def devi(yy, eta): deveta = yy*eta - scipy.exp(eta) devy = yy*scipy.log(yy) - yy devy[yy == 0] = 0 result = 2*(devy - deveta) return(result)
def rbf_kernel_pca(X, gamma, n_components): sq_dists = pdist(X, 'sqeuclidean') mat_sq_dists = squareform(sq_dists) K = exp(-gamma * mat_sq_dists) N = K.shape[0] one_n = np.ones((N, N)) / N K = K - one_n.dot(K) - K.dot(one_n) + one_n.dot(K).dot(one_n) eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eigh(K) alphas = np.column_stack(( eigenvectors[:, -i] for i in range(1, n_components+1) )) lambdas = [eigenvalues[-i] for i in range(1, n_components+1)] return alphas, lambdas
def KMV_f(E,D,T,r,sigmaE): n=10000 m=2000 diffOld=1e6 # a very big number for i in sp.arange(1,10): for j in sp.arange(1,m): A=E+D/2+i*D/n sigmaA=0.05+j*(1.0-0.001)/m d1 = (log(A/D)+(r+sigmaA*sigmaA/2.)*T)/(sigmaA*sqrt(T)) d2 = d1-sigmaA*sqrt(T) diff4E= (A*N(d1)-D*exp(-r*T)*N(d2)-E)/A # scale by assets diff4A= A/E*N(d1)*sigmaA-sigmaE # a small number already diffNew=abs(diff4E)+abs(diff4A) if diffNew<diffOld: diffOld=diffNew output=(round(A,2),round(sigmaA,4),round(diffNew,5)) return output #
def implied_vol_call_min(S,X,T,r,c): from scipy import log,exp,sqrt,stats implied_vol=1.0 min_value=1000 for i in range(10000): sigma=0.0001*(i+1) d1=(log(S/X)+(r+sigma*sigma/2.)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T)) d2 = d1-sigma*sqrt(T) c2=S*stats.norm.cdf(d1)-X*exp(-r*T)*stats.norm.cdf(d2) abs_diff=abs(c2-c) if abs_diff<min_value: min_value=abs_diff implied_vol=sigma k=i return implied_vol # Step 3: get call option data
def implied_vol_put_min(S,X,T,r,p): implied_vol=1.0 min_value=100.0 for i in xrange(1,10000): sigma=0.0001*(i+1) d1=(log(S/X)+(r+sigma*sigma/2.)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T)) d2 = d1-sigma*sqrt(T) put=X*exp(-r*T)*stats.norm.cdf(-d2)-S*stats.norm.cdf(-d1) abs_diff=abs(put-p) if abs_diff<min_value: min_value=abs_diff implied_vol=sigma k=i put_out=put print 'k, implied_vol, put, abs_diff' return k,implied_vol, put_out,min_value
def up_and_out_call(s0,x,T,r,sigma,n_simulation,barrier): n_steps=100. dt=T/n_steps total=0 for j in sp.arange(0, n_simulation): sT=s0 out=False for i in range(0,int(n_steps)): e=sp.random.normal() sT*=sp.exp((r-0.5*sigma*sigma)*dt+sigma*e*sp.sqrt(dt)) if sT>barrier: out=True if out==False: total+=bsCall(s0,x,T,r,sigma) return total/n_simulation #
def upCall(s,x,T,r,sigma,nSimulation,barrier): import scipy as sp import p4f n_steps=100 dt=T/n_steps inTotal=0 outTotal=0 for j in range(0, nSimulation): sT=s inStatus=False outStatus=True for i in range(0,int(n_steps)): e=sp.random.normal() sT*=sp.exp((r-0.5*sigma*sigma)*dt+sigma*e*sp.sqrt(dt)) if sT>barrier: outStatus=False inStatus=True if outStatus==True: outTotal+=p4f.bs_call(s,x,T,r,sigma) else: inTotal+=p4f.bs_call(s,x,T,r,sigma) return outTotal/nSimulation, inTotal/nSimulation #
def lookback_min_price_as_strike(s,T,r,sigma,n_simulation): n_steps=100 dt=T/n_steps total=0 for j in range(n_simulation): min_price=100000. # a very big number sT=s for i in range(int(n_steps)): e=sp.random.normal() sT*=sp.exp((r-0.5*sigma*sigma)*dt+sigma*e*sp.sqrt(dt)) if sT<min_price: min_price=sT #print 'j=',j,'i=',i,'total=',total total+=p4f.bs_call(s,min_price,T,r,sigma) return total/n_simulation #
def up_and_out_call(s0,x,T,r,sigma,n_simulation,barrier): n_steps=100. dt=T/n_steps total=0 for j in range(0, n_simulation): sT=s0 out=False for i in range(0,int(n_steps)): e=sp.random.normal() sT*=sp.exp((r-0.5*sigma*sigma)*dt+sigma*e*sp.sqrt(dt)) if sT>barrier: out=True if out==False: total+=p4f.bs_call(s0,x,T,r,sigma) return total/n_simulation #
def phaseFirstOrder(self, fromPos, toPos, phi1, degree = True, noChangeOnResonance=False, pivot = 0, scale= "Hz"): """This should only be applied to Fourier transformed spectral data It will lead to a zero phase shift at the upper end of the spectrum and to a phase shift of phi1 at the lower end, linear interpolation inbetween. this is the spinsight convention. If a pivot is provided the phase will not be changed at the pivot, but the total change accross the entire spectrum will still amount to phi1. """ self.checkToPos(toPos) phaseValues = np.linspace(0,phi1,num=len(self.frequency)) if noChangeOnResonance == True: pivot = 0 elif pivot !=0: print("Using pivot for first order phase correction") index = self.getIndex(pivot, scale= scale) phaseValues = phaseValues - phaseValues[index] 0 if degree == True: phaseValues = phaseValues*np.pi/180 self.allFid[toPos] = [spectrum*np.exp(-1j*phaseValues) for spectrum in self.allFid[fromPos]]
def __MR_W_D_matrix(self,img,labels): s = sp.amax(labels)+1 vect = self.__MR_superpixel_mean_vector(img,labels) adj = self.__MR_get_adj_loop(labels) W = sp.spatial.distance.squareform(sp.spatial.distance.pdist(vect)) W = sp.exp(-1*W / self.weight_parameters['delta']) W[adj.astype(np.bool)] = 0 D = sp.zeros((s,s)).astype(float) for i in range(s): D[i, i] = sp.sum(W[i]) return W,D
def model(THETA, time, kplanets): modelo = 0.0 if kplanets == 0: return 0.0 for i in range(kplanets): As, P, Ac, S, C = THETA[5*i:5*(i+1)] A = As ** 2 + Ac ** 2 ecc = S ** 2 + C ** 2 w = sp.arccos(C / (ecc ** 0.5)) # longitude of periastron phase = sp.arccos(Ac / (A ** 0.5)) ### test if S < 0: w = 2 * sp.pi - sp.arccos(C / (ecc ** 0.5)) if As < 0: phase = 2 * sp.pi - sp.arccos(Ac / (A ** 0.5)) ### per = sp.exp(P) freq = 2. * sp.pi / per M = freq * time + phase E = sp.array([MarkleyKESolver().getE(m, ecc) for m in M]) f = (sp.arctan(((1. + ecc) ** 0.5 / (1. - ecc) ** 0.5) * sp.tan(E / 2.)) * 2.) modelo += A * (sp.cos(f + w) + ecc * sp.cos(w)) return modelo
def _BlackScholesCall(S, K, T, sigma, r, q): d1 = (log(S/K) + (r - q + (sigma**2)/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T)) d2 = d1 - sigma*sqrt(T) return S*exp(-q*T)*norm.cdf(d1) - K*exp(-r*T)*norm.cdf(d2)
def _BlackScholesPut(S, K, T, sigma, r, q): d1 = (log(S/K) + (r - q + (sigma**2)/2)*T)/(sigma*sqrt(T)) d2 = d1 - sigma*sqrt(T) return K*exp(-r*T)*norm.cdf(-d2) - S*exp(-q*T)*norm.cdf(-d1)
def _fprime(self, sigma): logSoverK = log(self.S/self.K) n12 = ((self.r + sigma**2/2)*self.T) numerd1 = logSoverK + n12 d1 = numerd1/(sigma*sqrt(self.T)) return self.S*sqrt(self.T)*norm.pdf(d1)*exp(-self.r*self.T)
def kernel(s): """ Constructs a normalized discrete 1D gaussian kernel """ size_grid = int(s*4) x= scipy.mgrid[-size_grid:size_grid+1] g = scipy.exp(-(x**2/float(s**2)/2.)) return g / np.sum(g)
def alpha_m(self, V): """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage""" return 0.1*(V+40.0)/(1.0 - sp.exp(-(V+40.0) / 10.0))
def beta_m(self, V): """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage""" return 4.0*sp.exp(-(V+65.0) / 18.0)
def alpha_h(self, V): """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage""" return 0.07*sp.exp(-(V+65.0) / 20.0)
def beta_h(self, V): """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage""" return 1.0/(1.0 + sp.exp(-(V+35.0) / 10.0))
def alpha_n(self, V): """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage""" return 0.01*(V+55.0)/(1.0 - sp.exp(-(V+55.0) / 10.0))
def geom_std(values: t.List[float]) -> float: """ Calculates the geometric standard deviation for the passed values. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_standard_deviation """ import scipy.stats as stats import scipy as sp gmean = stats.gmean(values) return sp.exp(sp.sqrt(sp.sum([sp.log(x / gmean) ** 2 for x in values]) / len(values)))
def asian_vol_adj(atm, time2mat, tau): M = (2 * numpy.exp(atm * atm * time2mat) \ - 2 * numpy.exp(atm * atm * tau) * (1.0 + atm * atm * (time2mat - tau))) / \ ((atm ** 4) * ((time2mat - tau) ** 2)) return numpy.sqrt(numpy.log(M) / time2mat)
def BlackSholesFormula(IsCall, S, K, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf): x1 = d1(S, K, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) x2 = d2(S, K, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) y = pnorm(x1) res = {} if IsCall: res['Price'] = S * exp(-Rf*Texp)* x1 - K * exp(-Rd*Texp) * x2 res['Delta'] = x1 * exp(-Rf*Texp) else: res['Price'] = K * exp(-Rd*Texp) * (1 - x2) - S * exp(-Rf*Texp) * (1 - x1) res['Delta'] = (x1 - 1) * exp(-Rf*Texp) res['Vega'] = S * sqrt(Texp) * y * exp(-Rf*Texp) res['Gamma'] = y * exp(-Rf*Texp)/(S*Vol* sqrt(Texp)) return res
def KirkApprox(IsCall, F1, F2, Sigma1, Sigma2, Corr, K, Texp, r): FA = F1/(F2+K) Sigma = sqrt(Sigma1**2 + (Sigma2*F2/(F2+K))**2 - \ 2*Corr*Sigma1*Sigma2*F2/(F2+K)) d1 = (numpy.log(FA) + 0.5* Sigma**2 * Texp)/(Sigma*sqrt(Texp)) d2 = d1 - Sigma*sqrt(Texp) x1 = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(d1) x2 = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(d2) res = {} if IsCall: res['Price'] = (F2+K)*(FA * x1 - x2) * exp(-r*Texp) else: res['Price'] = (F2+K)*((1 - x2) - FA*(1 - x1)) * exp(-r*Texp) return res
def BSOpt( IsCall, Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ): 'Standard Black-Scholes European vanilla pricing.' if Strike <= 1e-12 * Spot: if IsCall: return Spot * exp( -Rf * Texp ) else: return 0. if IsCall: return Spot * exp( -Rf * Texp ) * cnorm( d1( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) ) \ - Strike * exp( -Rd * Texp ) * cnorm( d2( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) ) else: return Strike * exp( -Rd * Texp ) * cnorm( -d2( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) ) \ - Spot * exp( -Rf * Texp ) * cnorm( -d1( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) )
def BSFwd( IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp, ir): 'Standard Black-Scholes European vanilla pricing.' if Strike <= 1e-12 * Fwd: if IsCall: return Fwd else: return 0. df = exp(-ir * Texp) if IsCall: return df * (Fwd * cnorm( fd1( Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp ) ) \ - Strike * cnorm( fd2( Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp ) )) else: return df * (Strike * cnorm( -fd2( Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp ) ) \ - Fwd * cnorm( -fd1( Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp ) ))
def BSFwdNormal( IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp, ir): 'Standard Bachelier European vanilla pricing.' d = (Fwd-Strike)/Vol/sqrt(Texp) p = (Fwd-Strike) * cnorm( d ) + Vol * sqrt(Texp) * pnorm(d) if not IsCall: p = p - Fwd + Strike return p * exp(-Texp*ir)
def BSDelta( IsCall, Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ): 'Standard Black-Scholes Delta calculation. Over-currency spot delta.' if IsCall: return exp( -Rf * Texp ) * cnorm( d1( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) ) else: return -exp( -Rf * Texp ) * cnorm( -d1( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) )
def BSVega( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ): 'Standard Black-Scholes Vega calculation.' d = d1( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) return Spot * exp( -Rf * Texp ) * sqrt( Texp / 2. / pi ) * exp( -d * d / 2. )
def BSFwdNormalDelta( IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf = 0.0 ): d1 = (Fwd - Strike)/Vol/numpy.sqrt(Texp) return exp( -Rd * Texp ) * cnorm(d1)
def BSBin( IsCall, Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ): 'Standard Black-Scholes European binary call/put pricing.' Bin = cnorm( d2( Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) ) if not IsCall: Bin = 1 - Bin Bin = Bin * exp( -Rd * Texp ) return Bin
def StrikeFromDelta( IsCall, Spot, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf, Delta ): '''Calculates the strike of a European vanilla option gives its Black-Scholes Delta. It assumes the Delta is an over-ccy spot Delta.''' def ArgFunc( Strike ): DeltaCalc = BSDelta( IsCall, Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ) return DeltaCalc - Delta LoStrike = Spot * exp( ( Rd - Rf ) * Texp - 4 * Vol * sqrt( Texp ) ) HiStrike = Spot * exp( ( Rd - Rf ) * Texp + 4 * Vol * sqrt( Texp ) ) Strike = brenth( ArgFunc, LoStrike, HiStrike ) return Strike
def OneTouch( IsHigh, IsDelayed, Spot, Strike, Vol, Texp, Rd, Rf ): '''Prices a one touch option. IsHigh=True means it knocks up and in; False means down and in. IsDelayed=True means it pays at the end; False means it pays on hit.''' if ( IsHigh and Spot >= Strike ) or ( not IsHigh and Spot <= Strike ): if IsDelayed: return exp( -Rd * Texp ) else: return 1 if Vol <= 0 or Texp <= 0: return 0 Alpha = log( Strike / float( Spot ) ) Mu = Rd - Rf - Vol * Vol / 2. if IsDelayed: if IsHigh: Price = exp( -Rd * Texp ) * ( cnorm( ( -Alpha + Mu * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) \ + exp( 2 * Mu * Alpha / Vol / Vol ) * cnorm( ( -Alpha - Mu * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) ) else: Price = exp( -Rd * Texp ) * ( cnorm( ( Alpha - Mu * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) \ + exp( 2 * Mu * Alpha / Vol / Vol ) * cnorm( ( Alpha + Mu * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) ) else: MuHat = sqrt( Mu * Mu + 2 * Rd * Vol * Vol ) if IsHigh: Price = exp( Alpha / Vol / Vol * ( Mu - MuHat ) ) * cnorm( ( -Alpha + MuHat * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) \ + exp( Alpha / Vol / Vol * ( Mu + MuHat ) ) * cnorm( ( -Alpha - MuHat * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) else: Price = exp( Alpha / Vol / Vol * ( Mu + MuHat ) ) * cnorm( ( Alpha + MuHat * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) \ + exp( Alpha / Vol / Vol * ( Mu - MuHat ) ) * cnorm( ( Alpha - MuHat * Texp ) / Vol / sqrt( Texp ) ) return Price
def BAWAmOptPricer( IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp, rd, rf ): prem = BAWPremium( IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp, rd, rf ) D = exp( -rd * Texp) Euro = D * BSFwd(IsCall, Fwd, Strike, Vol, Texp) return Euro + prem
def LogNormalPaths(mu, cov, fwd, numPaths): ''' mu and fwd are 1d lists/arrays (1xn); cov is a 2d scipy.array (nxn); numPaths is int ''' return (fwd*scipy.exp(numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mu, cov, numPaths) - 0.5*cov.diagonal())).transpose()
def AsianOptTW_Fwd(IsCall, Fwd, strike, RlzAvg, Vol, Texp, AvgPeriod, Rd): '''Calculate Asian option price using TurnbullWakeman model. This is just for forward options, not for stocks. RlzAvg is the realized average price(daily) AvgPeriod is the time length of averaging period, usually 22 for the SGX options ''' Fwd = float(Fwd) strike = float(strike) RlzAvg = float(RlzAvg) tau = numpy.max([0, Texp - AvgPeriod]) if AvgPeriod == 0: volA = Vol else: volA = asian_vol_adj(Vol, Texp, tau) X = numpy.copy(strike) if AvgPeriod > Texp: X = X * (AvgPeriod / Texp) - RlzAvg * (AvgPeriod - Texp) / Texp if X < 0: if IsCall: return (RlzAvg * (AvgPeriod - Texp) / AvgPeriod + Fwd * Texp / AvgPeriod - X) * exp(-Rd * Texp) else: return 0 else: price = BSFwd(IsCall, Fwd, X, volA, Texp, Rd) if AvgPeriod > Texp: return price * Texp / AvgPeriod else: return price
def AsianFwdDelta(IsCall, Fwd, strike, RlzAvg, Vol, Texp, AvgPeriod, Rd): Fwd = float(Fwd) strike = float(strike) RlzAvg = float(RlzAvg) if AvgPeriod > Texp: x = strike * (AvgPeriod / Texp) - RlzAvg * (AvgPeriod - Texp) / Texp else: x = strike tau = numpy.max([0, Texp - AvgPeriod]) if AvgPeriod > 0: volA = asian_vol_adj(Vol, Texp, tau) else: volA = Vol if x < 0: if IsCall: return exp(-Rd * Texp) * Texp / AvgPeriod else: return 0 else: if Texp < AvgPeriod: multi = Texp / AvgPeriod else: multi = 1.0 Asiand1 = (log(Fwd / x) + (volA * volA * 0.5) * Texp) / (volA * sqrt(Texp)) if IsCall: return multi * exp(-Rd * Texp) * cnorm(Asiand1) else: return multi * exp(-Rd * Texp) * (cnorm(Asiand1) - 1.0)
def AsianFwdGamma(Fwd, strike, RlzAvg, Vol, Texp, AvgPeriod, Rd): Fwd = float(Fwd) strike = float(strike) RlzAvg = float(RlzAvg) if AvgPeriod > Texp: x = strike * (AvgPeriod / Texp) - RlzAvg * (AvgPeriod - Texp) / Texp else: x = strike tau = numpy.max([0, Texp - AvgPeriod]) if AvgPeriod > 0: volA = asian_vol_adj(Vol, Texp, tau) else: volA = Vol if x < 0: return 0 else: if Texp < AvgPeriod: multi = Texp / AvgPeriod else: multi = 1.0 Asiand1 = (log(Fwd / x) + (volA * volA * 0.5) * Texp) / (volA * sqrt(Texp)) ND = exp(-(Asiand1 * Asiand1 * 0.5)) / sqrt(2 * pi) return multi * exp(- Rd * Texp) * ND / (Fwd * volA * sqrt(Texp))
def AsianFwdVega(Fwd, strike, RlzAvg, Vol, Texp, AvgPeriod, Rd): Fwd = float(Fwd) strike = float(strike) RlzAvg = float(RlzAvg) if AvgPeriod > Texp: x = strike * (AvgPeriod / Texp) - RlzAvg * (AvgPeriod - Texp) / Texp else: x = strike tau = numpy.max([0, Texp - AvgPeriod]) if AvgPeriod > 0: M = (2.0 * exp(Vol * Vol * Texp) - 2.0 * exp(Vol * Vol * tau) * (1.0 + Vol * Vol * (Texp - tau))) / \ ((Vol ** 4) * ((Texp - tau) ** 2)) volA = sqrt(log(M) / Texp) else: volA = Vol if x < 0: return 0 else: if Texp < AvgPeriod: multi = Texp / AvgPeriod else: multi = 1.0 if AvgPeriod > 0: dM = 4.0 * (exp(Vol * Vol * Texp) * Texp * Vol - exp(Vol * Vol * tau) \ * ((Vol ** 3) * tau * (Texp - tau) + Vol * Texp)) / \ ((Vol ** 4) * (Texp - tau) * (Texp - tau)) - \ 8.0 * (exp(Vol * Vol * Texp) - exp(Vol * Vol * tau) * (1.0 + Vol * Vol * (Texp - tau))) / \ ((Vol ** 5) * (Texp - tau) * (Texp - tau)) dvA = 1.0 / (2.0 * volA) / Texp / M * dM else: dvA = 1.0 Asiand1 = (log(Fwd / x) + volA * volA * 0.5 * Texp) / (volA * sqrt(Texp)) ND = exp(-(Asiand1 * Asiand1 * 0.5)) / sqrt(2 * pi) return multi * Fwd * exp(-Rd * Texp) * ND * sqrt(Texp) * dvA * 0.01
def kde(data, N=None, MIN=None, MAX=None): # Parameters to set up the mesh on which to calculate N = 2**14 if N is None else int(2**sci.ceil(sci.log2(N))) if MIN is None or MAX is None: minimum = min(data) maximum = max(data) Range = maximum - minimum MIN = minimum - Range/10 if MIN is None else MIN MAX = maximum + Range/10 if MAX is None else MAX # Range of the data R = MAX-MIN # Histogram the data to get a crude first approximation of the density M = len(data) DataHist, bins = sci.histogram(data, bins=N, range=(MIN,MAX)) DataHist = DataHist/M DCTData = scipy.fftpack.dct(DataHist, norm=None) I = [iN*iN for iN in xrange(1, N)] SqDCTData = (DCTData[1:]/2)**2 # The fixed point calculation finds the bandwidth = t_star guess = 0.1 try: t_star = scipy.optimize.brentq(fixed_point, 0, guess, args=(M, I, SqDCTData)) except ValueError: print 'Oops!' return None # Smooth the DCTransformed data using t_star SmDCTData = DCTData*sci.exp(-sci.arange(N)**2*sci.pi**2*t_star/2) # Inverse DCT to get density density = scipy.fftpack.idct(SmDCTData, norm=None)*N/R mesh = [(bins[i]+bins[i+1])/2 for i in xrange(N)] bandwidth = sci.sqrt(t_star)*R density = density/sci.trapz(density, mesh) return bandwidth, mesh, density
def fixed_point(t, M, I, a2): l=7 I = sci.float128(I) M = sci.float128(M) a2 = sci.float128(a2) f = 2*sci.pi**(2*l)*sci.sum(I**l*a2*sci.exp(-I*sci.pi**2*t)) for s in range(l, 1, -1): K0 = sci.prod(xrange(1, 2*s, 2))/sci.sqrt(2*sci.pi) const = (1 + (1/2)**(s + 1/2))/3 time=(2*const*K0/M/f)**(2/(3+2*s)) f=2*sci.pi**(2*s)*sci.sum(I**s*a2*sci.exp(-I*sci.pi**2*time)) return t-(2*M*sci.sqrt(sci.pi)*f)**(-2/5)
def computeOpenMaxProbability(openmax_fc8, openmax_score_u): """ Convert the scores in probability value using openmax Input: --------------- openmax_fc8 : modified FC8 layer from Weibull based computation openmax_score_u : degree Output: --------------- modified_scores : probability values modified using OpenMax framework, by incorporating degree of uncertainity/openness for a given class """ prob_scores, prob_unknowns = [], [] for channel in range(NCHANNELS): channel_scores, channel_unknowns = [], [] for category in range(NCLASSES): channel_scores += [sp.exp(openmax_fc8[channel, category])] total_denominator = sp.sum(sp.exp(openmax_fc8[channel, :])) + sp.exp(sp.sum(openmax_score_u[channel, :])) prob_scores += [channel_scores/total_denominator ] prob_unknowns += [sp.exp(sp.sum(openmax_score_u[channel, :]))/total_denominator] prob_scores = sp.asarray(prob_scores) prob_unknowns = sp.asarray(prob_unknowns) scores = sp.mean(prob_scores, axis = 0) unknowns = sp.mean(prob_unknowns, axis=0) modified_scores = scores.tolist() + [unknowns] assert len(modified_scores) == 1001 return modified_scores #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, data, mleValue, fitParameters=True, mean=None, sigma=None): super(normalModel, self).__init__(data) self.MLE = mleValue if(None in [mean, sigma]): fitParameters=True if(fitParameters): mean = Mean(self.getDataSet()) sigma = standardDeviation(self.getDataSet()) try: def normDist(x, x0, sigma): output = 1.0/sqrt(2*np.pi*(sigma**2)) output *= exp(-0.5*((x - x0)/sigma)**2) return output self.n, self.bins, patches = plt.hist(self.getDataSet(), self.getDatasetSize()/10, normed=1, facecolor='blue', alpha = 0.55) popt,pcov = curve_fit(normDist,self.bins[:-1], self.n, p0=[mean, sigma]) ##plt.plot(bins[:-1], gaus(bins[:-1],*popt),'c-',label="Gaussian Curve with params\na=%f\nx0=%f\nsigma=%f" % (popt[0], popt[1], popt[2]), alpha=0.5) print "Fitted gaussian curve to data with params x0 %f, sigma %f" % (popt[0], popt[1]) self.x0 = popt[0] self.sigma = popt[1] self.fitted = True except RuntimeError: print "Unable to fit data to normal curve, runtime error" raise except Warning: raise RuntimeError else: self.x0 = mean self.sigma = sigma
def getModelpdf(self, x): output = 1.0/math.sqrt(2*np.pi*(self.getSigmaValue()**2)) output *= math.exp(-0.5*((x - self.getx0Value())/self.getSigmaValue())**2) return output