def precompute_marginals(self): sys.stderr.write('Precomputing marginals...\n') self._pdfs = [None] * self._num_instances # precomputing all possible marginals for i in xrange(self._num_instances): mean = self._corrected_means[i] cov = self._corrected_covs[i] self._pdfs[i] = [None] * (2 ** mean.shape[0]) for marginal_pattern in itertools.product([False, True], repeat=mean.shape[0]): marginal_length = marginal_pattern.count(True) if marginal_length == 0: continue m = np.array(marginal_pattern) marginal_mean = mean[m] mm = m[:, np.newaxis] marginal_cov = cov[np.dot(mm, mm.transpose())].reshape((marginal_length, marginal_length)) self._pdfs[i][hash_bool_array(m)] = multivariate_normal(mean=marginal_mean, cov=marginal_cov)
def norm_post_sim(modes,cov_matrix): post = multivariate_normal(modes,cov_matrix) nsims = 30000 phi = np.zeros([nsims,len(modes)]) for i in range(0,nsims): phi[i] = post.rvs() chain = np.array([phi[i][0] for i in range(len(phi))]) for m in range(1,len(modes)): chain = np.vstack((chain,[phi[i][m] for i in range(len(phi))])) mean_est = [np.mean(np.array([phi[i][j] for i in range(len(phi))])) for j in range(len(modes))] median_est = [np.median(np.array([phi[i][j] for i in range(len(phi))])) for j in range(len(modes))] upper_95_est = [np.percentile(np.array([phi[i][j] for i in range(len(phi))]),95) for j in range(len(modes))] lower_95_est = [np.percentile(np.array([phi[i][j] for i in range(len(phi))]),5) for j in range(len(modes))] return chain, mean_est, median_est, upper_95_est, lower_95_est
def probabilities(self, Y): """Probabilities of parameter vectors Y Parameters ---------- Y : array-like, shape (num_samples, n_weights) 2d array of parameter vectors Returns ---------- resp : array-like, shape (num_samples) the probabilities of the samples under this policy """ if not compatible_version("scipy", ">= 0.14"): raise ImportError( "SciPy >= 0.14 is required for " "'scipy.stats.multivariate_normal'.") from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal return multivariate_normal(mean=self.mean, cov=self.Sigma).pdf(Y)
def __call__(self, context, explore=True): """Evaluates policy for given context. Samples weight vector from distribution if explore is true, otherwise return the distribution's mean (which depends on the context). Parameters ---------- context: array-like, (n_context_dims,) context vector explore: bool if true, weight vector is sampled from distribution. otherwise the distribution's mean is returned """ if explore: return self.random_state.multivariate_normal( self.W.dot(context), self.Sigma, size=[1])[0] else: return self.W.dot(context)
def gen_blurred_diag_pxy(s): X = 1024 Y = X # generate pdf from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal pxy = np.zeros((X,Y)) rv = multivariate_normal(cov=s) for x in range(X): pxy[x,:] = np.roll(rv.pdf(np.linspace(-X/2,X/2,X+1)[:-1]),int(X/2+x)) pxy = pxy/np.sum(pxy) # plot p(x,y) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.contourf(pxy) plt.ion() plt.title("p(x,y)") plt.show() return pxy
def gmm_sample(self, mean=None, w=None, N=10000,n=10,d=2,seed=10): np.random.seed(seed) self.d = d if mean is None: mean = np.random.randn(n,d)*10 if w is None: w = np.random.rand(n) w = w/sum(w) multi = np.random.multinomial(N,w) X = np.zeros((N,d)) base = 0 for i in range(n): X[base:base+multi[i],:] = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean[i,:], np.eye(self.d), multi[i]) base += multi[i] llh = np.zeros(N) for i in range(n): llh += w[i] * stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(X, mean[i,:], np.eye(self.d)) #llh = llh/sum(llh) return X, llh
def loss(self, nodes, model, beta, chunksize=150): """ Forward function used to compute o3 loss :param input_labels: of the node present in the batch :param model: model containing all the shared data :param beta: trade off param """ ret_loss = 0 for node_index in chunkize_serial(map(lambda x: model.vocab(x).index, nodes), chunksize): input = model.node_embedding[node_index] batch_loss = np.zeros(len(node_index), dtype=np.float32) for com in range(model.k): rd = multivariate_normal(model.centroid[com], model.covariance_mat[com]) # check if can be done as matrix operation batch_loss += rd.logpdf(input).astype(np.float32) * model.pi[node_index, com] ret_loss = abs(batch_loss.sum()) return ret_loss * (beta/model.k)
def init_link_labels(self, x0, x1, p): pdfs = [multivariate_normal(mean=m, cov=c, allow_singular=True) for m, c in zip(self.means, self.covs)] neglog_costs = np.zeros((2, self.means.shape[0])) for i in xrange(len(self.means)): neglog_costs[0, i] = -np.log(pdfs[i].pdf(x0)) neglog_costs[1, i] = -np.log(pdfs[i].pdf(x1)) neglog_link_costs = np.clip(neglog_costs, 0, 9999999999) def _cost(k, l): return (-np.log(self.weights[k]) * neglog_link_costs[0, k]) + (-np.log(self.weights[l]) * neglog_link_costs[1, l]) must = must_consistent(self.partition) cannot = cannot_consistent(self.partition) if p == 1: # must link return must[np.argmin([_cost(k, l) for k, l in must])] elif p == -1: # cannot link return cannot[np.argmin([_cost(k, l) for k, l in cannot])] else: raise ValueError("At this point link is expected to be -1 or 1 only!")
def _int_var_rbf(self, X, hyp, jitter=1e-8): """ Posterior integral variance of the Gaussian Process quadrature. X - vector (1, 2*xdim**2+xdim) hyp - kernel hyperparameters [s2, el_1, ... el_d] """ # reshape X to SP matrix X = np.reshape(X, (self.n, self.d)) # set kernel hyper-parameters s2, el = hyp[0], hyp[1:] self.kern.param_array[0] = s2 # variance self.kern.param_array[1:] = el # lengthscale K = self.kern.K(X) L = np.diag(el ** 2) # posterior variance of the integral ks = s2 * np.sqrt(det(L + np.eye(self.d))) * multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(self.d), cov=L).pdf(X) postvar = -ks.dot(solve(K + jitter * np.eye(self.n), ks.T)) return postvar
def _int_var_rbf_hyp(self, hyp, X, jitter=1e-8): """ Posterior integral variance as a function of hyper-parameters :param hyp: RBF kernel hyper-parameters [s2, el_1, ..., el_d] :param X: sigma-points :param jitter: numerical jitter (for stabilizing computations) :return: posterior integral variance """ # reshape X to SP matrix X = np.reshape(X, (self.n, self.d)) # set kernel hyper-parameters s2, el = 1, hyp # sig_var hyper always set to 1 self.kern.param_array[0] = s2 # variance self.kern.param_array[1:] = el # lengthscale K = self.kern.K(X) L = np.diag(el ** 2) # posterior variance of the integral ks = s2 * np.sqrt(det(L + np.eye(self.d))) * multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(self.d), cov=L).pdf(X) postvar = s2 * np.sqrt(det(2 * inv(L) + np.eye(self.d))) ** -1 - ks.dot( solve(K + jitter * np.eye(self.n), ks.T)) return postvar
def testEntropy(self): with self.test_session(): shift = np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-1, -2, -3]], dtype=np.float32) diag = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 2]], dtype=np.float32) actual_mvn_entropy = np.concatenate([ [stats.multivariate_normal(shift[i], np.diag(diag[i]**2)).entropy()] for i in range(len(diag))]) fake_mvn = self._cls()( ds.MultivariateNormalDiag( array_ops.zeros_like(shift), array_ops.ones_like(diag), validate_args=True), bs.AffineLinearOperator( shift, scale=la.LinearOperatorDiag(diag, is_non_singular=True), validate_args=True), validate_args=True) self.assertAllClose(actual_mvn_entropy, fake_mvn.entropy().eval())
def _testPDFShapes(self, mvn_dist, mu, sigma): with self.test_session() as sess: mvn = mvn_dist(mu, sigma) x = 2 * array_ops.ones_like(mu) log_pdf = mvn.log_prob(x) pdf = mvn.prob(x) mu_value = np.ones([3, 3, 2]) sigma_value = np.zeros([3, 3, 2, 2]) sigma_value[:] = np.identity(2) x_value = 2. * np.ones([3, 3, 2]) feed_dict = {mu: mu_value, sigma: sigma_value} scipy_mvn = stats.multivariate_normal( mean=mu_value[(0, 0)], cov=sigma_value[(0, 0)]) expected_log_pdf = scipy_mvn.logpdf(x_value[(0, 0)]) expected_pdf = scipy_mvn.pdf(x_value[(0, 0)]) log_pdf_evaled, pdf_evaled = sess.run([log_pdf, pdf], feed_dict=feed_dict) self.assertAllEqual([3, 3], log_pdf_evaled.shape) self.assertAllEqual([3, 3], pdf_evaled.shape) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, log_pdf_evaled[0, 0]) self.assertAllClose(expected_pdf, pdf_evaled[0, 0])
def testLogPDFScalarBatch(self): with self.test_session(): mu = self._rng.rand(2) chol, sigma = self._random_chol(2, 2) mvn = distributions.MultivariateNormalCholesky(mu, chol) x = self._rng.rand(2) log_pdf = mvn.log_prob(x) pdf = mvn.prob(x) scipy_mvn = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=mu, cov=sigma) expected_log_pdf = scipy_mvn.logpdf(x) expected_pdf = scipy_mvn.pdf(x) self.assertEqual((), log_pdf.get_shape()) self.assertEqual((), pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, log_pdf.eval()) self.assertAllClose(expected_pdf, pdf.eval())
def testLogPDFXIsHigherRank(self): with self.test_session(): mu = self._rng.rand(2) chol, sigma = self._random_chol(2, 2) mvn = distributions.MultivariateNormalCholesky(mu, chol) x = self._rng.rand(3, 2) log_pdf = mvn.log_prob(x) pdf = mvn.prob(x) scipy_mvn = stats.multivariate_normal(mean=mu, cov=sigma) expected_log_pdf = scipy_mvn.logpdf(x) expected_pdf = scipy_mvn.pdf(x) self.assertEqual((3,), log_pdf.get_shape()) self.assertEqual((3,), pdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, log_pdf.eval()) self.assertAllClose(expected_pdf, pdf.eval())
def testSampleWithSampleShape(self): with self.test_session(): mu = self._rng.rand(3, 5, 2) chol, sigma = self._random_chol(3, 5, 2, 2) mvn = distributions.MultivariateNormalCholesky(mu, chol) samples_val = mvn.sample((10, 11, 12), seed=137).eval() # Check sample shape self.assertEqual((10, 11, 12, 3, 5, 2), samples_val.shape) # Check sample means x = samples_val[:, :, :, 1, 1, :] self.assertAllClose( x.reshape(10 * 11 * 12, 2).mean(axis=0), mu[1, 1], atol=1e-2) # Check that log_prob(samples) works log_prob_val = mvn.log_prob(samples_val).eval() x_log_pdf = log_prob_val[:, :, :, 1, 1] expected_log_pdf = stats.multivariate_normal( mean=mu[1, 1, :], cov=sigma[1, 1, :, :]).logpdf(x) self.assertAllClose(expected_log_pdf, x_log_pdf)
def __init__(self, mean, covariance, randomstate=None): self.__mean = npu.immutablecopyof(npu.tondim1(mean)) self.__covariance = npu.immutablecopyof(npp.checkshapeissquare(npu.tondim2(covariance))) self.__randomstate = npu.getrandomstate() if randomstate is None else randomstate self.__impl = stats.multivariate_normal(self.__mean, self.__covariance)
def sample(self, size=1): return self.__randomstate.multivariate_normal(self.__mean, self.__covariance, size)
def fit_gaussians(x_train_boxcox, y_train): """ Fit class-dependent multivariate gaussians on the training set. Parameters ---------- x_train_boxcox : np.array [n_samples, n_features_trans] Transformed training features. y_train : np.array [n_samples] Training labels. Returns ------- rv_pos : multivariate normal multivariate normal for melody class rv_neg : multivariate normal multivariate normal for non-melody class """ pos_idx = np.where(y_train == 1)[0] mu_pos = np.mean(x_train_boxcox[pos_idx, :], axis=0) cov_pos = np.cov(x_train_boxcox[pos_idx, :], rowvar=0) neg_idx = np.where(y_train == 0)[0] mu_neg = np.mean(x_train_boxcox[neg_idx, :], axis=0) cov_neg = np.cov(x_train_boxcox[neg_idx, :], rowvar=0) rv_pos = multivariate_normal(mean=mu_pos, cov=cov_pos, allow_singular=True) rv_neg = multivariate_normal(mean=mu_neg, cov=cov_neg, allow_singular=True) return rv_pos, rv_neg
def define_parameters(self): params=Parameters() params.append(Parameter("trend", multivariate_normal, (self.size,1))) params.append(Parameter("sigma2", invgamma, (1,1))) params.append(Parameter("lambda2", gamma, (1,1))) params.append(Parameter("omega", invgauss, (self.size-self.total_variation_order,1))) self.parameters = params
def get_gauss_pdf(sigma): n = sigma * 8 x, y = np.mgrid[0:n, 0:n] pos = np.empty(x.shape + (2,)) pos[:, :, 0] = x pos[:, :, 1] = y rv = multivariate_normal([n / 2, n / 2], [[sigma ** 2, 0], [0, sigma ** 2]]) pdf = rv.pdf(pos) heatmap = pdf / np.max(pdf) return heatmap
def simulation_smoother(self,beta): """ Koopman's simulation smoother - simulates from states given model parameters and observations Parameters ---------- beta : np.array Contains untransformed starting values for latent variables Returns ---------- - A simulated state evolution """ T, Z, R, Q, H = self._ss_matrices(beta) # Generate e_t+ and n_t+ rnd_h = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(H),self.data.shape[0]+1) q_dist = ss.multivariate_normal([0.0, 0.0], Q) rnd_q = q_dist.rvs(self.data.shape[0]+1) # Generate a_t+ and y_t+ a_plus = np.zeros((T.shape[0],self.data.shape[0]+1)) a_plus[0,0] = np.mean(self.data[0:5]) y_plus = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0]) for t in range(0,self.data.shape[0]+1): if t == 0: a_plus[:,t] = np.dot(T,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_q[t,:] y_plus[t] = np.dot(Z,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_h[t] else: if t != self.data.shape[0]: a_plus[:,t] = np.dot(T,a_plus[:,t-1]) + rnd_q[t,:] y_plus[t] = np.dot(Z,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_h[t] alpha_hat, _ = self.smoothed_state(self.data,beta) alpha_hat_plus, _ = self.smoothed_state(y_plus,beta) alpha_tilde = alpha_hat - alpha_hat_plus + a_plus return alpha_tilde
def simulation_smoother(self,beta): """ Koopman's simulation smoother - simulates from states given model latent variables and observations Parameters ---------- beta : np.array Contains untransformed starting values for latent variables Returns ---------- - A simulated state evolution """ T, Z, R, Q, H = self._ss_matrices(beta) # Generate e_t+ and n_t+ rnd_h = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(H),self.data.shape[0]+1) q_dist = ss.multivariate_normal([0.0], Q) rnd_q = q_dist.rvs(self.data.shape[0]+1) # Generate a_t+ and y_t+ a_plus = np.zeros((T.shape[0],self.data.shape[0]+1)) a_plus[0,0] = np.mean(self.data[0:5]) y_plus = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0]) for t in range(0,self.data.shape[0]+1): if t == 0: a_plus[:,t] = np.dot(T,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_q[t] y_plus[t] = np.dot(Z,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_h[t] else: if t != self.data.shape[0]: a_plus[:,t] = np.dot(T,a_plus[:,t-1]) + rnd_q[t] y_plus[t] = np.dot(Z,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_h[t] alpha_hat,_ = self.smoothed_state(self.data,beta) alpha_hat_plus,_ = self.smoothed_state(y_plus,beta) alpha_tilde = alpha_hat - alpha_hat_plus + a_plus return alpha_tilde
def simulation_smoother(self,beta): """ Koopman's simulation smoother - simulates from states given model latent variables and observations Parameters ---------- beta : np.array Contains untransformed starting values for latent variables Returns ---------- - A simulated state evolution """ T, Z, R, Q, H = self._ss_matrices(beta) # Generate e_t+ and n_t+ rnd_h = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(H),self.data.shape[0]+1) q_dist = ss.multivariate_normal([0.0, 0.0], Q) rnd_q = q_dist.rvs(self.data.shape[0]+1) # Generate a_t+ and y_t+ a_plus = np.zeros((T.shape[0],self.data.shape[0]+1)) a_plus[0,0] = np.mean(self.data[0:5]) y_plus = np.zeros(self.data.shape[0]) for t in range(0,self.data.shape[0]+1): if t == 0: a_plus[:,t] = np.dot(T,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_q[t,:] y_plus[t] = np.dot(Z,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_h[t] else: if t != self.data.shape[0]: a_plus[:,t] = np.dot(T,a_plus[:,t-1]) + rnd_q[t,:] y_plus[t] = np.dot(Z,a_plus[:,t]) + rnd_h[t] alpha_hat,_ = self.smoothed_state(self.data,beta) alpha_hat_plus,_ = self.smoothed_state(y_plus,beta) alpha_tilde = alpha_hat - alpha_hat_plus + a_plus return alpha_tilde
def fit(self, X, Y): """ Fit class-dependent multivariate gaussians on the training set. Parameters ---------- x_train_boxcox : np.array [n_samples, n_features_trans] Transformed training features. y_train : np.array [n_samples] Training labels. Returns ------- rv_pos : multivariate normal multivariate normal for melody class rv_neg : multivariate normal multivariate normal for non-melody class """ X_boxcox = self._fit_boxcox(X) pos_idx = np.where(Y == 1)[0] mu_pos = np.mean(X_boxcox[pos_idx, :], axis=0) cov_pos = np.cov(X_boxcox[pos_idx, :], rowvar=0) neg_idx = np.where(Y == 0)[0] mu_neg = np.mean(X_boxcox[neg_idx, :], axis=0) cov_neg = np.cov(X_boxcox[neg_idx, :], rowvar=0) rv_pos = multivariate_normal( mean=mu_pos, cov=cov_pos, allow_singular=True ) rv_neg = multivariate_normal( mean=mu_neg, cov=cov_neg, allow_singular=True ) self.rv_pos = rv_pos self.rv_neg = rv_neg
def __call__(self, context=None, explore=True): """Evaluates policy. Samples weight vector from distribution if explore is true, otherwise return the distribution's mean. Parameters ---------- context : array-like, (n_context_dims,) context vector (ignored by this policy, defaults to None) explore : bool if true, weight vector is sampled from distribution. otherwise the distribution's mean is returned Returns ------- parameter_vector: array-like, (n_weights,) the selected parameters """ # Note: Context is ignored if not explore: return self.mean else: # Sample from normal distribution return self.random_state.multivariate_normal( mean=self.mean, cov=self.Sigma, size=1)[0]
def sample(self, k): #samples = self.distribution.rvs(k).reshape(k,p) samples = self.rng.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.cov, k) return samples
def pdf(self, x): return multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.cov).pdf(x)
def sample(self, k): p = len(self.mean) if self.df == np.inf: chisq = 1.0 else: chisq = self.rng.chisquare(self.df, k) / self.df chisq = chisq.reshape(-1,1).repeat(p, axis=1) mvn = self.rng.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(p), self.cov, k) return self.mean + np.divide(mvn, np.sqrt(chisq))
def _likelihood_statistics(self, img_descriptors): """ :param img_descriptors: X :return: 0th order, 1st order, 2nd order statistics as described by equation 20, 21, 22 in reference [1] """ def likelihood_moment(x, posterior_probability, moment): x_moment = np.power(np.float32(x), moment) if moment > 0 else np.float32([1]) return x_moment * posterior_probability def zeros(like): return np.zeros(like.shape).tolist() means, covariances, weights = self.gmm.means, self.gmm.covariances, self.gmm.weights normals = [multivariate_normal(mean=means[k], cov=covariances[k]) for k in range(0, len(weights))] """ Gaussian Normals """ gaussian_pdfs = [np.array([g_k.pdf(sample) for g_k in normals]) for sample in img_descriptors] """ u(x) for equation 15, page 4 in reference 1 """ statistics_0_order, statistics_1_order, statistics_2_order = zeros(weights), zeros(weights), zeros(weights) for k in range(0, len(weights)): for index, sample in enumerate(img_descriptors): posterior_probability = FisherVector.posterior_probability(gaussian_pdfs[index], weights) statistics_0_order[k] = statistics_0_order[k] + likelihood_moment(sample, posterior_probability[k], 0) statistics_1_order[k] = statistics_1_order[k] + likelihood_moment(sample, posterior_probability[k], 1) statistics_2_order[k] = statistics_2_order[k] + likelihood_moment(sample, posterior_probability[k], 2) return np.array(statistics_0_order), np.array(statistics_1_order), np.array(statistics_2_order)
def gen_easytest(plot=True): # set name name = "easytest" n = 10 # set generative parameters mu1 = np.array([0,0]) sig1 = np.eye(2) n1 = n mu2 = np.array([math.sqrt(75),5]) sig2 = np.eye(2) n2 = n mu3 = np.array([0,10]) sig3 = np.eye(2) n3 = n param = {'mu1': mu1, 'sig1': sig1, 'n1': n1, 'mu2': mu2, 'sig2': sig2, 'n2': n2, 'mu3': mu3, 'sig3': sig3, 'n3': n3} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*n1+[1]*n2+[2]*n3) # make coordinates coord = np.concatenate((np.random.multivariate_normal(mu1,sig1,n1), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu2,sig2,n2), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu3,sig3,n3))) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds
def gen_blob(plot=True): # set name name = "blob" # set generative parameters mu1 = np.array([0,0]) sig1 = np.eye(2) n1 = 90 param = {'mu1': mu1, 'sig1': sig1, 'n1': n1} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*n1) # make coordinates coord = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu1,sig1,n1) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds
def gen_3sph_evensamp_evenspacing(plot=True): # set name name = "3sph_evensamp_evenspacing" # set generative parameters mu1 = np.array([0,0]) sig1 = np.eye(2) n1 = 30 mu2 = np.array([math.sqrt(75),5]) sig2 = np.eye(2) n2 = 30 mu3 = np.array([0,10]) sig3 = np.eye(2) n3 = 30 param = {'mu1': mu1, 'sig1': sig1, 'n1': n1, 'mu2': mu2, 'sig2': sig2, 'n2': n2, 'mu3': mu3, 'sig3': sig3, 'n3': n3} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*n1+[1]*n2+[2]*n3) # make coordinates coord = np.concatenate((np.random.multivariate_normal(mu1,sig1,n1), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu2,sig2,n2), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu3,sig3,n3))) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds
def gen_3sph_unevensamp_evenspacing(plot=True): # set name name = "3sph_unevensamp_evenspacing" # set generative parameters mu1 = np.array([0,0]) sig1 = np.eye(2) n1 = 10 mu2 = np.array([math.sqrt(75),5]) sig2 = np.eye(2) n2 = 30 mu3 = np.array([0,10]) sig3 = np.eye(2) n3 = 60 param = {'mu1': mu1, 'sig1': sig1, 'n1': n1, 'mu2': mu2, 'sig2': sig2, 'n2': n2, 'mu3': mu3, 'sig3': sig3, 'n3': n3} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*n1+[1]*n2+[2]*n3) # make coordinates coord = np.concatenate((np.random.multivariate_normal(mu1,sig1,n1), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu2,sig2,n2), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu3,sig3,n3))) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds
def gen_3sph_evensamp_unevenspacing(plot=True): # set name name = "3sph_evensamp_unevenspacing" # set generative parameters mu1 = np.array([0,2.5]) sig1 = np.eye(2) n1 = 30 mu2 = np.array([0,-2.5]) sig2 = np.eye(2) n2 = 30 mu3 = np.array([15,0]) sig3 = np.eye(2) n3 = 30 param = {'mu1': mu1, 'sig1': sig1, 'n1': n1, 'mu2': mu2, 'sig2': sig2, 'n2': n2, 'mu3': mu3, 'sig3': sig3, 'n3': n3} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*n1+[1]*n2+[2]*n3) # make coordinates coord = np.concatenate((np.random.multivariate_normal(mu1,sig1,n1), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu2,sig2,n2), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu3,sig3,n3))) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds
def gen_2cigars(plot=True): # set name name = "2cigars" # set generative parameters mu1 = np.array([0,-4]) sig1 = np.array([[25,0],[0,1]]) n1 = 50 mu2 = np.array([0,4]) sig2 = np.array([[25,0],[0,1]]) n2 = 50 param = {'mu1': mu1, 'sig1': sig1, 'n1': n1, 'mu2': mu2, 'sig2': sig2, 'n2': n2} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*n1+[1]*n2) # make coordinates coord = np.concatenate((np.random.multivariate_normal(mu1,sig1,n1), np.random.multivariate_normal(mu2,sig2,n2))) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds
def gen_halfconcentric(plot=True): # set name name = "halfconcentric" # set generative parameters nt = 80 # number of thetas nd = 1 # number of samples per theta no = nd*nt # number of samples for outer circle ni = 20 # number of samples for inner circle r = 5 # radius of outer loop so = .25 # gaussian noise variance of outer circle si = .25 # gaussian noise variance of inner circle thetas = -np.linspace(0,math.pi,nt) x = [r*math.cos(theta) for theta in thetas] y = [r*math.sin(theta) for theta in thetas] param = {'nt': nt, 'nd': nd, 'no': no, 'ni': ni, 'r': r, 'so': so, 'si': si} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*ni+[1]*no) # make coordinates coord = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.array([0,0]),si*np.eye(2),ni) for i in range(len(x)): coord = np.concatenate((coord,np.random.multivariate_normal(np.array([x[i],y[i]]),so*np.eye(2),nd))) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds
def gen_concentric(plot=True): # set name name = "concentric" # set generative parameters nt = 80 # number of thetas nd = 1 # number of samples per theta no = nd*nt # number of samples for outer circle ni = 20 # number of samples for inner circle r = 8 # radius of outer loop so = .25 # gaussian noise variance of outer circle si = .25 # gaussian noise variance of inner circle thetas = -np.linspace(0,2*math.pi,nt) x = [r*math.cos(theta) for theta in thetas] y = [r*math.sin(theta) for theta in thetas] param = {'nt': nt, 'nd': nd, 'no': no, 'ni': ni, 'r': r, 'so': so, 'si': si} # make labels labels = np.array([0]*ni+[1]*no) # make coordinates coord = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.array([0,0]),si*np.eye(2),ni) for i in range(len(x)): coord = np.concatenate((coord,np.random.multivariate_normal(np.array([x[i],y[i]]),so*np.eye(2),nd))) # make dataset ds = dataset(coord = coord, labels = labels, gen_param = param, name = name) # plot coordinates if plot: ds.plot_coord() # normalize ds.normalize_coord() if plot: ds.plot_coord() return ds # CODE BELOW NOT YET ADAPTED TO USE NEW IB DATASET CLASS # GENERATE ONLY P(X,Y)
def create_mnormal_distr(mu, cov): ''' mu, var are parameters of GMM ''' K = mu.shape[0] mnormal_distrs = [] for k in range(K): mnormal_distrs.append(mnormal(mean=mu[k, :], cov=cov[k, ...])) return mnormal_distrs
def exp6(num_data=1000): if num_data < 2: raise ValueError('num_data should be larger than 2. (num_data = {})'.format(num_data)) center = -5 sigma_x = 7 sigma_y = 7 n1 = num_data # init data d1x = torch.FloatTensor(n1, 1) d1y = torch.FloatTensor(n1, 1) d1x.normal_(center, sigma_x) d1y.normal_(center, sigma_y) d1 = torch.cat((d1x, d1y), 1) d = d1 # label label = torch.IntTensor(num_data).zero_() label[:] = 0 # shuffle #shuffle = torch.randperm(d.size()[0]) #d = torch.index_select(d, 0, shuffle) #label = torch.index_select(label, 0, shuffle) # pdf rv1 = multivariate_normal([ center, center], [[math.pow(sigma_x, 2), 0.0], [0.0, math.pow(sigma_y, 2)]]) def pdf(x): prob = (float(n1) / float(num_data)) * rv1.pdf(x) return prob def sumloglikelihood(x): return np.sum(np.log((pdf(x) + 1e-10))) return d, label, sumloglikelihood
def simulate_a(self, N): """ Assuming that the u's are normal, this method draws a random path for x^N """ V = self.construct_V(N + 1) d = spst.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(N + 1), V) return d.rvs()
def _init_params(self, X): init = self.init n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_components = self.n_components if (init == 'kmeans'): km = Kmeans(n_components) clusters, mean, cov = km.cluster(X) coef = sp.array([c.shape[0] / n_samples for c in clusters]) comps = [multivariate_normal(mean[i], cov[i], allow_singular=True) for i in range(n_components)] elif (init == 'rand'): coef = sp.absolute(sprand.randn(n_components)) coef = coef / coef.sum() means = X[sprand.permutation(n_samples)[0: n_components]] clusters = [[] for i in range(n_components)] for x in X: idx = sp.argmin([spla.norm(x - mean) for mean in means]) clusters[idx].append(x) comps = [] for k in range(n_components): mean = means[k] cov = sp.cov(clusters[k], rowvar=0, ddof=0) comps.append(multivariate_normal(mean, cov, allow_singular=True)) self.coef = coef self.comps = comps
def from_gaussian(z, R, N): """Init new PF from gaussian prior.""" var = multivariate_normal(z, R) s = var.rvs(N) w = np.full((N,), 1/N) return PF((w, s))
def sample_normal(Q, N): """Generate random samples and their weights.""" var = multivariate_normal(np.zeros(Q.shape[0]), Q) s = var.rvs(N) return s
def sample(self, n, seed=3): with util.NumpySeedContext(seed=seed): mvn = stats.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.cov) X = mvn.rvs(size=n) if len(X.shape) ==1: # This can happen if d=1 X = X[:, np.newaxis] return Data(X)
def load_lip_data_t2(image_id, flip=False, is_test=False): fine_size=64 image_id = image_id[:-1] image_path = './datasets/human/masks/{}.png'.format(image_id) img_A = scipy.misc.imread(image_path).astype(np.float) rows = img_A.shape[0] cols = img_A.shape[1] img_A = scipy.misc.imresize(img_A, [fine_size, fine_size]) img_B = np.zeros((fine_size, fine_size), dtype=np.float64) with open('./datasets/human/pose/{}.txt'.format(image_id), 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() points = lines[0].split(',') for idx, point in enumerate(points): if idx % 2 == 0: c_ = int(point) c_ = min(c_, cols-1) c_ = max(c_, 0) c_ = int(fine_size * 1.0 * c_ / cols) else: r_ = int(point) r_ = min(r_, rows-1) r_ = max(r_, 0) r_ = int(fine_size * 1.0 * r_ / rows) if c_ + r_ == 0: continue var = multivariate_normal(mean=[r_, c_], cov=2) for i in xrange(fine_size): for j in xrange(fine_size): img_B[i, j] += var.pdf([i, j]) * 1.0 img_A = img_A/127.5 - 1. img_BA = np.concatenate((img_B[:,:,np.newaxis], img_A), axis=2) # print img_BA.shape # img_AB shape: (fine_size, fine_size, input_c_dim + output_c_dim) return img_BA #------------------------------------------------------------
def gaussian_heatmap(h, w, pos_x, pos_y, sigma_h=1, sigma_w=1, init=None): """ Compute the heat-map of size (w x h) with a gaussian distribution fit in position (pos_x, pos_y) and a convariance matix defined by the related sigma values. The resulting heat-map can be summed to a given heat-map init. """ init = init if init is not None else [] cov_matrix = np.eye(2) * ([sigma_h**2, sigma_w**2]) x, y = np.mgrid[0:h, 0:w] pos = np.dstack((x, y)) rv = multivariate_normal([pos_x, pos_y], cov_matrix) tmp = rv.pdf(pos) hmap = np.multiply( tmp, np.sqrt(np.power(2 * np.pi, 2) * np.linalg.det(cov_matrix)) ) idx = np.where(hmap.flatten() <= np.exp(-4.6052)) hmap.flatten()[idx] = 0 if np.size(init) == 0: return hmap assert (np.shape(init) == hmap.shape) hmap += init idx = np.where(hmap.flatten() > 1) hmap.flatten()[idx] = 1 return hmap
def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, w: np.ndarray): if len(X) == 0: raise NotEnoughParticles("Fitting not possible.") self._X_arr = X.as_matrix() sample_cov = smart_cov(self._X_arr, w) dim = sample_cov.shape[0] eff_sample_size = 1 / (w**2).sum() bw_factor = self.bandwidth_selector(eff_sample_size, dim) self.cov = sample_cov * bw_factor**2 * self.scaling self.normal = st.multivariate_normal(cov=self.cov, allow_singular=True)
def rvs_single(self): sample = self.X.sample(weights=self.w).iloc[0] perturbed = (sample + np.random.multivariate_normal( np.zeros(self.cov.shape[0]), self.cov)) return perturbed
def likelihood_statistics(self, samples): s0, s1, s2 = {}, {}, {} samples = zip(range(0, len(samples)), samples) gaussians = {} g = [multivariate_normal(mean=self.means[k],cov=self.covs[k]) for k in xrange(0, len(self.weights))] for i,x in samples: gaussians[i] = {k : g[k].pdf(x) for k in range(0, len(self.weights) ) } for k in xrange(0, len(self.weights)): s0[k] = reduce(lambda a, (i, x): a + self.likelihood_moment(x, gaussians[i], self.weights, k, 0), samples, 0) s1[k] = reduce(lambda a, (i, x): a + self.likelihood_moment(x, gaussians[i], self.weights, k, 1), samples, 0) s2[k] = reduce(lambda a, (i, x): a + self.likelihood_moment(x, gaussians[i], self.weights, k, 2), samples, 0) return s0, s1, s2