def load_mat_file(name, path, matname, load_zeros = False, prop_valid_set = .1, prop_test_set=0): x = scipy.io.loadmat(path + name)[matname] if sp.issparse(x): if not load_zeros: idxs = x.nonzero() indexes = np.array(zip(idxs[0], np.zeros_like(idxs[0]), idxs[1])) np.random.shuffle(indexes) nb = indexes.shape[0] i_valid = int(nb - nb*prop_valid_set - nb * prop_test_set) i_test = i_valid + int( nb*prop_valid_set) train = Triplets_set(indexes[:i_valid,:], np.ones(i_valid)) valid = Triplets_set(indexes[i_valid:i_test,:], np.ones(i_test - i_valid)) test = Triplets_set(indexes[i_test:,:], np.ones(nb - i_test)) return Experiment(name,train, valid, test, positives_only = True, compute_ranking_scores = True)
def saveParams(self, lap, hmodel, SS=None, **kwargs): ''' Save current model to disk ''' if lap in self.SavedIters or self.task_output_path is None: return ElapsedTimeLogger.startEvent("io", "saveparams") self.SavedIters.add(lap) prefix = ModelWriter.makePrefixForLap(lap) with open(self.mkfile('snapshot_lap.txt'), 'a') as f: f.write('%.4f\n' % (lap)) with open(self.mkfile('snapshot_elapsed_time_sec.txt'), 'a') as f: f.write('%.3f\n' % (self.get_elapsed_time())) if self.outputParams['doSaveFullModel']: ModelWriter.save_model( hmodel, self.task_output_path, prefix, doSavePriorInfo=np.allclose(lap, 0.0), doLinkBest=True, doSaveObsModel=self.outputParams['doSaveObsModel']) if self.outputParams['doSaveTopicModel']: ModelWriter.saveTopicModel( hmodel, SS, self.task_output_path, prefix, **kwargs) ElapsedTimeLogger.stopEvent("io", "saveparams")
def run_motif(type,cell,thresh_mode): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") print "cross_validation_training" print "motif features used" # Read data filename = "./pairs_%s%s_motif.mat"%(str(type),str(cell)) data = scipy.io.loadmat(filename) x = np.asmatrix(data['seq_m']) y = np.ravel(data['lab_m']) y[y<0]=0 print "Positive: %d Negative: %d" % (sum(y==1), sum(y==0)) k_fold = 10 if thresh_mode==0: k_fold1 = 0 elif thresh_mode==1: k_fold1 = 1 else: k_fold1 = 5 metrics_vec, pred, predicted, features1 = parametered_cv(x,y,k_fold,k_fold1,serial) filename1 = "test_%s%s_motiflab.txt"%(str(type), str(cell)) filename2 = "test_%s%s_motifprob.txt"%(str(type), str(cell)) filename3 = "test_%s%s_motiffeature.txt"%(str(type), str(cell)) np.savetxt(filename1, pred, fmt='%d %d %d', delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename2, predicted, fmt='%f %f', delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename3, features1, fmt='%d %f', delimiter='\t') filename4 = "test_%s%s_motifthresh2.txt"%(str(type), str(cell)) np.savetxt(filename4, metrics_vec, fmt='%f %f %f %f %f', delimiter='\t') # Cross validation for PEP-Integrate
def run_shuffle(word, num_features,k,type,cell,sel_num,thresh_mode): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") word = int(word) num_features = int(num_features) k = int(k) sel_num = int(sel_num) print "Loading motif data" filename = "./pairs_%s%s_motif.mat"%(str(type),str(cell)) data = scipy.io.loadmat(filename) x1 = np.asarray(data['seq_m']) y = np.ravel(data['lab_m']) y[y<0]=0 print "Positive: %d Negative: %d" % (sum(y==1), sum(y==0)) serial3 = np.array(range(0,x1.shape[1])) print serial3.shape print "shuffle features..." random.shuffle(serial3) x = x1[:,serial3] filename4 = "test_%s%s_motifidx_shuffle%d.txt"%(str(type), str(cell), sel_num) np.savetxt(filename4, np.array((range(0,x1.shape[1]),serial3)).T, fmt='%d %d', delimiter='\t') k_fold = 10 if thresh_mode==0: k_fold1 = 0 elif thresh_mode==1: k_fold1 = 1 else: k_fold1 = 5 metrics_vec, pred, predicted, features1 = parametered_cv(x,y,k_fold,k_fold1) filename1 = "test_%s%s_motiflab_shuffle%d.txt"%(str(type), str(cell), sel_num) filename2 = "test_%s%s_motifprob_shuffle%d.txt"%(str(type), str(cell), sel_num) filename3 = "test_%s%s_motiffeature_shuffle%d.txt"%(str(type), str(cell), sel_num) np.savetxt(filename1, pred, fmt='%d %d %d', delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename2, predicted, fmt='%f %f', delimiter='\t') np.savetxt(filename3, features1, fmt='%d %f', delimiter='\t')
def __init__(self, Brain_image_filename,Electrode_ElectrodeData_filename,Electrode_mat_filename,ElectrodeSignals,ElectrodeSignalDataName): self.im = Image.open(Brain_image_filename) self.syllableUnit = 0 self.Timestep =0 self.ElectrodeSignals = scipy.io.loadmat(ElectrodeSignals) self.mat = scipy.io.loadmat(Electrode_mat_filename) self.connectivityData = scipy.io.loadmat(Electrode_ElectrodeData_filename) # Changes for artificial data Data=scipy.io.loadmat(Electrode_ElectrodeData_filename) temp = Data['electrode'] self.ElectrodeIds = temp[0] self.ElectodeData = Data['C'] # Changes for RealData # self.ElectrodeIds = [i for i in range(len(self.ElectrodeSignals[ElectrodeSignalDataName][0]))] # self.ElectodeData = self.connectivityData['conData'] self.syllable, self.timestep, self.N , self.N = np.shape(self.ElectodeData) self.timestep = self.timestep - 1 """ The variables names for the new connecivity matrices, C == correlation matrix syllable == 6 syllables time = mapping between electrodes electrode == 58 electrodes """
def initialize_transformer(image_mean): shape = (10*16, 3, 227, 227) transformer = caffe.io.Transformer({'data': shape}) channel_mean = np.zeros((3,227,227)) for channel_index, mean_val in enumerate(image_mean): channel_mean[channel_index, ...] = mean_val transformer.set_mean('data', channel_mean) transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255) transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2, 1, 0)) transformer.set_transpose('data', (2, 0, 1)) #transformer.set_is_flow('data', is_flow) return transformer
def singleFrame_classify_video(signal, net, transformer, with_smoothing, classNamesCNN): batch_size = 1 input_images = [] input_im = caffe.io.load_image(signal.replace(".wav",".png")) input_images.append(input_im) os.remove(signal.replace(".wav",".png")) #Initialize predictions matrix output_predictions = np.zeros((len(input_images),2)) output_classes = [] #print [method for method in dir(net) if callable(getattr(net, method))] for i in range(0,len(input_images)): # print "Classifying Spectrogram: ",i+1 clip_input = input_images[i:min(i+batch_size, len(input_images))] #get every image -- batch_size==1 clip_input = caffe.io.oversample(clip_input,[227,227]) #make it 227x227 caffe_in = np.zeros(np.array(clip_input.shape)[[0,3,1,2]], dtype=np.float32) #initialize input matrix for ix, inputs in enumerate(clip_input): caffe_in[ix] = transformer.preprocess('data',inputs) # transform input data appropriatelly and add to input matrix net.blobs['data'].reshape(caffe_in.shape[0], caffe_in.shape[1], caffe_in.shape[2], caffe_in.shape[3]) #make input caffe readable out = net.forward_all(data=caffe_in) #feed input to the network output_predictions[i:i+batch_size] = np.mean(out['probs'].reshape(10,caffe_in.shape[0]/10,2),0) #predict labels #Store predicted Labels without smoothing iMAX = output_predictions[i:i+batch_size].argmax(axis=1)[0] prediction = classNamesCNN[iMAX] output_classes.append(prediction) #print "Predicted Label for file --> ", signal.upper() ,":", prediction return output_classes, output_predictions
def savemat(file_name, mdict, oned_as="column", **kwargs): """MATLAB-format output routine that is compatible with SciPy 0.7's. 0.7.2 (or .1?) added the oned_as keyword arg with 'column' as the default value. It issues a warning if this is not provided, stating that "This will change to 'row' in future versions." """ import scipy.io try: return scipy.io.savemat(file_name, mdict, oned_as=oned_as, **kwargs) except TypeError: return scipy.io.savemat(file_name, mdict, **kwargs)
def _load_sbd_mask_annotations(self, index, gt_roidbs): """ Load gt_masks information from SBD's additional data """ if index % 1000 == 0: print '%d / %d' % (index, len(self._image_index)) image_name = self._image_index[index] inst_file_name = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'inst', image_name + '.mat') gt_inst_mat = scipy.io.loadmat(inst_file_name) gt_inst_data = gt_inst_mat['GTinst']['Segmentation'][0][0] unique_inst = np.unique(gt_inst_data) background_ind = np.where(unique_inst == 0)[0] unique_inst = np.delete(unique_inst, background_ind) gt_roidb = gt_roidbs[index] cls_file_name = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'cls', image_name + '.mat') gt_cls_mat = scipy.io.loadmat(cls_file_name) gt_cls_data = gt_cls_mat['GTcls']['Segmentation'][0][0] gt_masks = [] for ind, inst_mask in enumerate(unique_inst): box = gt_roidb['boxes'][ind] im_mask = (gt_inst_data == inst_mask) im_cls_mask = np.multiply(gt_cls_data, im_mask) unique_cls_inst = np.unique(im_cls_mask) background_ind = np.where(unique_cls_inst == 0)[0] unique_cls_inst = np.delete(unique_cls_inst, background_ind) assert len(unique_cls_inst) == 1 assert unique_cls_inst[0] == gt_roidb['gt_classes'][ind] mask = im_mask[box[1]: box[3]+1, box[0]:box[2]+1] gt_masks.append(mask) # Also record the maximum dimension to create fixed dimension array when do forwarding mask_max_x = max(gt_masks[i].shape[1] for i in xrange(len(gt_masks))) mask_max_y = max(gt_masks[i].shape[0] for i in xrange(len(gt_masks))) return { 'gt_masks': gt_masks, 'mask_max': [mask_max_x, mask_max_y], 'flipped': False }