()] for beta_sites in self.log_beta] hap_probs = [[[np.exp(np.max(site_beta) - logsumexp(site_beta)) for site_beta in beta_sites.transpose()] for beta_sites in self.log_beta]] return { 'nsites': self._data.nsites, 'sample_ids': self._data.sample_ids, 'nhaps': self.nhaps, 'alphabets': list(self._data.alphabets), 'step': self.step, 'log_likelihood': self.ll, 'alpha': list(map(float, self.alpha)), 'log_beta': [[list(map(float, site_beta)) for site_beta in beta_sites.transpose()] for beta_sites in self.log_beta], 'haps': haps, 'hap_probs': hap_probs, 'gamma': list(map(float, vec) for vec in self.gamma), }
def _log_likelihood(X, centers, weights, concentrations): if len(np.shape(X)) != 2: X = X.reshape((1, len(X))) n_examples, n_features = np.shape(X) n_clusters, _ = centers.shape if n_features <= 50: # works up to about 50 before numrically unstable vmf_f = _vmf_log else: vmf_f = _vmf_log_asymptotic f_log = np.zeros((n_clusters, n_examples)) for cc in range(n_clusters): f_log[cc, :] = vmf_f(X, concentrations[cc], centers[cc, :]) posterior = np.zeros((n_clusters, n_examples)) weights_log = np.log(weights) posterior = np.tile(weights_log.T, (n_examples, 1)).T + f_log for ee in range(n_examples): posterior[:, ee] = np.exp( posterior[:, ee] - logsumexp(posterior[:, ee])) return posterior
def _step_E(self, points): """ In this step the algorithm evaluates the responsibilities of each points in each cluster Parameters ---------- points : an array (n_points,dim) Returns ------- log_resp: an array (n_points,n_components) an array containing the logarithm of the responsibilities. log_prob_norm : an array (n_points,) logarithm of the probability of each sample in points """ log_normal_matrix = _log_normal_matrix(points,self.means,self.cov_chol, self.covariance_type,self.n_jobs) log_product = log_normal_matrix + self.log_weights log_prob_norm = logsumexp(log_product,axis=1) log_resp = log_product - log_prob_norm[:,np.newaxis] return log_prob_norm,log_resp
def _step_E(self, points): """ In this step the algorithm evaluates the responsibilities of each points in each cluster Parameters ---------- points : an array (n_points,dim) Returns ------- log_resp: an array (n_points,n_components) an array containing the logarithm of the responsibilities. log_prob_norm : an array (n_points,) logarithm of the probability of each sample in points """ log_normal_matrix = _log_normal_matrix(points,self.means,self.cov,self.covariance_type,self.n_jobs) log_product = log_normal_matrix + self.log_weights[:,np.newaxis].T log_prob_norm = logsumexp(log_product,axis=1) log_resp = log_product - log_prob_norm[:,np.newaxis] return log_prob_norm,log_resp
def partial_eval(self, X, n_samples=5): if n_samples < 1000: res, iwae = self.sess.run( (self.lHat, self.iwae), feed_dict={self.x: X, self.n_samples: n_samples}) res = [iwae] + res else: # special case to handle OOM assert n_samples % 100 == 0, "When using large # of samples, it must be divisble by 100" res = [] for i in xrange(int(n_samples/100)): logF, = self.sess.run( (self.logF,), feed_dict={self.x: X, self.n_samples: 100}) res.append(logsumexp(logF, axis=1)) res = [np.mean(logsumexp(res, axis=0) - np.log(n_samples))] return res # Random samplers
def loglike(nn, sample_preds, y): """Return the Avg. Test Log-Likelihood """ if y.shape[1] == 1: y = y.ravel() sample_ll = np.zeros((sample_preds.shape[1], sample_preds.shape[0])) a, b = np.exp(nn.extra_inf['a1'].get_value()), np.exp(nn.extra_inf['b1'].get_value()) etau, elogtau = (a / b).astype(np.float32), (psi(a) - np.log(b)).astype(np.float32) for sample in xrange(sample_preds.shape[0]): ypred = sample_preds[sample].astype(np.float32) if len(y.shape) > 1: sll = -.5 * np.sum(etau * (y - ypred)**2, axis=1) else: sll = -.5 * etau * (y - ypred)**2 sample_ll[:, sample] = sll return np.mean(logsumexp(sample_ll, axis=1) - np.log(sample_preds.shape[0]) - .5 * np.log(2*np.pi) + .5 * elogtau.sum())
def logprob(self, data): logprobs = np.stack( [server.logprob(data) for server in self._ensemble]) logprobs = logsumexp(logprobs, axis=0) logprobs -= np.log(len(self._ensemble)) assert logprobs.shape == (data.shape[0], ) return logprobs
def nb_exact_test(x_a, x_b, size_factor_a, size_factor_b, mu, phi): """ Compute p-value for a pairwise exact test using the negative binomial. Args: x_a (int) - Total count for a single gene in group A x_b (int) - Total count for a single gene in group B size_factor_a (float) - Sum of size factors for group A size_factor_b (float) - Sum of size factors for group B mu (float) - Common mean count for this gene phi (float) - Common dispersion for this gene Returns: p-value (float); the probability that a random pair of counts under the null hypothesis is more extreme than the observed pair of counts. """ size_factor_a = float(size_factor_a) size_factor_b = float(size_factor_b) mu = float(mu) phi = float(phi) if (x_a + x_b) == 0: return 1.0 if phi == 0: return 1.0 if size_factor_a == 0 or size_factor_b == 0: return 1.0 all_x_a = np.arange(0, 1+x_a+x_b, 1) all_x_b = np.arange(x_a+x_b, -1, -1) def log_prob(x, size_factor): return neg_bin_log_pmf(x, size_factor*mu, phi/size_factor) log_p_obs = log_prob(x_a, size_factor_a) + log_prob(x_b, size_factor_b) log_p_all = log_prob(all_x_a, size_factor_a) + log_prob(all_x_b, size_factor_b) more_extreme = log_p_all <= log_p_obs if np.sum(more_extreme) == 0: return 0.0 return np.exp(logsumexp(log_p_all[log_p_all <= log_p_obs]) - logsumexp(log_p_all))
def flat_prior(self, state): """ Evaluate log-probability of each primitive in the population. Return value is properly normalized. """ raw_phylogeny_weights = self.rule_population.flat_variable_weights phylogeny_weights = scipy.stats.norm.logpdf( np.log(raw_phylogeny_weights), loc = state.phylogeny_mean, scale = state.phylogeny_std ) total_duration = float(self.data.experiment_end - self.data.experiment_start) durations = (self.rule_population.flat_durations / ((1.0+self.window_duration_epsilon)*total_duration) ) window_a = ( state.window_concentration * state.window_typical_fraction ) window_b = ( state.window_concentration * (1.0-state.window_typical_fraction) ) window_weights = scipy.stats.beta.logpdf( durations, window_a, window_b ) weights = phylogeny_weights + window_weights normalization = logsumexp(weights) return weights - normalization
def flat_prior(self, state): """ Evaluate log-probability of each primitive in the population. Return value is properly normalized. This subclass ignores phylogenetic weights. """ total_duration = float(self.data.experiment_end - self.data.experiment_start) durations = (self.rule_population.flat_durations / ((1.0+self.window_duration_epsilon)*total_duration) ) window_a = ( state.window_concentration * state.window_typical_fraction ) window_b = ( state.window_concentration * (1.0-state.window_typical_fraction) ) window_weights = scipy.stats.beta.logpdf( durations, window_a, window_b ) weights = window_weights normalization = logsumexp(weights) return weights - normalization
def _utils_to_pvals(self, utils): return np.exp(utils - logsumexp(self.noise * utils))
def reward_from_reward_rnn_scores(self, action, reward_scores): """Rewards based on probabilities learned from data by trained RNN. Computes the reward_network's learned softmax probabilities. When used as rewards, allows the model to maintain information it learned from data. Args: action: A one-hot encoding of the chosen action. reward_scores: The value for each note output by the reward_rnn. Returns: Float reward value. """ action_note = np.argmax(action) normalization_constant = logsumexp(reward_scores) return reward_scores[action_note] - normalization_constant
def bound(self, corpus, gamma=None, subsample_ratio=1.0): """ Estimate the variational bound of documents from `corpus`: E_q[log p(corpus)] - E_q[log q(corpus)] `gamma` are the variational parameters on topic weights for each `corpus` document (=2d matrix=what comes out of `inference()`). If not supplied, will be inferred from the model. """ score = 0.0 _lambda = self.state.get_lambda() Elogbeta = dirichlet_expectation(_lambda) for d, doc in enumerate(corpus): # stream the input doc-by-doc, in case it's too large to fit in RAM if d % self.chunksize == 0: logger.debug("bound: at document #%i" % d) if gamma is None: gammad, _ = self.inference([doc]) else: gammad = gamma[d] Elogthetad = dirichlet_expectation(gammad) # E[log p(doc | theta, beta)] score += numpy.sum(cnt * logsumexp(Elogthetad + Elogbeta[:, id]) for id, cnt in doc) # E[log p(theta | alpha) - log q(theta | gamma)]; assumes alpha is a vector score += numpy.sum((self.alpha - gammad) * Elogthetad) score += numpy.sum(gammaln(gammad) - gammaln(self.alpha)) score += gammaln(numpy.sum(self.alpha)) - gammaln(numpy.sum(gammad)) # compensate likelihood for when `corpus` above is only a sample of the whole corpus score *= subsample_ratio # E[log p(beta | eta) - log q (beta | lambda)]; assumes eta is a scalar score += numpy.sum((self.eta - _lambda) * Elogbeta) score += numpy.sum(gammaln(_lambda) - gammaln(self.eta)) score += numpy.sum(gammaln(self.eta * self.num_terms) - gammaln(numpy.sum(_lambda, 1))) return score
def test_log_sum_exp(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True) as sess: a = np.array([[[1., 3., 0.2], [0.7, 2., 1e-6]], [[0., 1e6, 1.], [1., 1., 1.]]]) for keepdims in [True, False]: true_values = misc.logsumexp(a, (0, 2), keepdims=keepdims) test_values = sess.run(log_sum_exp( tf.constant(a), (0, 2), keepdims)) self.assertAllClose(test_values, true_values)
def test_log_mean_exp(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True) as sess: a = np.array([[[1., 3., 0.2], [0.7, 2., 1e-6]], [[0., 1e6, 1.], [1., 1., 1.]]]) for keepdims in [True, False]: true_values = misc.logsumexp(a, (0, 2), keepdims=keepdims) - \ np.log(a.shape[0] * a.shape[2]) test_values = sess.run(log_mean_exp( tf.constant(a), (0, 2), keepdims)) self.assertAllClose(test_values, true_values) b = np.array([[0., 1e-6, 10.1]]) test_values = sess.run(log_mean_exp(b, 0, keep_dims=False)) self.assertTrue(np.abs(test_values - b).max() < 1e-6)
def test_value(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True): def _test_value(logits, given): logits = np.array(logits, np.float32) normalized_logits = logits - misc.logsumexp( logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True) given = np.array(given, np.int32) cat = Categorical(logits) log_p = cat.log_prob(given) def _one_hot(x, depth): n_elements = x.size ret = np.zeros((n_elements, depth)) ret[np.arange(n_elements), x.flat] = 1 return ret.reshape(list(x.shape) + [depth]) target_log_p = np.sum(_one_hot( given, logits.shape[-1]) * normalized_logits, -1) self.assertAllClose(log_p.eval(), target_log_p) p = cat.prob(given) target_p = np.sum(_one_hot( given, logits.shape[-1]) * np.exp(normalized_logits), -1) self.assertAllClose(p.eval(), target_p) _test_value([0.], [0, 0, 0]) _test_value([-50., -10., -50.], [0, 1, 2, 1]) _test_value([0., 4.], [[0, 1], [0, 1]]) _test_value([[2., 3., 1.], [5., 7., 4.]], np.ones([3, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32))
def test_value(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=True): def _test_value(logits, given): logits = np.array(logits, np.float32) normalized_logits = logits - misc.logsumexp( logits, axis=-1, keepdims=True) given = np.array(given, np.int32) cat = OnehotCategorical(logits) log_p = cat.log_prob(tf.one_hot(given, logits.shape[-1], dtype=tf.int32)) def _one_hot(x, depth): n_elements = x.size ret = np.zeros((n_elements, depth)) ret[np.arange(n_elements), x.flat] = 1 return ret.reshape(list(x.shape) + [depth]) target_log_p = np.sum(_one_hot( given, logits.shape[-1]) * normalized_logits, -1) self.assertAllClose(log_p.eval(), target_log_p) p = cat.prob(tf.one_hot(given, logits.shape[-1], dtype=tf.int32)) target_p = np.sum(_one_hot( given, logits.shape[-1]) * np.exp(normalized_logits), -1) self.assertAllClose(p.eval(), target_p) _test_value([0.], [0, 0, 0]) _test_value([-50., -10., -50.], [0, 1, 2, 1]) _test_value([0., 4.], [[0, 1], [0, 1]]) _test_value([[2., 3., 1.], [5., 7., 4.]], np.ones([3, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32))
def compute_error(y, m, v, lik, median=False, no_samples=50): if lik == 'gauss': y = y.reshape((y.shape[0],)) if median: rmse = np.sqrt(np.median((y - m)**2)) else: rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((y - m)**2)) return rmse elif lik == 'cdf': K = no_samples fs = draw_randn_samples(K, m, v).T log_factor = stats.norm.logcdf(np.tile(y.reshape((y.shape[0], 1)), (1, K)) * fs) ll = logsumexp(log_factor - np.log(K), 1) return 1 - np.mean(ll > np.log(0.5))
def log_shannon_entropy(log_p): """Calculates shannon entropy in bits. Parameters ---------- p : np.array array of probabilities Returns ------- shannon entropy in bits """ out = -logsumexp(log_p + np.log(log_p)) return out
def __init__(self, values, log_weights=None): self.length = len(values) if log_weights is None: log_weights = np.full(len(values), -math.log(len(values))) # assume uniform else: log_weights = np.array(log_weights) weights = np.exp(log_weights - logsumexp(log_weights)) self.distribution = collections.defaultdict(float) for i in range(self.length): self.distribution[values[i]] += weights[i] self.distribution = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.distribution.items())) self.values = np.array(list(self.distribution.keys())) self.weights = np.array(list(self.distribution.values()))
def predict_proba(self, docs): scores = np.hstack(cur_model.score(docs).reshape(-1, 1) for cur_model in self.models) if self.class_priors: scores += self.class_scores return np.exp(scores - logsumexp(scores, axis=1, keepdims=True))
def _compute_log_likelihood(self, X): n_samples, _ = X.shape res = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_components)) for i in range(self.n_components): log_denses = self._compute_log_weighted_gaussian_densities(X, i) res[:, i] = logsumexp(log_denses, axis=1) return res
def _do_forward_pass(self, framelogprob): n_samples, n_components = framelogprob.shape fwdlattice = np.zeros((n_samples, n_components)) _hmmc._forward(n_samples, n_components, log_mask_zero(self.startprob_), log_mask_zero(self.transmat_), framelogprob, fwdlattice) return logsumexp(fwdlattice[-1]), fwdlattice
def _W_nj(self): """The sample sorted sample weights in all states. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY! """ m = self.nstates_sampled logQ_nj = self._f[newaxis, :] - self._u_nj logNorm_n = logsumexp(logQ_nj[:, :m], 1, self.PIsdiag[newaxis, :]) _W_nj = exp(logQ_nj - logNorm_n[:, newaxis]) return _W_nj
def compute_unsampled_weights(self, u_jn): """Compute the sample weights for unsampled states. This requires the observed reduced potential energies on the complete sample set. NB Use of this function can be obviated by simply including the unsampled states in the initial calculation. Arguments --------- u_jn : array-like 2d array-like of reduced potential energies. The dimensions must be L x N, where L is the number of states to compute free energies for and N is the total sample size. Returns ------- W_nj_k : ndarray Sample weights for the N samples in each of L states """ u_nj_k = asarray(u_jn).T # NB ESTIMATING ERRORS HERE WILL CAUSE AN INFINITE LOOP! f_k, varf_k = self.compute_unsampled_free_energies(u_jn, False) logQ_nj_k = f_k[newaxis, :] - u_nj_k m = self.nstates_sampled logQ_nj = self._f[newaxis, :] - self._u_nj logNorm_n = logsumexp(logQ_nj[:, :m], 1, self.PIsdiag[newaxis, :]) return exp(logQ_nj_k - logNorm_n[:, newaxis])
def gibbs_update_mask(self, i_iter): mask_old = copy.deepcopy(self.mask) assert self.common_component.K==1, "common component can only have one cluster component" for i_dim in range(self.D): mask_new = copy.deepcopy(self.mask) # Compute log probability of `mask[i]` log_prob_mask = np.zeros(2, np.float) mask_new[i_dim] = 0 log_prob_mask[0] = self.log_marg_mask(mask_new) mask_new[i_dim] = 1 log_prob_mask[1] = self.log_marg_mask(mask_new) prob_mask = np.exp(log_prob_mask - logsumexp(log_prob_mask)) # Sample the new component assignment for `mask[i]` k = utils.draw(prob_mask) self.mask[i_dim] = k self.p_bern = np.random.beta(self.bern_prior.a + np.sum(self.mask), self.bern_prior.b + self.D - np.sum(self.mask), 1)[0] self.make_robust_p_bern() if i_iter % 20 == 0: logging.info('p_bern_new: {}'.format(self.p_bern)) logging.info('mask old: {}'.format(mask_old)) logging.info('mask new: {}'.format(self.mask))
def logpdf(self, rowid, targets, constraints=None, inputs=None): assert targets.keys() == self.outputs assert inputs.keys() == self.inputs assert not constraints x = inputs[self.inputs[0]] y = targets[self.outputs[0]] return logsumexp([ np.log(.5)+self.uniform.logpdf(y-x**2), np.log(.5)+self.uniform.logpdf(-y-x**2) ])
def _geq(self, X): numerator = self._log_proba(X) denominator = logsumexp(numerator, axis=1) denominator = denominator.reshape(len(denominator), 1) return numerator - denominator
def _less(self, X): numerator = self._log_proba(X) + np.log(len(self.classes_) - 1) denominator = logsumexp(numerator, axis=1) denominator = denominator.reshape(len(denominator), 1) return (numerator - denominator) + np.exp(-1) + np.exp(1)
def outActivate(aValue, logScale=False): """ out activate function: softmax; same dimension as aValue """ if logScale: return aValue - misc.logsumexp(aValue) else: return np.exp(aValue) / np.sum(np.exp(aValue), axis=0) ## node a: pre-activation
def calc_prob_same_diff(self, data_pairs, return_log=True, norm_probs=True, return_prob='same'): assert data_pairs.shape[-2] == 2 assert isinstance(return_log, bool) assert return_prob == 'same' or return_prob == 'diff' log_ps_diff = self.calc_probs_diff(data_pairs) log_ps_same = self.calc_probs_same(data_pairs) assert log_ps_diff.shape[-2] == log_ps_diff.shape[-1] assert log_ps_diff.shape[-1] == log_ps_same.shape[-1] log_prob_diff = logsumexp(log_ps_diff, axis=(-1, -2)) log_prob_same = logsumexp(log_ps_same, axis=-1) + np.log(6) # Since there are 42 "different probabilities" and 7 "same". # Multiplying by six makes the prior 50/50 on the same/diff task. if return_prob == 'same': log_probs = log_prob_same else: log_probs = log_prob_diff if norm_probs is True: norms = logsumexp([log_prob_diff, log_prob_same], axis=0) log_probs = log_probs - norms if return_log is True: return log_probs else: return np.exp(log_probs)
def held_out_log_predicitive(clustering, dist, partition_prior, test_data, train_data, per_point=False): clustering = relabel_clustering(clustering) block_params = [] log_cluster_prior = [] block_ids = sorted(np.unique(clustering)) for z in block_ids: params = dist.create_params_from_data(train_data[clustering == z]) block_params.append(params) log_cluster_prior.append(partition_prior.log_tau_2_diff(params.N)) num_blocks = len(block_ids) block_params.append(dist.create_params()) log_cluster_prior.append(partition_prior.log_tau_1_diff(num_blocks)) log_cluster_prior = np.array(log_cluster_prior) log_cluster_prior = log_normalize(log_cluster_prior) log_p = np.zeros((test_data.shape[0], len(log_cluster_prior))) for z, (w, params) in enumerate(zip(log_cluster_prior, block_params)): log_p[:, z] = w + dist.log_predictive_likelihood_bulk(test_data, params) if per_point: return log_sum_exp(log_p, axis=1) else: return np.sum(log_sum_exp(log_p, axis=1))
def _get_eos_prob(self): """Get loglikelihood according cur_p, cur_r, and n_consumed """ eos_point_prob = self._get_eos_point_prob(max( 1, self.n_consumed - self.offset)) if self.use_point_probs: return eos_point_prob - self.max_eos_prob if not self.prev_eos_probs: self.prev_eos_probs.append(eos_point_prob) return eos_point_prob # bypass utils.log_sum because we always want to use logsumexp here prev_sum = logsumexp(np.asarray([p for p in self.prev_eos_probs])) self.prev_eos_probs.append(eos_point_prob) # Desired prob is eos_point_prob / (1-last_eos_probs_sum) return eos_point_prob - np.log(1.0-np.exp(prev_sum))
def predict_next(self): """Looks up ngram scores via self.scores. """ cur_hist_length = len(self.history) this_scores = [[] for _ in xrange(cur_hist_length+1)] this_unk_scores = [[] for _ in xrange(cur_hist_length+1)] for pos in xrange(len(self.scores)): this_scores[0].append(self.scores[pos]) this_unk_scores[0].append(self.unk_scores[pos]) acc = 0.0 for order, word in enumerate(self.history): if pos + order + 1 >= len(self.scores): break acc += utils.common_get( self.scores[pos + order], word, self.unk_scores[pos + order]) this_scores[order+1].append(acc + self.scores[pos + order + 1]) this_unk_scores[order+1].append( acc + self.unk_scores[pos + order + 1]) combined_scores = [] combined_unk_scores = [] for order, (scores, unk_scores) in enumerate(zip(this_scores, this_unk_scores)): if scores and order + 1 >= self.min_order: score_matrix = np.vstack(scores) combined_scores.append(logsumexp(score_matrix, axis=0)) combined_unk_scores.append(utils.log_sum(unk_scores)) if not combined_scores: self.cur_unk_score = 0.0 return {} self.cur_unk_score = sum(combined_unk_scores) return sum(combined_scores)
def log_sum_log_semiring(vals): """Uses the ``logsumexp`` function in scipy to calculate the log of the sum of a set of log values. Args: vals (set): List or set of numerical values """ return logsumexp(numpy.asarray([val for val in vals])) #log_sum = log_sum_log_semiring
def log_normalize(log_vec, axis=0): axes = [slice(None)] * len(log_vec.shape) axes[axis] = np.newaxis return log_vec - logsumexp(log_vec, axis=axis)[axes]
def cat_error(preds, targets, num_outputs): # NOTE: preds matri gives log likelihood of result, not likelihood probability # raise to exponential to get correct value # Use Brier score for error estimate preds = preds - logsumexp(preds, axis=1, keepdims=True) pred_probs = np.exp(preds) return np.mean(np.linalg.norm(pred_probs - targets, axis=1))