def test_ea_search_sklearn_elm_steps(label, do_predict): '''Test that EaSearchCV can work with numpy, dask.array, pandas.DataFrame, xarray.Dataset, xarray_filters.MLDataset ''' from scipy.stats import lognorm est, make_data, sel, kw = args[label] parameters = {'kernel': ['linear', 'rbf'], 'C': lognorm(4),} if isinstance(est, (sk_Pipeline, Pipeline)): parameters = {'est__{}'.format(k): v for k, v in parameters.items()} ea = EaSearchCV(est, parameters, n_iter=4, ngen=2, model_selection=sel, model_selection_kwargs=kw) X, y = make_data() ea.fit(X, y) if do_predict: pred = ea.predict(X) assert isinstance(pred, type(y))
def test_plot_fragility_curve1(): from scipy.stats import lognorm filename = abspath(join(testdir, 'plot_fragility_curve1.png')) if isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) FC = wntr.scenario.FragilityCurve() FC.add_state('Minor', 1, {'Default': lognorm(0.5,scale=0.3)}) FC.add_state('Major', 2, {'Default': lognorm(0.5,scale=0.7)}) plt.figure() wntr.graphics.plot_fragility_curve(FC) plt.savefig(filename, format='png') plt.close() assert_true(isfile(filename))
def lognormal(): return Fixture(pyro_dist=(dist.lognormal, LogNormal), scipy_dist=sp.lognorm, examples=[ {'mu': [1.4], 'sigma': [0.4], 'test_data': [5.5]}, ], scipy_arg_fn=lambda mu, sigma: ((np.array(sigma),), {"scale": np.exp(np.array(mu))}))
def test_log_pdf_on_transformed_distribution(lognormal): mu_z = Variable(torch.zeros(1)) sigma_z = Variable(torch.ones(1)) dist_params = lognormal.get_dist_params(0) mu_lognorm = dist_params['mu'] sigma_lognorm = dist_params['sigma'] trans_dist = get_transformed_dist(dist.normal, sigma_lognorm, mu_lognorm) test_data = lognormal.get_test_data(0) log_px_torch = trans_dist.log_pdf(test_data, mu_z, sigma_z).data[0] log_px_np = sp.lognorm.logpdf( test_data.data.cpu().numpy(), sigma_lognorm.data.cpu().numpy(), scale=np.exp(mu_lognorm.data.cpu().numpy()))[0] assert_equal(log_px_torch, log_px_np, prec=1e-4)
def __init__(self, data, mleDiffCutoff=1.0): print [min(data), max(data)] distributions = [st.laplace, st.norm, st.expon, st.dweibull, st.invweibull, st.lognorm, st.uniform] mles = [] for distribution in distributions: pars = distribution.fit(data) mle = distribution.nnlf(pars, data) mles.append(mle) results = [(distribution.name, mle) for distribution, mle in zip(distributions, mles)] for dist in sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1]): print dist best_fit = sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1])[0] print 'Best fit reached using {}, MLE value: {}'.format(best_fit[0].name, best_fit[1]) self.modelSets = [] self.modelOptions = [mod[0].name for mod in sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1])] ## list of scipy distribution ids sorted by their MLEs given the data ## [0] is best, [1], next best and so on for model in sorted(zip(distributions, mles), key=lambda d: d[1]): if(model[0].name in getAvailableDistributionsByScipyIds()): try: modelDist = getDistributionByScipyId(model[0].name, data) self.modelSets.append([modelDist, model[1]]) ## append the distribution object and the MLE value for this ## particular distribution & the data ## ah frig, I think in the bimodal case, it will be ## something like except RuntimeError: pass else: ## nothing that can be done here, if we dont have a object of ## the distribution needed available, we cant do much about it pass
def __init__(self, ?=2, ?=0.95, ?=0.90, ?=0.1, grid_size=100): self.?, self.?, self.?, self.? = ?, ?, ?, ? # == Set the grid interval to contain most of the mass of the # stationary distribution of the consumption endowment == # ssd = self.? / np.sqrt(1 - self.?**2) grid_min, grid_max = np.exp(-4 * ssd), np.exp(4 * ssd) self.grid = np.linspace(grid_min, grid_max, grid_size) self.grid_size = grid_size # == set up distribution for shocks == # self.? = lognorm(?) self.draws = self.?.rvs(500) # == h(y) = ? * int G(y,z)^(1-?) ?(dz) == # self.h = np.empty(self.grid_size) for i, y in enumerate(self.grid): self.h[i] = ? * np.mean((y**? * self.draws)**(1 - ?)) ## == Now the functions that act on a Lucas Tree == #
def lognormal(self,samples): """ Sampling from a Log Normal distribution Parameters: m=mean s=sigma - standard deviation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - samples: number of values that will be returned. """ mean=float(self.__params[0]*1.0) sigma=float(self.__params[1]*1.0) distro=lognorm(s=sigma,scale=np.exp(mean)) f=distro.rvs(size=samples) return f
def __init__(self, scenario_flag = "Freeway_Free"): """ Totally five scenarios are supported here: Freeway_Night, Freeway_Free, Freeway_Rush; Urban_Peak, Urban_Nonpeak. The PDFs of the vehicle speed and the inter-vehicle space are adapted from existing references. """ if scenario_flag == "Freeway_Night": self.headway_random = expon(0.0, 1.0/256.41) meanSpeed = 30.93 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.2 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Freeway_Free": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.75, 0.0, np.exp(3.4)) meanSpeed = 29.15 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.5 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Freeway_Rush": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.5, 0.0, np.exp(2.5)) meanSpeed = 10.73 #m/s stdSpeed = 2.0 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Urban_Peak": scale = 1.096 c = 0.314 loc = 0.0 self.headway_random = fisk(c, loc, scale) meanSpeed = 6.083 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.2 #m/s elif scenario_flag == "Urban_Nonpeak": self.headway_random = lognorm(0.618, 0.0, np.exp(0.685)) meanSpeed = 12.86 #m/s stdSpeed = 1.5 #m/s else: raise self.speed_random = norm(meanSpeed, stdSpeed)
def lognormalRvForNormal(mu, sigma): ''' Define a lognormal RV by the mean and stdev of the underlying Normal distribution ''' return lognorm(sigma, scale=math.exp(mu))
def LogNormalDistribution(mean, std): if std == .0: return Distribution.ConstantDistribution(mean) var = std * std mean2 = mean * mean mu = np.log(mean) - (var/2)*(1/mean2) sigma = np.sqrt(var/mean2) dist = UncertainVariable(ss.lognorm(sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))) logging.debug('Distribution -- LogNormal: ({}, {})'.format( dist.mean, np.sqrt(dist.var))) return dist
def testTransformedDistribution(self): g = ops.Graph() with g.as_default(): mu = 3.0 sigma = 2.0 # Note: the Jacobian callable only works for this example; more generally # you may or may not need a reduce_sum. log_normal = self._cls()( distribution=ds.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma), bijector=bs.Exp(event_ndims=0)) sp_dist = stats.lognorm(s=sigma, scale=np.exp(mu)) # sample sample = log_normal.sample(100000, seed=235) self.assertAllEqual([], log_normal.get_event_shape()) with self.test_session(graph=g): self.assertAllEqual([], log_normal.event_shape().eval()) self.assertAllClose( sp_dist.mean(), np.mean(sample.eval()), atol=0.0, rtol=0.05) # pdf, log_pdf, cdf, etc... # The mean of the lognormal is around 148. test_vals = np.linspace(0.1, 1000., num=20).astype(np.float32) for func in [[log_normal.log_prob, sp_dist.logpdf], [log_normal.prob, sp_dist.pdf], [log_normal.log_cdf, sp_dist.logcdf], [log_normal.cdf, sp_dist.cdf], [log_normal.survival_function, sp_dist.sf], [log_normal.log_survival_function, sp_dist.logsf]]: actual = func[0](test_vals) expected = func[1](test_vals) with self.test_session(graph=g): self.assertAllClose(expected, actual.eval(), atol=0, rtol=0.01)
def testCachedSamplesWithoutInverse(self): with self.test_session() as sess: mu = 3.0 sigma = 0.02 log_normal = self._cls()( distribution=ds.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma), bijector=bs.Exp(event_ndims=0)) sample = log_normal.sample(1) sample_val, log_pdf_val = sess.run([sample, log_normal.log_prob(sample)]) self.assertAllClose( stats.lognorm.logpdf(sample_val, s=sigma, scale=np.exp(mu)), log_pdf_val, atol=1e-2)
def __init__(self, *args): self.dist_func = [] mean = [] std = [] self.dist_name = [] for dist, mu, sig in args: if dist is 'lognorm': """scipy lognormal Y -> LN(mu_Y, sig_Y) ln(Y) -> N(mu_lnY, sig_lnY) mu_lnY = ln(mu_Y) - 0.5(sig_lnY**2) sig_lnY = sqrt(ln(1 + sig_Y**2/mu_Y**2)) s = sig_lnY scale = exp(mu_lnY) """ s = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + (sig**2)/mu**2)) scale = np.exp(np.log(mu) - .5 * s**2) self.dist_func.append(stats.lognorm(s=s, scale=scale)) elif dist is 'gumbel_r': """scipy gumbel right skw aka extreme type I f(x) = exp(-(x-loc)1/scale) exp(-exp(-(x-loc)1/scale)) 1/scale = a = sqrt(pi**2/(6*sig**2)) loc = u = mu - 0.5772/a """ a = np.sqrt(np.pi**2/(6 * sig**2)) u = mu - 0.5772/a self.dist_func.append(stats.gumbel_r(loc=u, scale=1/a)) else: self.dist_func.append(getattr(stats, dist)(loc=mu, scale=sig)) self.dist_name.append(dist) mean.append(mu) std.append(sig) self.mean = np.array(mean) self.std = np.array(std) self.rho = np.identity(len(args))
def plot_multiplicative(self, T, npaths=25, show_trend=True): """ Plots for the multiplicative decomposition """ # Pull out right sizes so we know how to increment nx, nk, nm = self.nx, self.nk, self.nm # Matrices for the multiplicative decomposition ?_tilde, H, g = self.multiplicative_decomp() # Allocate space (nm is the number of functionals - we want npaths for each) mpath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) mbounds_mult = np.empty((nm*2, T)) spath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) sbounds_mult = np.empty((nm*2, T)) tpath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) ypath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) # Simulate for as long as we wanted moment_generator = self.lss.moment_sequence() # Pull out population moments for t in range (T): tmoms = next(moment_generator) ymeans = tmoms[1] yvar = tmoms[3] # Lower and upper bounds - for each multiplicative functional for ii in range(nm): li, ui = ii*2, (ii+1)*2 Mdist = lognorm(np.asscalar(np.sqrt(yvar[nx+nm+ii, nx+nm+ii])), scale=np.asscalar( np.exp( ymeans[nx+nm+ii]- \ t*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]))) Sdist = lognorm(np.asscalar(np.sqrt(yvar[nx+2*nm+ii, nx+2*nm+ii])), scale = np.asscalar( np.exp(-ymeans[nx+2*nm+ii]))) mbounds_mult[li:ui, t] = Mdist.ppf([.01, .99]) sbounds_mult[li:ui, t] = Sdist.ppf([.01, .99]) # Pull out paths for n in range(npaths): x, y = self.lss.simulate(T) for ii in range(nm): ypath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = np.exp(y[nx+ii, :]) mpath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = np.exp(y[nx+nm + ii, :] - np.arange(T)*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]) spath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = 1/np.exp(-y[nx+2*nm + ii, :]) tpath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = np.exp(y[nx+3*nm + ii, :] + np.arange(T)*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]) mult_figs = [] for ii in range(nm): li, ui = npaths*(ii), npaths*(ii+1) LI, UI = 2*(ii), 2*(ii+1) mult_figs.append(self.plot_given_paths(T, ypath_mult[li:ui,:], mpath_mult[li:ui,:], spath_mult[li:ui,:], tpath_mult[li:ui,:], mbounds_mult[LI:UI,:], sbounds_mult[LI:UI,:], 1, show_trend=show_trend)) mult_figs[ii].suptitle( r'Multiplicative decomposition of $y_{%s}$' % str(ii+1), fontsize=14) return mult_figs
def plot_martingales(self, T, npaths=25): # Pull out right sizes so we know how to increment nx, nk, nm = self.nx, self.nk, self.nm # Matrices for the multiplicative decomposition ?_tilde, H, g = self.multiplicative_decomp() # Allocate space (nm is the number of functionals - we want npaths for each) mpath_mult = np.empty((nm*npaths, T)) mbounds_mult = np.empty((nm*2, T)) # Simulate for as long as we wanted moment_generator = self.lss.moment_sequence() # Pull out population moments for t in range (T): tmoms = next(moment_generator) ymeans = tmoms[1] yvar = tmoms[3] # Lower and upper bounds - for each functional for ii in range(nm): li, ui = ii*2, (ii+1)*2 Mdist = lognorm(np.asscalar(np.sqrt(yvar[nx+nm+ii, nx+nm+ii])), scale=np.asscalar( np.exp( ymeans[nx+nm+ii]- \ t*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]))) mbounds_mult[li:ui, t] = Mdist.ppf([.01, .99]) # Pull out paths for n in range(npaths): x, y = self.lss.simulate(T) for ii in range(nm): mpath_mult[npaths*ii+n, :] = np.exp(y[nx+nm + ii, :] - np.arange(T)*(.5)*np.expand_dims(np.diag(H @ H.T),1)[ii]) mart_figs = [] for ii in range(nm): li, ui = npaths*(ii), npaths*(ii+1) LI, UI = 2*(ii), 2*(ii+1) mart_figs.append(self.plot_martingale_paths(T, mpath_mult[li:ui,:], mbounds_mult[LI:UI,:], horline=1)) mart_figs[ii].suptitle(r'Martingale components for many paths of $y_{%s}$' % str(ii+1), fontsize=14) return mart_figs