def sample(self, size=1, random_state=None): """Return a sample from probability distribution function. This calls the `rvs` method of the underlying `rv_continuous` class. :param size: Defining number of random variates (default is 1). :type size: int or tuple of ints :random_state: If int or RandomState, use it for drawing the random variates. If None, rely on `self.random_state`. Default is None. :type random_state: None or int or `np.random.RandomState` instance :return: random variate of size :rtype: ndarray or float """ return self._rv.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state)
def GaussianBoundedRV(loc=0., scale=1., lower=0., upper=1.): r"""A Gaussian prior between two finite bounds. This is a convenience function with more natural bound parameters than ``scipy.stats.truncnorm``. :param loc: location parameter, mean of distribution :type loc: float :param scale: standard deviation of distribution :type scale: float :param lower: lower bound of parameter range :type lower: float :param upper: upper bound of parameter range :type upper: float :return: a frozen rv_continuous instance with normalized Gaussian probability truncated to the range [lower, upper] and 0 outside """ low, up = (lower - loc) / scale, (upper - loc) / scale nn = scipy.stats.truncnorm(loc=loc, scale=scale, a=low, b=up) return nn
def sampleWebPageVisitLength(): weibullPts = getWebPageWeibullPdfSample() class my_pdf(st.rv_continuous): def _pdf(self,x): ##return normalPdf(x) # Normalized over its range, in this case [0,1] return interpolateFromPdfSamples(weibullPts, x) my_cv = my_pdf(a=0, b=190.0, name='my_pdf') return my_cv.rvs()
def __init__(self, rv_mixed): self.rv_mixed = rv_mixed self.is_continuous = isinstance(rv_mixed.dist, rv_continuous)
def __init__(self, rv): """ :param rv: rv_frozen Private member that holds an instance of rv_frozen used to define the prior distribution. It must be a 'frozen distribution', with all shape parameters (i.e. a, b, loc, scale) set. For more info see `rv_continuous`_. For a list of functions suitable for use see `continuous-distributions`_. :Examples: .. code-block:: python # A half-bounded uniform prior on Agw, ensuring Agw >= 0. model.Agw.prior = Prior(UniformUnnormedRV(lower=0.)) # A normalized uniform prior on Agw in [10^-18, 10^-12] model.Agw.prior = Prior(UniformBoundedRV(1.0e-18, 1.0e-12)) # A Gaussian prior for gamma = 13/3 +/- 2/3 mean, std = 13./3., 2./3. model.gamma.prior = Prior(scipy.stats.norm(loc=mean, scale=std)) # A bounded Gaussian prior to ensure that eccentrity is in [0, 1] mean, std, low, up = 0.9, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0 model.ecc.prior = Prior(GaussianBoundedRV(loc=mean, scale=std, lower=low, upper=up)) .. _rv_continuous: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.rv_continuous.html#scipy.stats.rv_continuous .. _continuous-distributions: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/stats.html#continuous-distributions .. # noqa E501 """ self._rv = rv pass
def UniformUnnormedRV(lower=-np.inf, upper=np.inf): r"""An unnormalized uniform prior suitable for unbounded or half-bounded intervals. :param lower: lower bound of parameter range :type lower: float :param upper: upper bound of parameter range :type upper: float :return: a frozen rv_continuous instance with pdf equal to unity in the allowed interval and 0 elsewhere """ return _UniformUnnormedRV_generator(name='unnormed_uniform', a=lower, b=upper)
def UniformBoundedRV(lower=0., upper=1.): r"""A uniform prior between two finite bounds. This is a convenience function with more natural bound parameters than ``scipy.stats.uniform``. :param lower: lower bound of parameter range :type lower: float :param upper: upper bound of parameter range :type upper: float :return: a frozen rv_continuous instance with normalized uniform probability inside the range [lower, upper] and 0 outside """ uu = scipy.stats.uniform(lower, (upper - lower)) return uu
def inverseTransformSample(distribution, uniformSamples): ''' This function lets you convert from a standard uniform sample [0,1] to a sample from an arbitrary distribution. This is done by taking the cdf [0,1] of the arbitrary distribution, and calculating its inverse to picking the sample." ''' assert (isinstance(distribution, rv_continuous) or isinstance(distribution, rv_discrete) or isinstance(distribution,rv_frozen)) newSamples = distribution.ppf(uniformSamples) return newSamples