def gen_training_data( num_features, num_training_samples, num_outputs, noise_scale=0.1, ): np.random.seed(0) random.seed(1) input_distribution = stats.norm() training_inputs = input_distribution.rvs( size=(num_training_samples, num_features) ).astype(np.float32) weights = np.random.normal(size=(num_outputs, num_features) ).astype(np.float32).transpose() noise = np.multiply( np.random.normal(size=(num_training_samples, num_outputs)), noise_scale ) training_outputs = (np.dot(training_inputs, weights) + noise).astype(np.float32) return training_inputs, training_outputs, weights, input_distribution
def get_prediction_dist( trainer, num_outputs=1, num_features=4, num_training_samples=100, num_test_datapoints=10, num_training_iterations=10000, ): test_inputs, test_outputs, _ = _train( trainer, num_features, num_training_samples, num_test_datapoints, num_outputs, num_training_iterations ) predictions = trainer.score(test_inputs) dist = np.linalg.norm(test_outputs - predictions) return dist
def get_weight_dist( trainer, num_outputs=1, num_features=4, num_training_samples=100, num_test_datapoints=10, num_training_iterations=10000, ): _, _, weights = _train( trainer, num_features, num_training_samples, num_test_datapoints, num_outputs, num_training_iterations ) trained_weights = np.concatenate( [workspace.FetchBlob(w) for w in trainer.weights], axis=0 ).transpose() dist = np.linalg.norm(trained_weights - weights) return dist
def setUp(self): ''' Saves the current random state for later recovery, sets the random seed to get reproducible results and manually constructs a mixed vine. ''' # Save random state for later recovery self.random_state = np.random.get_state() # Set fixed random seed np.random.seed(0) # Manually construct mixed vine self.dim = 3 # Dimension self.vine = MixedVine(self.dim) # Specify marginals self.vine.set_marginal(0, norm(0, 1)) self.vine.set_marginal(1, poisson(5)) self.vine.set_marginal(2, gamma(2, 0, 4)) # Specify pair copulas self.vine.set_copula(1, 0, GaussianCopula(0.5)) self.vine.set_copula(1, 1, FrankCopula(4)) self.vine.set_copula(2, 0, ClaytonCopula(5))
def compute_coarse_coding_features(num_states=3, npoints=600): # TODO assert num_states == 3 cc_features = np.zeros((num_states, npoints)) x1 = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, npoints) x2 = np.linspace(-1.0, 2.0, npoints) x3 = np.linspace(-0.5, 2.5, npoints) mu1 = 0.0 mu2 = 0.5 mu3 = 1.0 sigma = 0.4 from scipy.stats import norm cc_features[0, :] = norm(mu1, sigma).pdf(x1) cc_features[1, :] = norm(mu2, sigma).pdf(x2) cc_features[2, :] = norm(mu3, sigma).pdf(x3) return cc_features
def setUp(self): """Setup the Prior object.""" # A half-bounded uniform prior ensuring parm >= 0. self.uPrior = Prior(UniformUnnormedRV(lower=0.)) # A normalized uniform prior ensuring param [10^-18, 10^-12] self.bPrior = Prior(UniformBoundedRV(1.0e-18, 1.0e-12)) # A bounded Gaussian prior to ensure that param is in [0, 1] mean, std, low, up = 0.9, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0 self.gPrior = Prior(GaussianBoundedRV(loc=mean, scale=std, lower=low, upper=up)) # A Gaussian prior self.nPrior = Prior(norm(loc=0, scale=1)) # Linear exponent prior p(x) ~ 10**x self.lePrior = Prior(LinearExpRV(lower=-18, upper=-12))
def testNormalLogPDF(self): with self.test_session(): batch_size = 6 mu = constant_op.constant([3.0] * batch_size) sigma = constant_op.constant([math.sqrt(10.0)] * batch_size) x = np.array([-2.5, 2.5, 4.0, 0.0, -1.0, 2.0], dtype=np.float32) normal = normal_lib.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma) expected_log_pdf = stats.norm(mu.eval(), sigma.eval()).logpdf(x) log_pdf = normal.log_prob(x) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, log_pdf.eval()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), log_pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), log_pdf.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), log_pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), log_pdf.eval().shape) pdf = normal.prob(x) self.assertAllClose(np.exp(expected_log_pdf), pdf.eval()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), pdf.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), pdf.eval().shape)
def testNormalCDF(self): with self.test_session(): batch_size = 50 mu = self._rng.randn(batch_size) sigma = self._rng.rand(batch_size) + 1.0 x = np.linspace(-8.0, 8.0, batch_size).astype(np.float64) normal = normal_lib.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma) expected_cdf = stats.norm(mu, sigma).cdf(x) cdf = normal.cdf(x) self.assertAllClose(expected_cdf, cdf.eval(), atol=0) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), cdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), cdf.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), cdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), cdf.eval().shape)
def testNormalSurvivalFunction(self): with self.test_session(): batch_size = 50 mu = self._rng.randn(batch_size) sigma = self._rng.rand(batch_size) + 1.0 x = np.linspace(-8.0, 8.0, batch_size).astype(np.float64) normal = normal_lib.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma) expected_sf = stats.norm(mu, sigma).sf(x) sf = normal.survival_function(x) self.assertAllClose(expected_sf, sf.eval(), atol=0) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), sf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), sf.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), sf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), sf.eval().shape)
def testNormalLogCDF(self): with self.test_session(): batch_size = 50 mu = self._rng.randn(batch_size) sigma = self._rng.rand(batch_size) + 1.0 x = np.linspace(-100.0, 10.0, batch_size).astype(np.float64) normal = normal_lib.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma) expected_cdf = stats.norm(mu, sigma).logcdf(x) cdf = normal.log_cdf(x) self.assertAllClose(expected_cdf, cdf.eval(), atol=0, rtol=1e-5) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), cdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), cdf.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), cdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), cdf.eval().shape)
def testNormalEntropy(self): with self.test_session(): mu_v = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) sigma_v = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]).T normal = normal_lib.Normal(loc=mu_v, scale=sigma_v) # scipy.stats.norm cannot deal with these shapes. sigma_broadcast = mu_v * sigma_v expected_entropy = 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * np.exp(1) * sigma_broadcast** 2) entropy = normal.entropy() np.testing.assert_allclose(expected_entropy, entropy.eval()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), entropy.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), entropy.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), entropy.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), entropy.eval().shape)
def testShapeChangingBijector(self): with self.test_session(): softmax = bs.SoftmaxCentered() standard_normal = ds.Normal(loc=0., scale=1.) multi_logit_normal = self._cls()( distribution=standard_normal, bijector=softmax) x = [[-np.log(3.), 0.], [np.log(3), np.log(5)]] y = softmax.forward(x).eval() expected_log_pdf = (stats.norm(loc=0., scale=1.).logpdf(x) - np.sum(np.log(y), axis=-1)) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, multi_logit_normal.log_prob(y).eval()) self.assertAllClose( [1, 2, 3, 2], array_ops.shape(multi_logit_normal.sample([1, 2, 3])).eval()) self.assertAllEqual([2], multi_logit_normal.get_event_shape()) self.assertAllEqual([2], multi_logit_normal.event_shape().eval())
def testNormalCdfAndSurvivalFunction(self): # At integer values, the result should be the same as the standard normal. batch_shape = (3, 3) mu = rng.randn(*batch_shape) sigma = rng.rand(*batch_shape) + 1.0 with self.test_session(): qdist = distributions.QuantizedDistribution( distribution=distributions.Normal( loc=mu, scale=sigma)) sp_normal = stats.norm(mu, sigma) x = rng.randint(-5, 5, size=batch_shape).astype(np.float64) self.assertAllClose(sp_normal.cdf(x), qdist.cdf(x).eval()) self.assertAllClose(sp_normal.sf(x), qdist.survival_function(x).eval())
def testNormalLogCdfAndLogSurvivalFunction(self): # At integer values, the result should be the same as the standard normal. batch_shape = (3, 3) mu = rng.randn(*batch_shape) sigma = rng.rand(*batch_shape) + 1.0 with self.test_session(): qdist = distributions.QuantizedDistribution( distribution=distributions.Normal( loc=mu, scale=sigma)) sp_normal = stats.norm(mu, sigma) x = rng.randint(-10, 10, size=batch_shape).astype(np.float64) self.assertAllClose(sp_normal.logcdf(x), qdist.log_cdf(x).eval()) self.assertAllClose( sp_normal.logsf(x), qdist.log_survival_function(x).eval())
def getNegLL(self, t, mu, sqrtVar, controls, cases): z = (mu-t) / sqrtVar logProbControls = stats.norm(0,1).logcdf(-z) logProbCases = stats.norm(0,1).logcdf(z) ll = logProbControls[controls].sum() + logProbCases[cases].sum() return -ll
def test_dataobject_set_column_values(self): X = array([norm(1.0).rvs(10) for _ in range(1000)]) y = [None] * 1000 DO = DataObject(c_[X,y], class_column=len(X[0])) assert_equal(len(X[0]), DO.class_column) assert_equal(unique(y), DO.classes_) classes=[None] + ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] DO = DataObject(c_[X,y], class_column=len(X[0]), classes=classes) assert_equal(len(X[0]), DO.class_column) assert_equal(classes, DO.classes_) X2 = DO.as_2d_array() assert_allclose(X2.T[:-1].T.astype(float), X) assert_equal(X2.T[-1],y) new_y = ["%i"%(divmod(i,5)[1]+1) for i in range(len(X))] DO.set_column_values(len(X[0]), new_y) assert_equal(len(X[0]), DO.class_column) assert_equal([None]+list(unique(new_y)), DO.classes_) X2 = DO.as_2d_array() assert_allclose(X2.T[:-1].T.astype(float), X) assert_equal(X2.T[-1], new_y)
def test_outlier_detection(self): print "Start of test" n_samples = 1000 norm_dist = stats.norm(0, 1) truth = np.ones((n_samples,)) truth[-100:] = -1 X0 = norm_dist.rvs(n_samples) X = np.c_[X0*5, X0+norm_dist.rvs(n_samples)*2] uniform_dist = stats.uniform(-10,10) X[-100:] = np.c_[uniform_dist.rvs(100),uniform_dist.rvs(100)] outlier_detector = pyisc.SklearnOutlierDetector( 100.0/n_samples, pyisc.P_Gaussian([0,1]) ) outlier_detector.fit(X, np.array([1]*len(X))) self.assertLess(outlier_detector.threshold_, 0.35) self.assertGreater(outlier_detector.threshold_, 0.25) predictions = outlier_detector.predict(X, np.array([1]*len(X))) accuracy = sum(truth == predictions)/float(n_samples) print "accuracy", accuracy self.assertGreater(accuracy, 0.85)
def nu2phr(nu): phr = np.sqrt(2.0 / nu) * spesh.gamma((nu + 1.0) / 2.0) / \ spesh.gamma(nu / 2.0) phr = sps.t.pdf(0.0, nu) / sps.norm.pdf(0.0) return phr # read in data
def fc_explicit_param_names(self): brew.Register(fc_explicit_param_names) model = model_helper.ModelHelper(name="test_model") dim_in = 10 dim_out = 100 weight_name = 'test_weight_name' bias_name = 'test_bias_name' inputs_name = 'test_inputs' output_name = 'test_output' input_distribution = stats.norm() inputs = input_distribution.rvs(size=(1, dim_in)).astype(np.float32) workspace.FeedBlob(inputs_name, inputs) weights = np.random.normal(size=(dim_out, dim_in)).astype(np.float32) bias = np.transpose( np.random.normal(size=(dim_out, )).astype(np.float32) ) brew.fc_explicit_param_names( model, inputs_name, output_name, dim_in=dim_in, dim_out=dim_out, bias_name=bias_name, weight_name=weight_name, weight_init=("GivenTensorFill", {'values': weights}), bias_init=("GivenTensorFill", {'values': bias}) ) workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) workspace.RunNetOnce(model.net) expected_output = np.dot(inputs, np.transpose(weights)) + bias outputs_diff = expected_output - workspace.FetchBlob(output_name) self.assertEqual(np.linalg.norm(outputs_diff), 0)
def test_simple_hpo(): def f(args): x = args['x'] return x*x s = {'x': {'dist': st.uniform(loc=-10., scale=20), 'lo': -10., 'hi': 10.}} trials = [] # Test fmin and ability to continue adding to trials best = fmin(loss_fn=f, space=s, max_evals=40, trials=trials) best = fmin(loss_fn=f, space=s, max_evals=10, trials=trials) assert len(trials) == 50, "HPO continuation trials not working" # Test verbose flag best = fmin(loss_fn=f, space=s, max_evals=10, trials=trials) yarray = np.array([tr['loss'] for tr in trials]) np.testing.assert_array_less(yarray, 100.) xarray = np.array([tr['x'] for tr in trials]) np.testing.assert_array_less(np.abs(xarray), 10.) assert best['loss'] < 100., "HPO out of range" assert np.abs(best['x']) < 10., "HPO out of range" # Test unknown distributions s2 = {'x': {'dist': 'normal', 'mu': 0., 'sigma': 1.}} trials2 = [] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: fmin(loss_fn=f, space=s2, max_evals=40, trials=trials2) assert "Unknown distribution type for variable" in str(excinfo.value) s3 = {'x': {'dist': st.norm(loc=0., scale=1.)}} trials3 = [] fmin(loss_fn=f, space=s3, max_evals=40, trials=trials3)
def onedmodel(): """One dimensional model with normal prior.""" mu = -2 sd = 3 x = SampledParam(norm, loc=mu, scale=sd) like = simple_likelihood return [x], like
def multidmodel(): """Multidimensional model with normal prior.""" mu = np.array([-6.6, 3, 1.0, -.12]) sd = np.array([.13, 5, .9, 1.0]) x = SampledParam(norm, loc=mu, scale=sd) like = simple_likelihood return [x], like
def forward(self, z, mu, sig): self.save_for_backward(z, mu, sig) p = st.norm(mu.cpu().numpy(),sig.cpu().numpy()) return torch.DoubleTensor((self.gamma_under + self.gamma_over) * p.cdf( z.cpu().numpy()) - self.gamma_under).cuda()
def backward(self, grad_output): z, mu, sig = self.saved_tensors p = st.norm(mu.cpu().numpy(),sig.cpu().numpy()) pz = torch.DoubleTensor(p.pdf(z.cpu().numpy())).cuda() dz = (self.gamma_under + self.gamma_over) * pz dmu = -dz dsig = -(self.gamma_under + self.gamma_over)*(z-mu) / sig * pz return grad_output * dz, grad_output * dmu, grad_output * dsig
def forward(self, z, mu, sig): self.save_for_backward(z, mu, sig) p = st.norm(mu.cpu().numpy(),sig.cpu().numpy()) return torch.DoubleTensor((self.gamma_under + self.gamma_over) * p.pdf( z.cpu().numpy())).cuda()
def backward(self, grad_output): z, mu, sig = self.saved_tensors p = st.norm(mu.cpu().numpy(),sig.cpu().numpy()) pz = torch.DoubleTensor(p.pdf(z.cpu().numpy())).cuda() dz = -(self.gamma_under + self.gamma_over) * (z-mu) / (sig**2) * pz dmu = -dz dsig = (self.gamma_under + self.gamma_over) * ((z-mu)**2 - sig**2) / \ (sig**3) * pz return grad_output * dz, grad_output * dmu, grad_output * dsig
def forward(self, mu, sig): nBatch, n = mu.size() # Find the solution via sequential quadratic programming, # not preserving gradients z0 = Variable(1. * mu.data, requires_grad=False) mu0 = Variable(1. * mu.data, requires_grad=False) sig0 = Variable(1. * sig.data, requires_grad=False) for i in range(20): dg = GLinearApprox(self.params["gamma_under"], self.params["gamma_over"])(z0, mu0, sig0) d2g = GQuadraticApprox(self.params["gamma_under"], self.params["gamma_over"])(z0, mu0, sig0) z0_new = SolveSchedulingQP(self.params)(z0, mu0, dg, d2g) solution_diff = (z0-z0_new).norm().data[0] print("+ SQP Iter: {}, Solution diff = {}".format(i, solution_diff)) z0 = z0_new if solution_diff < 1e-10: break # Now that we found the solution, compute the gradient-propagating # version at the solution dg = GLinearApprox(self.params["gamma_under"], self.params["gamma_over"])(z0, mu, sig) d2g = GQuadraticApprox(self.params["gamma_under"], self.params["gamma_over"])(z0, mu, sig) return SolveSchedulingQP(self.params)(z0, mu, dg, d2g)
def pdf(self, x): return norm(self.mean, self.var).pdf(x)
def test_sample(self): """check sampling from priors""" msg = "normal sample incorrect" samp = self.nPrior.sample(random_state=10) correct = norm(loc=0, scale=1).rvs(random_state=10) assert samp == correct, msg
def plot_canonical_gauss(x, obs_mu, obs_sigma, obs_loss, title, epsilon=0.05, breaks=100): # compute grid mu_grid = np.linspace(start=min(obs_mu) - epsilon, stop=max(obs_mu) + epsilon, num=breaks) sigma_grid = np.linspace(start=max(min(obs_sigma) - epsilon, 0.0), stop=max(obs_sigma) + epsilon, num=breaks) mu_grid, sigma_grid = np.meshgrid(mu_grid, sigma_grid) loss_grid = -np.sum( [sp.norm(loc=mu_grid, scale=sigma_grid).logpdf(x=xi) for xi in x], axis=0) # plot contours and loss fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) ax[0].contour(mu_grid, sigma_grid, loss_grid, levels=np.linspace(np.min(loss_grid), np.max(loss_grid), breaks), cmap='terrain') ax[0].plot(obs_mu, obs_sigma, color='red', alpha=0.5, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, marker='.', markersize=3) ax[0].set_xlabel('mu') ax[0].set_ylabel('sigma') ax[1].plot(range(len(obs_loss)), obs_loss) ax[1].set_xlabel('iter') # ax[1].set_ylabel('loss') plt.suptitle('{}'.format(title)) plt.show()
def plot_natural_gauss(x, obs_eta1, obs_eta2, obs_loss, title, epsilon=0.05, breaks=300): # compute grid eta1_grid = np.linspace(start=min(obs_eta1) - epsilon, stop=max(obs_eta1) + epsilon, num=breaks) eta2_grid = np.linspace(start=min(obs_eta2) - epsilon, stop=min(max(obs_eta2) + epsilon, 0.0), num=breaks) eta1_grid, eta2_grid = np.meshgrid(eta1_grid, eta2_grid) mu_grid = get_mu(eta1_grid, eta2_grid) sigma_grid = get_sigma(eta2_grid) loss_grid = -np.sum( [sp.norm(loc=mu_grid, scale=sigma_grid).logpdf(x=xi) for xi in x], axis=0) # plot contours and loss fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2) ax[0].contour(eta1_grid, eta2_grid, loss_grid, levels=np.linspace(np.min(loss_grid), np.max(loss_grid), breaks), cmap='terrain') ax[0].plot(obs_eta1, obs_eta2, color='red', alpha=0.5, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1, marker='.', markersize=3) ax[0].set_xlabel('eta1') ax[0].set_ylabel('eta2') ax[1].plot(range(len(obs_loss)), obs_loss) ax[1].set_xlabel('iter') # ax[1].set_ylabel('loss') plt.suptitle('{}'.format(title)) plt.show()
def __init__(self, data, mleDiffCutoff=1.0): print [min(data), max(data)] distributions = [st.laplace, st.norm, st.expon, st.dweibull, st.invweibull, st.lognorm, st.uniform] mles = [] for distribution in distributions: pars = distribution.fit(data) mle = distribution.nnlf(pars, data) mles.append(mle) results = [(distribution.name, mle) for distribution, mle in zip(distributions, mles)] for dist in sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1]): print dist best_fit = sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1])[0] print 'Best fit reached using {}, MLE value: {}'.format(best_fit[0].name, best_fit[1]) self.modelSets = [] self.modelOptions = [mod[0].name for mod in sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1])] ## list of scipy distribution ids sorted by their MLEs given the data ## [0] is best, [1], next best and so on for model in sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1]): if(model[0].name in getAvailableDistributionsByScipyIds()): try: modelDist = getDistributionByScipyId(model[0].name, data) self.modelSets.append([modelDist, model[1]]) ## append the distribution object and the MLE value for this ## particular distribution & the data ## ah frig, I think in the bimodal case, it will be ## something like except RuntimeError: pass else: ## nothing that can be done here, if we dont have a object of ## the distribution needed available, we cant do much about it pass
def normal(self,samples): """ Sampling from a Normal distribution Parameters: mean (location) variance (squared scale) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - samples: number of values that will be returned. """ locMean=float(self.__params[0]*1.0) scaleVariance=np.sqrt(float(self.__params[1]*1.0)) distro=norm(loc=locMean,scale=scaleVariance) f=distro.rvs(size=samples) return f
def __init__(self): self.distr = stats.norm(loc=0,scale=1.0)
def pvalues(self): if self.use_t: df_resid = getattr(self, 'df_resid_inference', self.df_resid) return stats.t.sf(np.abs(self.tvalues), df_resid)*2 else: return stats.norm.sf(np.abs(self.tvalues))*2
def __init__(self, scenario_flag = "Freeway_Free"): """ Totally five scenarios are supported here: Freeway_Night, Freeway_Free, Freeway_Rush; Urban_Peak, Urban_Nonpeak. The PDFs of the vehicle speed and the inter-vehicle space are adapted from existing references. """ if scenario_flag == "Freeway_Night": self.headway_random = expon(0.0, 1.0/256.41) meanSpeed = 30.93 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.2 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Freeway_Free": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.75, 0.0, np.exp(3.4)) meanSpeed = 29.15 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.5 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Freeway_Rush": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.5, 0.0, np.exp(2.5)) meanSpeed = 10.73 #m/s stdSpeed = 2.0 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Urban_Peak": scale = 1.096 c = 0.314 loc = 0.0 self.headway_random = fisk(c, loc, scale) meanSpeed = 6.083 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.2 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Urban_Nonpeak": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.618, 0.0, np.exp(0.685)) meanSpeed = 12.86 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.5 #m/s else: raise self.speed_random = norm(meanSpeed, stdSpeed)
def generate_synth_data(n=50): """ Create two sets of points from bivariate normal distributions. :param n: :return: """ points = np.concatenate((ss.norm(0, 1).rvs((n, 2)), ss.norm(1, 1).rvs((n, 2))), axis=0) outcomes = np.concatenate((np.repeat(0, n), np.repeat(1, n))) return points, outcomes
def test_gaussian_multiple_populations(db_path, sampler): sigma_x = 1 sigma_y = .5 y_observed = 2 def model(args): return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_y).rvs()} models = [model] models = list(map(SimpleModel, models)) nr_populations = 4 population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(600) parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(x=st.norm(0, sigma_x))] abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution, MinMaxDistanceFunction(measures_to_use=["y"]), population_size, eps=MedianEpsilon(.2), sampler=sampler) abc.new(db_path, {"y": y_observed}) minimum_epsilon = -1 abc.do_not_stop_when_only_single_model_alive() history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon, max_nr_populations=nr_populations) posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None) posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix() sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x) f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)), sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1))) sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_x**2 + 1 / sigma_y**2) mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y**2 * y_observed / sigma_y**2 expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y) x = sp.linspace(-8, 8) max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max() assert max_distribution_difference < 0.052 assert history.max_t == nr_populations-1 mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight) assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07 assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .12
def test_gaussian_multiple_populations_adpative_population_size(db_path, sampler): sigma_x = 1 sigma_y = .5 y_observed = 2 def model(args): return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_y).rvs()} models = [model] models = list(map(SimpleModel, models)) nr_populations = 4 population_size = AdaptivePopulationSize(600) parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [ Distribution(x=st.norm(0, sigma_x))] abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution, MinMaxDistanceFunction(measures_to_use=["y"]), population_size, eps=MedianEpsilon(.2), sampler=sampler) abc.new(db_path, {"y": y_observed}) minimum_epsilon = -1 abc.do_not_stop_when_only_single_model_alive() history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon, max_nr_populations=nr_populations) posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None) posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix() sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x) f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)), sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1))) sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_x ** 2 + 1 / sigma_y ** 2) mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y ** 2 * y_observed / sigma_y ** 2 expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y) x = sp.linspace(-8, 8) max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max() assert max_distribution_difference < 0.15 assert history.max_t == nr_populations - 1 mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight) assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07 assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .12
def proposal(X, W, Centroids, bandwidth): d = np.zeros_like(X) for c in xrange(Centroids.shape[0]): d += norm(Centroids[c], bandwidth).pdf(X) * W[c] d /= np.sum(W) return d
def RBFfeatures(X, Centroids, bandwidth): d = norm(Centroids[0], bandwidth).pdf(X) d = d.reshape(-1, 1) for c in xrange(Centroids.shape[0] - 1): d = np.concatenate((d, (norm(Centroids[c + 1], bandwidth).pdf(X)).reshape(-1, 1)), 1) return d
def test_norm_logpdf_generator(x, mu, std): def test(self): scipy_d = norm(mu, std) # scipy normal distribution logpdf_scipy = scipy_d.logpdf(x) logpdf = lth.norm_logpdf(x, mu, std) # self.assertEqual(True, False) np.testing.assert_allclose(logpdf, logpdf_scipy) return test
def pdf(x): return 0.5 * (stats.norm(scale=0.25 / e).pdf(x) + stats.norm(scale=4 / e).pdf(x))
def stat_power(control, trial, ci=0.975): ''' Calculates statistical power. Parameters ---------- control : array-type Control population sample. trial: array-type Trial population sample. Returns ------- Float ''' # Calculate the mean, se and me-(4 std) control = np.log(control) trial = np.log(trial) control_mean = np.mean(control) trial_mean = np.mean(trial) control_se = np.std(control, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(control.shape[0]) trial_se = np.std(trial, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(trial.shape[0]) # Create a normal distribution based on mean and se null_norm = sc.norm(control_mean, control_se) alt_norm = sc.norm(trial_mean, trial_se) # Calculate the rejection values (X*) reject_low = null_norm.ppf((1 - ci) / 2) reject_high = null_norm.ppf(ci + (1 - ci) / 2) # Calculate power power_lower = alt_norm.cdf(reject_low) power_higher = 1 - alt_norm.cdf(reject_high) power = (power_lower + power_higher) * 100 return power
def testNormalLogPDFMultidimensional(self): with self.test_session(): batch_size = 6 mu = constant_op.constant([[3.0, -3.0]] * batch_size) sigma = constant_op.constant([[math.sqrt(10.0), math.sqrt(15.0)]] * batch_size) x = np.array([[-2.5, 2.5, 4.0, 0.0, -1.0, 2.0]], dtype=np.float32).T normal = normal_lib.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma) expected_log_pdf = stats.norm(mu.eval(), sigma.eval()).logpdf(x) log_pdf = normal.log_prob(x) log_pdf_values = log_pdf.eval() self.assertEqual(log_pdf.get_shape(), (6, 2)) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, log_pdf_values) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), log_pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), log_pdf.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), log_pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), log_pdf.eval().shape) pdf = normal.prob(x) pdf_values = pdf.eval() self.assertEqual(pdf.get_shape(), (6, 2)) self.assertAllClose(np.exp(expected_log_pdf), pdf_values) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), pdf_values.shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), pdf_values.shape)
def testNormalEntropyWithScalarInputs(self): # Scipy.stats.norm cannot deal with the shapes in the other test. with self.test_session(): mu_v = 2.34 sigma_v = 4.56 normal = normal_lib.Normal(loc=mu_v, scale=sigma_v) # scipy.stats.norm cannot deal with these shapes. expected_entropy = stats.norm(mu_v, sigma_v).entropy() entropy = normal.entropy() self.assertAllClose(expected_entropy, entropy.eval()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), entropy.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.batch_shape().eval(), entropy.eval().shape) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), entropy.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(normal.get_batch_shape(), entropy.eval().shape)
def testNormalLogProbWithCutoffs(self): # At integer values, the result should be the same as the standard normal. with self.test_session(): qdist = distributions.QuantizedDistribution( distribution=distributions.Normal( loc=0., scale=1.), lower_cutoff=-2., upper_cutoff=2.) sm_normal = stats.norm(0., 1.) # These cutoffs create partitions of the real line, and indices: # (-inf, -2](-2, -1](-1, 0](0, 1](1, inf) # -2 -1 0 1 2 # Test interval (-inf, -2], <--> index -2. self.assertAllClose( np.log(sm_normal.cdf(-2)), qdist.log_prob(-2.).eval(), atol=0) # Test interval (-2, -1], <--> index -1. self.assertAllClose( np.log(sm_normal.cdf(-1) - sm_normal.cdf(-2)), qdist.log_prob(-1.).eval(), atol=0) # Test interval (-1, 0], <--> index 0. self.assertAllClose( np.log(sm_normal.cdf(0) - sm_normal.cdf(-1)), qdist.log_prob(0.).eval(), atol=0) # Test interval (1, inf), <--> index 2. self.assertAllClose( np.log(1. - sm_normal.cdf(1)), qdist.log_prob(2.).eval(), atol=0)