def annopred_inf(beta_hats, pr_sigi, n=1000, reference_ld_mats=None, ld_window_size=100): """ infinitesimal model with snp-specific heritability derived from annotation used as the initial values for MCMC of non-infinitesimal model """ num_betas = len(beta_hats) updated_betas = sp.empty(num_betas) m = len(beta_hats) for i, wi in enumerate(range(0, num_betas, ld_window_size)): start_i = wi stop_i = min(num_betas, wi + ld_window_size) curr_window_size = stop_i - start_i Li = 1.0/pr_sigi[start_i: stop_i] D = reference_ld_mats[i] A = (n/(1))*D + sp.diag(Li) A_inv = linalg.pinv(A) updated_betas[start_i: stop_i] = sp.dot(A_inv / (1.0/n) , beta_hats[start_i: stop_i]) # Adjust the beta_hats return updated_betas
def _maximum_likelihood(self, X): n_samples, n_features = X.shape if X.ndim > 1 else (1, X.shape[0]) n_components = self.n_components # Predict mean mu = X.mean(axis=0) # Predict covariance cov = sp.cov(X, rowvar=0) eigvals, eigvecs = self._eig_decomposition(cov) sigma2 = ((sp.sum(cov.diagonal()) - sp.sum(eigvals.sum())) / (n_features - n_components)) # FIXME: M < D? weight = sp.dot(eigvecs, sp.diag(sp.sqrt(eigvals - sigma2))) M = sp.dot(weight.T, weight) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_components) inv_M = spla.inv(M) self.eigvals = eigvals self.eigvecs = eigvecs self.predict_mean = mu self.predict_cov = sp.dot(weight, weight.T) + sigma2 * sp.eye(n_features) self.latent_mean = sp.transpose(sp.dot(inv_M, sp.dot(weight.T, X.T - mu[:, sp.newaxis]))) self.latent_cov = sigma2 * inv_M self.sigma2 = sigma2 # FIXME! self.weight = weight self.inv_M = inv_M return self.latent_mean
def _calculate_whitening_transformation_matrix(self, sample_from_prior): samples_vec = sp.asarray([self._dict_to_to_vect(x) for x in sample_from_prior]) # samples_vec is an array of shape nr_samples x nr_features means = samples_vec.mean(axis=0) centered = samples_vec - means covariance = centered.T.dot(centered) w, v = la.eigh(covariance) self._whitening_transformation_matrix = ( v.dot(sp.diag(1. / sp.sqrt(w))).dot(v.T))
def outlier_removed_fit(m, w = None, n_iter=10, polyord=7): """ Remove outliers using fited data. Args: m (:obj:`numpy array`): Phase curve. n_iter (:obj:'int'): Number of iteration outlier removal polyorder (:obj:'int'): Order of polynomial used. Returns: fit (:obj:'numpy array'): Curve with outliers removed """ if w is None: w = sp.ones_like(m) W = sp.diag(sp.sqrt(w)) m2 = sp.copy(m) tv = sp.linspace(-1, 1, num=len(m)) A = sp.zeros([len(m), polyord]) for j in range(polyord): A[:, j] = tv**(float(j)) A2 = sp.dot(W,A) m2w = sp.dot(m2,W) fit = None for i in range(n_iter): xhat = sp.linalg.lstsq(A2, m2w)[0] fit = sp.dot(A, xhat) # use gradient for central finite differences which keeps order resid = sp.gradient(fit - m2) std = sp.std(resid) bidx = sp.where(sp.absolute(resid) > 2.0*std)[0] for bi in bidx: A2[bi,:]=0.0 m2[bi]=0.0 m2w[bi]=0.0 if debug_plot: plt.plot(m2,label="outlier removed") plt.plot(m,label="original") plt.plot(fit,label="fit") plt.legend() plt.ylim([sp.minimum(fit)-std*3.0,sp.maximum(fit)+std*3.0]) plt.show() return(fit)
def fit(self, X, T, max_iter=int(1e2), tol=1e-3, bound=1e10): """Fit a RVM model with the training data ``(X, T)``.""" # Initialize the hyperparameters self._init_hyperparameters(X, T) # Compute design matrix n_samples = X.shape[0] phi = sp.c_[sp.ones(n_samples), self._compute_design_matrix(X)] # Add x0 alpha = self.cov beta = self.beta log_evidence = -1e10 for iter in range(max_iter): alpha[alpha >= bound] = bound rv_indices = sp.nonzero(alpha < bound)[0] rv_phi = phi[:, rv_indices] rv_alpha = alpha[rv_indices] # Compute the posterior distribution post_cov = spla.inv(sp.diag(rv_alpha) + beta * sp.dot(rv_phi.T, rv_phi)) post_mean = beta * sp.dot(post_cov, sp.dot(rv_phi.T, T)) # Re-estimate the hyperparameters gamma = 1 - rv_alpha * post_cov.diagonal() rv_alpha = gamma / (post_mean * post_mean) beta = (n_samples + 1 - gamma.sum()) / spla.norm(T - sp.dot(rv_phi, post_mean))**2 # Evalueate the log evidence and test the relative change C = sp.eye(rv_phi.shape[0]) / beta + rv_phi.dot(sp.diag(1.0 / rv_alpha)).dot(rv_phi.T) log_evidence_new = -0.5 * (sp.log(spla.det(C)) + T.dot(spla.inv(C)).dot((T))) diff = spla.norm(log_evidence_new - log_evidence) if (diff < tol * spla.norm(log_evidence)): break log_evidence = log_evidence_new alpha[rv_indices] = rv_alpha # Should re-compute the posterior distribution self.rv_indices = rv_indices self.cov = post_cov self.mean = post_mean self.beta = beta return self
def predict(self,xt,tau=None,confidenceMap=None): ''' Function that predict the label for sample xt using the learned model Inputs: xt: the samples to be classified Outputs: y: the class K: the decision value for each class ''' MAX = sp.finfo(sp.float64).max E_MAX = sp.log(MAX) # Maximum value that is possible to compute with sp.exp ## Get information from the data nt = xt.shape[0] # Number of testing samples C = self.ni.shape[0] # Number of classes ## Initialization K = sp.empty((nt,C)) if tau is None: TAU=self.tau else: TAU=tau for c in range(C): invCov,logdet = self.compute_inverse_logdet(c,TAU) cst = logdet - 2*sp.log(self.prop[c]) # Pre compute the constant xtc = xt-self.mean[c,:] temp = sp.dot(invCov,xtc.T).T K[:,c] = sp.sum(xtc*temp,axis=1)+cst del temp,xtc yp = sp.argmin(K,1) if confidenceMap is None: ## Assign the label save in classnum to the minimum value of K yp = self.classnum[yp] return yp else: K *= -0.5 K[K>E_MAX],K[K<-E_MAX] = E_MAX,-E_MAX sp.exp(K,out=K) K /= K.sum(axis=1).reshape(nt,1) K = K[sp.arange(len(K)),yp] #K = sp.diag(K[:,yp]) yp = self.classnum[yp] return yp,K