def predict(self, new_df): """ Use the estimated model to make predictions. \ New levels of grouping factors are given fixed effects, with zero random effects Args: new_df (DataFrame): data to make predictions on Returns: n x J matrix, where n is the number of rows \ of new_df and J is the number \ of possible response values. The (i, j) entry of \ this matrix is the probability that observation i \ realizes response level j. """ eta = super(CumulativeLogisticRegression, self).predict(new_df) intercepts = self.effects['intercepts'] J = self.J preds = np.zeros((len(eta), J)) preds[:, 0] = expit(intercepts[0] + eta) preds[:, J - 1] = 1.0 - expit(intercepts[J - 2] + eta) for j in range(1, J - 1): preds[:, j] = expit(intercepts[j] + eta) - \ expit(intercepts[j - 1] + eta) return preds
def _mu(distr, z, eta): """The non-linearity (inverse link).""" if distr in ['softplus', 'gamma']: mu = np.log1p(np.exp(z)) elif distr == 'poisson': mu = z.copy() intercept = (1 - eta) * np.exp(eta) mu[z > eta] = z[z > eta] * np.exp(eta) + intercept mu[z <= eta] = np.exp(z[z <= eta]) elif distr == 'gaussian': mu = z elif distr == 'binomial': mu = expit(z) elif distr == 'probit': mu = norm.cdf(z) return mu
def logistic_regression_cost_gradient(parameters, input, output): """ Cost and gradient for logistic regression :param parameters: weight vector :param input: feature vector :param output: binary label (0 or 1) :return: cost and gradient for the input and output """ prediction = expit(np.dot(input, parameters)) if output: inside_log = prediction else: inside_log = 1.0 - prediction if inside_log != 0.0: cost = -np.log(inside_log) else: cost = np.finfo(float).min gradient = (prediction - output) * input return cost, gradient
def assertLogisticRegression(self, sampler): data_size = 3 input_size = 5 inputs = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, size=(data_size, input_size)) outputs = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=data_size) initial_parameters = np.random.normal(scale=1e-5, size=input_size) # Create cost and gradient function for gradient descent and check its gradient cost_gradient = bind_cost_gradient(logistic_regression_cost_gradient, inputs, outputs, sampler=sampler) result = gradient_check(cost_gradient, initial_parameters) self.assertEqual([], result) # Train logistic regression and see if it predicts correct labels final_parameters, cost_history = gradient_descent(cost_gradient, initial_parameters, 100) predictions = expit(np.dot(inputs, final_parameters)) > 0.5 # Binary classification of 3 data points with 5 dimension is always linearly separable for output, prediction in zip(outputs, predictions): self.assertEqual(output, prediction)
def get_probmap(model, sess): """{uid -> {pid -> prob}}""" # Start a fresh pass through the validation data sess.run(model.dataset.new_epoch_op()) pmap = defaultdict(dict) i = 0 nseqs = 0 to_fetch = [model.lastorder_logits, model.dataset['uid'], model.dataset['pid']] while 1: try: final_logits, uids, pids = sess.run(to_fetch) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break batch_size = len(uids) nseqs += batch_size final_probs = expit(final_logits) for uid, pid, prob in zip(uids, pids, final_probs): pmap[uid][pid] = prob i += 1 tf.logging.info("Computed probabilities for {} users over {} sequences in {} batches".format( len(pmap), nseqs, i )) return pmap
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--tag', default='pairs') parser.add_argument('--fold', default='test') args = parser.parse_args() #metavec = load_metavectors(args.fold) clf = train.load_model(args.tag) X, y = vectorize.load_fold(args.fold, args.tag) if hasattr(clf, 'predict_proba'): probs = clf.predict_proba(X) # returns an array of shape (n, 2), where each len-2 subarray # has the probability of the negative and positive classes. which is silly. probs = probs[:,1] else: scores = clf.decision_function(X) probs = expit(scores) pdict = pdictify(probs, args.fold) common.save_pdict_for_tag(args.tag, pdict, args.fold)
def logistic(x, prime=0): if prime == 0: ##v = np.empty_like(x) ##mask = x < 0.0 ##zl = np.exp(x[mask]) ##zl = 1.0 / (1.0 + zl) ##v[mask] = zl ##zh = np.exp(-x[~mask]) ##zh = zh / (1.0 + zh) ##v[~mask] = zh v = sps.expit(x) return v elif prime == 1: return logistic(x) * (1.0 - logistic(x)) else: raise NotImplementedError('%d order derivative not implemented.' % int(prime))
def train_cbow_pair_softmax(model, target, input_word_indices, l1, alpha, learn_vectors=True, learn_hidden=True): neu1e = zeros(l1.shape) target_vect = zeros(model.syn1neg.shape[0]) target_vect[target.index] = 1. l2 = copy(model.syn1neg) fa = expit(dot(l1, l2.T)) # propagate hidden -> output ga = (target_vect - fa) * alpha # vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate if learn_hidden: model.syn1neg += outer(ga, l1) # learn hidden -> output neu1e += dot(ga, l2) # save error if learn_vectors: # learn input -> hidden, here for all words in the window separately if not model.cbow_mean and input_word_indices: neu1e /= len(input_word_indices) for i in input_word_indices: model.wv.syn0[i] += neu1e * model.syn0_lockf[i] return neu1e
def score_cbow_labeled_pair(model, targets, l1): if model.hs: prob = [] # FIXME this cycle should be executed internally in numpy for target in targets: l2a = model.syn1[target.point] sgn = (-1.0) ** target.code # ch function, 0-> 1, 1 -> -1 prob.append(prod(expit(sgn * dot(l1, l2a.T)))) # Softmax else: def exp_dot(x): return exp(dot(l1, x.T)) prob_num = exp_dot(model.syn1neg[[t.index for t in targets]]) prob_den = np_sum(apply_along_axis(exp_dot, 1, model.syn1neg)) prob = prob_num / prob_den return prob
def temp_log_loss(w, X, Y, alpha): n_classes = Y.shape[1] w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1) intercept = w[:, -1] w = w[:, :-1] z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) + intercept denom = expit(z) #print denom #print denom.sum() denom = denom.sum(axis=1).reshape((denom.shape[0], -1)) #print denom p = log_logistic(z) loss = - (Y * p).sum() loss += np.log(denom).sum() loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w) return loss
def logistic_regression(x, t, w, eps=1e-2, max_iter=int(1e3)): N = x.shape[1] Phi = np.vstack([np.ones(N), phi(x)]).T for k in range(max_iter): y = expit(Phi.dot(w)) R = np.diag(np.ones(N) * (y * (1 - y))) H = Phi.T.dot(R).dot(Phi) g = Phi.T.dot(y - t) w_new = w - linalg.solve(H, g) diff = linalg.norm(w_new - w) / linalg.norm(w) if (diff < eps): break w = w_new print('{0:5d} {1:10.6f}'.format(k, diff)) return w
def transform(self, y): yexpit = expit(self.scale * y) return yexpit
def make_image_data(): """Make some simple data.""" N = 100 M = 3 # N 28x28 RGB float images x = expit(RAND.randn(N, 28, 28, 3)).astype(np.float32) w = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 28*28*3) Y = np.dot(x.reshape(-1, 28*28*3), w) + RAND.randn(N, 1) X = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x, 0), [M, 1, 1, 1, 1]) return x, Y, X
def predict(self, new_df): """ Use estimated coefficients to make predictions on new data Args: new_df (DataFrame). DataFrame to make predictions on. Returns: array-like. Predictions on the response scale, i.e. probabilities """ return expit(super(LogisticRegression, self).predict(new_df))
def l2_clogistic_llh(X, Y, alpha, beta, penalty_matrix, offset): """ Penalized log likelihood function for proportional odds cumulative logit model Args: X : array_like. design matrix Y : array_like. response matrix alpha : array_like. intercepts.\ must have shape == one less than the number of columns of `Y` beta : array_like. parameters.\ must have shape == number of columns of X penalty_matrix : array_like. Regularization matrix offset : array_like, optional. Defaults to 0 Returns: scalar : penalized loglikelihood """ offset = 0.0 if offset is None else offset obj = 0.0 J = Y.shape[1] Xb = dot(X, beta) + offset for j in range(J): if j == 0: obj += dot(np.log(expit(alpha[j] + Xb)), Y[:, j]) elif j == J - 1: obj += dot(np.log(1 - expit(alpha[j - 1] + Xb)), Y[:, j]) else: obj += dot(np.log(expit(alpha[j] + Xb) - expit(alpha[j - 1] + Xb)), Y[:, j]) obj -= 0.5 * dot(beta, dot(penalty_matrix, beta)) return -np.inf if np.isnan(obj) else obj
def _l2_clogistic_gradient_IL(X, alpha, beta, offset=None, **kwargs): """ Helper function for calculating the cumulative logistic gradient. \ The inverse logit of alpha[j + X*beta] is \ ubiquitous in gradient and Hessian calculations \ so it's more efficient to calculate it once and \ pass it around as a parameter than to recompute it every time Args: X : array_like. design matrix alpha : array_like. intercepts. must have shape == one less than the number of columns of `Y` beta : array_like. parameters. must have shape == number of columns of X offset : array_like, optional. Defaults to 0 n : int, optional.\ You must specify the number of rows if there are no main effects Returns: array_like. n x J-1 matrix where entry i,j is the inverse logit of (alpha[j] + X[i, :] * beta) """ J = len(alpha) + 1 if X is None: n = kwargs.get("n") else: n = X.shape[0] if X is None or beta is None: Xb = 0. else: Xb = dot(X, beta) + (0 if offset is None else offset) IL = np.zeros((n, J - 1)) for j in range(J - 1): IL[:, j] = expit(alpha[j] + Xb) return IL
def _grad_mu(distr, z, eta): """Derivative of the non-linearity.""" if distr in ['softplus', 'gamma']: grad_mu = expit(z) elif distr == 'poisson': grad_mu = z.copy() grad_mu[z > eta] = np.ones_like(z)[z > eta] * np.exp(eta) grad_mu[z <= eta] = np.exp(z[z <= eta]) elif distr == 'gaussian': grad_mu = np.ones_like(z) elif distr == 'binomial': grad_mu = expit(z) * (1 - expit(z)) elif distr in 'probit': grad_mu = norm.pdf(z) return grad_mu
def neural_network_cost_gradient(parameters, input, output): """ 3-layer network cost and gradient function :param parameters: pair of (W1, W2) :param input: input vector :param output: index to correct label :return: cross entropy cost and gradient """ W1, W2 = parameters input = input.reshape(-1, 1) hidden_layer = expit(W1.dot(input)) inside_softmax = W2.dot(hidden_layer) # TODO: allow softmax to normalize column vector prediction = softmax(inside_softmax.reshape(-1)).reshape(-1, 1) cost = -np.sum(np.log(prediction[output])) one_hot = np.zeros_like(prediction) one_hot[output] = 1 delta = prediction - one_hot gradient_W2 = delta.dot(hidden_layer.T) gradient_W1 = sigmoid_gradient(hidden_layer) * W2.T.dot(delta).dot(input.T) gradient = [gradient_W1, gradient_W2] return cost, gradient
def test_sigmoid(self): x = np.array([[1, 2], [-1, -2]]) f = expit(x) g = sigmoid_gradient(f) expected = np.array([[0.73105858, 0.88079708], [0.26894142, 0.11920292]]) self.assertNumpyEqual(expected, f) expected = np.array([[0.19661193, 0.10499359], [0.19661193, 0.10499359]]) self.assertNumpyEqual(expected, g)
def test_logistic_regression(self): input = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, size=10) output = np.random.randint(0, 2) def logistic_regression_wrapper(parameters): return logistic_regression_cost_gradient(parameters, input, output) initial_parameters = np.random.normal(scale=1e-5, size=10) result = gradient_check(logistic_regression_wrapper, initial_parameters) self.assertEqual([], result) # Train logistic regression and see if it predicts correct label final_parameters, cost_history = gradient_descent(logistic_regression_wrapper, initial_parameters, 100) prediction = expit(np.dot(input, final_parameters)) > 0.5 self.assertEqual(output, prediction)
def test_gradient_check_sigmoid(self): def sigmoid_check(x): return expit(x), sigmoid_gradient(expit(x)) x = np.array(0.0) result = gradient_check(sigmoid_check, x) self.assertEqual([], result)
def b_and_a(feat, val): before, after = alt(feat, val) print 'Setting {} to {}'.format(feat, val) delta = after - before print 'Logits: {:.2f} -> {:.2f} ({}{:.2f})'.format(before, after, ('+' if delta >= 0 else ''), delta ) print 'Prob: {:.3f} -> {:.3f}'.format(expit(before), expit(after))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('tags', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--dest-tag', default='stacked', help='Tag for generated pdict (default: "stacked")') parser.add_argument('--fold', default='test') args = parser.parse_args() metavec = load_metavectors(args.fold) #clf = train.load_model() clf = joblib.load('model.pkl') with time_me('Vectorized fold {}'.format(args.fold)): # TODO: this fn is not a thing? X, y = train.vectorize_fold(args.fold, args.tags, metavec) if hasattr(clf, 'predict_proba'): probs = clf.predict_proba(X) # returns an array of shape (n, 2), where each len-2 subarray # has the probability of the negative and positive classes. which is silly. probs = probs[:,1] else: scores = clf.decision_function(X) probs = expit(scores) pdict = pdictify(probs, metavec) common.save_pdict_for_tag(args.dest_tag, pdict, args.fold)
def delta(u, v): """ cosine ° sigmoid >>> delta([0.2], [0.3]) 0.5 >>> delta([0.3], [0.2]) 0.5 >>> delta([0.1,0.9], [-0.9,0.1]) == delta([-0.9,0.1], [0.1,0.9]) True """ # TODO scale with a and c return expit(cosine(u, v))
def delta(X, Y, n_jobs=-1, a=1, c=0): """Pairwise delta function: cosine and sigmoid :X: TODO :returns: TODO """ D = pairwise_distances(X, Y, metric="cosine", n_jobs=n_jobs) if c != 0: D -= c if a != 1: D *= a D = expit(D) return D
def hypothesisFunc(theta, x): hx = expit(np.dot(x, theta)); return hx;
def logistic(X): return logistic_sigmoid(X, out=X)
def _activate(self, X, layer): if self.activationFuns[layer]=='log': return expit(X) elif self.activationFuns[layer]=='tan': return 2 / (1 + np.exp(-2*X)) - 1 else: return X
def H(initTheta,X): # X1 = FeatureScaling(X) hypothesis = expit(np.dot(X,initTheta)) return hypothesis
def logistic_loss(w, X, Y, alpha): """ Implementation of the logistic loss function when Y is a probability distribution. loss = -SUM_i SUM_k y_ik * log(P[yi == k]) + alpha * ||w||^2 """ n_classes = Y.shape[1] n_features = X.shape[1] intercept = 0 if n_classes > 2: fit_intercept = w.size == (n_classes * (n_features + 1)) w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1) if fit_intercept: intercept = w[:, -1] w = w[:, :-1] else: fit_intercept = w.size == (n_features + 1) if fit_intercept: intercept = w[-1] w = w[:-1] z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) + intercept if n_classes == 2: # in the binary case, simply compute the logistic function p = np.vstack([log_logistic(-z), log_logistic(z)]).T else: # compute the logistic function for each class and normalize denom = expit(z) denom = denom.sum(axis=1).reshape((denom.shape[0], -1)) p = log_logistic(z) loss = - (Y * p).sum() loss += np.log(denom).sum() # Y.sum() = 1 loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w) return loss loss = - (Y * p).sum() + 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w) return loss
def logistic_grad_bin(w, X, Y, alpha): """ Implementation of the logistic loss gradient when Y is a binary probability distribution. """ grad = np.empty_like(w) n_classes = Y.shape[1] n_features = X.shape[1] fit_intercept = w.size == (n_features + 1) if fit_intercept: intercept = w[-1] w = w[:-1] else: intercept = 0 z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) + intercept _, n_features = X.shape z0 = - (Y[:, 1] + (expit(-z) - 1)) grad[:n_features] = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, z0) + alpha * w if fit_intercept: grad[-1] = z0.sum() return grad.flatten()
def predict(self, x): _x = np.ones((x.shape[0], x.shape[1] + 1)) _x[:, : - 1] = x score = expit(np.inner(self.w, _x)) signs = np.sign(score - .5) return [0 if x == -1 else 1 for x in signs]
def activation(x): #return expit(x) ##return 1.7159 * math.tanh(2/3*x) #print(x) return np.tanh(x)#list(map(math.tanh, x)) #return np.multiply(x > 0, x)
def dactivation(x): #v = expit(x) #return v*(1-v) #return 1 - math.tanh(x)**2 return 1 - np.tanh(x)**2#list(map(lambda y: 1 - math.tanh(y)**2, x)) #return np.float64(x > 0)
def train_cbow_pair(model, word, input_word_indices, l1, alpha, learn_vectors=True, learn_hidden=True): neu1e = zeros(l1.shape) if model.hs: l2a = model.syn1[word.point] # 2d matrix, codelen x layer1_size fa = expit(dot(l1, l2a.T)) # propagate hidden -> output ga = (1. - word.code - fa) * alpha # vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate if learn_hidden: model.syn1[word.point] += outer(ga, l1) # learn hidden -> output neu1e += dot(ga, l2a) # save error if model.negative: # use this word (label = 1) + `negative` other random words not from this sentence (label = 0) word_indices = [word.index] while len(word_indices) < model.negative + 1: w = model.cum_table.searchsorted(model.random.randint(model.cum_table[-1])) if w != word.index: word_indices.append(w) l2b = model.syn1neg[word_indices] # 2d matrix, k+1 x layer1_size fb = expit(dot(l1, l2b.T)) # propagate hidden -> output gb = (model.neg_labels - fb) * alpha # vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate if learn_hidden: model.syn1neg[word_indices] += outer(gb, l1) # learn hidden -> output neu1e += dot(gb, l2b) # save error if learn_vectors: # learn input -> hidden, here for all words in the window separately if not model.cbow_mean and input_word_indices: neu1e /= len(input_word_indices) for i in input_word_indices: model.wv.syn0[i] += neu1e * model.syn0_lockf[i] return neu1e
def predict_x_mean(self, noisy_data_x, noise_prob=0): """ Calculate the predicted mean given input data_x. :param data_x: binary input with dimension (dim_input, 1) """ ## hidden layer h = expit(self.bias_hidden + self.W.dot(noisy_data_x)) ## predicted x x_mean = expit(self.bias_input + self.W.transpose().dot(h)) return (h, x_mean)
def activate(aValue): """ activate function: sigmoid g(a) = 1/(1+exp(-a)); same dimension as aValue """ return special.expit(aValue)
def energy_gradient(self, x): """ Calculate the (estimated) gradient of energy E(h, x) at given x, with respect to W, bias_input, bias_hidden at current values. :param x: input vector with shape (dim_input, 1) """ h_mean = expit(self.bias_hidden + self.W.dot(x)) grad_W = -h_mean.dot(x.transpose()) grad_bias_input = -x grad_bias_hidden = -h_mean return (grad_W, grad_bias_input, grad_bias_hidden)
def gibbs_sample_h(self, x): """ Sample a new h from p(h|x) using current parameters. :param x: shape (dim_input, 1) :return: shape (dim_hidden, 1) """ h_mean = expit(self.bias_hidden + self.W.dot(x)) return self.bernoulli(h_mean)
def gibbs_sample_x(self, h): """ Sample a new x from p(x|h) using current parameters. :param h: shape (dim_hidden, 1) :return: shape (dim_input, 1) """ x_mean = expit(self.bias_input + self.W.transpose().dot(h)) return self.bernoulli(x_mean)
def computeWeight(rawData,numEvents): # to avoid the case that a term never occurs in a document, we add 1 to the cnt numLines,numEvents=rawData.shape weightedData=np.zeros((numLines,numEvents),float) for j in range(numEvents): cnt = np.count_nonzero(rawData[:,j]) for i in range(numLines): weight = 0.5 * expit(math.log(numLines/float(cnt))) weightedData[i,j] = rawData[i,j] * weight print('weighted data size is',weightedData.shape) return weightedData
def computeWeight(rawData): # to avoid the case that a term never occurs in a document, we add 1 to the cnt numLines,numEvents=rawData.shape weightedData=np.zeros((numLines,numEvents),float) for j in range(numEvents): cnt = np.count_nonzero(rawData[:,j]) for i in range(numLines): weight = 0.5 * expit(math.log(numLines/float(cnt))) weightedData[i,j] = rawData[i,j] * weight print('weighted data size is',weightedData.shape) return weightedData
def stationary_nonlinearity(self, stim): """Stationary nonlinearity Nonlinearly rescale a temporal signal `stim` across space and time, based on a sigmoidal function dependent on the maximum value of `stim`. This is Box 4 in Nanduri et al. (2012). The parameter values of the asymptote, slope, and shift of the logistic function are given by self.asymptote, self.slope, and self.shift, respectively. Parameters ---------- stim: array Temporal signal to process, stim(r, t) in Nanduri et al. (2012). Returns ------- Rescaled signal, b4(r, t) in Nanduri et al. (2012). Notes ----- Conversion to TimeSeries is avoided for the sake of speedup. """ # use expit (logistic) function for speedup sigmoid = ss.expit((stim.max() - self.shift) / self.slope) return stim * sigmoid
def sigmoid(a): h = expit(a) return h, h * (1 - h)
def gradient_update(positive_node_embedding, negative_nodes_embedding, neg_labels, _alpha): ''' Perform stochastic gradient descent of the first and second order embedding. NOTE: using the cython implementation (fast_community_sdg_X) is much more fast ''' fb = sigmoid(np.dot(positive_node_embedding, negative_nodes_embedding.T)) # propagate hidden -> output gb = (neg_labels - fb) * _alpha# vector of error gradients multiplied by the learning rate return gb
def loss(self, model, edges): ret_loss = 0 for edge in prepare_sentences(model, edges): assert len(edge) == 2, "edges have to be done by 2 nodes :{}".format(edge) ret_loss -= np.log(sigmoid(np.dot(model.node_embedding[edge[1].index], model.node_embedding[edge[0].index].T))) return ret_loss
def grad(self, actual, predicted): return actual * expit(-actual * predicted)
def hess(self, actual, predicted): expits = expit(predicted) return expits * (1 - expits)
def transform(self, output): # Apply logistic (sigmoid) function to the output return expit(output)
def sigmoid(x, out): if out is not x: out[:] = x np.negative(out, out) np.exp(out, out) out += 1 np.reciprocal(out, out) return out