Python scipy 模块,savetxt() 实例源码


项目:GoodEnoughAlgs    作者:elsander    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def PlotMultipleRuns(Alg, nruns=20, fname=None):
    '''Plot "nruns" runs of a given algorithm to show performance
    and variability across runs.'''
    if fname:
        runs = scipy.genfromtxt(fname)
        runs = []
        for i in range(nruns):
            bestSol, fitHistory = tsp.TSP(200, Alg, 3000, 30, seed=None,
        fname = 'MultRuns-' + str(Alg) + '.txt'
        runs = scipy.array(runs)
        scipy.savetxt(fname, runs)

    # plotting
    Xs = scipy.linspace(0, runs.shape[1] * 1000, runs.shape[1])
    for i in range(runs.shape[0]):
        pl.plot(Xs, runs[i, :])
项目:GoodEnoughAlgs    作者:elsander    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def LongMC3(fname=None):
    '''Plot a single long MC3 run to demonstrate high performance
    but slow convergence.'''
    if fname:
        run = scipy.genfromtxt(fname)
        bestSol, run = tsp.TSP(200, 'MC3', 20000, 10, seed=None,
        fname = 'ExampleOutput/MC3-Long.txt'
        run = scipy.array(run)
        scipy.savetxt(fname, run)

    # plotting
    Xs = range(0, run.shape[0] * 1000, 1000)
    pl.plot(Xs, run)
项目:GoodEnoughAlgs    作者:elsander    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def LongSA(fname=None):
    '''Plot a single long SA run to demonstrate performance under slower
    cooling schedule.'''
    if fname:
        run = scipy.genfromtxt(fname)
        bestSol, run = tsp.TSP(200, 'SA', 20000, 'placeholder', seed=None,
        fname = 'ExampleOutput/SA-Long.txt'
        run = scipy.array(run)
        scipy.savetxt(fname, run)

    # plotting
    Xs = range(0, run.shape[0] * 1000, 1000)
    pl.plot(Xs, run)
项目:GoodEnoughAlgs    作者:elsander    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GenerateMap(stops, fname=None, seed=None):
    '''Generate a map with "stops" stops for the salesman
    to traverse. Write coordinates to file if "fname" is
    specified. Return the distance matrix for all coordinates.'''
    # randomly place stop coordinates in the unit square
    xs = [random.uniform(0, 1) for x in range(stops)]
    ys = [random.uniform(0, 1) for x in range(stops)]
    coords = scipy.array([xs, ys])
    # calculate matrix of distances
    distMat = DistanceMatrix(coords)
    if fname is not None:
        scipy.savetxt(fname, coords)

    return distMat
项目:GoodEnoughAlgs    作者:elsander    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TSP(stops, Alg, steps, param, seed=None,
    '''A wrapper function that attempts to optimize the traveling
    salesperson problem using a specified algorithm. If coordfile
    exists, a preexisting set of coordinates will be used. Otherwise,
    a new set of "stops" coordinates will be generated for the person to
    traverse, and will be written to the specified file.'''

    # Create the distance matrix, which will be used to calculate
    # the fitness of a given path
    if os.path.isfile(coordfile):
        coords = scipy.genfromtxt(coordfile)
        distMat = DistanceMatrix(coords)
        distMat = GenerateMap(stops, fname=coordfile, seed=seed)

    if Alg == 'HC':
        # param is the number of solutions to try per step
        bestSol, fitHistory = hc.HillClimber(steps, param, distMat, seed)
    elif Alg == 'SA':
        # param is a placeholder
        bestSol, fitHistory = sa.SimulatedAnnealing(
            steps, param, distMat, seed)
    elif Alg == 'MC3':
        # param is the number of chains
        bestSol, fitHistory = mc3.MCMCMC(steps, param, distMat, seed)
    elif Alg == 'GA':
        # param is the population size
        bestSol, fitHistory = ga.GeneticAlgorithm(steps, param, distMat, seed)
        raise ValueError('Algorithm must be "HC", "SA", "MC3", or "GA".')

    outfname = coordfile + '-' + Alg + '-' + \
        str(steps) + '-' + str(param) + '.txt'
    scipy.savetxt(outfname, scipy.array(bestSol), fmt='%i')
    return bestSol, fitHistory
项目:dzetsaka    作者:lennepkade    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dump(self, fname):
            sp.savetxt(fname, self.reference_series)
项目:dzetsaka    作者:lennepkade    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def saveConfusion(self):
        Open window and save confusion shown in qtableview
        fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.dockwidget, "Select output file",self.lastSaveDir,"CSV (*.csv)")
        if fileExtension != '.csv':

        # save to CSV
        try :
            sp.savetxt(fileName,self.lastConfusionMatrix ,delimiter=',',fmt='%1.4d')
        except : 
            QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Missing confusion matrix ? ', 'Cannot save confusion matrix. Are you sure to have generated it before ?', QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
项目:astroEMPEROR    作者:ReddTea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def instigator(self, chain, post, saveplace, kplanets):
        def mk_header(kplanets):
            h = []
            kepler = ['Amplitude               ', 'Period                  ', 'Phase                   ', 'Longitude               ', 'Eccentricity            ', 'Minimum Mass            ', 'SemiMajor Axis          ']
            telesc = ['Jitter                  ', 'Offset                  ']
            mov_ave = ['MA Coef ', 'Timescale ']
            for i in range(kplanets):
                for item in kepler:
            h.append('Acceleration            ')
            for j in range(self.nins):
                for item in telesc:
                    for c in range(self.MOAV):
                        h.append(mov_ave[0]+str(c)+'               ')
                        h.append(mov_ave[1]+str(c)+'             ')
            for jj in range(self.totcornum):
                h.append('Stellar Activity'+str(jj))
            h = ' '.join(h)
            return h

        def savechain(chain):
            for i in range(self.ntemps):
                sp.savetxt(saveplace + '/chain_'+str(i)+'.dat', chain[i], header=mk_header(kplanets))
        def savepost(post):
            for i in range(self.ntemps):
                sp.savetxt(saveplace + '/posterior_'+str(i)+'.dat', post[i], header=mk_header(kplanets))