def compute_confusion_matrix(self,yp,yr): ''' Compute the confusion matrix ''' # Initialization n = yp.size C=int(yr.max()) self.confusion_matrix=sp.zeros((C,C)) # Compute confusion matrix for i in range(n): self.confusion_matrix[yp[i].astype(int)-1,yr[i].astype(int)-1] +=1 # Compute overall accuracy self.OA=sp.sum(sp.diag(self.confusion_matrix))/n # Compute Kappa nl = sp.sum(self.confusion_matrix,axis=1) nc = sp.sum(self.confusion_matrix,axis=0) self.Kappa = ((n**2)*self.OA - sp.sum(nc*nl))/(n**2-sp.sum(nc*nl)) # TBD Variance du Kappa
def glmnet_softmax(x): d = x.shape nas = scipy.any(scipy.isnan(x), axis = 1) if scipy.any(nas): pclass = scipy.zeros([d[0], 1])*scipy.NaN if scipy.sum(nas) < d[0]: pclass2 = glmnet_softmax(x[~nas, :]) pclass[~nas] = pclass2 result = pclass else: maxdist = x[:, 1] pclass = scipy.ones([d[0], 1]) for i in range(1, d[1], 1): t = x[:, i] > maxdist pclass[t] = i maxdist[t] = x[t, i] result = pclass return(result) #=========================
def auc(y, prob, w): if len(w) == 0: mindiff = scipy.amin(scipy.diff(scipy.unique(prob))) pert = scipy.random.uniform(0, mindiff/3, prob.size) t, rprob = scipy.unique(prob + pert, return_inverse = True) n1 = scipy.sum(y, keepdims = True) n0 = y.shape[0] - n1 u = scipy.sum(rprob[y == 1]) - n1*(n1 + 1)/2 result = u/(n1*n0) else: op = scipy.argsort(prob) y = y[op] w = w[op] cw = scipy.cumsum(w) w1 = w[y == 1] cw1 = scipy.cumsum(w1) wauc = scipy.sum(w1*(cw[y == 1] - cw1)) sumw = cw1[-1] sumw = sumw*(c1[-1] - sumw) result = wauc/sumw return(result) #=========================
def cvcompute(mat, weights, foldid, nlams): if len(weights.shape) > 1: weights = scipy.reshape(weights, [weights.shape[0], ]) wisum = scipy.bincount(foldid, weights = weights) nfolds = scipy.amax(foldid) + 1 outmat = scipy.ones([nfolds, mat.shape[1]])*scipy.NaN good = scipy.zeros([nfolds, mat.shape[1]]) mat[scipy.isinf(mat)] = scipy.NaN for i in range(nfolds): tf = foldid == i mati = mat[tf, ] wi = weights[tf, ] outmat[i, :] = wtmean(mati, wi) good[i, 0:nlams[i]] = 1 N = scipy.sum(good, axis = 0) cvcpt = dict() cvcpt['cvraw'] = outmat cvcpt['weights'] = wisum cvcpt['N'] = N return(cvcpt) # end of cvcompute #=========================
def _alignment(self,ssignal,ksignal): starta = 0 for i in range(len(ssignal))[0::2]: if ssignal[i]<-100/32767.0 or ssignal[i]>100/32767.0: starta = i break startb=0 for i in range(len(ksignal))[0::2]: if ksignal[i]<-100/32767.0 or ksignal[i]>100/32767.0: startb = i break start=starta-100 base = ssignal[start:start+5000] small=1000000 index=0 for i in range(startb-1000,startb-1000+10000)[0::2]: signal = ksignal[i:i+5000] score = math.sqrt(sp.sum(sp.square(sp.array(list(base-signal),sp.float32)))) if score<small: index=i small=score return start,index #return 0,0
def tstat(beta, var, sigma, q, N, log=False): """ Calculates a t-statistic and associated p-value given the estimate of beta and its standard error. This is actually an F-test, but when only one hypothesis is being performed, it reduces to a t-test. """ ts = beta / np.sqrt(var * sigma) print ts # ts = beta / np.sqrt(sigma) # ps = 2.0*(1.0 - stats.t.cdf(np.abs(ts), self.N-q)) # sf == survival function - this is more accurate -- could also use logsf if the precision is not good enough if log: ps = 2.0 + (stats.t.logsf(np.abs(ts), N - q)) else: ps = 2.0 * (stats.t.sf(np.abs(ts), N - q)) print ps # if not len(ts) == 1 or not len(ps) == 1: # raise Exception("Something bad happened :(") # return ts, ps return ts.sum(), ps.sum()
def __MR_W_D_matrix(self,img,labels): s = sp.amax(labels)+1 vect = self.__MR_superpixel_mean_vector(img,labels) adj = self.__MR_get_adj_loop(labels) W = sp.spatial.distance.squareform(sp.spatial.distance.pdist(vect)) W = sp.exp(-1*W / self.weight_parameters['delta']) W[adj.astype(np.bool)] = 0 D = sp.zeros((s,s)).astype(float) for i in range(s): D[i, i] = sp.sum(W[i]) return W,D
def tstat(beta, var, sigma, q, N, log=False): """ Calculates a t-statistic and associated p-value given the estimate of beta and its standard error. This is actually an F-test, but when only one hypothesis is being performed, it reduces to a t-test. """ ts = beta / np.sqrt(var * sigma) # ts = beta / np.sqrt(sigma) # ps = 2.0*(1.0 - stats.t.cdf(np.abs(ts), self.N-q)) # sf == survival function - this is more accurate -- could also use logsf if the precision is not good enough if log: ps = 2.0 + (stats.t.logsf(np.abs(ts), N - q)) else: ps = 2.0 * (stats.t.sf(np.abs(ts), N - q)) if not len(ts) == 1 or not len(ps) == 1: raise Exception("Something bad happened :(") # return ts, ps return ts.sum(), ps.sum()
def model_error(f, x, y): return sp.sum((f(x) - y) ** 2) # Function import tables with serial number of day # and Adjusted Closing Prices
def calcdistance_mat(self, points, center, spatialmax): ## -- L2norm optimized -- ## center = scipy.array(center) location_center=center[:2] color_center=center[2:] location_points=points[:,:,:2] color_points=points[:,:,2:] difs_location=location_points-location_center difs_color=1-np.equal(color_points,color_center) if len(difs_color.shape)==2: difs_color=np.expand_dims(difs_color, axis=2) difs=np.concatenate((difs_location,difs_color),axis=2) norm = (difs ** 2).astype(float) norm[:, :, 0:2] *= (float(self.MM) / (spatialmax * spatialmax)) # color weight on location term norm = scipy.sum(norm, 2) return norm
def _parse_plink_snps_(genotype_file, snp_indices): plinkf = plinkfile.PlinkFile(genotype_file) samples = plinkf.get_samples() num_individs = len(samples) num_snps = len(snp_indices) raw_snps = sp.empty((num_snps,num_individs),dtype='int8') #If these indices are not in order then we place them in the right place while parsing SNPs. snp_order = sp.argsort(snp_indices) ordered_snp_indices = list(snp_indices[snp_order]) ordered_snp_indices.reverse() print 'Iterating over file to load SNPs' snp_i = 0 next_i = ordered_snp_indices.pop() line_i = 0 max_i = ordered_snp_indices[0] while line_i <= max_i: if line_i < next_i: plinkf.next() elif line_i==next_i: line = plinkf.next() snp = sp.array(line, dtype='int8') bin_counts = line.allele_counts() if bin_counts[-1]>0: mode_v = sp.argmax(bin_counts[:2]) snp[snp==3] = mode_v s_i = snp_order[snp_i] raw_snps[s_i]=snp if line_i < max_i: next_i = ordered_snp_indices.pop() snp_i+=1 line_i +=1 plinkf.close() assert snp_i==len(raw_snps), 'Failed to parse SNPs?' num_indivs = len(raw_snps[0]) freqs = sp.sum(raw_snps,1, dtype='float32')/(2*float(num_indivs)) return raw_snps, freqs
def get_ld_tables(snps, ld_radius=100, ld_window_size=0): """ Calculates LD tables, and the LD score in one go... """ ld_dict = {} m,n = snps.shape print m,n ld_scores = sp.ones(m) ret_dict = {} for snp_i, snp in enumerate(snps): # Calculate D start_i = max(0, snp_i - ld_radius) stop_i = min(m, snp_i + ld_radius + 1) X = snps[start_i: stop_i] D_i = sp.dot(snp, X.T) / n r2s = D_i ** 2 ld_dict[snp_i] = D_i lds_i = sp.sum(r2s - (1-r2s) / (n-2),dtype='float32') #lds_i = sp.sum(r2s - (1-r2s)*empirical_null_r2) ld_scores[snp_i] =lds_i ret_dict['ld_dict']=ld_dict ret_dict['ld_scores']=ld_scores if ld_window_size>0: ref_ld_matrices = [] for i, wi in enumerate(range(0, m, ld_window_size)): start_i = wi stop_i = min(m, wi + ld_window_size) curr_window_size = stop_i - start_i X = snps[start_i: stop_i] D = sp.dot(X, X.T) / n ref_ld_matrices.append(D) ret_dict['ref_ld_matrices']=ref_ld_matrices return ret_dict
def predict(self,xt,tau=None,proba=None): ''' Function that predict the label for sample xt using the learned model Inputs: xt: the samples to be classified Outputs: y: the class K: the decision value for each class ''' ## Get information from the data nt = xt.shape[0] # Number of testing samples C = self.ni.shape[0] # Number of classes ## Initialization K = sp.empty((nt,C)) if tau is None: TAU=self.tau else: TAU=tau for c in range(C): invCov,logdet = self.compute_inverse_logdet(c,TAU) cst = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant xtc = xt-self.mean[c,:] temp = sp.dot(invCov,xtc.T).T K[:,c] = sp.sum(xtc*temp,axis=1)+cst del temp,xtc ## ## Assign the label save in classnum to the minimum value of K yp = self.classnum[sp.argmin(K,1)] ## Reassign label with real value if proba is None: return yp else: return yp,K
def compute_inverse_logdet(self,c,tau): Lr = self.L[c,:]+tau # Regularized eigenvalues temp = self.Q[c,:,:]*(1/Lr) invCov = sp.dot(temp,self.Q[c,:,:].T) # Pre compute the inverse logdet = sp.sum(sp.log(Lr)) # Compute the log determinant return invCov,logdet
def BIC(self,x,y,tau=None): ''' Computes the Bayesian Information Criterion of the model ''' ## Get information from the data C,d = self.mean.shape n = x.shape[0] ## Initialization if tau is None: TAU=self.tau else: TAU=tau ## Penalization P = C*(d*(d+3)/2) + (C-1) P *= sp.log(n) ## Compute the log-likelihood L = 0 for c in range(C): j = sp.where(y==(c+1))[0] xi = x[j,:] invCov,logdet = self.compute_inverse_logdet(c,TAU) cst = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant xi -= self.mean[c,:] temp = sp.dot(invCov,xi.T).T K = sp.sum(xi*temp,axis=1)+cst L +=sp.sum(K) del K,xi return L + P
def error(f, x, y): return sp.sum((f(x)-y)**2)
def compare_images(img1, img2): # normalize to compensate for exposure difference, this may be unnecessary # consider disabling it img1 = normalize(img1) img2 = normalize(img2) # calculate the difference and its norms diff = img1 - img2 # elementwise for scipy arrays m_norm = sum(abs(diff)) # Manhattan norm z_norm = norm(diff.ravel(), 0) # Zero norm return (m_norm, z_norm)
def geom_std(values: t.List[float]) -> float: """ Calculates the geometric standard deviation for the passed values. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_standard_deviation """ import scipy.stats as stats import scipy as sp gmean = stats.gmean(values) return sp.exp(sp.sqrt(sp.sum([sp.log(x / gmean) ** 2 for x in values]) / len(values)))
def wtmean(mat,weights): if len(weights.shape) == 1: weights = scipy.reshape(weights, [scipy.size(weights), 1]) wmat = isfinite(mat)*weights mat[isnan(mat)] = 0 swmat = mat*wmat tf = weights != 0 tf = tf[:,0] y = scipy.sum(swmat[tf, :], axis = 0)/scipy.sum(wmat, axis = 0) return y # end of wtmean
def fixed_point(t, M, I, a2): l=7 I = sci.float128(I) M = sci.float128(M) a2 = sci.float128(a2) f = 2*sci.pi**(2*l)*sci.sum(I**l*a2*sci.exp(-I*sci.pi**2*t)) for s in range(l, 1, -1): K0 = sci.prod(xrange(1, 2*s, 2))/sci.sqrt(2*sci.pi) const = (1 + (1/2)**(s + 1/2))/3 time=(2*const*K0/M/f)**(2/(3+2*s)) f=2*sci.pi**(2*s)*sci.sum(I**s*a2*sci.exp(-I*sci.pi**2*time)) return t-(2*M*sci.sqrt(sci.pi)*f)**(-2/5)
def computeOpenMaxProbability(openmax_fc8, openmax_score_u): """ Convert the scores in probability value using openmax Input: --------------- openmax_fc8 : modified FC8 layer from Weibull based computation openmax_score_u : degree Output: --------------- modified_scores : probability values modified using OpenMax framework, by incorporating degree of uncertainity/openness for a given class """ prob_scores, prob_unknowns = [], [] for channel in range(NCHANNELS): channel_scores, channel_unknowns = [], [] for category in range(NCLASSES): channel_scores += [sp.exp(openmax_fc8[channel, category])] total_denominator = sp.sum(sp.exp(openmax_fc8[channel, :])) + sp.exp(sp.sum(openmax_score_u[channel, :])) prob_scores += [channel_scores/total_denominator ] prob_unknowns += [sp.exp(sp.sum(openmax_score_u[channel, :]))/total_denominator] prob_scores = sp.asarray(prob_scores) prob_unknowns = sp.asarray(prob_unknowns) scores = sp.mean(prob_scores, axis = 0) unknowns = sp.mean(prob_unknowns, axis=0) modified_scores = scores.tolist() + [unknowns] assert len(modified_scores) == 1001 return modified_scores #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def error(f, x, y): return sp.sum((f(x) - y) ** 2)
def nLLeval(ldelta, Uy, S, REML=True): """ evaluate the negative log likelihood of a random effects model: nLL = 1/2(n_s*log(2pi) + logdet(K) + 1/ss * y^T(K + deltaI)^{-1}y, where K = USU^T. Uy: transformed outcome: n_s x 1 S: eigenvectors of K: n_s ldelta: log-transformed ratio sigma_gg/sigma_ee """ n_s = Uy.shape[0] delta = scipy.exp(ldelta) # evaluate log determinant Sd = S + delta ldet = scipy.sum(scipy.log(Sd)) # evaluate the variance Sdi = 1.0 / Sd Sdi=Sdi.reshape((Sdi.shape[0],1)) ss = 1. / n_s * (Uy*Uy*Sdi).sum() # evalue the negative log likelihood nLL = 0.5 * (n_s * scipy.log(2.0 * scipy.pi) + ldet + n_s + n_s * scipy.log(ss)) if REML: pass return nLL
def fit(self, X): n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_classes = self.n_classes max_iter = self.max_iter tol = self.tol rand_center_idx = sprand.permutation(n_samples)[0:n_classes] center = X[rand_center_idx].T responsilibity = sp.zeros((n_samples, n_classes)) for iter in range(max_iter): # E step dist = sp.expand_dims(X, axis=2) - sp.expand_dims(center, axis=0) dist = spla.norm(dist, axis=1)**2 min_idx = sp.argmin(dist, axis=1) responsilibity.fill(0) responsilibity[sp.arange(n_samples), min_idx] = 1 # M step center_new = sp.dot(X.T, responsilibity) / sp.sum(responsilibity, axis=0) diff = center_new - center print('K-Means: {0:5d} {1:4e}'.format(iter, spla.norm(diff) / spla.norm(center))) if (spla.norm(diff) < tol * spla.norm(center)): break center = center_new self.center = center.T self.responsibility = responsilibity return self
def _init_params(self, X): init = self.init n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_components = self.n_components if (init == 'kmeans'): km = Kmeans(n_components) clusters, mean, cov = km.cluster(X) coef = sp.array([c.shape[0] / n_samples for c in clusters]) comps = [multivariate_normal(mean[i], cov[i], allow_singular=True) for i in range(n_components)] elif (init == 'rand'): coef = sp.absolute(sprand.randn(n_components)) coef = coef / coef.sum() means = X[sprand.permutation(n_samples)[0: n_components]] clusters = [[] for i in range(n_components)] for x in X: idx = sp.argmin([spla.norm(x - mean) for mean in means]) clusters[idx].append(x) comps = [] for k in range(n_components): mean = means[k] cov = sp.cov(clusters[k], rowvar=0, ddof=0) comps.append(multivariate_normal(mean, cov, allow_singular=True)) self.coef = coef self.comps = comps
def log_likelihood(self, X): return sp.sum(sp.log(self.pdf(X)))
def _maximum_likelihood(self, X): n_samples, n_features = X.shape if X.ndim > 1 else (1, X.shape[0]) n_components = self.n_components # Predict mean mu = X.mean(axis=0) # Predict covariance cov = sp.cov(X, rowvar=0) eigvals, eigvecs = self._eig_decomposition(cov) sigma2 = ((sp.sum(cov.diagonal()) - sp.sum(eigvals.sum())) / (n_features - n_components)) # FIXME: M < D? weight = sp.dot(eigvecs, sp.diag(sp.sqrt(eigvals - sigma2))) M = sp.dot(weight.T, weight) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_components) inv_M = spla.inv(M) self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = eigvecs self.predict_mean = mu self.predict_cov = sp.dot(weight, weight.T) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_features) self.latent_mean = sp.transpose(sp.dot(inv_M, sp.dot(weight.T, X.T - mu[:, sp.newaxis]))) self.latent_cov = sigma2 * inv_M self.sigma2 = sigma2 # FIXME! self.weight = weight self.inv_M = inv_M return self.latent_mean
def error(f,x,y): return sp.sum((f(x)-y)**2)
def nLLeval(ldelta, Uy, S, REML=True): """ evaluate the negative log likelihood of a random effects model: nLL = 1/2(n_s*log(2pi) + logdet(K) + 1/ss * y^T(K + deltaI)^{-1}y, where K = USU^T. Uy: transformed outcome: n_s x 1 S: eigenvectors of K: n_s ldelta: log-transformed ratio sigma_gg/sigma_ee """ n_s = Uy.shape[0] delta = scipy.exp(ldelta) # evaluate log determinant Sd = S + delta ldet = scipy.sum(scipy.log(Sd)) # evaluate the variance Sdi = 1.0 / Sd Uy = Uy.flatten() ss = 1. / n_s * (Uy * Uy * Sdi).sum() # evalue the negative log likelihood nLL = 0.5 * (n_s * scipy.log(2.0 * scipy.pi) + ldet + n_s + n_s * scipy.log(ss)) if REML: pass return nLL
def calcerror(self, centers, prevcenters,nan_record): ''' L2 norm of location ''' for nan_index in nan_record[::-1]: del prevcenters[nan_index] # error=sum([scipy.dot(now[:2] - prev[:2], now[:2] - prev[:2]) + scipy.dot(1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:]), 1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:])) for now, prev in zip(centers, prevcenters)]) error=sum([scipy.dot(1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:]), 1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:])) for now, prev in zip(centers, prevcenters)]) print "error:", error return error
def iteration(self, centers, stepsize): error = sum([scipy.dot(center[:2], center[:2]) for center in centers]) while error > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD: self.assignment(centers, stepsize) ## M-step Note step size is the initial length/width of a superpixel. prevcenters=centers centers,nan_record=self.update(centers) ## E-step error = self.calcerror(centers, prevcenters,nan_record) print "L2 error:", error if self.DEBUGFLAG: base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename) self.filename = base.split("_error")[0] + "_error" + str(error) + ext self.resultimg(centers) return (centers, self.assignedindex)
def L2norm(vec): return sum([item * item for item in vec])
def calcdistance_mat(self, points, center, spatialmax): ## -- L2norm optimized -- ## center = scipy.array(center) difs = points - center norm = (difs ** 2).astype(float) norm[:, :, 0:2] *= (float(self.MM) / (spatialmax * spatialmax)) norm = scipy.sum(norm, 2) return norm
def iteration(self, centers, stepsize): error = sum([scipy.dot(center[:2], center[:2]) for center in centers]) while error > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD: self.assignment(centers, stepsize) ## M-step prevcenters, centers = centers, self.update(centers) ## E-step error = self.calcerror(centers, prevcenters) print "L2 error:", error if self.DEBUGFLAG: base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename) self.filename = base.split("_error")[0] + "_error" + str(error) + ext self.resultimg(centers) return (centers, self.assignedindex)