def __build_loss_train__fn__(self): # create loss function prediction = layers.get_output(self.net) loss = objectives.categorical_crossentropy(prediction, self.__target_var__) loss = loss.mean() + 1e-4 * regularization.regularize_network_params(self.net, regularization.l2) val_acc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(prediction, axis=1), self.__target_var__),dtype=theano.config.floatX) # create parameter update expressions params = layers.get_all_params(self.net, trainable=True) self.eta = theano.shared(sp.array(sp.float32(0.05), dtype=sp.float32)) update_rule = updates.nesterov_momentum(loss, params, learning_rate=self.eta, momentum=0.9) # compile training function that updates parameters and returns training loss self.__train_fn__ = theano.function([self.__input_var__,self.__target_var__], loss, updates=update_rule) self.__predict_fn__ = theano.function([self.__input_var__], layers.get_output(self.net,deterministic=True)) self.__val_fn__ = theano.function([self.__input_var__,self.__target_var__], [loss,val_acc])
def _parse_plink_snps_(genotype_file, snp_indices): plinkf = plinkfile.PlinkFile(genotype_file) samples = plinkf.get_samples() num_individs = len(samples) num_snps = len(snp_indices) raw_snps = sp.empty((num_snps,num_individs),dtype='int8') #If these indices are not in order then we place them in the right place while parsing SNPs. snp_order = sp.argsort(snp_indices) ordered_snp_indices = list(snp_indices[snp_order]) ordered_snp_indices.reverse() print 'Iterating over file to load SNPs' snp_i = 0 next_i = ordered_snp_indices.pop() line_i = 0 max_i = ordered_snp_indices[0] while line_i <= max_i: if line_i < next_i: plinkf.next() elif line_i==next_i: line = plinkf.next() snp = sp.array(line, dtype='int8') bin_counts = line.allele_counts() if bin_counts[-1]>0: mode_v = sp.argmax(bin_counts[:2]) snp[snp==3] = mode_v s_i = snp_order[snp_i] raw_snps[s_i]=snp if line_i < max_i: next_i = ordered_snp_indices.pop() snp_i+=1 line_i +=1 plinkf.close() assert snp_i==len(raw_snps), 'Failed to parse SNPs?' num_indivs = len(raw_snps[0]) freqs = sp.sum(raw_snps,1, dtype='float32')/(2*float(num_indivs)) return raw_snps, freqs
def predict(self,X): proba = self.predict_proba(X=X) y_pred = sp.argmax(proba,axis=1) return sp.array(y_pred)
def cluster(self, X): self.fit(X) cluster = [X[sp.argmax(self.responsibility, axis=1) == k] for k in range(self.n_classes)] mean = self.center cov = [sp.cov(c, rowvar=0, ddof=0) for c in cluster] return cluster, mean, cov