def PlotMultipleRuns(Alg, nruns=20, fname=None): '''Plot "nruns" runs of a given algorithm to show performance and variability across runs.''' if fname: runs = scipy.genfromtxt(fname) else: runs = [] for i in range(nruns): bestSol, fitHistory = tsp.TSP(200, Alg, 3000, 30, seed=None, coordfile='tmp.txt') runs.append(fitHistory) fname = 'MultRuns-' + str(Alg) + '.txt' runs = scipy.array(runs) scipy.savetxt(fname, runs) # plotting Xs = scipy.linspace(0, runs.shape[1] * 1000, runs.shape[1]) for i in range(runs.shape[0]): pl.plot(Xs, runs[i, :]) pl.show()
def LocalCC(in_signal1, in_signal2, samp_rate, max_time_lag, zero_time, sigma=None): n_lags = 2 * int(max_time_lag * samp_rate) cc_time_lags = sp.linspace(-n_lags/2/samp_rate, n_lags/2/samp_rate, n_lags, endpoint=True) cc = local_CCr(in_signal1, in_signal2, max_time_lag, samp_rate, sigma) lag, time = np.unravel_index(cc.argmax(), cc.shape) time = zero_time + time/samp_rate lag = lag/samp_rate - max_time_lag arrival1 = time - lag/2. arrival2 = time + lag/2. return cc_time_lags, cc, arrival1, arrival2
def plot_pdf_fit(self, label=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import exponweib, rayleigh from scipy import linspace, diff plt.bar(self.pdf[1][:len(self.pdf[0])], self.pdf[0], width=diff(self.pdf[1]), label=label, alpha=0.5, color='k') x = linspace(0, 50, 1000) plt.plot(x, exponweib.pdf(x, a=self.weibull_params[0], c=self.weibull_params[1], scale=self.weibull_params[3]), 'b--', label='Exponential Weibull pdf') plt.plot(x, rayleigh.pdf(x, scale=self.rayleigh_params[1]), 'r--', label='Rayleigh pdf') plt.title('Normalized distribution of wind speeds') plt.grid() plt.legend()
def bowtie_py(modis_img,p,cs): print 'removie bowtie effect from image... ' stripwidth=10000/cs #Loop over every x coordinate of the image for x in sp.arange(modis_img.shape[1]): #Loop over every sanning strip overlap=sp.polyval(p,x).round() #get the overlap from the polynom if overlap > 0: for y in sp.arange(stripwidth,modis_img.shape[0],stripwidth): #cut out the current part: strippart=modis_img[y:y+stripwidth,x] #delete the upper and lower few pixels of the strippart: strippart=strippart[int(overlap/2.):-int(round(overlap/2.))] #Interpolat to stipwidth length f=interp1d(sp.arange(0,len(strippart)),strippart) strippart=f(sp.linspace(0,len(strippart)-1,stripwidth)) #replace the current sick part in the image by the new healthy one modis_img[y:y+stripwidth,x]=strippart print 'done' return modis_img
def plot_models(x, y, models, fname, mx=None, ymax=None, xmin=None): plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() plt.scatter(x, y, s=10) plt.title("Web traffic over the last month") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Hits/hour") plt.xticks( [w * 7 * 24 for w in range(10)], ['week %i' % w for w in range(10)]) if models: if mx is None: mx = sp.linspace(0, x[-1], 1000) for model, style, color in zip(models, linestyles, colors): # print "Model:",model # print "Coeffs:",model.coeffs plt.plot(mx, model(mx), linestyle=style, linewidth=2, c=color) plt.legend(["d=%i" % m.order for m in models], loc="upper left") plt.autoscale(tight=True) plt.ylim(ymin=0) if ymax: plt.ylim(ymax=ymax) if xmin: plt.xlim(xmin=xmin) plt.grid(True, linestyle='-', color='0.75') plt.savefig(fname) # first look at the data
def local_CC(sig1, sig2, t_lag, fs): """ Calculation of Local-CC after Hale 2006. Output = H3 - non-smoothed LCC C - smoothed LCC (after Gussian smoothing) t_lag - array of t_lag times """ l_max = int(t_lag*fs) h3 = np.zeros((2*l_max, len(sig1)), sig1.dtype) c = np.zeros((2*l_max, len(sig1)), sig1.dtype) ## t_lag = sp.linspace(-l_max/fs, l_max/fs, 2*l_max, endpoint=False) ## ## for l in xrange(-l_max, l_max): l_f = int(floor(l/2.)) l_g = int(ceil(l/2.)) h3[l+l_max] = (__shift2(sig1, l_f) * __shift2(sig2, -l_g) + __shift2(sig1, l_g) * __shift2(sig2, -l_f))/2 c[l+l_max] = Gaussian1D(h3[l+l_max], 10, padding=0) #------------------not sure which formula for h3 is correct-------------------- # h3[l+l_max]=(shift2(sig1,-l_f)*shift2(sig2,l_g) +\ # shift2(sig1,-l_g)*shift2(sig2,l_f))/2 # return c, h3, t_lag
def transform_3d(self, X): X_resampled = sp.zeros((X.shape[0], self.n_samples, X.shape[2])) xnew = sp.linspace(0, 1, self.n_samples) for i in range(X.shape[0]): end = last_index(X[i]) for j in range(X.shape[2]): X_resampled[i, :, j] = resampled(X[i, :end, j], n_samples=self.n_samples, kind=self.interp_kind) # Compute indices based on alignment of dimension self.scaling_col_idx with the reference indices_xy = [[] for _ in range(self.n_samples)] if self.save_path and len(DTWSampler.saved_dtw_path)==(self.d+1): # verify if full dtw path already exists current_path = DTWSampler.saved_dtw_path[i] else: # append path current_path = dtw_path(X_resampled[i, :, self.scaling_col_idx], self.reference_series) if self.save_path: # save current path is asked DTWSampler.saved_dtw_path.append(current_path) for t_current, t_ref in current_path: indices_xy[t_ref].append(t_current) for j in range(X.shape[2]): if False and j == self.scaling_col_idx: X_resampled[i, :, j] = xnew else: ynew = sp.array([sp.mean(X_resampled[i, indices, j]) for indices in indices_xy]) X_resampled[i, :, j] = ynew return X_resampled
def resampled(X, n_samples=100, kind="linear"): xnew = sp.linspace(0, 1, n_samples) f = interp1d(sp.linspace(0, 1, X.shape[0]), X, kind=kind) return f(xnew)
def plot_price(smoothed_prices): plot_over_map(10**(smoothed_prices - 3), norm=LogNorm(1.5e2, 1e3)) cb = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.03, ticks=sp.linspace(2e2, 1e3, 9), format=FormatStrFormatter(u'£%dk')) cb.set_label(u'price paid (£1000s)') plt.title('2015 Average Price Paid') plt.gcf().set_size_inches(36, 36) plt.gcf().savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'price_paid.png'), bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_time(walking_time): plot_over_map(walking_time, vmin=15, vmax=75) cb = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.03, ticks=sp.linspace(15, 75, 5)) cb.set_label('commute time (mins)') plt.title('Commute time to Green Park') plt.gcf().set_size_inches(36, 36) plt.gcf().savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'travel_time.png'), bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_relative_price(relative_prices): plot_over_map(10**relative_prices, norm=LogNorm(0.5, 2)) cb = plt.colorbar(fraction=0.03, ticks=sp.linspace(0.5, 2, 4), format=FormatStrFormatter('x%.2f')) cb.set_label('fraction of average price paid for commute time') plt.title('Price relative to commute') plt.gcf().set_size_inches(36, 36) plt.gcf().savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'relative_price.png'), bbox_inches='tight')
def test_continuous_non_gaussian(db_path, sampler): def model(args): return {"result": sp.rand() * args['u']} models = [model] models = list(map(SimpleModel, models)) population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(250) parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(u=RV("uniform", 0, 1))] abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution, MinMaxDistanceFunction(measures_to_use=["result"]), population_size, eps=MedianEpsilon(.2), sampler=sampler) d_observed = .5 abc.new(db_path, {"result": d_observed}) abc.do_not_stop_when_only_single_model_alive() minimum_epsilon = -1 history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon, max_nr_populations=2) posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None) posterior_x = posterior_x["u"].as_matrix() sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x) f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)), sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum( posterior_weight[ sort_indices]), 1))) @sp.vectorize def f_expected(u): return (sp.log(u)-sp.log(d_observed)) / (- sp.log(d_observed)) * \ (u > d_observed) x = sp.linspace(0.1, 1) max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - f_expected(x)).max() assert max_distribution_difference < 0.12
def test_gaussian_multiple_populations(db_path, sampler): sigma_x = 1 sigma_y = .5 y_observed = 2 def model(args): return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_y).rvs()} models = [model] models = list(map(SimpleModel, models)) nr_populations = 4 population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(600) parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(x=st.norm(0, sigma_x))] abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution, MinMaxDistanceFunction(measures_to_use=["y"]), population_size, eps=MedianEpsilon(.2), sampler=sampler) abc.new(db_path, {"y": y_observed}) minimum_epsilon = -1 abc.do_not_stop_when_only_single_model_alive() history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon, max_nr_populations=nr_populations) posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None) posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix() sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x) f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)), sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1))) sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_x**2 + 1 / sigma_y**2) mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y**2 * y_observed / sigma_y**2 expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y) x = sp.linspace(-8, 8) max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max() assert max_distribution_difference < 0.052 assert history.max_t == nr_populations-1 mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight) assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07 assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .12
def test_gaussian_multiple_populations_adpative_population_size(db_path, sampler): sigma_x = 1 sigma_y = .5 y_observed = 2 def model(args): return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_y).rvs()} models = [model] models = list(map(SimpleModel, models)) nr_populations = 4 population_size = AdaptivePopulationSize(600) parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [ Distribution(x=st.norm(0, sigma_x))] abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution, MinMaxDistanceFunction(measures_to_use=["y"]), population_size, eps=MedianEpsilon(.2), sampler=sampler) abc.new(db_path, {"y": y_observed}) minimum_epsilon = -1 abc.do_not_stop_when_only_single_model_alive() history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon, max_nr_populations=nr_populations) posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None) posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix() sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x) f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)), sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1))) sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_x ** 2 + 1 / sigma_y ** 2) mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y ** 2 * y_observed / sigma_y ** 2 expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y) x = sp.linspace(-8, 8) max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max() assert max_distribution_difference < 0.15 assert history.max_t == nr_populations - 1 mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight) assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07 assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .12
def findPhi_s(self, beta): # E_z0_of_s z1z2 = -2*self.halfnbrofoscillations*self.L/3 # /3 since A = 0 and B =/= 0 #print "z1z2: " + str(z1z2) z4z5 = 2*self.halfnbrofoscillations*self.L/3 # /3 since A = 0 and B =/= 0 #print "z4z5: " + str(z4z5) Ithatgoeswithphi_s = inf for i in linspace(0,2*constants.pi,30): ## Integral # -inf to z1|z2 I1 = quad(lambda s: self.amplitudeB*exp(((s+z1z2)/self.sigma)**self.p)*sin(2*constants.pi/(beta*self.rf_lambda)*s - i),-inf,z1z2) #print "I1: " + str(I1) # z2 to z4||z5 I2 = quad(lambda s: (self.amplitudeA*cos(constants.pi*s/self.L)+self.amplitudeB*cos(3*constants.pi*s/self.L))*sin(2*constants.pi/(beta*self.rf_lambda)*s - i),z1z2,z4z5) #print "I2: " + str(I2) # z5 to inf I3 = quad(lambda s: self.amplitudeB*exp((-(s-z4z5)/self.sigma)**self.p)*sin(2*constants.pi/(beta*self.rf_lambda)*s - i),z4z5,inf) #print "I3: " + str(I3) # sum up res = I1[0]+I2[0]+I3[0] if abs(res) < Ithatgoeswithphi_s: phi_s = i Ithatgoeswithphi_s = abs(res) print "Ithatgoeswithphi_s: " + str(Ithatgoeswithphi_s) return phi_s
def outlier_removed_fit(m, w = None, n_iter=10, polyord=7): """ Remove outliers using fited data. Args: m (:obj:`numpy array`): Phase curve. n_iter (:obj:'int'): Number of iteration outlier removal polyorder (:obj:'int'): Order of polynomial used. Returns: fit (:obj:'numpy array'): Curve with outliers removed """ if w is None: w = sp.ones_like(m) W = sp.diag(sp.sqrt(w)) m2 = sp.copy(m) tv = sp.linspace(-1, 1, num=len(m)) A = sp.zeros([len(m), polyord]) for j in range(polyord): A[:, j] = tv**(float(j)) A2 = sp.dot(W,A) m2w = sp.dot(m2,W) fit = None for i in range(n_iter): xhat = sp.linalg.lstsq(A2, m2w)[0] fit = sp.dot(A, xhat) # use gradient for central finite differences which keeps order resid = sp.gradient(fit - m2) std = sp.std(resid) bidx = sp.where(sp.absolute(resid) > 2.0*std)[0] for bi in bidx: A2[bi,:]=0.0 m2[bi]=0.0 m2w[bi]=0.0 if debug_plot: plt.plot(m2,label="outlier removed") plt.plot(m,label="original") plt.plot(fit,label="fit") plt.legend() plt.ylim([sp.minimum(fit)-std*3.0,sp.maximum(fit)+std*3.0]) plt.show() return(fit)
def test_gaussian_multiple_populations_crossval_kde(db_path, sampler): sigma_x = 1 sigma_y = .5 y_observed = 2 def model(args): return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_y).rvs()} models = [model] models = list(map(SimpleModel, models)) nr_populations = 4 population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(600) parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(x=st.norm(0, sigma_x))] parameter_perturbation_kernels = [GridSearchCV(MultivariateNormalTransition(), {"scaling": sp.logspace(-1, 1.5, 5)})] abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution, MinMaxDistanceFunction(measures_to_use=["y"]), population_size, transitions=parameter_perturbation_kernels, eps=MedianEpsilon(.2), sampler=sampler) abc.new(db_path, {"y": y_observed}) minimum_epsilon = -1 abc.do_not_stop_when_only_single_model_alive() history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon, max_nr_populations=nr_populations) posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None) posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix() sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x) f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)), sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1))) sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_x**2 + 1 / sigma_y**2) mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y**2 * y_observed / sigma_y**2 expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y) x = sp.linspace(-8, 8) max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max() assert max_distribution_difference < 0.052 assert history.max_t == nr_populations-1 mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight) assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07 assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .12
def test_gaussian_single_population(db_path, sampler): sigma_prior = 1 sigma_ground_truth = 1 observed_data = 1 def model(args): return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma_ground_truth).rvs()} models = [model] models = list(map(SimpleModel, models)) nr_populations = 1 population_size = ConstantPopulationSize(600) parameter_given_model_prior_distribution = [Distribution(x=RV("norm", 0, sigma_prior)) ] abc = ABCSMC(models, parameter_given_model_prior_distribution, MinMaxDistanceFunction(measures_to_use=["y"]), population_size, eps=MedianEpsilon(.1), sampler=sampler) abc.new(db_path, {"y": observed_data}) minimum_epsilon = -1 abc.do_not_stop_when_only_single_model_alive() history = abc.run(minimum_epsilon, max_nr_populations=nr_populations) posterior_x, posterior_weight = history.get_distribution(0, None) posterior_x = posterior_x["x"].as_matrix() sort_indices = sp.argsort(posterior_x) f_empirical = sp.interpolate.interp1d(sp.hstack((-200, posterior_x[sort_indices], 200)), sp.hstack((0, sp.cumsum(posterior_weight[sort_indices]), 1))) sigma_x_given_y = 1 / sp.sqrt(1 / sigma_prior**2 + 1 / sigma_ground_truth**2) mu_x_given_y = sigma_x_given_y**2 * observed_data / sigma_ground_truth**2 expected_posterior_x = st.norm(mu_x_given_y, sigma_x_given_y) x = sp.linspace(-8, 8) max_distribution_difference = sp.absolute(f_empirical(x) - expected_posterior_x.cdf(x)).max() assert max_distribution_difference < 0.12 assert history.max_t == nr_populations-1 mean_emp, std_emp = mean_and_std(posterior_x, posterior_weight) assert abs(mean_emp - mu_x_given_y) < .07 assert abs(std_emp - sigma_x_given_y) < .1