Python scipy.stats 模块,ttest_rel() 实例源码


项目:noisyopt    作者:andim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self, xtest, x, type_='smaller', alpha=0.05):
        type_: in ['smaller', 'equality']
            type of comparison to perform
        alpha: float
            significance level
        # call function to make sure it has been evaluated a sufficient number of times
        if type_ not in ['smaller', 'equality']:
            raise NotImplementedError(type_)
        ftest, ftestse = self(xtest)
        f, fse = self(x)
        # get function values
        fxtest = np.array(self.cache[tuple(xtest)])
        fx = np.array(self.cache[tuple(x)])
        if np.mean(fxtest-fx) == 0.0:
            if type_ == 'equality':
                return True
            if type_ == 'smaller':
                return False
        if self.paired:
            # if values are paired then test on distribution of differences
            statistic, pvalue = stats.ttest_rel(fxtest, fx, axis=None)
            statistic, pvalue = stats.ttest_ind(fxtest, fx, equal_var=False, axis=None)
        if type_ == 'smaller':
            # if paired then df=N-1, else df=N1+N2-2=2*N-2 
            df = self.N-1 if self.paired else 2*self.N-2
            pvalue = stats.t.cdf(statistic, df) 
            # return true if null hypothesis rejected
            return pvalue < alpha
        if type_ == 'equality':
            # return true if null hypothesis not rejected
            return pvalue > alpha
项目:rankpy    作者:dmitru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ttest(filename1, filename2):
    qids1, values1 = load_evaluation_file(arguments.filename1)
    qids2, values2 = load_evaluation_file(arguments.filename2)

    if qids1.shape[0] != qids2.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('number of queries in files do not match (%d != %d)'\
                         % (qids1.shape[0], qids2.shape[0]))

    qids1_sort_idxs = np.argsort(qids1)
    qids2_sort_idxs = np.argsort(qids2)

    qids1 = qids1[qids1_sort_idxs]
    qids2 = qids2[qids2_sort_idxs]

    if np.any(qids1 != qids2):
        raise ValueError('files do not contain the same queries')

    values1 = values1[qids1_sort_idxs]
    values2 = values2[qids2_sort_idxs]

    mean1 = np.mean(values1)
    mean2 = np.mean(values2)

    t_statistic, p_value = ttest_rel(values1, values2)    

    return values1.shape[0], mean1, mean2, t_statistic, p_value
项目:interpretese    作者:hhexiy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ttest(list1, list2):
   a1 = np.array(list1)
   a2 = np.array(list2)
   diff = a1 - a2
   t, prob = stats.ttest_rel(a1, a2)
   print np.mean(diff), np.std(diff), t, prob
   return np.mean(diff), np.std(diff), t, prob

#def ttest(arr1, arr2):
#   T, pvalue = stats.ttest_rel(arr1, arr2)
#   return T, pvalue
项目:interpretese    作者:hhexiy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ttest(list1, list2):
   a1 = np.array(list1)
   a2 = np.array(list2)
   t, prob = stats.ttest_rel(a1, a2)
   print '-'*40
   print '{:<10s}{:<10s}{:<10s}{:<10s}'.format('mean1', 'mean2', 't-stat', 'p-value')
   print '{:<10.6f}{:<10.6f}{:<10.6f}{:<10.6f}'.format(np.mean(a1), np.mean(a2), t, prob)
   print '-'*40
项目:interpretese    作者:hhexiy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compare_omission(mt_para_corpus, si_para_corpus, lang):
   tag_weights, tok_weights = get_omission_weights(mt_para_corpus, si_para_corpus, lang)

   mask = []
   for mt_sent_pair, si_sent_pair in zip(mt_para_corpus.sent_pairs, si_para_corpus.sent_pairs):
      if mt_sent_pair.good_alignment and si_sent_pair.good_alignment:
   mt_omit, mt_omit_detail, mt_omit_tok, mt_omit_all = count_omission(mask, mt_para_corpus, tag_weights, tok_weights, lang)
   si_omit, si_omit_detail, si_omit_tok, si_omit_all = count_omission(mask, si_para_corpus, tag_weights, tok_weights, lang)

   top_k = 10
   print 'overall omission (si vs mt):'
   ttest(si_omit_all, mt_omit_all)

   print 'MT tag omissions:'
   print u'\n'.join(['%s\t%f' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in mt_omit if tag_weights[x[0]] > 0]).encode('utf-8')
   print u'MT tok omissions:'
   print u'\n'.join(['%s\t%f' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in mt_omit_tok[:top_k] if tok_weights[x[0]] > 0]).encode('utf8')
   print 'SI tag omissions:'
   print u'\n'.join(['%s\t%f' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in si_omit if tag_weights[x[0]] > 0]).encode('utf8')
   print 'SI tok omissions:'
   print u'\n'.join(['%s\t%f' % (x[0], x[1]) for x in si_omit_tok[:top_k] if tok_weights[x[0]] > 0]).encode('utf8')

   print 'Sentence omission stats:'
   for tag in tag_weights:
      if tag_weights[tag] > 0:
         mt_mean = sum(mt_omit_detail[tag])
         si_mean = sum(si_omit_detail[tag])
         t, prob = stats.ttest_rel(mt_omit_detail[tag], si_omit_detail[tag])
         if prob < 0.05:
            print (u'%s\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f' % (tag, mt_mean, si_mean, t, prob)).encode('utf8')
项目:RIDDLE    作者:jisungk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_paired_ttest_with_diff_sums(data):
    model, X_test = data

    pairs = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]
    nb_pairs = len(pairs)

    nb_features, nb_classes, nb_cases = 1717, 4, 20
    batch_size = 5
    process_X_data_func_args = {'nb_features': nb_features}

    dlc_gen = deeplift_contribs_generator(model, X_test, 
        process_X_data_func=process_X_data, nb_features=nb_features, 
        nb_classes=nb_classes, batch_size=batch_size,

    sums_D, sums_D2, sums_contribs, pairs = diff_sums_from_generator(dlc_gen, 
        nb_features=nb_features, nb_classes=nb_classes)

    unadjusted_t_values, p_values = paired_ttest_with_diff_sums(sums_D, 
        sums_D2, pairs=pairs, nb_cases=nb_cases)

    assert unadjusted_t_values.shape == (nb_pairs, nb_features)
    assert p_values.shape == (nb_pairs, nb_features)

    # force only 1 batch with abnormally high batch_size parameter
    alt_dlc_gen = deeplift_contribs_generator(model, X_test, 
        process_X_data_func=process_X_data, nb_features=nb_features, 
        nb_classes=nb_classes, batch_size=109971161161043253 % 8085,

    # non-streaming paired t-test implementation... fails with larger 
    # datasets due to large matrix sizes (e.g., memory overflow), but
    # works as an alternative implementation for a tiny unit testing dataset
    alt_t_values, alt_p_values = [], []
    for idx, contribs in enumerate(alt_dlc_gen):
        assert not idx # check only 1 batch (idx == 0)
        for i, j in pairs:
            curr_t_values = np.zeros((nb_features, ))
            curr_p_values = np.zeros((nb_features, ))

            for f in range(nb_features):
                t, p = ttest_rel(contribs[i][:, f], contribs[j][:, f])
                curr_t_values[f] = t
                curr_p_values[f] = p


    for r in range(len(pairs)):
        t = unadjusted_t_values[r]
        alt_t = alt_t_values[r]
        p = p_values[r] # already bonferroni adjusted
        alt_p = bonferroni(alt_p_values[r], nb_pairs * nb_features)

        assert t.shape == alt_t.shape
        assert p.shape == alt_p.shape

        assert np.all(del_nans(np.abs(alt_t - t)) < epsilon)
        assert np.all(del_nans(np.abs(alt_p - p)) < epsilon)
项目:3C_tutorial    作者:axelcournac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directional(A, nw):
    n1 = A.shape[0]  
    print("Size of the matrix entetered for the directional index:")
    signal1 = np.zeros((n1, 1));

    for i in range(0,n1) :
        vect_left = [];
        vect_right = [];

        for k in range(i-1,i-nw-1,-1) :
            kp =k; 
            if k < 0 :
                kp = n1 +k ;
            if A[i,kp] > 0 :
            else :

        for k in range(i+1,i+nw+1) : 
            kp =k;
            if k >= n1 :
                kp = k - n1;
            if A[i,kp] > 0 :
            else :

        if sum(vect_left) != 0 and sum(vect_right) != 0 :
            signal1[i] =  stats.ttest_rel(vect_right,vect_left)[0];
        else :
            signal1[i] =  0;

    return signal1

#  for a bar graph :

#ind = np.arange(len(dir2))
#ind = np.arange(len(M)),M,color="red");
#dom22 =  [i/10 for i in dom22 ]
#ind = np.arange(len(dom22)), dom22)    