Python scipy.stats 模块,poisson() 实例源码


项目:mixedvines    作者:asnelt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        Saves the current random state for later recovery, sets the random seed
        to get reproducible results and manually constructs a mixed vine.
        # Save random state for later recovery
        self.random_state = np.random.get_state()
        # Set fixed random seed
        # Manually construct mixed vine
        self.dim = 3  # Dimension
        self.vine = MixedVine(self.dim)
        # Specify marginals
        self.vine.set_marginal(0, norm(0, 1))
        self.vine.set_marginal(1, poisson(5))
        self.vine.set_marginal(2, gamma(2, 0, 4))
        # Specify pair copulas
        self.vine.set_copula(1, 0, GaussianCopula(0.5))
        self.vine.set_copula(1, 1, FrankCopula(4))
        self.vine.set_copula(2, 0, ClaytonCopula(5))
项目:ngsphy    作者:merlyescalona    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nbinom(self,samples):
        Sampling from a Negative binomial distribution

        mu= poissonon mean
        r controls the deviation from the poisson

        This makes the negative binomial distribution suitable as a robust
        alternative to the Poisson, which approaches the Poisson for large r,
        but which has larger variance than the Poisson for small r.
        - samples: number of values that will be returned.
        return f
项目:gym-extensions    作者:Breakend    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_spatial_poisson_process(self, rate):
        xmin, xmax = self.x_range
        ymin, ymax = self.y_range

        dx = xmax - xmin
        dy = ymax - ymin

        N = stats.poisson( rate * dx * dy ).rvs()
        x = stats.uniform.rvs(xmin, dx, ((N, 1)) )
        y = stats.uniform.rvs(ymin, dy, ((N, 1)) )

        centers = np.hstack((x,y))
        return centers
项目:GraphicalModelForRecommendation    作者:AlgorithmFan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poissonRnd(scale, size=None):
    result = np.random.poisson(scale, size)
    return result
项目:ngsphy    作者:merlyescalona    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value(self,samples=1):
        Samples number of values given from the specific distribution.
        - samples: number of values that will be returned.
            for item in self.__params:
                if item==0: break
            if item==0: value=[0]*samples
                if self.__name=="b": value=self.binom(samples)
                if self.__name=="e": value=self.exponential(samples)
                if self.__name=="f": value=self.fixed(samples)
                if self.__name=="g": value=self.gamma(samples)
                if self.__name=="g1": value=self.gamma1(samples)
                if self.__name=="ln": value=self.lognormal(samples)
                if self.__name=="n": value=self.normal(samples)
                if self.__name=="nb": value=self.nbinom(samples)
                if self.__name=="p": value=self.poisson(samples)
                if self.__name=="u": value=self.uniform(samples)
        except Exception as ex:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            message="\n\tUnexpected: {0} | {1} - File: {2} - Line:{3}".format(\
                ex,exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
            raise Exception(message)
            # self.appLogger.error(message)
            # sys.exit()

        return value
项目:ngsphy    作者:merlyescalona    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poisson(self,samples):
        Sampling from a Poisson distribution
        - samples: number of values that will be returned.
        return f
项目:crayimage    作者:yandexdataschool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen(self, normal_mu_range, anomaly_mu_range):
    self.gens = [
        stats.uniform(loc=anomaly_mu_range[0], scale=anomaly_mu_range[1] - anomaly_mu_range[0]),
        truncated(stats.poisson, max_value=1024)

        stats.uniform(loc=normal_mu_range[0], scale=normal_mu_range[1] - normal_mu_range[0]),
        truncated(stats.poisson, max_value=1024)

    self.priors = np.array([0.1, 0.9])

    n = 10
    MC = CameraMC(self.priors, self.gens, image_shape=(1, n, n), n_frames=100)

    self.cats, self.params, self.imgs = MC.get_sample()
    self.hists = ndcount(self.imgs).reshape(n, n, -1)
    self.hists = self.hists.astype('float32') / np.sum(self.hists, axis=2)[:, :, None]
    self.cats = self.cats.reshape(-1)

    print("Img shape %s" % (self.imgs.shape, ))
    print("Hists shape %s" % (self.hists.shape, ))
    print("Categories shape %s" % (self.cats.shape, ))
项目:crayimage    作者:yandexdataschool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen(self, normal_mu_range, anomaly_mu_range):
    self.gens = [
        stats.uniform(loc=anomaly_mu_range[0], scale=anomaly_mu_range[1] - anomaly_mu_range[0]),
        truncated(stats.poisson, max_value=1024)

        stats.uniform(loc=normal_mu_range[0], scale=normal_mu_range[1] - normal_mu_range[0]),
        truncated(stats.poisson, max_value=1024)

    self.priors = np.array([0.1, 0.9])

    n = 100
    m = 10
    bins = 64
    MC = CameraMC(self.priors, self.gens, image_shape=(1, n, ), n_frames=100, max_value=bins)

    X = np.ndarray(shape=(m, n, bins), dtype='float32')
    cats = np.ndarray(shape=(m, n), dtype='float32')

    for i in xrange(m):
      cats[i], _, imgs = MC.get_sample()
      h = ndcount(imgs, bins=bins)
      print h.shape
      h = h.reshape(n, bins)

      X[i] = h.astype('float32') / np.sum(h, axis=1)[:, None]

    print("X shape %s" % (X.shape, ))
    print("Categories shape %s" % (cats.shape, ))

    self.X = X
    self.cats = cats
项目:crayimage    作者:yandexdataschool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, parameter_distribution = stats.gamma,
               signal_family = stats.poisson):
    self.parameter_distribution = parameter_distribution
    self.signal_family = signal_family
项目:mixedvines    作者:asnelt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(samples, is_continuous):
        Fits a distribution to the given samples.

        samples : array_like
            Array of samples.
        is_continuous : bool
            If `True` then a continuous distribution is fitted.  Otherwise, a
            discrete distribution is fitted.

        best_marginal : Marginal
            The distribution fitted to `samples`.
        # Mean and variance
        mean = np.mean(samples)
        var = np.var(samples)
        # Set suitable distributions
        if is_continuous:
            if np.any(samples <= 0):
                options = [norm]
                options = [norm, gamma]
            if var > mean:
                options = [poisson, binom, nbinom]
                options = [poisson, binom]
        params = np.empty(len(options), dtype=object)
        marginals = np.empty(len(options), dtype=object)
        # Fit parameters and construct marginals
        for i, dist in enumerate(options):
            if dist == poisson:
                params[i] = [mean]
            elif dist == binom:
                param_n = np.max(samples)
                param_p = np.sum(samples) / (param_n * len(samples))
                params[i] = [param_n, param_p]
            elif dist == nbinom:
                param_n = mean * mean / (var - mean)
                param_p = mean / var
                params[i] = [param_n, param_p]
                params[i] =
            rv_mixed = dist(*params[i])
            marginals[i] = Marginal(rv_mixed)
        # Calculate Akaike information criterion
        aic = np.zeros(len(options))
        for i, marginal in enumerate(marginals):
            aic[i] = 2 * len(params[i]) \
                     - 2 * np.sum(marginal.logpdf(samples))
        best_marginal = marginals[np.argmin(aic)]
        return best_marginal