Python scipy 模块,ceil() 实例源码


项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lambda_interp(lambdau, s):
# lambda is the index sequence that is produced by the model
# s is the new vector at which evaluations are required.
# the value is a vector of left and right indices, and a vector of fractions.
# the new values are interpolated bewteen the two using the fraction
# Note: lambda decreases. you take:
# sfrac*left+(1-sfrac*right)
    if len(lambdau) == 1:
        nums = len(s)
        left = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
        right = left
        sfrac = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.float64)
        s[s > scipy.amax(lambdau)] = scipy.amax(lambdau)
        s[s < scipy.amin(lambdau)] = scipy.amin(lambdau)
        k = len(lambdau)
        sfrac = (lambdau[0] - s)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1])
        lambdau = (lambdau[0] - lambdau)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1]) 
        coord = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(lambdau, range(k))(sfrac)
        left = scipy.floor(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        right = scipy.ceil(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        tf = left != right
        sfrac[tf] = (sfrac[tf] - lambdau[right[tf]])/(lambdau[left[tf]] - lambdau[right[tf]])
        sfrac[~tf] = 1.0
        #if left != right:
        #    sfrac = (sfrac - lambdau[right])/(lambdau[left] - lambdau[right])
        #    sfrac[left == right] = 1.0

    result = dict()    
    result['left'] = left
    result['right'] = right
    result['frac'] = sfrac

# end of lambda_interp    
# =========================================
项目:nodebox1-generative-tools    作者:x-raizor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__( self, w, h, r, n ):
        # w and h are the width and height of the field
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        # n is the number of test points
        self.n = n
        self.r2 = r**2.0
        self.A = 3.0*self.r2
        # cs is the cell size
        self.cs = r / scipy.sqrt(2)
        # gw and gh are the number of grid cells = int( scipy.ceil( self.w/self.cs ) ) = int( scipy.ceil( self.h/self.cs ) )
        # create a grid and a queue
        self.grid = [ None ] * * 
        self.queue = list()
        # set the queue size and sample size to zero
        self.qs, = 0, 0
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lambda_interp(lambdau, s):
# lambda is the index sequence that is produced by the model
# s is the new vector at which evaluations are required.
# the value is a vector of left and right indices, and a vector of fractions.
# the new values are interpolated bewteen the two using the fraction
# Note: lambda decreases. you take:
# sfrac*left+(1-sfrac*right)
    if len(lambdau) == 1:
        nums = len(s)
        left = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
        right = left
        sfrac = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.float64)
        s[s > scipy.amax(lambdau)] = scipy.amax(lambdau)
        s[s < scipy.amin(lambdau)] = scipy.amin(lambdau)
        k = len(lambdau)
        sfrac = (lambdau[0] - s)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1])
        lambdau = (lambdau[0] - lambdau)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1]) 
        coord = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(lambdau, range(k))(sfrac)
        left = scipy.floor(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        right = scipy.ceil(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        tf = left != right
        sfrac[tf] = (sfrac[tf] - lambdau[right[tf]])/(lambdau[left[tf]] - lambdau[right[tf]])
        sfrac[~tf] = 1.0
        #if left != right:
        #    sfrac = (sfrac - lambdau[right])/(lambdau[left] - lambdau[right])
        #    sfrac[left == right] = 1.0

    result = dict()    
    result['left'] = left
    result['right'] = right
    result['frac'] = sfrac

# end of lambda_interp    
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lambda_interp(lambdau, s):
# lambda is the index sequence that is produced by the model
# s is the new vector at which evaluations are required.
# the value is a vector of left and right indices, and a vector of fractions.
# the new values are interpolated bewteen the two using the fraction
# Note: lambda decreases. you take:
# sfrac*left+(1-sfrac*right)
    if len(lambdau) == 1:
        nums = len(s)
        left = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
        right = left
        sfrac = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.float64)
        s[s > scipy.amax(lambdau)] = scipy.amax(lambdau)
        s[s < scipy.amin(lambdau)] = scipy.amin(lambdau)
        k = len(lambdau)
        sfrac = (lambdau[0] - s)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1])
        lambdau = (lambdau[0] - lambdau)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1]) 
        coord = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(lambdau, range(k))(sfrac)
        left = scipy.floor(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        right = scipy.ceil(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        tf = left != right
        sfrac[tf] = (sfrac[tf] - lambdau[right[tf]])/(lambdau[left[tf]] - lambdau[right[tf]])
        sfrac[~tf] = 1.0
        #if left != right:
        #    sfrac = (sfrac - lambdau[right])/(lambdau[left] - lambdau[right])
        #    sfrac[left == right] = 1.0

    result = dict()    
    result['left'] = left
    result['right'] = right
    result['frac'] = sfrac

# end of lambda_interp    
# =========================================
项目:glmnet_py    作者:hanfang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lambda_interp(lambdau, s):
# lambda is the index sequence that is produced by the model
# s is the new vector at which evaluations are required.
# the value is a vector of left and right indices, and a vector of fractions.
# the new values are interpolated bewteen the two using the fraction
# Note: lambda decreases. you take:
# sfrac*left+(1-sfrac*right)
    if len(lambdau) == 1:
        nums = len(s)
        left = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.integer)
        right = left
        sfrac = scipy.zeros([nums, 1], dtype = scipy.float64)
        s[s > scipy.amax(lambdau)] = scipy.amax(lambdau)
        s[s < scipy.amin(lambdau)] = scipy.amin(lambdau)
        k = len(lambdau)
        sfrac = (lambdau[0] - s)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1])
        lambdau = (lambdau[0] - lambdau)/(lambdau[0] - lambdau[k - 1]) 
        coord = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(lambdau, range(k))(sfrac)
        left = scipy.floor(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        right = scipy.ceil(coord).astype(scipy.integer, copy = False)
        tf = left != right
        sfrac[tf] = (sfrac[tf] - lambdau[right[tf]])/(lambdau[left[tf]] - lambdau[right[tf]])
        sfrac[~tf] = 1.0
        #if left != right:
        #    sfrac = (sfrac - lambdau[right])/(lambdau[left] - lambdau[right])
        #    sfrac[left == right] = 1.0

    result = dict()    
    result['left'] = left
    result['right'] = right
    result['frac'] = sfrac

# end of lambda_interp    
# =========================================
项目:5th_place_solution_facebook_check_ins    作者:aikinogard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kde(data, N=None, MIN=None, MAX=None):

    # Parameters to set up the mesh on which to calculate
    N = 2**14 if N is None else int(2**sci.ceil(sci.log2(N)))
    if MIN is None or MAX is None:
        minimum = min(data)
        maximum = max(data)
        Range = maximum - minimum
        MIN = minimum - Range/10 if MIN is None else MIN
        MAX = maximum + Range/10 if MAX is None else MAX

    # Range of the data
    R = MAX-MIN

    # Histogram the data to get a crude first approximation of the density
    M = len(data)
    DataHist, bins = sci.histogram(data, bins=N, range=(MIN,MAX))
    DataHist = DataHist/M
    DCTData = scipy.fftpack.dct(DataHist, norm=None)

    I = [iN*iN for iN in xrange(1, N)]
    SqDCTData = (DCTData[1:]/2)**2

    # The fixed point calculation finds the bandwidth = t_star
    guess = 0.1
        t_star = scipy.optimize.brentq(fixed_point, 0, guess, 
                                       args=(M, I, SqDCTData))
    except ValueError:
        print 'Oops!'
        return None

    # Smooth the DCTransformed data using t_star
    SmDCTData = DCTData*sci.exp(-sci.arange(N)**2*sci.pi**2*t_star/2)
    # Inverse DCT to get density
    density = scipy.fftpack.idct(SmDCTData, norm=None)*N/R
    mesh = [(bins[i]+bins[i+1])/2 for i in xrange(N)]
    bandwidth = sci.sqrt(t_star)*R

    density = density/sci.trapz(density, mesh)
    return bandwidth, mesh, density
项目:Cascade-CNN-Face-Detection    作者:gogolgrind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def minmax(arr):
        minv = arr[0]
        maxv = arr[0]
        for val in arr:
            if val > maxv:
                maxv = val
            elif val < minv:
                minv = val
        return int(sp.floor(minv)), int(sp.ceil(maxv))
项目:Cascade-CNN-Face-Detection    作者:gogolgrind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ellipse2bbox(a, b, angle, cx, cy):
        a, b = max(a, b), min(a, b)
        ca = sp.cos(angle)
        sa = sp.sin(angle)
        if sa == 0.0:
            cta = 2.0 / sp.pi
            cta = ca / sa

        if ca == 0.0:
            ta = sp.pi / 2.0
            ta = sa / ca

        x = lambda t: cx + a * sp.cos(t) * ca - b * sp.sin(t) * sa

        y = lambda t: cy + b * sp.sin(t) * ca + a * sp.cos(t) * sa

        # x = cx + a * cos(t) * cos(angle) - b * sin(t) * sin(angle)
        # tan(t) = -b * tan(angle) / a
        tx1 = sp.arctan(-b * ta / a)
        tx2 = tx1 - sp.pi
        x1, y1 = x(tx1), y(tx1)
        x2, y2 = x(tx2), y(tx2)

        # y = cy + b * sin(t) * cos(angle) + a * cos(t) * sin(angle)
        # tan(t) = b * cot(angle) / a
        ty1 = sp.arctan(b * cta / a)
        ty2 = ty1 - sp.pi
        x3, y3 = x(ty1), y(ty1)
        x4, y4 = x(ty2), y(ty2)

        minx, maxx = Util.minmax([x1, x2, x3, x4])
        miny, maxy = Util.minmax([y1, y2, y3, y4])
        return sp.floor(minx), sp.floor(miny), sp.ceil(maxx), sp.ceil(maxy)
项目:urnn    作者:stwisdom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stft_mc(x,N=1024,hop=None,window='hann'):
    # N=1024
    if hop is None:
    if len(S)==1:
    #pad the edges to avoid window taper effects
    for ich in range(0,nch):
        if not x0.flags.c_contiguous:
        if ich==0:
    return X