Python scipy.special 模块,binom() 实例源码


项目:gym-kidney    作者:camoy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def embed(self, G, rng):
        if G.order() < self.cycle_length:
            return np.array([0.0], dtype = "f")

        succ = 0
        max_cycle = sp.binom(G.order(), self.cycle_length)

        for _ in range(self.sample_size):
            us = rng.choice(G.nodes(), self.cycle_length)
            H = G.subgraph(us.tolist())

            for c in nx.simple_cycles(H):
                if len(c) == self.cycle_length:
                    succ += 1

        val = [max_cycle * (succ / self.sample_size)]
        return np.array(val, dtype = "f")
项目:gym-kidney    作者:camoy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def embed(self, G, rng):
        if G.order() < self.cycle_length:
            return np.array([0.0], dtype = "f")

        succ, samples = 0, 0
        max_cycle = sp.binom(G.order(), self.cycle_length)

        for _ in range(self.sample_cap):
            us = rng.choice(G.nodes(), self.cycle_length)
            H = G.subgraph(us.tolist())
            samples += 1

            for c in nx.simple_cycles(H):
                if len(c) == self.cycle_length:
                    succ += 1
            if succ >= self.successes:

        return np.array([max_cycle * (succ / samples)], dtype = "f")
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_beta_binomial_two_identical_models(db_path, sampler):
    binomial_n = 5

    def model_fun(args):
        return {"result": st.binom(binomial_n, args.theta).rvs()}

    models = [model_fun for _ in range(2)]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(800)
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(theta=st.beta(
                                                                      1, 1))
                                                for _ in range(2)]
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
                 sampler=sampler), {"result": 2})

    minimum_epsilon = .2
    history =, max_nr_populations=3)
    mp = history.get_model_probabilities(history.max_t)
    assert abs(mp.p[0] - .5) + abs(mp.p[1] - .5) < .08
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_beta_binomial_two_identical_models_adaptive(db_path, sampler):
    binomial_n = 5

    def model_fun(args):
        return {"result": st.binom(binomial_n, args.theta).rvs()}

    models = [model_fun for _ in range(2)]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    population_size = AdaptivePopulationSize(800)
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [
        Distribution(theta=st.beta(1, 1)) for _ in range(2)]
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
                 sampler=sampler), {"result": 2})

    minimum_epsilon = .2
    history =, max_nr_populations=3)
    mp = history.get_model_probabilities(history.max_t)
    assert abs(mp.p[0] - .5) + abs(mp.p[1] - .5) < .08
项目:python-traffic-assignment    作者:megacell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shift_polynomial(coef, d):
    # given polynomial sum_k a_k x^k -> sum_k a_k (x+d)^k
    coef2 = np.zeros(5, dtype="float64")
    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(i, 5):
            coef2[i] = coef2[i] + coef[j] * (d**(j - i)) * sp.binom(j, i)
    return coef2

# def shift_graph_2(graph1, graph2, d):
#     # numpy matrix implementation of shift_graph
#     A = np.zeros((5,5),dtype="float64")
#     for i in range(5):
#         for j in range(i,5):
#             A[j,i] = (d**(j-i)) * sp.binom(j,i)
#     graph2[:,3:] = graph2[:,3:].dot(A)
#     return graph2
项目:instacart-basket-prediction    作者:colinmorris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expected_fscore(n_predicted, n=100, prob_per_instance=.01):
  #assert n_predicted in (1, n)
  ppi = prob_per_instance
  ppibar = (1 - prob_per_instance)
  def fscore(fn, tp, fp):
    num = 2*tp
    denom = 2*tp + fp + fn
    return num / denom

  parts = []
  for ntrue in range(1, n+1):
    # ntrue := this many were actually true in the gold standard
    if n_predicted == 1:
      tp = 1
      fn = ntrue - 1
      fp = 0
      # Prob. of our 1 predicted label being true
      prob_weight = ppi
      # Prob of ntrue-1 other labels being true out of n-1
      prob_weight *= binom(n-1, ntrue-1) * ppi**(ntrue-1) * ppibar**(n-ntrue)
    elif n_predicted == n:
      tp = ntrue
      fn = 0
      fp = n - ntrue
      prob_weight = binom(n, ntrue) * ppi**ntrue * ppibar**(n-ntrue)
      assert False, "fuck it"
      for tp in range(1, ntrue):
        fp = n_predicted - tp
        fn = ntrue - tp

    fs = fscore(fn, tp, fp)
    dbg('fscore = {}'.format(fs))
    dbg('prob weight = {}'.format(prob_weight))
    res = fs * prob_weight
  return parts
项目:TX-Means    作者:riccotti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_initial_centroids_first_run(
        baskets, neighbors, no_neighbors, item_baskets, use_neighbors, num_rnd_init, verbose=False):

    max_no_nbr = list()
    max_no_nbr_index = 0

    if use_neighbors:
        for b in baskets:
            no_nbr_list = no_neighbors[b]
            no_nbr_tuple = (b, no_nbr_list)
            no_nbr = no_nbr_list.count()
            if no_nbr > max_no_nbr_index:
                max_no_nbr_index = no_nbr
                max_no_nbr = list()
            elif no_nbr == max_no_nbr_index:

    if max_no_nbr_index == 0 or len(max_no_nbr) == len(baskets):
        # print 'rnd'
        if verbose:
            print, 'init random'

        num_rnd_init = min(num_rnd_init, int(binom(len(baskets), 2)))
        m0_index, m1_index = random_init(baskets, neighbors, use_neighbors, num=num_rnd_init)
        # print 'no nbr'
        if verbose:
            print, 'init no neighbors'

        m0_index, m1_index = no_nbr_init(max_no_nbr, baskets, neighbors, use_neighbors)

    return m0_index, m1_index
项目:babusca    作者:georglind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def size(N, nb):
        Return the size of the boson many-body basis.

        N : int
            Number of sites
        nb : int
            Number of bosons
        return int(binom(nb + N - 1, nb))
项目:QuantEcon.lectures.code    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_probs(n, a, b):
    probs = np.zeros(n+1)
    for k in range(n+1):
        probs[k] = binom(n, k) * beta(k + a, n - k + b) / beta(a, b)
    return probs
项目:scikit-gstat    作者:mmaelicke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def genton(X):
    Return the Genton Variogram of the given sample X.
    X has to be an even-length array of point pairs like: x1, x1+h, x2, x2+h ...., xn, xn + h.
    If X.ndim > 1, genton will be called recursively and a list of Cressie-Hawkins Variances is returned.

    Genton, M. G., (1998): Highly robust variogram estimation, Math. Geol., 30, 213 - 221.

    :param X:
    _X = np.array(X)

    if any([isinstance(_, list) or isinstance(_, np.ndarray) for _ in _X]):
        return np.array([genton(_) for _ in _X])

    # check even
    if len(_X) % 2 > 0:
        raise ValueError('The sample does not have an even length: {}'.format(_X))

    # calculate
        y = [np.abs( (_X[i] - _X[i + 1]) - (_X[j]) - _X[j + 1] ) for i in np.arange(0, len(_X), 2) for j in np.arange(0, len(_X), 2) if i < j]

        # get k  k is binom(N(x)/2+1, 2)
        k = binom(int(len(_X) / 2 + 1), 2)

        # return the kth percentile
        return 0.5 * np.power(2.219 * np.percentile(y, k), 2)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        return np.nan
项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def binomial(n):
    Return all binomial coefficents for a given order.

    For n > 5, scipy.special.binom is used, below we hardcode
    to avoid the scipy.special dependancy. 
    if   n == 1: return [1,1]
    elif n == 2: return [1,2,1]
    elif n == 3: return [1,3,3,1]
    elif n == 4: return [1,4,6,4,1]
    elif n == 5: return [1,5,10,10,5,1]
        from scipy.special import binom
        return binom(n,np.arange(n+1))
项目:pygfunction    作者:MassimoCimmino    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _F_mk(Q_p, P, n_p, J, r_b, r_p, z, pikg, sigma):
    Complex matrix F_mk from Claesson and Hellstrom (2011), EQ. 34
    F = np.zeros((n_p, J), dtype=np.cfloat)
    for m in range(n_p):
        for k in range(J):
            fmk = 0. + 0.j
            for n in range(n_p):
                # First term
                if m != n:
                    fmk += Q_p[n]*pikg/(k+1)*(r_p[m]/(z[n] - z[m]))**(k+1)
                # Second term
                fmk += sigma*Q_p[n]*pikg/(k+1)*(r_p[m]*np.conj(z[n])/(
                        r_b**2 - z[m]*np.conj(z[n])))**(k+1)
                for j in range(J):
                    # Third term
                    if m != n:
                        fmk += P[n,j]*binom(j+k+1, j) \
                                *r_p[n]**(j+1)*(-r_p[m])**(k+1) \
                                /(z[m] - z[n])**(j+k+2)
                    # Fourth term
                    j_pend = np.min((k, j)) + 1
                    for jp in range(j_pend):
                        fmk += sigma*np.conj(P[n,j])*binom(j+1, jp) \
                                *binom(j+k-jp+1, j)*r_p[n]**(j+1) \
                                *r_p[m]**(k+1)*z[m]**(j+1-jp) \
                                *np.conj(z[n])**(k+1-jp) \
                                /(r_b**2 - z[m]*np.conj(z[n]))**(k+j+2-jp)
            F[m,k] = fmk

    return F
项目:nengolib    作者:arvoelke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def readout(q, r):
    """C matrix to decode a delay of r*theta from the delay state for theta.

    ``r`` is a ratio between 0 (``t=0``) and 1 (``t=-theta``).

    c = np.zeros(q)
    for i in range(q):
        j = np.arange(i+1, dtype=np.float64)
        c[q-1-i] += 1 / binom(q, i) * np.sum(
            binom(q, j) * binom(2*q - 1 - j, i - j) * (-r)**(i - j))
    return c
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_beta_binomial_different_priors(db_path, sampler):
    binomial_n = 5

    def model(args):
        return {"result": st.binom(binomial_n, args['theta']).rvs()}

    models = [model for _ in range(2)]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(800)
    a1, b1 = 1, 1
    a2, b2 = 10, 1
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(theta=RV("beta",
                                                                      a1, b1)),
                                                                      a2, b2))]
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
    n1 = 2, {"result": n1})

    minimum_epsilon = .2
    history =, max_nr_populations=3)
    mp = history.get_model_probabilities(history.max_t)

    def B(a, b):
        return gamma(a) * gamma(b) / gamma(a + b)

    def expected_p(a, b, n1):
        return binom(binomial_n, n1) * B(a + n1, b + binomial_n - n1) / B(a, b)

    p1_expected_unnormalized = expected_p(a1, b1, n1)
    p2_expected_unnormalized = expected_p(a2, b2, n1)
    p1_expected = p1_expected_unnormalized / (p1_expected_unnormalized +
    p2_expected = p2_expected_unnormalized / (p1_expected_unnormalized +
    assert abs(mp.p[0] - p1_expected) + abs(mp.p[1] - p2_expected) < .08
项目:python-traffic-assignment    作者:megacell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shift_polynomial(coef, d):
    # given polynomial sum_k a_k x^k -> sum_k a_k (x+d)^k
    coef2 = np.zeros(5, dtype="float64")
    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(i, 5):
            coef2[i] = coef2[i] + coef[j] * (d**(j - i)) * sp.binom(j, i)
    return coef2
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_subparams(self, n_samples, n_features):
        n_subsamples = self.n_subsamples

        if self.fit_intercept:
            n_dim = n_features + 1
            n_dim = n_features

        if n_subsamples is not None:
            if n_subsamples > n_samples:
                raise ValueError("Invalid parameter since n_subsamples > "
                                 "n_samples ({0} > {1}).".format(n_subsamples,
            if n_samples >= n_features:
                if n_dim > n_subsamples:
                    plus_1 = "+1" if self.fit_intercept else ""
                    raise ValueError("Invalid parameter since n_features{0} "
                                     "> n_subsamples ({1} > {2})."
                                     "".format(plus_1, n_dim, n_samples))
            else:  # if n_samples < n_features
                if n_subsamples != n_samples:
                    raise ValueError("Invalid parameter since n_subsamples != "
                                     "n_samples ({0} != {1}) while n_samples "
                                     "< n_features.".format(n_subsamples,
            n_subsamples = min(n_dim, n_samples)

        if self.max_subpopulation <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Subpopulation must be strictly positive "
                             "({0} <= 0).".format(self.max_subpopulation))

        all_combinations = max(1, np.rint(binom(n_samples, n_subsamples)))
        n_subpopulation = int(min(self.max_subpopulation, all_combinations))

        return n_subsamples, n_subpopulation
项目:pybel-tools    作者:pybel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def point_probability(k, n, l, p=0.5):
    return binom(n - l, k) * p ** k * (1 - p) ** (n - k - l)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testLogCombinationsBinomial(self):
    n = [2, 5, 12, 15]
    k = [1, 2, 4, 11]
    log_combs = np.log(special.binom(n, k))

    with self.test_session():
      n = np.array(n, dtype=np.float32)
      counts = [[1., 1], [2., 3], [4., 8], [11, 4]]
      log_binom = distribution_util.log_combinations(n, counts)
      self.assertEqual([4], log_binom.get_shape())
      self.assertAllClose(log_combs, log_binom.eval())
项目:Vec-Lib    作者:vladan-jovicic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self, N=100):
        """Compute N points of the Bezier curve. Returns two lists, containing the x and y coordinates."""
        def p(t, coord):
            n = len(coord)
            res = 0
            for k in range(n):
                res += coord[k] * binom(n - 1, k) * t ** k * (1 - t) ** (n - 1 - k)
            return (res)

        x = [p(t / N, self.controlPoints_x) for t in range(N)]
        y = [p(t / N, self.controlPoints_y) for t in range(N)]
        return x, y
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimation(self, y, ds=None):
        """ Estimate the fourth multivariate extension of Spearman's rho.

        y : (number of samples, dimension)-ndarray
             One row of y corresponds to one sample.
        ds : int vector, vector of ones
             ds[i] = 1 (for all i): the i^th subspace is one-dimensional.
             If ds is not given (ds=None), the vector of ones [ds =
             ones(y.shape[1],dtype='int')] is emulated inside the function.

        a : float
            Estimated fourth multivariate extension of Spearman's rho.

        Friedrich Shmid, Rafael Schmidt, Thomas Blumentritt, Sandra
        Gaiser, and Martin Ruppert. Copula Theory and Its Applications,
        Chapter Copula based Measures of Multivariate Association. Lecture
        Notes in Statistics. Springer, 2010.

        Friedrich Schmid and Rafael Schmidt. Multivariate extensions of 
        Spearman's rho and related statistics. Statistics & Probability 
        Letters, 77:407-416, 2007.

        Maurice G. Kendall. Rank correlation methods. London, Griffin,

        C. Spearman. The proof and measurement of association between two 
        things. The American Journal of Psychology, 15:72-101, 1904.        

        a = co.estimation(y,ds)  


        if ds is None:  # emulate 'ds = vector of ones'
            ds = ones(y.shape[1], dtype='int')

        # verification:
        self.verification_compatible_subspace_dimensions(y, ds)

        num_of_samples, dim = y.shape  # number of samples, dimension
        u = copula_transformation(y)

        m_triu = triu(ones((dim, dim)), 1)  # upper triangular mask
        b = binom(dim, 2)
        a = 12 * sum(dot((1 - u).T, (1 - u)) * m_triu) /\
            (b * num_of_samples) - 3

        return a
项目:pyabc    作者:neuralyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_beta_binomial_different_priors_initial_epsilon_from_sample(db_path,
    binomial_n = 5

    def model(args):
        return {"result": st.binom(binomial_n, args.theta).rvs()}

    models = [model for _ in range(2)]
    models = list(map(SimpleModel, models))
    population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(800)
    a1, b1 = 1, 1
    a2, b2 = 10, 1
    parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(theta=RV("beta",
                                                                      a1, b1)),
                                                                      a2, b2))]
    abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution,
    n1 = 2, {"result": n1})

    minimum_epsilon = -1
    history =, max_nr_populations=5)
    mp = history.get_model_probabilities(history.max_t)

    def B(a, b):
        return gamma(a) * gamma(b) / gamma(a + b)

    def expected_p(a, b, n1):
        return binom(binomial_n, n1) * B(a + n1, b + binomial_n - n1) / B(a, b)

    p1_expected_unnormalized = expected_p(a1, b1, n1)
    p2_expected_unnormalized = expected_p(a2, b2, n1)
    p1_expected = p1_expected_unnormalized / (p1_expected_unnormalized +
    p2_expected = p2_expected_unnormalized / (p1_expected_unnormalized +

    assert abs(mp.p[0] - p1_expected) + abs(mp.p[1] - p2_expected) < .08
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, y):
        """Fit linear model.

        X : numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data
        y : numpy array of shape [n_samples]
            Target values

        self : returns an instance of self.
        random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)
        X, y = check_X_y(X, y, y_numeric=True)
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        n_subsamples, self.n_subpopulation_ = self._check_subparams(n_samples,
        self.breakdown_ = _breakdown_point(n_samples, n_subsamples)

        if self.verbose:
            print("Breakdown point: {0}".format(self.breakdown_))
            print("Number of samples: {0}".format(n_samples))
            tol_outliers = int(self.breakdown_ * n_samples)
            print("Tolerable outliers: {0}".format(tol_outliers))
            print("Number of subpopulations: {0}".format(

        # Determine indices of subpopulation
        if np.rint(binom(n_samples, n_subsamples)) <= self.max_subpopulation:
            indices = list(combinations(range(n_samples), n_subsamples))
            indices = [choice(n_samples,
                       for _ in range(self.n_subpopulation_)]

        n_jobs = _get_n_jobs(self.n_jobs)
        index_list = np.array_split(indices, n_jobs)
        weights = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,
            delayed(_lstsq)(X, y, index_list[job], self.fit_intercept)
            for job in range(n_jobs))
        weights = np.vstack(weights)
        self.n_iter_, coefs = _spatial_median(weights,

        if self.fit_intercept:
            self.intercept_ = coefs[0]
            self.coef_ = coefs[1:]
            self.intercept_ = 0.
            self.coef_ = coefs

        return self