Python sensor_msgs.msg 模块,Joy() 实例源码


项目:cozmo_driver    作者:OTL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        Create HeadLiftJoy object.

        # params
        self._head_axes = rospy.get_param('~head_axes', 3)
        self._lift_axes = rospy.get_param('~lift_axes', 3)
        self._head_button = rospy.get_param('~head_button', 4)
        self._lift_button = rospy.get_param('~lift_button', 5)

        # pubs
        self._head_pub = rospy.Publisher('head_angle', Float64, queue_size=1)
        self._lift_pub = rospy.Publisher('lift_height', Float64, queue_size=1)

        # subs
        self._joy_sub = rospy.Subscriber('joy', Joy, self._joy_cb, queue_size=1)
项目:APEX    作者:ymollard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.joy_pub = rospy.Publisher('sensors/joystick/1', Joy, queue_size=1)
        self.joy_pub2 = rospy.Publisher('sensors/joystick/2', Joy, queue_size=1)

        self.rospack = RosPack()

        self.rate = rospy.Rate(20)

        count = len(devices.gamepads)

        if count < 2:
            rospy.logerr("Sensors: Expecting 2 joysticks but found only {}, exiting".format(count))

        gamepads = sorted(devices.gamepads, key=lambda pad: int(str([-1]))
        self.joysticks = [JoystickThread(pad) for pad in gamepads]
        [joystick.start() for joystick in self.joysticks]
项目:APEX    作者:ymollard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.topics = {
            "ball": {"topic": "environment/ball", "sub": None, "data": CircularState(), "type": CircularState},
            "light": {"topic": "environment/light", "sub": None, "data": UInt8(), "type": UInt8},
            "sound": {"topic": "environment/sound", "sub": None, "data": Float32(), "type": Float32},
            "ergo_state": {"topic": "ergo/state", "sub": None, "data": CircularState(), "type": CircularState},
            "joy1": {"topic": "sensors/joystick/1", "sub": None, "data": Joy(), "type": Joy},
            "joy2": {"topic": "sensors/joystick/2", "sub": None, "data": Joy(), "type": Joy},
            "torso_l_j": {"topic": "{}/joint_state".format("poppy_torso"), "sub": None, "data": JointState(), "type": JointState},
            "torso_l_eef": {"topic": "{}/left_arm/end_effector_pose".format("poppy_torso"), "sub": None, "data": PoseStamped(), "type": PoseStamped},
            "torso_r_eef": {"topic": "{}/right_arm/end_effector_pose".format("poppy_torso"), "sub": None, "data": PoseStamped(), "type": PoseStamped}

        self.topics["ball"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["ball"]["topic"], self.topics["ball"]["type"], self.cb_ball)
        self.topics["light"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["light"]["topic"], self.topics["light"]["type"], self.cb_light)
        self.topics["sound"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["sound"]["topic"], self.topics["sound"]["type"], self.cb_sound)
        self.topics["ergo_state"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["ergo_state"]["topic"], self.topics["ergo_state"]["type"], self.cb_ergo)
        self.topics["joy1"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["joy1"]["topic"], self.topics["joy1"]["type"], self.cb_joy1)
        self.topics["joy2"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["joy2"]["topic"], self.topics["joy2"]["type"], self.cb_joy2)
        self.topics["torso_l_j"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["torso_l_j"]["topic"], self.topics["torso_l_j"]["type"], self.cb_torso_l_j)
        self.topics["torso_l_eef"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["torso_l_eef"]["topic"], self.topics["torso_l_eef"]["type"], self.cb_torso_l_eef)
        self.topics["torso_r_eef"]["sub"] = rospy.Subscriber(self.topics["torso_r_eef"]["topic"], self.topics["torso_r_eef"]["type"], self.cb_torso_r_eef)
项目:cozmo_driver    作者:OTL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _joy_cb(self, msg):
        The joy/game-pad message callback.

        :type   msg:    Joy
        :param  msg:    The incoming joy message.

        if msg.buttons[self._head_button] == 1:
            angle_deg = ((msg.axes[self._head_axes] + 1.0) / 2.0) * SUM_HEAD_ANGLE + MIN_HEAD_ANGLE
            rospy.logdebug('Send head angle: {} degrees.'.format(angle_deg))

        if msg.buttons[self._lift_button] == 1:
            lift_mm = abs(msg.axes[self._lift_axes]) * SUM_LIFT_HEIGHT + MIN_LIFT_HEIGHT
            rospy.logdebug('Send lift height: {} mm.'.format(lift_mm))
项目:intera_sdk    作者:RethinkRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _on_joy(self, msg):
        """ callback for messages from joystick input
              msg(Joy): a joystick input message
        raise NotImplementedError()
项目:intera_sdk    作者:RethinkRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _on_joy(self, msg):
        """ callback for messages from joystick input
              msg(Joy): a joystick input message

        self._controls['btnLeft'] = (msg.buttons[2] == 1)
        self._controls['btnUp'] = (msg.buttons[3] == 1)
        self._controls['btnDown'] = (msg.buttons[0] == 1)
        self._controls['btnRight'] = (msg.buttons[1] == 1)

        self._controls['dPadUp'] = (msg.axes[7] > 0.5)
        self._controls['dPadDown'] = (msg.axes[7] < -0.5)
        self._controls['dPadLeft'] = (msg.axes[6] > 0.5)
        self._controls['dPadRight'] = (msg.axes[6] < -0.5)

        self._controls['leftStickHorz'] = msg.axes[0]
        self._controls['leftStickVert'] = msg.axes[1]
        self._controls['rightStickHorz'] = msg.axes[3]
        self._controls['rightStickVert'] = msg.axes[4]

        self._controls['leftBumper'] = (msg.buttons[4] == 1)
        self._controls['rightBumper'] = (msg.buttons[5] == 1)
        self._controls['leftTrigger'] = (msg.axes[2] < 0.0)
        self._controls['rightTrigger'] = (msg.axes[5] < 0.0)

        self._controls['function1'] = (msg.buttons[6] == 1)
        self._controls['function2'] = (msg.buttons[10] == 1)
项目:intera_sdk    作者:RethinkRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _on_joy(self, msg):
        """ callback for messages from joystick input
              msg(Joy): a joystick input message
        self._controls['btnLeft'] = (msg.buttons[2] == 1)
        self._controls['btnUp'] = (msg.buttons[3] == 1)
        self._controls['btnDown'] = (msg.buttons[0] == 1)
        self._controls['btnRight'] = (msg.buttons[1] == 1)

        self._controls['dPadUp'] = (msg.axes[7] > 0.5)
        self._controls['dPadDown'] = (msg.axes[7] < -0.5)
        self._controls['dPadLeft'] = (msg.axes[6] > 0.5)
        self._controls['dPadRight'] = (msg.axes[6] < -0.5)

        self._controls['leftStickHorz'] = msg.axes[0]
        self._controls['leftStickVert'] = msg.axes[1]
        self._controls['rightStickHorz'] = msg.axes[3]
        self._controls['rightStickVert'] = msg.axes[4]

        self._controls['leftBumper'] = (msg.buttons[4] == 1)
        self._controls['rightBumper'] = (msg.buttons[5] == 1)
        self._controls['leftTrigger'] = (msg.axes[2] < 0.0)
        self._controls['rightTrigger'] = (msg.axes[5] < 0.0)

        self._controls['function1'] = (msg.buttons[6] == 1)
        self._controls['function2'] = (msg.buttons[7] == 1)
项目:intera_sdk    作者:RethinkRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _on_joy(self, msg):
        """ callback for messages from joystick input
              msg(Joy): a joystick input message

        self._controls['btnLeft'] = (msg.buttons[15] == 1)
        self._controls['btnUp'] = (msg.buttons[12] == 1)
        self._controls['btnDown'] = (msg.buttons[14] == 1)
        self._controls['btnRight'] = (msg.buttons[13] == 1)

        self._controls['dPadUp'] = (msg.buttons[4] == 1)
        self._controls['dPadDown'] = (msg.buttons[6] == 1)
        self._controls['dPadLeft'] = (msg.buttons[7] == 1)
        self._controls['dPadRight'] = (msg.buttons[5] == 1)

        self._controls['leftStickHorz'] = msg.axes[0]
        self._controls['leftStickVert'] = msg.axes[1]
        self._controls['rightStickHorz'] = msg.axes[2]
        self._controls['rightStickVert'] = msg.axes[3]

        self._controls['leftBumper'] = (msg.buttons[10] == 1)
        self._controls['rightBumper'] = (msg.buttons[11] == 1)
        self._controls['leftTrigger'] = (msg.buttons[8] == 1)
        self._controls['rightTrigger'] = (msg.buttons[9] == 1)

        self._controls['function1'] = (msg.buttons[0] == 1)
        self._controls['function2'] = (msg.buttons[3] == 1)
项目:crazyswarm    作者:USC-ACTLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.lastButtonState = 0
        self.buttonWasPressed = False
        rospy.Subscriber("/joy", Joy, self.joyChanged)
项目:nachi_project    作者:Nishida-Lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.initial_poses = {}
        self.planning_groups_tips = {}
        self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
        self.marker_lock = threading.Lock()
        self.prev_time =
        self.counter = 0
        self.history = StatusHistory(max_length=10)
        self.pre_pose = PoseStamped()
        self.pre_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
        self.current_planning_group_index = 0
        self.current_eef_index = 0
        self.initialize_poses = False
        self.initialized = False
        self.plan_group_pub = rospy.Publisher('/rviz/moveit/select_planning_group', String, queue_size=5)
        self.updatePoseTopic(0, False)
        self.joy_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/joy_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=1)
        self.plan_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/plan", Empty, queue_size=5)
        self.execute_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/execute", Empty, queue_size=5)
        self.update_start_state_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/update_start_state", Empty, queue_size=5)
        self.update_goal_state_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/update_goal_state", Empty, queue_size=5)
        self.interactive_marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/rviz_moveit_motion_planning_display/robot_interaction_interactive_marker_topic/update_full",
                                                       self.markerCB, queue_size=1)
        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joy", Joy, self.joyCB, queue_size=1)
项目:gps    作者:cbfinn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fig, gs, rows, cols, actions_arr):
        Constructs an ActionPanel assuming actions_arr is an array of
        fully initialized actions.
        Each action must have: key, name, func.
        Each action can have: axis_pos, keyboard_binding, ps3_binding.
        assert len(actions_arr) <= rows*cols, 'Too many actions to put into gridspec.'

        self._fig = fig
        self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(rows, cols, subplot_spec=gs)
        self._axarr = [plt.subplot(self._gs[i]) for i in range(len(actions_arr))]

        # Read keyboard_bindings and ps3_bindings from config
        self._actions = {action.key: action for action in actions_arr}
        for key, action in self._actions.iteritems():
            if key in config['keyboard_bindings']:
                action.kb = config['keyboard_bindings'][key]
            if key in config['ps3_bindings']:
                action.pb = config['ps3_bindings'][key]

        self._buttons = None
        self._cid = self._fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)
        if ROS_ENABLED:
            self._ps3_count = 0
            rospy.Subscriber(config['ps3_topic'], Joy, self.ps3_callback)
项目:APEX    作者:ymollard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def publish_joy(self, x, y, publisher):
        joy = Joy()
        joy.header.stamp =
项目:APEX    作者:ymollard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.rospack = RosPack()
        with open(join(self.rospack.get_path('apex_playground'), 'config', 'ergo.json')) as f:
            self.params = json.load(f)
        self.button = Button(self.params)
        self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.params['publish_rate'])

        # Service callers
        self.robot_reach_srv_name = '{}/reach'.format(self.params['robot_name'])
        self.robot_compliant_srv_name = '{}/set_compliant'.format(self.params['robot_name'])
        rospy.loginfo("Ergo node is waiting for poppy controllers...")
        self.reach_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.robot_reach_srv_name, ReachTarget)
        self.compliant_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.robot_compliant_srv_name, SetCompliant)
        rospy.loginfo("Controllers connected!")

        self.state_pub = rospy.Publisher('ergo/state', CircularState, queue_size=1)
        self.button_pub = rospy.Publisher('sensors/buttons/help', Bool, queue_size=1)

        self.goals = []
        self.goal = 0.
        self.joy_x = 0.
        self.joy_y = 0.
        self.motion_started_joy = 0.
        self.js = JointState()
        rospy.Subscriber('sensors/joystick/{}'.format(self.params["control_joystick_id"]), Joy, self.cb_joy)
        rospy.Subscriber('{}/joint_state'.format(self.params['robot_name']), JointState, self.cb_js)
        rospy.Subscriber('sensors/button_leds/pause', Bool, self.cb_bt_led)

        self.t =
        self.srv_reset = None
        self.extended = False
        self.standby = False
        self.last_activity =
        self.delta_t =
项目:APEX    作者:ymollard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.joy_pub = rospy.Publisher('sensors/joystick/1', Joy, queue_size=1)
        self.joy_pub2 = rospy.Publisher('sensors/joystick/2', Joy, queue_size=1)
        self.ball_pub = rospy.Publisher('environment/ball', CircularState, queue_size=1)
        self.light_pub = rospy.Publisher('environment/light', UInt8, queue_size=1)
        self.sound_pub = rospy.Publisher('environment/sound', Float32, queue_size=1)

        self.rospack = RosPack()
        with open(join(self.rospack.get_path('apex_playground'), 'config', 'ergo.json')) as f:
            self.ergo_params = json.load(f)
        with open(join(self.rospack.get_path('apex_playground'), 'config', 'environment.json')) as f:
            self.env_params = json.load(f)

        self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.ergo_params['publish_rate'])
        vrep_port = rospy.get_param('vrep/environment_port', 29997)
        self.simulation_id = vrep.simxStart('', vrep_port, True, False, 5000, 5)

        # Object names in V-Rep
        self.joystick_left_joints = ['Joystick_2_Axis_2', 'Joystick_2_Axis_1']
        self.joystick_right_joints = ['Joystick_1_Axis_2', 'Joystick_1_Axis_1']
        self.ball_name = 'TennisBall'
        self.arena_name = 'Arena'

        if self.ergo_params["control_joystick_id"] != 2:
            useless_joy = self.joystick_left_joints
            self.joystick_left_joints = self.joystick_right_joints
            self.joystick_right_joints = useless_joy

        self.joints = JointTracker(self.joystick_left_joints + self.joystick_right_joints, self.simulation_id)
        self.objects = ObjectTracker([self.ball_name, self.arena_name], self.simulation_id)
        self.conversions = EnvironmentConversions()
项目:swarm    作者:3drobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def start_subbing(self):
        stick_sub = rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, self.handle_joystick)
项目:gps_superball_public    作者:young-geng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fig, gs, rows, cols, actions_arr):
        Constructs an ActionPanel assuming actions_arr is an array of
        fully initialized actions.
        Each action must have: key, name, func.
        Each action can have: axis_pos, keyboard_binding, ps3_binding.
        assert len(actions_arr) <= rows*cols, 'Too many actions to put into gridspec.'

        self._fig = fig
        self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(rows, cols, subplot_spec=gs)
        self._axarr = [plt.subplot(self._gs[i]) for i in range(len(actions_arr))]

        # Read keyboard_bindings and ps3_bindings from config
        self._actions = {action.key: action for action in actions_arr}
        for key, action in self._actions.iteritems():
            if key in config['keyboard_bindings']:
                action.kb = config['keyboard_bindings'][key]
            if key in config['ps3_bindings']:
                action.pb = config['ps3_bindings'][key]

        self._buttons = None
        self._cid = self._fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)
        if ROS_ENABLED:
            self._ps3_count = 0
            rospy.Subscriber(config['ps3_topic'], Joy, self.ps3_callback)
项目:PyByrobotPetrone    作者:ildoonet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, joy_topic):
        rospy.loginfo("waiting for petrone")
        rospy.wait_for_message('battery', Float32)
        rospy.loginfo("found petrone")

        # fly control publisher
        self.pub_fly = rospy.Publisher('cmd_fly', Int8, queue_size=1)
        self.pub_led = rospy.Publisher('led_color', String, queue_size=1)

        # subscribe to the joystick at the end to make sure that all required
        # services were found
        self._buttons = None
        rospy.Subscriber(joy_topic, Joy, self.cb_joy)
项目:ROS-Robotics-By-Example    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def joy_listener():

    # start node
    rospy.init_node("turtlesim_joy", anonymous=True)

    # subscribe to joystick messages on topic "joy"
    rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, tj_callback, queue_size=1)

    # keep node alive until stopped

# called when joy message is received
项目:makerfaire-berlin-2016-demos    作者:bitcraze    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, swarmcontroller):
        self._sc = swarmcontroller
        topic = rospy.get_param("~joy_topic", "joy")
        rospy.Subscriber(topic, Joy, self._joystickUpdate)
        self._buttons = None
项目:canopy_teleop_demo    作者:canopy-ros    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self): = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/rc/override', OverrideRCIn,
        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/joy', Joy, self.callback)
项目:ROS-Robotics-by-Example    作者:FairchildC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def joy_listener():

    # start node
    rospy.init_node("turtlesim_joy", anonymous=True)

    # subscribe to joystick messages on topic "joy"
    rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, tj_callback, queue_size=1)

    # keep node alive until stopped

# called when joy message is received
项目:intera_sdk    作者:RethinkRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, scale=1.0, offset=0.0, deadband=0.1):
        Maps joystick input to robot control.

        @type scale: float
        @param scale: scaling applied to joystick values [1.0]
        @type offset: float
        @param offset: joystick offset values, post-scaling [0.0]
        @type deadband: float
        @param deadband: deadband post scaling and offset [0.1]

        Raw joystick valuess are in [1.0...-1.0].
        sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joy", Joy, self._on_joy)
        self._scale = scale
        self._offset = offset
        self._deadband = deadband
        self._controls = {}

        self._buttons = {}
        self._sticks = {}
        button_names = (
            'btnLeft', 'btnUp', 'btnDown', 'btnRight',
            'dPadUp', 'dPadDown', 'dPadLeft', 'dPadRight',
            'leftBumper', 'rightBumper',
            'leftTrigger', 'rightTrigger',
            'function1', 'function2')
        stick_names = (
            'leftStickHorz', 'leftStickVert',
            'rightStickHorz', 'rightStickVert')

        #doing this with lambda won't work
        def gen_val_func(name, type_name):
            def val_func():
                return type_name(
                    name in self._controls and self._controls[name])
            return val_func

        for name in button_names:
            self._buttons[name] = ButtonTransition(gen_val_func(name, bool))
        for name in stick_names:
            self._sticks[name] = StickTransition(gen_val_func(name, float))
项目:curly-fortnight    作者:sManohar201    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):

        rate = rospy.Rate(5)
        rospy.Subscriber("/bluetooth_teleop/joy", Joy, self.joy_callback)
        # Initialize button variables for button input
        self.x = 0
        self.circ = 0
        self.sq = self.tri = self.L1 = self.R1 = self.share = self.options = self.p4 = self.L3 = self.R3 = self.DL = self.DR = self.DU = self.DD = 0
        # Boolean variable used for tracking the status of object tracking process = False
        objtrack_process = None

        rospy.loginfo("In start")

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            # If object tracking process is not currenlty active
            if == False:

                # Start Object Tracking if circle button pressed
                if (self.circ == 1):
                    rospy.loginfo("Joystick code received, commencing object tracking protocol...")
           = True

                    package = 'obj_track'
                    executable = ''
                    node = roslaunch.core.Node(package, executable)
                    launch = roslaunch.scriptapi.ROSLaunch()
                    objtrack_process = launch.launch(node)
            # If object tracking process is active
                # Stop Object Tracking if x button pressed
                if (self.x == 1):
                    rospy.loginfo("Joystick code recieved, terminating object tracking protocol")
           = False
            # Reset button variables for next pass
            self.x = 0
            self.circ = 0

    # callback function maps button data observed from joystick topic