def annopred_inf(beta_hats, pr_sigi, n=1000, reference_ld_mats=None, ld_window_size=100): """ infinitesimal model with snp-specific heritability derived from annotation used as the initial values for MCMC of non-infinitesimal model """ num_betas = len(beta_hats) updated_betas = sp.empty(num_betas) m = len(beta_hats) for i, wi in enumerate(range(0, num_betas, ld_window_size)): start_i = wi stop_i = min(num_betas, wi + ld_window_size) curr_window_size = stop_i - start_i Li = 1.0/pr_sigi[start_i: stop_i] D = reference_ld_mats[i] A = (n/(1))*D + sp.diag(Li) A_inv = linalg.pinv(A) updated_betas[start_i: stop_i] = sp.dot(A_inv / (1.0/n) , beta_hats[start_i: stop_i]) # Adjust the beta_hats return updated_betas
def matrixMult(A, B): try: linalg.blas except AttributeError: return np.dot(A, B) if not A.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: AA = A.T transA = True else: AA = A transA = False if not B.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: BB = B.T transB = True else: BB = B transB = False return linalg.blas.dgemm(alpha=1., a=AA, b=BB, trans_a=transA, trans_b=transB)
def factor(X, rho): """ computes cholesky factorization of the kernel K = 1/rho*XX^T + I Input: X design matrix: n_s x n_f (we assume n_s << n_f) rho: regularizaer Output: L lower triangular matrix U upper triangular matrix """ n_s, n_f = X.shape K = 1 / rho * scipy.dot(X, X.T) + scipy.eye(n_s) U = linalg.cholesky(K) return U
def linear(x, y, c=0): """Compute a linear kernel. The Linear kernel is the simplest kernel function. It is given by the inner product <x,y> plus an optional constant `c`: K(x, y) = x'y + c where `x` and `y` are vectors in the input space (i.e., vectors of features computed from training or test samples), and `c` ? 0 is a free parameter (default=0). Kernel algorithms using a linear kernel are often equivalent to their non-kernel counterparts. """ return dot(x, y) + c
def sigmoid(x, y, alpha=None, c=-E): """Compute a hyperbolic tanget (or sigmoid) kernel. The Hyperbolic Tangent Kernel is also known as the Sigmoid Kernel and as the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) kernel. The Sigmoid Kernel comes from the Neural Networks field, where the bipolar sigmoid function is often used as an activation function for artificial neurons: K(x, y) = tanh(?x'y + c) where `x` and `y` are vectors in the input space (i.e., vectors of features computed from training or test samples), and tanh is the hyperbolic tangent function. There are two adjustable parameters in the sigmoid kernel, the slope `alpha` and the intercept constant `c`. A common value for alpha is 1/d, where d is the data dimension. References ---------- [1] Lin, H. T. and Lin, C. J.: A study on sigmoid kernels for SVM and the training of non-PSD kernels by SMO-type methods. Web. Last accessed June 28 (2016). <http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/papers/tanh.pdf> """ if alpha is None: alpha = 1 / len(x) return tanh(alpha*dot(x, y) + c)
def get_ld_tables(snps, ld_radius=100, ld_window_size=0): """ Calculates LD tables, and the LD score in one go... """ ld_dict = {} m,n = snps.shape print m,n ld_scores = sp.ones(m) ret_dict = {} for snp_i, snp in enumerate(snps): # Calculate D start_i = max(0, snp_i - ld_radius) stop_i = min(m, snp_i + ld_radius + 1) X = snps[start_i: stop_i] D_i = sp.dot(snp, X.T) / n r2s = D_i ** 2 ld_dict[snp_i] = D_i lds_i = sp.sum(r2s - (1-r2s) / (n-2),dtype='float32') #lds_i = sp.sum(r2s - (1-r2s)*empirical_null_r2) ld_scores[snp_i] =lds_i ret_dict['ld_dict']=ld_dict ret_dict['ld_scores']=ld_scores if ld_window_size>0: ref_ld_matrices = [] for i, wi in enumerate(range(0, m, ld_window_size)): start_i = wi stop_i = min(m, wi + ld_window_size) curr_window_size = stop_i - start_i X = snps[start_i: stop_i] D = sp.dot(X, X.T) / n ref_ld_matrices.append(D) ret_dict['ref_ld_matrices']=ref_ld_matrices return ret_dict
def predict(self,xt,tau=None,proba=None): ''' Function that predict the label for sample xt using the learned model Inputs: xt: the samples to be classified Outputs: y: the class K: the decision value for each class ''' ## Get information from the data nt = xt.shape[0] # Number of testing samples C = self.ni.shape[0] # Number of classes ## Initialization K = sp.empty((nt,C)) if tau is None: TAU=self.tau else: TAU=tau for c in range(C): invCov,logdet = self.compute_inverse_logdet(c,TAU) cst = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant xtc = xt-self.mean[c,:] temp = sp.dot(invCov,xtc.T).T K[:,c] = sp.sum(xtc*temp,axis=1)+cst del temp,xtc ## ## Assign the label save in classnum to the minimum value of K yp = self.classnum[sp.argmin(K,1)] ## Reassign label with real value if proba is None: return yp else: return yp,K
def compute_inverse_logdet(self,c,tau): Lr = self.L[c,:]+tau # Regularized eigenvalues temp = self.Q[c,:,:]*(1/Lr) invCov = sp.dot(temp,self.Q[c,:,:].T) # Pre compute the inverse logdet = sp.sum(sp.log(Lr)) # Compute the log determinant return invCov,logdet
def BIC(self,x,y,tau=None): ''' Computes the Bayesian Information Criterion of the model ''' ## Get information from the data C,d = self.mean.shape n = x.shape[0] ## Initialization if tau is None: TAU=self.tau else: TAU=tau ## Penalization P = C*(d*(d+3)/2) + (C-1) P *= sp.log(n) ## Compute the log-likelihood L = 0 for c in range(C): j = sp.where(y==(c+1))[0] xi = x[j,:] invCov,logdet = self.compute_inverse_logdet(c,TAU) cst = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant xi -= self.mean[c,:] temp = sp.dot(invCov,xi.T).T K = sp.sum(xi*temp,axis=1)+cst L +=sp.sum(K) del K,xi return L + P
def fit(self, X): n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_classes = self.n_classes max_iter = self.max_iter tol = self.tol rand_center_idx = sprand.permutation(n_samples)[0:n_classes] center = X[rand_center_idx].T responsilibity = sp.zeros((n_samples, n_classes)) for iter in range(max_iter): # E step dist = sp.expand_dims(X, axis=2) - sp.expand_dims(center, axis=0) dist = spla.norm(dist, axis=1)**2 min_idx = sp.argmin(dist, axis=1) responsilibity.fill(0) responsilibity[sp.arange(n_samples), min_idx] = 1 # M step center_new = sp.dot(X.T, responsilibity) / sp.sum(responsilibity, axis=0) diff = center_new - center print('K-Means: {0:5d} {1:4e}'.format(iter, spla.norm(diff) / spla.norm(center))) if (spla.norm(diff) < tol * spla.norm(center)): break center = center_new self.center = center.T self.responsibility = responsilibity return self
def pdf(self, X, k=None): if (k is None): comps = self.comps coef = self.coef else: comps = [self.comps[k]] coef = [self.coef[k]] probability = sp.array([comp.pdf(X) for comp in comps]) weight_probability = sp.dot(coef, probability) return weight_probability
def predict(self, X, T, X_new): """Predict ``X_new`` with given traning data ``(X, T)``.""" n_tests = X_new.shape[0] phi = sp.r_[sp.ones(n_tests).reshape(1, -1), self._compute_design_matrix(X_new, X)] # Add x0 phi = phi[self.rv_indices, :] predict_mean = sp.dot(self.mean, phi) predict_cov = 1 / self.beta + sp.dot(phi.T, sp.dot(self.cov, phi)).diagonal() return predict_mean, predict_cov
def reconstruct(self, X): reconstructed = self.mean + sp.dot(sp.dot(X - self.mean, self.eigvecs), self.eigvecs.T) return reconstructed
def _maximum_likelihood(self, X): n_samples, n_features = X.shape if X.ndim > 1 else (1, X.shape[0]) n_components = self.n_components # Predict mean mu = X.mean(axis=0) # Predict covariance cov = sp.cov(X, rowvar=0) eigvals, eigvecs = self._eig_decomposition(cov) sigma2 = ((sp.sum(cov.diagonal()) - sp.sum(eigvals.sum())) / (n_features - n_components)) # FIXME: M < D? weight = sp.dot(eigvecs, sp.diag(sp.sqrt(eigvals - sigma2))) M = sp.dot(weight.T, weight) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_components) inv_M = spla.inv(M) self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = eigvecs self.predict_mean = mu self.predict_cov = sp.dot(weight, weight.T) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_features) self.latent_mean = sp.transpose(sp.dot(inv_M, sp.dot(weight.T, X.T - mu[:, sp.newaxis]))) self.latent_cov = sigma2 * inv_M self.sigma2 = sigma2 # FIXME! self.weight = weight self.inv_M = inv_M return self.latent_mean
def reconstruct(self, X): n_features = sp.atleast_2d(X).shape[1] latent = sp.dot(self.inv_M, sp.dot(self.weight.T, (X - self.predict_mean).T)) eps = sprd.multivariate_normal(sp.zeros(n_features), self.sigma2 * sp.eye(n_features)) recons = sp.dot(self.weight, latent) + self.predict_mean + eps return recons
def fit(self, X): n_samples, n_featurs = X.shape K = self.kernel.inner(X, X) I1N = sp.ones((n_samples, n_samples)) K_centered = K - sp.dot(I1N, K) - sp.dot(K, I1N) + sp.dot(sp.dot(I1N, K), I1N) eigvals, eigvecs = self._eig_decomposition(K_centered) self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = eigvecs Y = sp.dot(K, eigvecs) return Y
def _auc_loss(self, coef, X, y): fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(y, sp.dot(X, coef)) return -metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
def predict(self, X): return sp.dot(X, self.coef_)
def score(self, X, y): fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(y, sp.dot(X, self.coef_)) return metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
def portfolioBeta(betaGiven,w): #print("betaGiven=",betaGiven,"w=",w) return sp.dot(betaGiven,w) # function 3: estimate Treynor
def treynor(R,w): betaP=portfolioBeta(betaGiven,w) mean_return=sp.mean(R,axis=0) ret = sp.array(mean_return) return (sp.dot(w,ret) - rf)/betaP # function 4: for given n-1 weights, return a negative sharpe ratio
def portfolioBeta(betaGiven,w): #print("betaGiven=",betaGiven,"w=",w) return sp.dot(betaGiven,w) # # function 3: estimate Treynor
def treynor(R,w): betaP=portfolioBeta(betaGiven,w) mean_return=sp.mean(R,axis=0) ret = sp.array(mean_return) return (sp.dot(w,ret) - rf)/betaP # # function 4: for given n-1 weights, return a negative sharpe ratio
def portfolioRet(R,w): mean_return=sp.mean(R,axis=0) ret = sp.array(mean_return) return sp.dot(w,ret)
def sharpe(R,w): var = portfolio_var(R,w) mean_return=sp.mean(R,axis=0) ret = sp.array(mean_return) return (sp.dot(w,ret) - rf)/sp.sqrt(var) # function 4: for given n-1 weights, return a negative sharpe ratio
def __MR_saliency(self,aff,indictor): return sp.dot(aff,indictor)
def calcerror(self, centers, prevcenters,nan_record): ''' L2 norm of location ''' for nan_index in nan_record[::-1]: del prevcenters[nan_index] # error=sum([scipy.dot(now[:2] - prev[:2], now[:2] - prev[:2]) + scipy.dot(1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:]), 1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:])) for now, prev in zip(centers, prevcenters)]) error=sum([scipy.dot(1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:]), 1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:])) for now, prev in zip(centers, prevcenters)]) print "error:", error return error
def iteration(self, centers, stepsize): error = sum([scipy.dot(center[:2], center[:2]) for center in centers]) while error > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD: self.assignment(centers, stepsize) ## M-step Note step size is the initial length/width of a superpixel. prevcenters=centers centers,nan_record=self.update(centers) ## E-step error = self.calcerror(centers, prevcenters,nan_record) print "L2 error:", error if self.DEBUGFLAG: base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename) self.filename = base.split("_error")[0] + "_error" + str(error) + ext self.resultimg(centers) return (centers, self.assignedindex)
def calcerror(self, centers, prevcenters): ''' L2 norm of location ''' print "error:", sum( [scipy.dot(now[:2] - prev[:2], now[:2] - prev[:2]) for now, prev in zip(centers, prevcenters)]) return sum([scipy.dot(now[:2] - prev[:2], now[:2] - prev[:2]) for now, prev in zip(centers, prevcenters)])
def iteration(self, centers, stepsize): error = sum([scipy.dot(center[:2], center[:2]) for center in centers]) while error > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD: self.assignment(centers, stepsize) ## M-step prevcenters, centers = centers, self.update(centers) ## E-step error = self.calcerror(centers, prevcenters) print "L2 error:", error if self.DEBUGFLAG: base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename) self.filename = base.split("_error")[0] + "_error" + str(error) + ext self.resultimg(centers) return (centers, self.assignedindex)
def calcerror(self, centers, prevcenters,nan_record): ''' L2 norm of location ''' for nan_index in nan_record[::-1]: del prevcenters[nan_index] error=sum([scipy.dot(now[:2] - prev[:2], now[:2] - prev[:2]) + scipy.dot(1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:]), 1-np.equal(now[2:], prev[2:])) for now, prev in zip(centers, prevcenters)]) print "error:", error return error
def poly(x, y, a=1, c=0, d=2): """Compute feature-space similarity over polynomials of the input vectors. For degree-`d` (default=2) polynomials, the kernel is defined as: K(x, y) = (a(x'y) + c)^d where `x` and `y` are vectors in the input space (i.e., vectors of features computed from training or test samples), `c` ? 0 is a free parameter trading off the influence of higher-order versus lower-order terms in the polynomial, and `a` is an adjustable slope parameter. When `c`=0 (the default), the kernel is called homogeneous. The Polynomial kernel is a non-stationary kernel. Polynomial kernels are well suited for problems where all the training data is normalized. """ return (dot(x, y)/a + c)**d
def outlier_removed_fit(m, w = None, n_iter=10, polyord=7): """ Remove outliers using fited data. Args: m (:obj:`numpy array`): Phase curve. n_iter (:obj:'int'): Number of iteration outlier removal polyorder (:obj:'int'): Order of polynomial used. Returns: fit (:obj:'numpy array'): Curve with outliers removed """ if w is None: w = sp.ones_like(m) W = sp.diag(sp.sqrt(w)) m2 = sp.copy(m) tv = sp.linspace(-1, 1, num=len(m)) A = sp.zeros([len(m), polyord]) for j in range(polyord): A[:, j] = tv**(float(j)) A2 = sp.dot(W,A) m2w = sp.dot(m2,W) fit = None for i in range(n_iter): xhat = sp.linalg.lstsq(A2, m2w)[0] fit = sp.dot(A, xhat) # use gradient for central finite differences which keeps order resid = sp.gradient(fit - m2) std = sp.std(resid) bidx = sp.where(sp.absolute(resid) > 2.0*std)[0] for bi in bidx: A2[bi,:]=0.0 m2[bi]=0.0 m2w[bi]=0.0 if debug_plot: plt.plot(m2,label="outlier removed") plt.plot(m,label="original") plt.plot(fit,label="fit") plt.legend() plt.ylim([sp.minimum(fit)-std*3.0,sp.maximum(fit)+std*3.0]) plt.show() return(fit)
def fit(self, X): # Constants max_iter = self.max_iter tol = self.tol n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_components = self.n_components # Initialize parameters self._init_params(X) # Initialize responsibility = sp.empty((n_samples, n_components)) log_likelihood = self.log_likelihood(X) for iter in range(max_iter): # E step for n in range(n_samples): for k in range(n_components): responsibility[n][k] = self.pdf(X[n], k) / self.pdf(X[n]) # M step eff = sp.sum(responsibility, axis=0) for k in range(n_components): # Update mean mean = sp.dot(responsibility[:, k], X) / eff[k] # Update covariance cov = sp.zeros((n_features, n_features)) for n in range(n_samples): cov += responsibility[n][k] * sp.outer(X[n] - mean, X[n] - mean) cov /= eff[k] # Update the k component self.comps[k] = multivariate_normal(mean, cov, allow_singular=True) # Update mixture coefficient self.coef[k] = eff[k] / n_samples # Convergent test log_likelihood_new = self.log_likelihood(X) diff = log_likelihood_new - log_likelihood print('GMM: {0:5d}: {1:10.5e} {2:10.5e}'.format( iter, log_likelihood_new, spla.norm(diff) / spla.norm(log_likelihood))) if (spla.norm(diff) < tol * spla.norm(log_likelihood)): break log_likelihood = log_likelihood_new return self
def fit(self, X, T, max_iter=int(1e2), tol=1e-3, bound=1e10): """Fit a RVM model with the training data ``(X, T)``.""" # Initialize the hyperparameters self._init_hyperparameters(X, T) # Compute design matrix n_samples = X.shape[0] phi = sp.c_[sp.ones(n_samples), self._compute_design_matrix(X)] # Add x0 alpha = self.cov beta = self.beta log_evidence = -1e10 for iter in range(max_iter): alpha[alpha >= bound] = bound rv_indices = sp.nonzero(alpha < bound)[0] rv_phi = phi[:, rv_indices] rv_alpha = alpha[rv_indices] # Compute the posterior distribution post_cov = spla.inv(sp.diag(rv_alpha) + beta * sp.dot(rv_phi.T, rv_phi)) post_mean = beta * sp.dot(post_cov, sp.dot(rv_phi.T, T)) # Re-estimate the hyperparameters gamma = 1 - rv_alpha * post_cov.diagonal() rv_alpha = gamma / (post_mean * post_mean) beta = (n_samples + 1 - gamma.sum()) / spla.norm(T - sp.dot(rv_phi, post_mean))**2 # Evalueate the log evidence and test the relative change C = sp.eye(rv_phi.shape[0]) / beta + rv_phi.dot(sp.diag(1.0 / rv_alpha)).dot(rv_phi.T) log_evidence_new = -0.5 * (sp.log(spla.det(C)) + T.dot(spla.inv(C)).dot((T))) diff = spla.norm(log_evidence_new - log_evidence) if (diff < tol * spla.norm(log_evidence)): break log_evidence = log_evidence_new alpha[rv_indices] = rv_alpha # Should re-compute the posterior distribution self.rv_indices = rv_indices self.cov = post_cov self.mean = post_mean self.beta = beta return self
def _em(self, X): # Constants n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_components = self.n_components max_iter = self.max_iter # tol = self.tol mu = X.mean(axis=0) X_centered = X - sp.atleast_2d(mu) # Initialize parameters latent_mean = 0 sigma2 = 1 weight = sprd.randn(n_features, n_components) # Main loop of EM algorithm for i in range(max_iter): # E step M = sp.dot(weight.T, weight) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_components) inv_M = spla.inv(M) latent_mean = sp.dot(inv_M, sp.dot(weight.T, X_centered.T)).T # M step expectation_zzT = n_samples * sigma2 * inv_M + sp.dot(latent_mean.T, latent_mean) # Re-estimate W weight = sp.dot(sp.dot(X_centered.T, latent_mean), spla.inv(expectation_zzT)) weight2 = sp.dot(weight.T, weight) # Re-estimate \sigma^2 sigma2 = ((spla.norm(X_centered)**2 - 2 * sp.dot(latent_mean.ravel(), sp.dot(X_centered, weight).ravel()) + sp.trace(sp.dot(expectation_zzT, weight2))) / (n_samples * n_features)) self.predict_mean = mu self.predict_cov = sp.dot(weight, weight.T) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_features) self.latent_mean = latent_mean self.latent_cov = sigma2 * inv_M self.sigma2 = sigma2 self.weight = weight self.inv_M = inv_M return self.latent_mean
def predict(self,xt,tau=None,confidenceMap=None): ''' Function that predict the label for sample xt using the learned model Inputs: xt: the samples to be classified Outputs: y: the class K: the decision value for each class ''' MAX = sp.finfo(sp.float64).max E_MAX = sp.log(MAX) # Maximum value that is possible to compute with sp.exp ## Get information from the data nt = xt.shape[0] # Number of testing samples C = self.ni.shape[0] # Number of classes ## Initialization K = sp.empty((nt,C)) if tau is None: TAU=self.tau else: TAU=tau for c in range(C): invCov,logdet = self.compute_inverse_logdet(c,TAU) cst = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant xtc = xt-self.mean[c,:] temp = sp.dot(invCov,xtc.T).T K[:,c] = sp.sum(xtc*temp,axis=1)+cst del temp,xtc yp = sp.argmin(K,1) if confidenceMap is None: ## Assign the label save in classnum to the minimum value of K yp = self.classnum[yp] return yp else: K *= -0.5 K[K>E_MAX],K[K<-E_MAX] = E_MAX,-E_MAX sp.exp(K,out=K) K /= K.sum(axis=1).reshape(nt,1) K = K[sp.arange(len(K)),yp] #K = sp.diag(K[:,yp]) yp = self.classnum[yp] return yp,K
def minvalues(self, params2): postemp = [[1,2,7,8],[1,2,13,14],[7,8,13,14]] #minimum variance of intensity values between centers varinten3=[] for m in xrange(3): post=postemp[m] para3=self.params[post] if para3[0] > para3[2]: para3=[para3[2],para3[3],para3[0],para3[1]] para3=np.round(para3) inten=[] if para3[0]==para3[2]: x=para3[0] t1=np.min([int(para3[1]), int(para3[3])]) t2=np.max([int(para3[1]), int(para3[3])]) for y in xrange(t1, t2+1): inten.append(self.image[np.round(x)][np.round(y)]) else: for x in xrange(int(para3[0]), int(para3[2]+1)): y = (para3[3]-para3[1])*(x-para3[0])/(para3[2]-para3[0])+para3[1] if 0 <= np.round(y) < self.image.shape[1] and 0 <= np.round(x) < self.image.shape[0]: inten.append(self.image[np.round(x)][np.round(y)]) varinten3.append(np.var(inten)) self.varmin = np.min(varinten3) # distance of 2 and 3 for centers and params: using mean center2_3=[] para2_3=[] for m in xrange(2): temp_center=[] temp_para=[] center2=params2[1+m*6:3+m*6] para2=params2[m*6:6+m*6] a=mat(para2) min_cdis3=np.mean([np.linalg.norm(center2-self.params[1:3]),np.linalg.norm(center2-self.params[7:9]),np.linalg.norm(center2-self.params[13:15])]) center2_3.append(min_cdis3) trc=[] for n in xrange(3): para3=self.params[n*6:6+n*6] b=mat(para3) cossim = dot(a,b.T)/linalg.norm(a)/linalg.norm(b) cosdis = 1.-np.abs(cossim) trc.append(cosdis) para2_3.append(np.mean(trc)) self.center23=np.mean(center2_3) self.param23=np.mean(para2_3)